{ "itemid": "minecraft:skull", "displayname": "§6Bonzo (Boss)", "nbttag": "{ench:[],HideFlags:254,SkullOwner:{Id:\"5a27db2d-dcfe-38b5-8868-b1f536da5f0c\",Properties:{textures:[0:{Value:\"eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NzQ0MTkzMTAxNjQsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6Ijc1MTQ0NDgxOTFlNjQ1NDY4Yzk3MzlhNmUzOTU3YmViIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJUaGFua3NNb2phbmciLCJzaWduYXR1cmVSZXF1aXJlZCI6dHJ1ZSwidGV4dHVyZXMiOnsiU0tJTiI6eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlLzEyNzE2ZWNiZjViOGRhMDBiMDVmMzE2ZWM2YWY2MWU4YmQwMjgwNWIyMWViOGU0NDAxNTE0NjhkYzY1NjU0OWMifX19\"}]}},display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Bonzo is the boss of Floor 1 of the Catacombs.\",1:\"§7He is a \u0027New Necromancer\u0027 and has two phases. In\",2:\"§7the first one he runs away from the player until\",3:\"§7he is killed. Then he revives appearing as a clown\",4:\"§7and attacks the player.\",5:\"\",6:\"§c❤ Health§8: §c250.000\",7:\"§c❤ Health §8(MM): §c200.000.000\"],Name:\"§6Bonzo (Boss)\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"BONZO_BOSS\"}}", "damage": 3, "lore": [ "§7Bonzo is the boss of Floor 1 of the Catacombs.", "§7He is a \u0027New Necromancer\u0027 and has two phases. In", "§7the first one he runs away from the player until", "§7he is killed. Then he revives appearing as a clown", "§7and attacks the player.", "", "§c❤ Health§8: §c250.000", "§c❤ Health §8(MM): §c200.000.000" ], "internalname": "BONZO_BOSS", "clickcommand": "viewrecipe", "modver": "2.1.0-REL", "infoType": "WIKI_URL", "info": [ "https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Bonzo", "https://wiki.hypixel.net/Bonzo" ], "crafttext": "", "recipes": [ { "name": "§cBonzo", "render": "@neurepo:mobs/bonzo.json", "panorama": "dungeon", "type": "drops", "drops": [ { "id": "BONZO_MASK", "chance": "3%", "extra": ["§e§lChest Price: §61,250,000 coins"] }, { "id": "BONZO_STAFF", "chance": "1%", "extra": ["§e§lChest Price: §62,250,000 coins"] }, { "id": "RED_NOSE", "chance": "3%", "extra": [ "§e§lChest Price: §6250,000 coins" ] } ] }, { "name": "§cBonzo (Master Mode)", "render": "@neurepo:mobs/bonzo.json", "panorama": "dungeon", "type": "drops", "drops": [ { "id": "BONZO_MASK", "chance": "7.46%", "extra": [ "§e§lChest Price: §61,250,000 coins" ] }, { "id": "BONZO_STAFF", "chance": "1.81%", "extra": [ "§e§lChest Price: §62,250,000 coins" ] }, { "id": "RED_NOSE", "chance": "7.46%", "extra": [ "§e§lChest Price: §6250,000 coins" ] }, { "id": "MASTER_SKULL_TIER_1", "chance": "3.8%", "extra": [ "§e§lChest Price: §6250,000 coins" ] } ] } ] }