  "itemid": "minecraft:bow",
  "displayname": "§9Ender Bow",
  "nbttag": "{Unbreakable:1,HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Damage: §c+60\",1:\"\",2:\"§6Item Ability: Ender Warp §e§lLEFT CLICK\",3:\"§7Shoots an Ender Pearl. Upon\",4:\"§7landing you deal damage to all\",5:\"§7Monsters in a §a8.0§7 block\",6:\"§7radius for §a10.0%§7 of their\",7:\"§7§c❤ Health§7.\",8:\"§8Mana Cost: §350\",9:\"§8Cooldown: §a45s\",10:\"\",11:\"§7§8This item can be reforged!\",12:\"§9§lRARE BOW\"],Name:\"§9Ender Bow\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"ENDER_BOW\"}}",
  "damage": 0,
  "lore": [
    "§7Damage: §c+60",
    "§6Item Ability: Ender Warp §e§lLEFT CLICK",
    "§7Shoots an Ender Pearl. Upon",
    "§7landing you deal damage to all",
    "§7Monsters in a §a8.0§7 block",
    "§7radius for §a10.0%§7 of their",
    "§7§c❤ Health§7.",
    "§8Mana Cost: §350",
    "§8Cooldown: §a45s",
    "§7§8This item can be reforged!",
    "§9§lRARE BOW"
  "recipe": {
    "A1": "",
    "A3": "STRING:1",
    "B2": "",
    "B3": "STRING:1",
    "C1": "",
    "C3": "STRING:1"
  "internalname": "ENDER_BOW",
  "clickcommand": "viewrecipe",
  "modver": "1.0.0",
  "infoType": "WIKI_URL",
  "info": [
  "crafttext": "Requires: Ender Pearl V"