{ "itemid": "minecraft:golden_sword", "displayname": "§6Pigman Sword", "nbttag": "{Unbreakable:1,HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Damage: §c+200\",1:\"§7Strength: §c+100\",2:\"§7Crit Chance: §c+5%\",3:\"§7Crit Damage: §c+30%\",4:\"\",5:\"§7Intelligence: §a+300\",6:\"\",7:\"§6Ability: Burning Souls §e§lRIGHT CLICK\",8:\"§7Gain §a+50❈ Defense §7for §a5s§7\",9:\"§7and cast vortex of flames\",10:\"§7towards enemies, dealing up to\",11:\"§7§c30,000§7 over §a5§7 seconds.\",12:\"§8Mana Cost: §3400\",13:\"\",14:\"§7§8This item can be reforged!\",15:\"§6§lLEGENDARY SWORD\"],Name:\"§6Pigman Sword\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"PIGMAN_SWORD\"}}", "damage": 0, "lore": [ "§7Damage: §c+200", "§7Strength: §c+100", "§7Crit Chance: §c+5%", "§7Crit Damage: §c+30%", "", "§7Intelligence: §a+300", "", "§6Ability: Burning Souls §e§lRIGHT CLICK", "§7Gain §a+50❈ Defense §7for §a5s§7", "§7and cast vortex of flames", "§7towards enemies, dealing up to", "§7§c30,000§7 over §a5§7 seconds.", "§8Mana Cost: §3400", "", "§7§8This item can be reforged!", "§6§lLEGENDARY SWORD" ], "recipe": { "A1": "", "A2": "ENCHANTED_GRILLED_PORK:24", "A3": "", "B1": "", "B2": "ENCHANTED_GRILLED_PORK:24", "B3": "", "C1": "", "C2": "STICK:1", "C3": "" }, "internalname": "PIGMAN_SWORD", "clickcommand": "viewrecipe", "modver": "2.0.0-REL", "infoType": "WIKI_URL", "info": [ "https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Pigman_Sword" ], "crafttext": "Requires: Raw Porkchop IX" }