{ "internalname": "SCORPION_FOIL", "itemid": "minecraft:wooden_sword", "displayname": "Spicy Scorpion Foil", "clickcommand": "viewrecipe", "damage": 0, "nbttag": "{Unbreakable:1b,HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Damage: §c+100\",1:\"§7Strength: §c+103 §8(Spicy +3)\",2:\"§7Crit Chance: §c+1% §8(Spicy +1%)\",3:\"§7Crit Damage: §c+32% §8(Spicy +32%)\",4:\"§7Attack Speed: §c+7% §8(Spicy +7%)\",5:\"\",6:\"§7Deal §a250% §7damage against Spiders.\",7:\"\",8:\"§6Item Ability: Heartstopper\",9:\"§7You have §e4 Ⓞ tickers§7.\",10:\"§7Blocking clears §e1 Ⓞ §7and heals §c60❤§7.\",11:\"§7Once all tickers are cleared,\",12:\"§7your next attack is empowered\",13:\"§7for §c+250% damage§7.\",14:\"§8Tickers refill after 5 seconds.\",15:\"\",16:\"§c☠ §5Requires Spider LVL 6\",17:\"§5§lEPIC SWORD\"],Name:\"§5Spicy Scorpion Foil\"},ExtraAttributes:{modifier:\"spicy\",originTag:\"CRAFTING_GRID_COLLECT\",id:\"SCORPION_FOIL\",uuid:\"ac34e7fc-f0c3-4d1c-b076-acf144ca3424\",timestamp:\"3/29/20 3:39 PM\"}}", "modver": "1.0.0", "lore": [ "§7Damage: §c+100", "§7Strength: §c+103 §8(Spicy +3)", "§7Crit Chance: §c+1% §8(Spicy +1%)", "§7Crit Damage: §c+32% §8(Spicy +32%)", "§7Attack Speed: §c+7% §8(Spicy +7%)", "", "§7Deal §a250% §7damage against Spiders.", "", "§6Item Ability: Heartstopper", "§7You have §e4 Ⓞ tickers§7.", "§7Blocking clears §e1 Ⓞ §7and heals §c60❤§7.", "§7Once all tickers are cleared,", "§7your next attack is empowered", "§7for §c+250% damage§7.", "§8Tickers refill after 5 seconds.", "", "§c☠ §5Requires Spider LVL 6", "§5§lEPIC SWORD" ] }