{ "itemid": "minecraft:egg", "displayname": "§9Enchanted Egg", "nbttag": "{ench:[],HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7§8Collection Item\",1:\"\",2:\"§7This item can be used as a minion\",3:\"§7upgrade for chicken minions.\",4:\"§7Guarantees that each chicken will\",5:\"§7drop an egg after they spawn.\",6:\"§7\",7:\"§7Can also be used to craft low-rarity\",8:\"§7pets.\",9:\"\",10:\"§9§lRARE\"],Name:\"§9Enchanted Egg\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"ENCHANTED_EGG\"}}", "damage": 0, "lore": [ "§7§8Collection Item", "", "§7This item can be used as a minion", "§7upgrade for chicken minions.", "§7Guarantees that each chicken will", "§7drop an egg after they spawn.", "§7", "§7Can also be used to craft low-rarity", "§7pets.", "", "§9§lRARE" ], "recipe": { "A1": "EGG:16", "A2": "EGG:16", "A3": "EGG:16", "B1": "EGG:16", "B2": "EGG:16", "B3": "EGG:16", "C1": "EGG:16", "C2": "EGG:16", "C3": "EGG:16" }, "internalname": "ENCHANTED_EGG", "clickcommand": "viewrecipe", "modver": "2.2.2", "infoType": "WIKI_URL", "info": [ "https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanted_Egg", "https://wiki.hypixel.net/Enchanted_Egg" ], "crafttext": "Requires: Raw Chicken V" }