{ "itemid": "minecraft:enchanted_book", "displayname": "§fEnchanted Book", "nbttag": "{ench:[],HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§9§d§lBobbin\u0027 Time III\",1:\"§7Increases some of your player stats by\",2:\"§7§b+0.48% §7per fishing bobber within §a30\",3:\"§ablocks§7, up to §b10 §7bobbers.\",4:\"§7Stats: §3α Sea Creature Chance§7, §b☂\",5:\"§bFishing Speed§7, §3☯ Fishing Wisdom§7, §b✯\",6:\"§bMagic Find§7, §d♣ Pet Luck\",7:\"\",8:\"§7§cYou can only have 1 Ultimate\",9:\"§cEnchantment on an item!\",10:\"\",11:\"§7Use this on an item in an Anvil\",12:\"§7to apply it!\",13:\"\",14:\"§6Source:\",15:\"§aIII-V: §7Fishing\",16:\"\",17:\"§6Applied To:\",18:\"§7- §fArmor\",19:\"\",20:\"§f§lCOMMON\"],Name:\"§fEnchanted Book\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"ULTIMATE_BOBBIN_TIME;3\",enchantments:{ultimate_bobbin_time:3}}}", "damage": 0, "lore": [ "§9§d§lBobbin\u0027 Time III", "§7Increases some of your player stats by", "§7§b+0.48% §7per fishing bobber within §a30", "§ablocks§7, up to §b10 §7bobbers.", "§7Stats: §3α Sea Creature Chance§7, §b☂", "§bFishing Speed§7, §3☯ Fishing Wisdom§7, §b✯", "§bMagic Find§7, §d♣ Pet Luck", "", "§7§cYou can only have 1 Ultimate", "§cEnchantment on an item!", "", "§7Use this on an item in an Anvil", "§7to apply it!", "", "§6Source:", "§aIII-V: §7Fishing", "", "§6Applied To:", "§7- §fArmor", "", "§f§lCOMMON" ], "recipe": { "A1": "", "A2": "SHARK_WATER_ORB:1", "A3": "", "B1": "SPOOKY_WATER_ORB:1", "B2": "BOBBIN_SCRIPTURES:1", "B3": "WINTER_WATER_ORB:1", "C1": "", "C2": "LAVA_WATER_ORB:1", "C3": "" }, "internalname": "ULTIMATE_BOBBIN_TIME;3", "clickcommand": "viewrecipe", "modver": "", "crafttext": "", "infoType": "" }