{ "itemid": "minecraft:spawn_egg", "displayname": "§6Revenant Horror (Boss)", "nbttag": "{ench:[],display:{Lore:[0:\"§7The Revenant Horror is a slayer boss in the\",1:\"§7Zombie Slayer track. It can\u0027t be damaged with bows,\",2:\"§7as it heals when it is touched by an arrow. \",3:\"\",4:\"§c❤ Health§8:\",5:\"§8[§aTier 1§8] §c500 ❤\",6:\"§8[§eTier 2§8] §c20.000 ❤\",7:\"§8[§cTier 3§8] §c400.000 ❤\",8:\"§8[§4Tier 4§8] §c1.500.000 ❤\",9:\"§8[§5Tier 5§8] §c10.000.000 ❤\",10:\"\",11:\"§6§lPossible Drops:\",12:\"§8[Tier §a1§8-§55§8] §aRevenant Flesh §a(1x-64x) §8(§2Guaranteed 100%§8)\",13:\"§8[Tier §e2§8-§55§8] §9Foul Flesh §a(1x-4x) §8(§9Occasional 20%§8)\",14:\"§8[Tier §e2§8-§55§8] §9Pestilence Rune §a(1x) §8(§bRare 5%§8)\",15:\"§8[Tier §e2§8-§55§8] §9Undead Catalyst §a(1x) §8(§5Extraodinary 1%§8)\",16:\"§8[Tier §c3§8-§55§8] §9Smite VI §a(1x) §8(§5Extraodinary 1%§8)\",17:\"§8[Tier §c3§8-§55§8] §5Beheaded Horror §a(1x) §8(§dPray RNGesus \u003c1%§8)\",18:\"§8[Tier §c3§8-§55§8] §5Revenant Catalyst §a(1x) §8(§5Extraodinary 1%§8)\",19:\"§8[Tier §44§8-§55§8] §5Snake Rune §a(1x) §8(§dPray RNGesus \u003c1%§8)\",20:\"§8[Tier §44§8-§55§8] §6Scythe Blade §a(1x) §8(§dPray RNGesus \u003c1%§8)\",21:\"§8[Tier §55§8] §9Revenant Viscera §a(1x-2x) §8(§9Occasional 20%§8)\",22:\"§8\"],Name:\"§6Revenant Horror (Boss)\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"REVENANT_HORROR_BOSS\"}}", "damage": 54, "lore": [ "§7The Revenant Horror is a slayer boss in the", "§7Zombie Slayer track. It can\u0027t be damaged with bows,", "§7as it heals when it is touched by an arrow. ", "", "§c❤ Health§8:", "§8[§aTier 1§8] §c500 ❤", "§8[§eTier 2§8] §c20.000 ❤", "§8[§cTier 3§8] §c400.000 ❤", "§8[§4Tier 4§8] §c1.500.000 ❤", "§8[§5Tier 5§8] §c10.000.000 ❤", "", "§6§lPossible Drops:", "§8[Tier §a1§8-§55§8] §aRevenant Flesh §a(1x-64x) §8(§2Guaranteed 100%§8)", "§8[Tier §e2§8-§55§8] §9Foul Flesh §a(1x-4x) §8(§9Occasional 20%§8)", "§8[Tier §e2§8-§55§8] §9Pestilence Rune §a(1x) §8(§bRare 5%§8)", "§8[Tier §e2§8-§55§8] §9Undead Catalyst §a(1x) §8(§5Extraodinary 1%§8)", "§8[Tier §c3§8-§55§8] §9Smite VI §a(1x) §8(§5Extraodinary 1%§8)", "§8[Tier §c3§8-§55§8] §5Beheaded Horror §a(1x) §8(§dPray RNGesus \u003c1%§8)", "§8[Tier §c3§8-§55§8] §5Revenant Catalyst §a(1x) §8(§5Extraodinary 1%§8)", "§8[Tier §44§8-§55§8] §5Snake Rune §a(1x) §8(§dPray RNGesus \u003c1%§8)", "§8[Tier §44§8-§55§8] §6Scythe Blade §a(1x) §8(§dPray RNGesus \u003c1%§8)", "§8[Tier §55§8] §9Revenant Viscera §a(1x-2x) §8(§9Occasional 20%§8)", "§8[Tier §55§8] §6Shard of the Shredded §a(1x) §8(§dPray RNGesus \u003c1%§8)", "§8[Tier §55§8] §6Warden Heart §a(1x) §8(§cRNGesus Incarnate \u003c\u003c1%§8)" ], "internalname": "REVENANT_HORROR_BOSS", "clickcommand": "", "modver": "2.0.0-REL", "infoType": "WIKI_URL", "info": [ "https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Revenant_Horror" ], "entityrender": "Zombie", "crafttext": "" }