{ "itemid": "minecraft:leather_chestplate", "displayname": "§6Nutcracker Chestplate", "nbttag": "{Unbreakable:1b,HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Sea Creature Chance: §c+1.5%\",1:\"§7Health: §a+115\",2:\"§7Defense: §a+45\",3:\"§7Magic Find: §a+2\",4:\"\",5:\"§6Full Set Bonus: Cold Thumb\",6:\"§7Allows the wearer to shoot\",7:\"§7unlimited snowballs when using\",8:\"§7§9Frosty the Snow Cannon§7.\",9:\"\",10:\"§6Full Set Bonus: Battalion\",11:\"§7Grants §b+1✯ Magic Find §7and\",12:\"§7§a+50❈ Defense §7to everyone\",13:\"§7within §a30 §7blocks. Stacks up\",14:\"§7to §c5 §7times.\",15:\"\",16:\"§7Each piece grants a §a7.5%\",17:\"§a§7bonus gift chance for every\",18:\"§7present you earn from the §cGift\",19:\"§cAttack §7minigame!\",20:\"\",21:\"§7All stats of this armor piece\",22:\"§7are doubled while on §cJerry\u0027s\",23:\"§cWorkshop§7!\",24:\"\",25:\"§7§8This item can be reforged!\",26:\"§6§lLEGENDARY CHESTPLATE\"],color:16527164,Name:\"§6Nutcracker Chestplate\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"NUTCRACKER_CHESTPLATE\"}}", "damage": 0, "lore": [ "§7Sea Creature Chance: §c+1.5%", "§7Health: §a+115", "§7Defense: §a+45", "§7Magic Find: §a+2", "", "§6Full Set Bonus: Cold Thumb", "§7Allows the wearer to shoot", "§7unlimited snowballs when using", "§7§9Frosty the Snow Cannon§7.", "", "§6Full Set Bonus: Battalion", "§7Grants §b+1✯ Magic Find §7and", "§7§a+50❈ Defense §7to everyone", "§7within §a30 §7blocks. Stacks up", "§7to §c5 §7times.", "", "§7Each piece grants a §a7.5%", "§a§7bonus gift chance for every", "§7present you earn from the §cGift", "§cAttack §7minigame!", "", "§7All stats of this armor piece", "§7are doubled while on §cJerry\u0027s", "§cWorkshop§7!", "", "§7§8This item can be reforged!", "§6§lLEGENDARY CHESTPLATE" ], "recipe": { "A1": "WALNUT:1", "A2": "SNOW_SUIT_CHESTPLATE:1", "A3": "WALNUT:1", "B1": "WALNUT:1", "B2": "WALNUT:1", "B3": "WALNUT:1", "C1": "WALNUT:1", "C2": "WALNUT:1", "C3": "WALNUT:1" }, "internalname": "NUTCRACKER_CHESTPLATE", "crafttext": "", "clickcommand": "viewrecipe", "modver": "2.1.0-REL", "infoType": "" }