{ "itemid": "minecraft:stone_sword", "displayname": "§f§f§5Wither Cloak Sword", "nbttag": "{overrideMeta:1b,Unbreakable:1b,HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Gear Score: §7-\",1:\"§7Damage: §c+190\",2:\"§7Strength: §c+135\",3:\"\",4:\"§7Defense: §a+250\",5:\"\",6:\"§6Item Ability: Creeper Veil §e§lRIGHT CLICK\",7:\"§7Spawns a veil around you that\",8:\"§7grants you immunity from damage.\",9:\"§7Costs §d20% §7of your maximum\",10:\"§7mana each time you block a hit.\",11:\"§7Unable to attack while the\",12:\"§7shield is active but your\",13:\"§7creepers deal §c200 §7damage to\",14:\"§7nearby enemies every second.\",15:\"§7Click again to de-activate.\",16:\"\",17:\"§7Mana is consumed on damage.\",18:\"\",19:\"§7§8This item can be reforged!\",20:\"§5§lEPIC DUNGEON SWORD\"],Name:\"§f§f§5Wither Cloak Sword\"},ExtraAttributes:{dungeon_item_level:0,id:\"WITHER_CLOAK\"},AttributeModifiers:[]}", "damage": 0, "lore": [ "§7Gear Score: §7-", "§7Damage: §c+190", "§7Strength: §c+135", "", "§7Defense: §a+250", "", "§6Item Ability: Creeper Veil §e§lRIGHT CLICK", "§7Spawns a veil around you that", "§7grants you immunity from damage.", "§7Costs §d20% §7of your maximum", "§7mana each time you block a hit.", "§7Unable to attack while the", "§7shield is active but your", "§7creepers deal §c200 §7damage to", "§7nearby enemies every second.", "§7Click again to de-activate.", "", "§7Mana is consumed on damage.", "", "§7§8This item can be reforged!", "§5§lEPIC DUNGEON SWORD" ], "internalname": "WITHER_CLOAK", "crafttext": "", "clickcommand": "", "modver": "1.7.1-REL", "infoType": "WIKI_URL", "info": [ "https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Wither_Cloak_Sword" ] }