  "itemid": "minecraft:leather_boots",
  "displayname": "§5Mineral Boots",
  "nbttag": "{Unbreakable:1b,HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Defense: §a+70\",1:\"§7Speed: §a+10\",2:\"\",3:\"§7Each piece of this armor grants\",4:\"§7the ability to §9automatically\",5:\"§9mine §a2 §7extra nearby blocks\",6:\"§7while mining (very short\",7:\"§7cooldown, blocks must require\",8:\"§7breaking power of less than 4).\",9:\"\",10:\"§7§8This item can be reforged!\",11:\"§5§lEPIC BOOTS\"],color:13428223,Name:\"§5Mineral Boots\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"MINERAL_BOOTS\"}}",
  "damage": 0,
  "lore": [
    "§7Defense: §a+70",
    "§7Speed: §a+10",
    "§7Each piece of this armor grants",
    "§7the ability to §9automatically",
    "§9mine §a2 §7extra nearby blocks",
    "§7while mining (very short",
    "§7cooldown, blocks must require",
    "§7breaking power of less than 4).",
    "§7§8This item can be reforged!",
    "§5§lEPIC BOOTS"
  "recipe": {
    "A1": "REFINED_MINERAL:1",
    "A2": "",
    "A3": "REFINED_MINERAL:1",
    "B1": "REFINED_MINERAL:1",
    "B3": "REFINED_MINERAL:1",
    "C1": "",
    "C2": "",
    "C3": ""
  "internalname": "MINERAL_BOOTS",
  "clickcommand": "viewrecipe",
  "modver": "1.7.1-REL",
  "infoType": "WIKI_URL",
  "info": [