path: root/CONTRIBUTING.md
diff options
authorMoulberry <jjenour@student.unimelb.edu.au>2022-10-15 16:14:46 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-10-15 16:14:46 +0200
commit9dff9de9be425a07691951f7f7e6d43ca2c967bf (patch)
tree525c4086b4b8cb9ee2a329dee7a0915ceaaa788a /CONTRIBUTING.md
parent7c6d37b2eb758a13b342b906f0aef88b940bc52a (diff)
parentdf02addf3404f07f245d6e6da8ce3ee8d72bd235 (diff)
Merge pull request #268 from NotEnoughUpdates/masterv2.1.0
2.1 Continued
Diffstat (limited to 'CONTRIBUTING.md')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 0 deletions
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7c4b379
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Contributing
+## Before you contribute
+- Please check your feature / bug isn't already fixed in one of our pre-releases or on [the development branch](https://github.com/NotEnoughUpdates/NotEnoughUpdates/tree/master/).
+- Consider joining our [Discord](https://discord.gg/moulberry) to check in on newest developments by other people, or to get help with problems you encounter.
+- Please check that your feature idea complies with the [Hypixel Rules](https://hypixel.net/rules)
+- Check that your feature idea isn't already done in other mods. (E.g. Dungeon Solver)
+## Setting up a development environment
+### Software prerequisites
+- Install a Java Development Kit (You will need both version 8 and version 17) [Eclipse Temurin Download](https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases) for convenience, however any JDK will do.
+- Install Git. [Windows download](https://git-scm.com/download/win)
+- Install an IDE, such as [Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA](https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download).
+### Software configuration
+- Clone the NEU repository using `git clone https://github.com/NotEnoughUpdates/NotEnoughUpdates`.
+- Import that folder as a Gradle Project in your IDE (IntelliJ should autodetect it as gradle if you select the `NotEnoughUpdates` folder in the Open dialog)
+- Set your project SDK to your 1.8 JDK. This can be done in the modules settings (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S) in IntelliJ.
+- Set your gradle JVM to your 1.17 JDK. This can be done by searching for `gradle jvm` in the CTRL+SHIFT+A dialog in IntelliJ.
+- Run the `gen<IntelliJ/Eclipse>Runs` gradle task. In IntelliJ that can be done in the gradle tab on the right side of your IDE.
+- Optionally, run the `genSources` gradle task.
+- Run the `Minecraft Client` to make sure that everything works.
+ - Note: if you are using OSX, remove the `XstartOnFirstThread` JVM option
+## Logging into Hypixel in a development environment
+Use [DevAuth](https://github.com/DJtheRedstoner/DevAuth). You do **not** need to download the jar, just follow the configuration instructions in the [DevAuth README](https://github.com/DJtheRedstoner/DevAuth#configuration-file)
+## Hot Reloading
+Hot Reloading is possible by first launching using the IntelliJ debugger with [DCEVM 1.8](https://dcevm.github.io/). Then running a regular build and confirming the reload prompt. This can cause issues (especially with commands), so restarting is sometimes still necessary.
+## Creating a new Release
+<summary>Minimized, for your convenience</summary>
+> **Release Types**
+> Right now we can create Full Releases, Pre Releases and Hotfixes.
+> - A Full Release is sent to all users, regardless of update stream.
+> - A Pre Release is only sent to users who have opted into receiving beta updates.
+> - A Hotfix is only sent to users who have *not* opted into receiving beta updates.
+> - Therefore when a bug is fixed in a hotfix update, it should *also* be fixed in a separate prerelease update.
+> On the other hand, not all bugs fixed in a prerelease update need to be also dispatched in a hotfix.
+### Creating a new Full Release
+> Full Releases should be bug free, feature complete, and ideally checked by not only the community, but also by Moulberry himself, if he so desires.
+- Edit `NotEnoughUpdates.java` and change
+public static final String VERSION = "2.2.0-REL"; /* Update the VERSION name */
+public static final int VERSION_ID = 20200; /* Set the VERSION_ID to match the version name like so: MAJOR * 10000 + MINOR * 100 + PATCH */
+public static final int PRE_VERSION_ID = 0; /* Reset the PRE_VERSION_ID back to 0 */
+public static final int HOTFIX_VERSION_ID = 0; /* Reset the HOTFIX_VERSION_ID back to 0 */
+- Build a jar from this, either using the CI in github actions, or using `gradle remapJar` directly.
+ - If building locally, make sure that all your changes are in version control so that the commit hash is set correctly (A non `dirty` jar)
+- Create a github release (marked as full release). This should also simultaneously create a tag on which to base future hotfixes.
+- Edit the `update.json` in the repository and change
+ "version": "2.1.0-REL", /* Update to match the VERSION name in java */
+ "version_id": 20100, /* Update to match the VERSION_ID in java */
+ "update_msg": "§7§m§l--------------------§6§l[§c§lNEU§6§l]§7§m§l--------------------\n\n§7A new version, v§6{version}§7, is now available!\n ", /* Update the version name. Remove old patch notes; Optionally add in a short new patch note. */
+ "pre_version": "0.0", /* Reset to 0.0 */
+ "pre_version_id": 0, /* Reset to 0 */
+ "update_link": "https://github.com/NotEnoughUpdates/NotEnoughUpdates/releases/tag/<VERSIONNAME>", /* Change download link to the github release */
+ "update_direct": "https://github.com/NotEnoughUpdates/NotEnoughUpdates/releases/download/<VERSIONNAME>/NotEnoughUpdates-<VERSIONNAME>.jar", /* Change direct link to a direct download link */
+- Launch the game in an older version with this new repo locally to test the messages look first, then push to the central NEU repo (both `master` and `dangerous`)
+- Create an announcement in discord [#neu-download](https://discord.com/channels/516977525906341928/693586404256645231).
+### Creating a pre release
+> Pre Releases are intended to be mostly feature complete, mostly bug free releases that either don't have enough changes to justify a new Full Release, or have outstanding PRs that are probably merged soon.
+- Edit `NotEnoughUpdates.java` and change
+public static final String VERSION = "2.2.0-REL"; /* The VERSION name should still be the same as the latest previously released FULL release */
+public static final int VERSION_ID = 20200; /* Same as VERSION name */
+public static final int PRE_VERSION_ID = 1; /* Increment the PRE_VERSION_ID */
+- Build a jar from this, either using the CI in github actions, or using `gradle remapJar` directly.
+ - If building locally, make sure that all your changes are in version control so that the commit hash is set correctly (A non `dirty` jar)
+- Create a github release (marked as pre release)
+- Edit the `update.json` in the repository and change
+ "version": "2.1.0-REL", /* The VERSION name should still be the same as the latest previously released FULL release */
+ "version_id": 20100, /* Same as VERSION name */
+ "pre_update_msg": "§7§m§l--------------------§5§l[§c§lNEU§5§l]§7§m§l--------------------\n\n§7A new pre-release, v§52.0-PRE{pre_version}§7, is now available!\n ", /* Update the version name. Remove old patch notes; Optionally add in a short new patch note. */
+ "pre_version": "0.0", /* Set to a new string (preferably increase the major version every time, except for hotfixes on the prerelease stream) */
+ "pre_version_id": 0, /* Set to PRE_VERSION_ID from java */
+ "pre_update_link": "https://github.com/NotEnoughUpdates/NotEnoughUpdates/releases/tag/<VERSIONNAME>", /* Change download link to the github release */
+ "pre_update_direct": "https://github.com/NotEnoughUpdates/NotEnoughUpdates/releases/download/<VERSIONNAME>/NotEnoughUpdates-<VERSIONNAME>.jar", /* Change direct link to a direct download link */
+- Launch the game in an older version with this new repo locally to test the messages look first, then push to the central NEU repo (both `master` and `dangerous`, as some prerelease people sadly don't know how to change repo branches)
+- Create an announcement in discord [#unofficial-prereleases](https://discord.com/channels/516977525906341928/837679819487313971).
+### Creating a Hotfix
+> Hotfixes spring off of a Full Release and intend to fix bugs and security flaws. They can, but ideally shouldn't, contain features from pre releases and are intended as a drop in replacement of the current full release of NEU. These bug fixes should ideally also be released as a prerelease in tandem with the hotfix.
+- Edit `NotEnoughUpdates.java` and change
+public static final String VERSION = "2.2.0-REL"; /* The VERSION name should still be the same as the latest previously released FULL release */
+public static final int VERSION_ID = 20200; /* Same as VERSION name */
+public static final int PRE_VERSION_ID = 0; /* The PRE_VERSION_ID should still be 0 (as this is based off a full release) */
+public static final int HOTFIX_VERSION_ID = 1; /* Increment the HOTFIX_VERSION_ID */
+- Build a jar from this, either using the CI in github actions, or using `gradle remapJar` directly.
+ - If building locally, make sure that all your changes are in version control so that the commit hash is set correctly (A non `dirty` jar)
+- Create a github release (marked as full release)
+- Edit the previous FULL release on github with a link to the new release.
+- Edit the `update.json` in the repository and change
+ "version": "2.1.0-REL", /* This version should still remain the same as the last full release */
+ "version_id": 20100, /* Same as version */
+ "update_msg": "§7§m§l--------------------§6§l[§c§lNEU§6§l]§7§m§l--------------------\n\n§7A new version, v§6{version}§7, is now available!\n ", /* Update the version name. Don't remove old patch notes; Optionally add in a short new patch note. Indicate that there is a hotfix present */
+ "update_link": "https://github.com/NotEnoughUpdates/NotEnoughUpdates/releases/tag/<VERSIONNAME>", /* Change download link to the github release */
+ "update_direct": "https://github.com/NotEnoughUpdates/NotEnoughUpdates/releases/download/<VERSIONNAME>/NotEnoughUpdates-<VERSIONNAME>.jar", /* Change direct link to a direct download link */
+- Launch the game in an older version with this new repo locally to test the messages look first, then push to the central NEU repo (both `master` and `dangerous`)
+- Create an announcement in discord [#neu-download](https://discord.com/channels/516977525906341928/693586404256645231).