{ "itemid": "minecraft:bone", "displayname": "§f§f§6Bonemerang", "nbttag": "{ench:[],overrideMeta:1b,HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Gear Score: §d490 \",1:\"§7Damage: §c+320 \",2:\"§7Strength: §c+130 \",3:\"\",4:\"§6Item Ability: Swing §e§lRIGHT CLICK\",5:\"§7Throw the bone a short distance,\",6:\"§7dealing the damage an arrow\",7:\"§7would.\",8:\"\",9:\"§7Deals §cdouble damage §7when\",10:\"§7coming back. Pierces up to §e10\",11:\"§e§7foes.\",12:\"\",13:\"§7§8This item can be reforged!\",14:\"§aPerfect 70000 / 70000\",15:\"§7§4❣ §cRequires §aCatacombs Floor IV\",16:\"§aCompletion\",17:\"§6§lLEGENDARY DUNGEON BOW\"],Name:\"§f§f§6Bonemerang\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"BONE_BOOMERANG\"},AttributeModifiers:[]}", "damage": 0, "lore": [ "§7Gear Score: §d490 ", "§7Damage: §c+320 ", "§7Strength: §c+130 ", "", "§6Item Ability: Swing §e§lRIGHT CLICK", "§7Throw the bone a short distance,", "§7dealing the damage an arrow", "§7would.", "", "§7Deals §cdouble damage §7when", "§7coming back. Pierces up to §e10", "§e§7foes.", "", "§7§8This item can be reforged!", "§aPerfect 70000 / 70000", "§7§4❣ §cRequires §aCatacombs Floor IV", "§aCompletion", "§6§lLEGENDARY DUNGEON BOW" ], "recipe": { "A1": "ENCHANTED_STRING:5", "A2": "ENCHANTED_BONE_BLOCK:5", "A3": "", "B1": "ENCHANTED_STRING:5", "B2": "", "B3": "SPIRIT_BONE:5", "C1": "ENCHANTED_STRING:5", "C2": "ENCHANTED_BONE_BLOCK:5", "C3": "" }, "internalname": "BONE_BOOMERANG", "crafttext": "", "clickcommand": "viewrecipe", "modver": "1.3-REL", "infoType": "WIKI_URL", "info": [ "https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Bonemerang" ] }