  "itemid": "minecraft:spawn_egg",
  "displayname": "§5Brood Mother (Miniboss)",
  "nbttag": "{ench:[],display:{Lore:[0:\"§7The Brood Mother, Also known as the Broodmother,\",1:\"§7is a hostile Miniboss that can be found in the \",2:\"§7Spider\u0027s Den. It looks and acts like a regular spider, \",3:\"§7but upon death, it spawns Cave Spiders and drops \",4:\"§7the Spider Talisman. \"],Name:\"§5Brood Mother (Miniboss)\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"BROOD_MOTHER_MINIBOSS\"}}",
  "damage": 52,
  "lore": [
    "§7The Brood Mother, Also known as the Broodmother,",
    "§7is a hostile Miniboss that can be found in the ",
    "§7Spider\u0027s Den. It looks and acts like a regular spider, ",
    "§7but upon death, it spawns Cave Spiders and drops ",
    "§7the Spider Talisman. "
  "internalname": "BROOD_MOTHER_MINIBOSS",
  "clickcommand": "",
  "modver": "1.0.0",
  "infoType": "WIKI_URL",
  "info": [
  "entityrender": "Spider"