{ "itemid": "minecraft:skull", "displayname": "§6Voidgloom Seraph IV (Boss)", "nbttag": "{ench:[],SkullOwner:{Id:\"0de98464-1274-4dd6-bba8-370efa5d41a8\",Properties:{textures:[0:{Value:\"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2E1OWJiMGE3YTMyOTY1YjNkOTBkOGVhZmE4OTlkMTgzNWY0MjQ1MDllYWRkNGU2YjcwOWFkYTUwYjljZiJ9fX0\u003d\"}]}},display:{Lore:[0:\"§8Challenging\",1:\"\",2:\"§7Health: §c210,000,000❤\",3:\"§7Damage: §c21,000 §7per second\",4:\"\",5:\"§aMalevolent Hitshield\",6:\"§8At 100%/66%/33% Hp\",7:\"§7Immunity shield dropped by hits\",8:\"§7regardless of damage.\",9:\"§7Receives §c-75% §c⫽ Ferocity\",10:\"§c§7while NOT active.\",11:\"\",12:\"§cYang Glyphs\",13:\"§8Starting at 50% HP\",14:\"§7Throws glyphs down.\",15:\"§7Stand next to them or die.\",16:\"\",17:\"§eNukekubi Fixations\",18:\"§8Starting at 33% HP\",19:\"§7Spawns weird heads.\",20:\"§7Clear them by looking at them or\",21:\"§7suffer damage.\"],Name:\"§6Voidgloom Seraph IV (Boss)\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"VOIDGLOOM_SERAPH_4_BOSS\"}}", "damage": 3, "lore": [ "§8Challenging", "", "§7Health: §c210,000,000❤", "§7Damage: §c21,000 §7per second", "", "§aMalevolent Hitshield", "§8At 100%/66%/33% Hp", "§7Immunity shield dropped by hits", "§7regardless of damage.", "§7Receives §c-75% §c⫽ Ferocity", "§c§7while NOT active.", "", "§cYang Glyphs", "§8Starting at 50% HP", "§7Throws glyphs down.", "§7Stand next to them or die.", "", "§eNukekubi Fixations", "§8Starting at 33% HP", "§7Spawns weird heads.", "§7Clear them by looking at them or", "§7suffer damage." ], "internalname": "VOIDGLOOM_SERAPH_4_BOSS", "clickcommand": "viewrecipe", "modver": "2.1.0-REL", "infoType": "WIKI_URL", "info": [ "https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Voidgloom_Seraph", "https://wiki.hypixel.net/Voidgloom_Seraph" ], "crafttext": "", "recipes": [ { "xp": 500, "name": "§6Voidgloom Seraph IV", "render": "Enderman", "panorama": "combat_3", "type": "drops", "drops": [ { "id": "NULL_SPHERE", "extra": ["x105-155"], "chance": "100%" }, { "id": "TWILIGHT_ARROW_POISON", "extra": ["x60-64"], "chance": "12.90%" }, { "id": "SUMMONING_EYE", "chance": "5.42%" }, { "id": "ENDERSNAKE_RUNE;1", "chance": "0.57%" }, { "id": "TRANSMISSION_TUNER", "chance": "2.15%" }, { "id": "MANA_STEAL;1", "chance": "4.30%" }, { "id": "NULL_ATOM", "chance": "5.05%" }, { "id": "POCKET_ESPRESSO_MACHINE", "chance": "0.39%" }, { "id": "SMARTY_PANTS;1", "chance": "1.79%%" }, { "id": "SINFUL_DICE", "chance": "0.47%" }, { "id": "HAZMAT_ENDERMAN", "chance": "1.04%" }, { "id": "DRAGON_RUNE;1", "chance": "0.71%" }, { "id": "HANDY_BLOOD_CHALICE", "chance": "0.18%" }, { "id": "PET_SKIN_ENDERMAN_SLAYER", "chance": "0.18%" }, { "id": "ETHERWARP_MERGER", "chance": "0.43%" }, { "id": "JUDGEMENT_CORE", "chance": "0.06%" }, { "id": "EXCEEDINGLY_RARE_ENDER_ARTIFACT_UPGRADER", "chance": "0.03%" }, { "id": "ENCHANT_RUNE;1", "chance": "0.05%" }, { "id": "ENDER_SLAYER;7", "chance": "0.01%" } ] } ] }