{ "itemid": "minecraft:stone_sword", "displayname": "§5⚚ Adaptive Blade", "nbttag": "{Unbreakable:1b,HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Gear Score: §d240\",1:\"§7Damage: §c+190\",2:\" §8[§7⚔§8]\",3:\"\",4:\"§7§7As a weapon created by §cScarf§7,\",5:\"§7it automatically adapts to its user\",6:\"§7inside Dungeons.\",7:\"\",8:\"§7§bBerserk§7: §7+§c10❁ Damage§7, +§c75❁\",9:\"§cStrength§7, +§f10✦ Speed\",10:\"§7§bHealer§7: §7+§a10☄ Mending§7 \u0026\",11:\"§7tethered players and players within §e10\",12:\"§e§7blocks are healed for §a33% §7of your\",13:\"§7life steal, syphon and vampirism\",14:\"§7healing.\",15:\"§7§bMage§7: §7+§b100✎ Intelligence§7,\",16:\"§7+§c10❁ Damage§7 \u0026 melee attacks restore\",17:\"§7§b25% §7additional mana.\",18:\"§7§bTank§7: §7+§a100❈ Defense§7, +§45♨\",19:\"§4Vitality§7, +§f5❂ True Defense\",20:\"§7§bArcher§7: §7Your melee attacks cause\",21:\"§7enemies to take §c10% §7more damage from\",22:\"§7your arrows for §b5 §7seconds.\",23:\"\",24:\"§eRight-click to use your class ability!\",25:\"\",26:\"§7§8This item can be reforged!\",27:\"§7§4❣ §cRequires §aThe Catacombs Floor\",28:\"§aIII Completion§c.\",29:\"§5§lEPIC DUNGEON SWORD\"],Name:\"§5⚚ Adaptive Blade\"},ExtraAttributes:{dungeon_item_level:0,id:\"STARRED_STONE_BLADE\"}}", "damage": 0, "lore": [ "§7Gear Score: §d240", "§7Damage: §c+190", " §8[§7⚔§8]", "", "§7§7As a weapon created by §cScarf§7,", "§7it automatically adapts to its user", "§7inside Dungeons.", "", "§7§bBerserk§7: §7+§c10❁ Damage§7, +§c75❁", "§cStrength§7, +§f10✦ Speed", "§7§bHealer§7: §7+§a10☄ Mending§7 \u0026", "§7tethered players and players within §e10", "§e§7blocks are healed for §a33% §7of your", "§7life steal, syphon and vampirism", "§7healing.", "§7§bMage§7: §7+§b100✎ Intelligence§7,", "§7+§c10❁ Damage§7 \u0026 melee attacks restore", "§7§b25% §7additional mana.", "§7§bTank§7: §7+§a100❈ Defense§7, +§45♨", "§4Vitality§7, +§f5❂ True Defense", "§7§bArcher§7: §7Your melee attacks cause", "§7enemies to take §c10% §7more damage from", "§7your arrows for §b5 §7seconds.", "", "§eRight-click to use your class ability!", "", "§7§8This item can be reforged!", "§7§4❣ §cRequires §aThe Catacombs Floor", "§aIII Completion§c.", "§5§lEPIC DUNGEON SWORD" ], "recipe": { "A1": "SCARF_FRAGMENT:1", "A2": "SCARF_FRAGMENT:1", "A3": "SCARF_FRAGMENT:1", "B1": "SCARF_FRAGMENT:1", "B2": "STONE_BLADE:1", "B3": "SCARF_FRAGMENT:1", "C1": "SCARF_FRAGMENT:1", "C2": "SCARF_FRAGMENT:1", "C3": "SCARF_FRAGMENT:1" }, "internalname": "STARRED_STONE_BLADE", "parent": "STONE_BLADE", "clickcommand": "viewrecipe", "modver": "2.1.1-PRE", "crafttext": "", "infoType": "WIKI_URL", "info": [ "https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Adaptive_Blade", "https://wiki.hypixel.net/%E2%9A%9A_Adaptive_Blade" ] }