{ "itemid": "minecraft:book", "displayname": "§9Polarvoid Book", "nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7§8Combinable in Anvil\",1:\"\",2:\"§7When applied to a drill, grants\",3:\"§7§6+10⸕ Mining Speed§7.\",4:\"\",5:\"§7This can be applied to an item\",6:\"§7up to §a5 §7times!\",7:\"\",8:\"§7If at least 1 book is applied,\",9:\"§7grants §2+1Ⓟ Breaking Power§7.\",10:\"\",11:\"§5§kX§5 Rift-Transferable §kX\",12:\"§9§lRARE\"],Name:\"§9Polarvoid Book\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"POLARVOID_BOOK\"}}", "damage": 0, "lore": [ "§7§8Combinable in Anvil", "", "§7When applied to a drill, grants", "§7§6+10⸕ Mining Speed§7.", "", "§7This can be applied to an item", "§7up to §a5 §7times!", "", "§7If at least 1 book is applied,", "§7grants §2+1Ⓟ Breaking Power§7.", "", "§5§kX§5 Rift-Transferable §kX", "§9§lRARE" ], "recipe": { "A1": "", "A2": "", "A3": "", "B1": "", "B2": "FROSTY_CRUX:1", "B3": "FROSTY_CRUX:1", "C1": "", "C2": "FROSTY_CRUX:1", "C3": "METAL_HEART:20" }, "internalname": "POLARVOID_BOOK", "clickcommand": "viewrecipe", "modver": "2.1.1-PRE", "crafttext": "Requires: Living Metal Heart IV", "infoType": "" }