  "itemid": "minecraft:spawn_egg",
  "displayname": "§6Headless Horseman (Boss)",
  "nbttag": "{ench:[],display:{Lore:[0:\"§7The Headless Horseman is a boss that can only\",1:\"§7be spawned by buying the horseman\u0027s candle from\",2:\"§7the Fear Mongerer during the Spooky Festival.\",3:\"§7It can be spawned at any time during the night\",4:\"§7in the Graveyard or the Wilderness. \"],Name:\"§6Headless Horseman (Boss)\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"HEADLESS_HORSEMAN_BOSS\"}}",
  "damage": 93,
  "lore": [
    "§7The Headless Horseman is a boss that can only",
    "§7be spawned by buying the horseman\u0027s candle from",
    "§7the Fear Mongerer during the Spooky Festival.",
    "§7It can be spawned at any time during the night",
    "§7in the Graveyard or the Wilderness. "
  "internalname": "HEADLESS_HORSEMAN_BOSS",
  "clickcommand": "",
  "modver": "1.0.0",
  "infoType": "WIKI_URL",
  "info": [
  "entityrender": [
    "EntityHorse", "Zombie"
  "entityscale": 0.8