{ "internalname": "KISMET_FEATHER", "itemid": "minecraft:feather", "displayname": "§9Kismet Feather", "clickcommand": "", "damage": 0, "nbttag": "{ench:[],HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Allows you to reroll a\",1:\"§7§cdungeon §7reward chest.\",2:\"\",3:\"§7Keep a §9feather §7in your\",4:\"§7inventory and open a reward\",5:\"§7chest to use.\",6:\"\",7:\"§7§aYou may only use a single\",8:\"§afeather per dungeon run!\",9:\"\",10:\"§7§8When life hands you a\",11:\"§8lemon, reroll it.\",12:\"\",13:\"§9§lRARE\",14:\"\",15:\"§7Cost\",16:\"§b1,350 Bits\"],Name:\"§9Kismet Feather\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"KISMET_FEATHER\"}}", "modver": "2.0.0-REL", "lore": [ "§7Allows you to reroll a", "§7§cdungeon §7reward chest.", "", "§7Keep a §9feather §7in your", "§7inventory and open a reward", "§7chest to use.", "", "§7§aYou may only use a single", "§afeather per dungeon run!", "", "§7§8When life hands you a", "§8lemon, reroll it.", "", "§9§lRARE", "", "§7Cost", "§b1,350 Bits" ], "crafttext": "", "infoType": "WIKI_URL", "info": [ "https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Kismet_Feather" ] }