{ "internalname": "SILENT_DEATH", "itemid": 267, "displayname": "§5Spicy Silent Death", "clickcommand": "", "damage": 0, "nbttag": "{ench:[],HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Gear Score: §d416 §8(494)\",1:\"§7Damage: §c+150 §8(+187.5)\",2:\"§7Strength: §c+63 §8(Spicy +7) §8(+78.75)\",3:\"§7Crit Chance: §c+3% §8(Spicy +1%)\",4:\"§7Crit Damage: §c+127% §8(Spicy +60%) §8(+158.75%)\",5:\"§7Bonus Attack Speed: §c+7% §8(Spicy +7%)\",6:\"\",7:\"§9Critical V, §9Experience III\",8:\"§9First Strike IV, §9Giant Killer V\",9:\"§9Looting III, §9Luck V\",10:\"§9Scavenger V, §9Sharpness V\",11:\"\",12:\"§6Item Ability: Shadowstep §e§lRIGHT CLICK\",13:\"§7Teleport behind the enemy you\",14:\"§7are looking at, gaining §c+25❁\",15:\"§cStrength§7 for §a10§7 seconds.\",16:\"§7Max range of 20 blocks.\",17:\"§8Cooldown: §a60s\",18:\"\",19:\"§aPerfect 35000 / 35000\",20:\"§7§4❣ §cRequires §aCatacombs Level\",21:\"§a20\",22:\"§5§lEPIC DUNGEON SWORD\"],Name:\"§5Spicy Silent Death\"},ExtraAttributes:{baseStatBoostPercentage:50,modifier:\"spicy\",id:\"SILENT_DEATH\",enchantments:{luck:5,first_strike:4,critical:5,looting:3,sharpness:5,scavenger:5,experience:3,giant_killer:5},item_tier:3}}", "modver": "1.0.0", "lore": [ "§7Gear Score: §d416 §8(494)", "§7Damage: §c+150 §8(+187.5)", "§7Strength: §c+63 §8(Spicy +7) §8(+78.75)", "§7Crit Chance: §c+3% §8(Spicy +1%)", "§7Crit Damage: §c+127% §8(Spicy +60%) §8(+158.75%)", "§7Bonus Attack Speed: §c+7% §8(Spicy +7%)", "", "§9Critical V, §9Experience III", "§9First Strike IV, §9Giant Killer V", "§9Looting III, §9Luck V", "§9Scavenger V, §9Sharpness V", "", "§6Item Ability: Shadowstep §e§lRIGHT CLICK", "§7Teleport behind the enemy you", "§7are looking at, gaining §c+25❁", "§cStrength§7 for §a10§7 seconds.", "§7Max range of 20 blocks.", "§8Cooldown: §a60s", "", "§aPerfect 35000 / 35000", "§7§4❣ §cRequires §aCatacombs Level", "§a20", "§5§lEPIC DUNGEON SWORD" ] }