{ "itemid": "minecraft:feather", "displayname": "§cEditor\u0027s Pencil", "nbttag": "{ench:[],HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7A truly remarkable pencil,\",1:\"§7Refined, sharpened, and\",2:\"§7plished over time.\",3:\"\",4:\"§7Given to those who went above and beyond.\",5:\"\",6:\"§7Awarded To: Unknown\",7:\"§7From: Unknown\",8:\"§7Date: §e1st January 1970\",9:\"\",10:\"§eRight-Click to visit a random Wiki page!\",11:\"\",12:\"§8* Co-op Soulbound *\",13:\"§c§lVERY SPECIAL\"],Name:\"§cEditor\u0027s Pencil\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"EDITOR_PENCIL\"}}", "damage": 0, "lore": [ "§7A truly remarkable pencil,", "§7Refined, sharpened, and", "§7plished over time.", "", "§7Given to those who went above and beyond.", "", "§7Awarded To: Unknown", "§7From: Unknown", "§7Date: §e1st January 1970", "", "§eRight-Click to visit a random Wiki page!", "", "§8* Co-op Soulbound *", "§c§lVERY SPECIAL" ], "internalname": "EDITOR_PENCIL", "clickcommand": "", "modver": "2.1.0-REL", "infoType": "WIKI_URL", "info": [ "https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Editor\u0027s_Pencil", "https://wiki.hypixel.net/Editor%27s_Pencil" ], "crafttext": "" }