  "itemid": "minecraft:skull",
  "displayname": "§f§f§9Salmon Opal",
  "nbttag": "{overrideMeta:1b,HideFlags:254,SkullOwner:{Id:\"3f35f2fe-97b1-32b3-b691-e9fdd7dba59d\",Properties:{textures:[0:{Value:\"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWY1MjQxNjZmN2NlODhhNTM3MTU4NzY2YTFjNTExZTMyMmE5M2E1ZTExZGJmMzBmYTZlODVlNzhkYTg2MWQ4In19fQ\"}]}},display:{Lore:[0:\"§8Reforge Stone\",1:\"\",2:\"§7Can be used in a Reforge Anvil\",3:\"§7or with the Dungeon Blacksmith\",4:\"§7to apply the §9Headstrong\",5:\"§9§7reforge to a bow.\",6:\"\",7:\"§7§8§oOpal is a hydrated amorphous\",8:\"§8§oform of silica (SiO2·nH2O); its\",9:\"§8§owater content may range from 3\",10:\"§8§oto 21% by weight, but is usually\",11:\"§8§obetween 6 and 10%. Because of\",12:\"§8§oits amorphous character, it is\",13:\"§8§oclassed as a mineraloid, unlike\",14:\"§8§ocrystalline forms of silica,\",15:\"§8§owhich are classed as minerals.\",16:\"§8§oIt is deposited at a relatively\",17:\"§8§olow temperature and may occur in\",18:\"§8§othe fissures of almost any kind\",19:\"§8§oof rock, being most commonly\",20:\"§8§ofound with limonite, sandstone,\",21:\"§8§orhyolite, marl, and basalt.\",22:\"§8§oThere are two broad classes of\",23:\"§8§oopal: precious and common.\",24:\"§8§oPrecious opal displays\",25:\"§8§oplay-of-color (iridescence),\",26:\"§8§ocommon opal does not.\",27:\"§8§oPlay-of-color is defined as “a\",28:\"§8§opseudo chromatic optical effect\",29:\"§8§oresulting in flashes of colored\",30:\"§8§olight from certain minerals, as\",31:\"§8§othey are turned in white light.“\",32:\"§8§oThe internal structure of\",33:\"§8§oprecious opal causes it to\",34:\"§8§odiffract light, resulting in\",35:\"§8§oplay-of-color. Depending on the\",36:\"§8§oconditions in which it formed,\",37:\"§8§oopal may be transparent,\",38:\"§8§otranslucent, or opaque and the\",39:\"§8§obackground color may be white,\",40:\"§8§oblack, or nearly any color of\",41:\"§8§othe visual spectrum. Black opal\",42:\"§8§ois considered to be the rarest,\",43:\"§8§owhereas white, gray, and green\",44:\"§8§oare the most common.\",45:\"\",46:\"§7Requires §aMining Skill Level\",47:\"§aXV§7!\",48:\"\",49:\"§9§lRARE REFORGE STONE\"],Name:\"§f§f§9Salmon Opal\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"SALMON_OPAL\"},AttributeModifiers:[]}",
  "damage": 3,
  "lore": [
    "§8Reforge Stone",
    "§7Can be used in a Reforge Anvil",
    "§7or with the Dungeon Blacksmith",
    "§7to apply the §9Headstrong",
    "§9§7reforge to a bow.",
    "§7§8§oOpal is a hydrated amorphous",
    "§8§oform of silica (SiO2·nH2O); its",
    "§8§owater content may range from 3",
    "§8§oto 21% by weight, but is usually",
    "§8§obetween 6 and 10%. Because of",
    "§8§oits amorphous character, it is",
    "§8§oclassed as a mineraloid, unlike",
    "§8§ocrystalline forms of silica,",
    "§8§owhich are classed as minerals.",
    "§8§oIt is deposited at a relatively",
    "§8§olow temperature and may occur in",
    "§8§othe fissures of almost any kind",
    "§8§oof rock, being most commonly",
    "§8§ofound with limonite, sandstone,",
    "§8§orhyolite, marl, and basalt.",
    "§8§oThere are two broad classes of",
    "§8§oopal: precious and common.",
    "§8§oPrecious opal displays",
    "§8§oplay-of-color (iridescence),",
    "§8§ocommon opal does not.",
    "§8§oPlay-of-color is defined as “a",
    "§8§opseudo chromatic optical effect",
    "§8§oresulting in flashes of colored",
    "§8§olight from certain minerals, as",
    "§8§othey are turned in white light.“",
    "§8§oThe internal structure of",
    "§8§oprecious opal causes it to",
    "§8§odiffract light, resulting in",
    "§8§oplay-of-color. Depending on the",
    "§8§oconditions in which it formed,",
    "§8§oopal may be transparent,",
    "§8§otranslucent, or opaque and the",
    "§8§obackground color may be white,",
    "§8§oblack, or nearly any color of",
    "§8§othe visual spectrum. Black opal",
    "§8§ois considered to be the rarest,",
    "§8§owhereas white, gray, and green",
    "§8§oare the most common.",
    "§7Requires §aMining Skill Level",
  "internalname": "SALMON_OPAL",
  "crafttext": "",
  "clickcommand": "",
  "modver": "2.0.0-REL",
  "infoType": "WIKI_URL",
  "info": [