path: root/src/main/java/io
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/io')
34 files changed, 2975 insertions, 273 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/CustomItems.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/CustomItems.java
index 7eefac6a..5cadd856 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/CustomItems.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/CustomItems.java
@@ -70,6 +70,12 @@ public class CustomItems {
"Your life has been a lie,",
"the moon is made out of iron."
+ public static JsonObject NOPO = create(
+ "nopo",
+ "writable_book",
+ "Nopo",
+ "We do a lil Chatting"
+ );
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/NEUEventListener.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/NEUEventListener.java
index 527abd02..aca9a8c5 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/NEUEventListener.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/NEUEventListener.java
@@ -204,7 +204,10 @@ public class NEUEventListener {
public void onTick(TickEvent.ClientTickEvent event) {
- if (Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen == null || !(Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen instanceof GuiChat)) {
+ if (Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen != null && (Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen instanceof GuiChat
+ || Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen instanceof GuiEditSign || Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen instanceof GuiScreenBook)) {
+ Keyboard.enableRepeatEvents(true);
+ } else {
if (event.phase != TickEvent.Phase.START) return;
@@ -240,7 +243,7 @@ public class NEUEventListener {
inventoryLoadedTicks = 3;
- if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_NUMPAD1) && Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_NUMPAD4) && Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_NUMPAD9)) {
+ if ((Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_NUMPAD1) && Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_NUMPAD4) && Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_NUMPAD9))) {
ChatComponentText component = new ChatComponentText("\u00a7cYou are permanently banned from this server!");
component.appendText("\n\u00a77Reason: \u00a7rSuspicious account activity/Other");
@@ -793,13 +796,17 @@ public class NEUEventListener {
private IChatComponent replaceSocialControlsWithPV(IChatComponent chatComponent) {
- if (NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.misc.replaceSocialOptions && chatComponent.getChatStyle() != null && chatComponent.getChatStyle().getChatClickEvent() != null && chatComponent.getChatStyle().getChatClickEvent().getAction() == ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND) {
+ if (NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.misc.replaceSocialOptions1 > 0 && chatComponent.getChatStyle() != null && chatComponent.getChatStyle().getChatClickEvent() != null && chatComponent.getChatStyle().getChatClickEvent().getAction() == ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND) {
if (chatComponent.getChatStyle().getChatClickEvent().getValue().startsWith("/socialoptions")) {
String username = chatComponent.getChatStyle().getChatClickEvent().getValue().substring(15);
- chatComponent.setChatStyle(Utils.createClickStyle(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, "/pv " + username, "" + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "Click to open " + EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + username + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "'s profile in " + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + "NEU's" + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + " profile viewer."));
- return chatComponent;
- }
+ if (NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.misc.replaceSocialOptions1 == 1) {
+ chatComponent.setChatStyle(Utils.createClickStyle(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, "/pv " + username, "" + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "Click to open " + EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + username + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "'s profile in " + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + "NEU's" + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + " profile viewer."));
+ return chatComponent;
+ } else if (NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.misc.replaceSocialOptions1 == 2) {
+ chatComponent.setChatStyle(Utils.createClickStyle(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, "/ah " + username, "" + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "Click to open " + EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + username + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "'s /ah page"));
+ return chatComponent;
+ }
+ } // wanted to add this for guild but guild uses uuid :sad:
return chatComponent;
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/NEUOverlay.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/NEUOverlay.java
index f40c60cd..adf0df8b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/NEUOverlay.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/NEUOverlay.java
@@ -1308,6 +1308,10 @@ public class NEUOverlay extends Gui {
case "ironm00n":
+ case "nopo":
+ case "nopothegamer":
+ searchedItems.add(CustomItems.NOPO);
+ break;
this.searchedItems = searchedItems;
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/auction/CustomAH.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/auction/CustomAH.java
index 6f3209b2..75af7de1 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/auction/CustomAH.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/auction/CustomAH.java
@@ -144,12 +144,12 @@ public class CustomAH extends Gui {
private static final int SORT_MODE_LOW = 1;
private static final int SORT_MODE_SOON = 2;
- // private static final String[] rarities = {"COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC",
+// private static final String[] rarities = {"COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC",
private static final String[] rarityColours = {"" + EnumChatFormatting.WHITE,
"" + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN, "" + EnumChatFormatting.BLUE, "" + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE,
"" + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD, "" + EnumChatFormatting.LIGHT_PURPLE, "" + EnumChatFormatting.RED,
- "" + EnumChatFormatting.RED, "" + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_RED};
+ "" + EnumChatFormatting.RED,"" + EnumChatFormatting.AQUA, "" + EnumChatFormatting.AQUA};
private static final int BIN_FILTER_ALL = 0;
private static final int BIN_FILTER_BIN = 1;
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/core/config/annotations/ConfigEditorFSR.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/core/config/annotations/ConfigEditorFSR.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6ec3548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/core/config/annotations/ConfigEditorFSR.java
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+package io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.config.annotations;
+import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
+import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
+import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
+import java.lang.annotation.Target;
+public @interface ConfigEditorFSR {
+ int runnableId();
+ String buttonText() default "";
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/core/config/gui/GuiOptionEditorFSR.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/core/config/gui/GuiOptionEditorFSR.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..545241c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/core/config/gui/GuiOptionEditorFSR.java
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+package io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.config.gui;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.config.Config;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.config.struct.ConfigProcessor;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.util.render.RenderUtils;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.util.render.TextRenderUtils;
+import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
+import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
+import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse;
+import static io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.util.GuiTextures.button_fsr;
+public class GuiOptionEditorFSR extends GuiOptionEditor {
+ private final int runnableId;
+ private String buttonText;
+ private final Config config;
+ public GuiOptionEditorFSR(ConfigProcessor.ProcessedOption option, int runnableId, String buttonText, Config config) {
+ super(option);
+ this.runnableId = runnableId;
+ this.config = config;
+ this.buttonText = buttonText;
+ if (this.buttonText != null && this.buttonText.isEmpty()) this.buttonText = null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void render(int x, int y, int width) {
+ super.render(x, y, width);
+ int height = getHeight();
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(button_fsr);
+ RenderUtils.drawTexturedRect(x + width / 6 - 24, y + height - 7 - 14, 48, 16);
+ if (buttonText != null) {
+ TextRenderUtils.drawStringCenteredScaledMaxWidth(buttonText, Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj,
+ x + width / 6, y + height - 7 - 6,
+ false, 44, 0xFF303030);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean mouseInput(int x, int y, int width, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
+ if (Mouse.getEventButtonState()) {
+ int height = getHeight();
+ if (mouseX > x + width / 6 - 24 && mouseX < x + width / 6 + 24 &&
+ mouseY > y + height - 7 - 14 && mouseY < y + height - 7 + 2) {
+ config.executeRunnable(runnableId);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean keyboardInput() {
+ return false;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/core/config/struct/ConfigProcessor.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/core/config/struct/ConfigProcessor.java
index b1581458..3c4e6833 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/core/config/struct/ConfigProcessor.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/core/config/struct/ConfigProcessor.java
@@ -115,6 +115,10 @@ public class ConfigProcessor {
ConfigEditorButton configEditorAnnotation = optionField.getAnnotation(ConfigEditorButton.class);
editor = new GuiOptionEditorButton(option, configEditorAnnotation.runnableId(), configEditorAnnotation.buttonText(), config);
+ if (optionField.isAnnotationPresent(ConfigEditorFSR.class)) {
+ ConfigEditorFSR configEditorAnnotation = optionField.getAnnotation(ConfigEditorFSR.class);
+ editor = new GuiOptionEditorFSR(option, configEditorAnnotation.runnableId(), configEditorAnnotation.buttonText(), config);
+ }
if (optionType.isAssignableFrom(boolean.class) &&
optionField.isAnnotationPresent(ConfigEditorBoolean.class)) {
editor = new GuiOptionEditorBoolean(option);
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/cosmetics/CapeManager.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/cosmetics/CapeManager.java
index d1344150..768c316b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/cosmetics/CapeManager.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/cosmetics/CapeManager.java
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ public class CapeManager {
new CapeData("sbp", true, false),
new CapeData("sharex", true, false),
new CapeData("sharex_white", true, false),
+ new CapeData("dg", true, false),
//Content Creator
new CapeData("jakethybro", false, true),
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/itemeditor/NEUItemEditor.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/itemeditor/NEUItemEditor.java
index 963c04bf..165e30a5 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/itemeditor/NEUItemEditor.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/itemeditor/NEUItemEditor.java
@@ -127,6 +127,11 @@ public class NEUItemEditor extends GuiScreen {
rightOptions.add(new GuiElementButton("Add enchant glint", Color.ORANGE.getRGB(), () -> nbttag.setTag("ench", new NBTTagList())));
+ rightOptions.add(new GuiElementButton("Remove timestamp/uuid", Color.RED.getRGB(), () -> {
+ nbttag.getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes").removeTag("uuid");
+ nbttag.getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes").removeTag("timestamp");
+ }));
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscfeatures/CustomItemEffects.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscfeatures/CustomItemEffects.java
index e592a503..34b444c6 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscfeatures/CustomItemEffects.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscfeatures/CustomItemEffects.java
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ public class CustomItemEffects {
if (dist != 0) {
etherwarpRaycast = raycast(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer, 1f, dist, 0.1f);
- if (etherwarpRaycast != null) {
+ if (etherwarpRaycast != null && NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.itemOverlays.enableEtherwarpBlockOverlay) {
AxisAlignedBB bb = etherwarpRaycast.state.getBlock().getSelectedBoundingBox(Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld, etherwarpRaycast.pos)
.expand(0.01D, 0.01D, 0.01D).offset(-d0, -d1, -d2);
drawFilledBoundingBox(bb, 1f, NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.itemOverlays.etherwarpHighlightColour);
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscfeatures/DwarvenMinesWaypoints.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscfeatures/DwarvenMinesWaypoints.java
index dec3f7d7..629b42d6 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscfeatures/DwarvenMinesWaypoints.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscfeatures/DwarvenMinesWaypoints.java
@@ -193,7 +193,6 @@ public class DwarvenMinesWaypoints {
if (!SBInfo.getInstance().getLocation().equals("mining_3")) return;
int locWaypoint = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.mining.locWaypoints;
if (dynamicLocation != null && dynamicName != null &&
System.currentTimeMillis() - dynamicMillis < 30 * 1000) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Vector3f> entry : waypointsMap.entrySet()) {
@@ -203,14 +202,17 @@ public class DwarvenMinesWaypoints {
+ String skyblockLocation = SBInfo.getInstance().location.toLowerCase();
if (locWaypoint >= 1) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Vector3f> entry : waypointsMap.entrySet()) {
if (locWaypoint >= 2) {
RenderUtils.renderWayPoint(EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), event.partialTicks);
} else {
+ String commissionLocation = entry.getKey().toLowerCase();
for (String commissionName : MiningOverlay.commissionProgress.keySet()) {
- if (commissionName.toLowerCase().contains(entry.getKey().toLowerCase())) {
+ if (NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.mining.hideWaypointIfAtLocation)
+ if (commissionLocation.replace("'", "").equals(skyblockLocation)) continue;
+ if (commissionName.toLowerCase().contains(commissionLocation)) {
if (commissionName.contains("Titanium")) {
RenderUtils.renderWayPoint(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), event.partialTicks);
} else {
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscfeatures/FairySouls.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscfeatures/FairySouls.java
index 95dde052..faef1bcf 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscfeatures/FairySouls.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscfeatures/FairySouls.java
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public class FairySouls {
public static void tick() {
- if (!enabled) return;
+ if (!NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.misc.fariySoul) return;
if (Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld == null) {
currentSoulList = null;
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ public class FairySouls {
public void onRenderLast(RenderWorldLastEvent event) {
- if (!enabled) return;
+ if (!NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.misc.fariySoul) return;
String location = SBInfo.getInstance().getLocation();
if (location == null) return;
@@ -204,12 +204,12 @@ public class FairySouls {
case "on":
case "enable":
print(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE + "Enabled fairy soul waypoints");
- enabled = true;
+ NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.misc.fariySoul = true;
case "off":
case "disable":
print(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE + "Disabled fairy soul waypoints");
- enabled = false;
+ NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.misc.fariySoul = false;
case "clear": {
String location = SBInfo.getInstance().getLocation();
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscgui/GuiEnchantColour.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscgui/GuiEnchantColour.java
index 6ba0b34b..87084199 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscgui/GuiEnchantColour.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscgui/GuiEnchantColour.java
@@ -10,9 +10,11 @@ import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.options.NEUConfig;
import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.util.Constants;
import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.util.Utils;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
+import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse;
@@ -31,6 +33,8 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+import static io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.util.GuiTextures.help;
public class GuiEnchantColour extends GuiScreen {
public static final ResourceLocation custom_ench_colour = new ResourceLocation("notenoughupdates:custom_ench_colour.png");
@@ -183,6 +187,56 @@ public class GuiEnchantColour extends GuiScreen {
renderSideBar(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
+ FontRenderer fr = Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj;
+ List<String> tooltipToDisplay = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(help);
+ Utils.drawTexturedRect(guiLeft + xSize + 3, guiTopSidebar - 18, 16, 16, GL11.GL_NEAREST);
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xSize + 3 && mouseX < guiLeft + xSize + 19) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTopSidebar - 18 && mouseY <= guiTopSidebar - 2) {
+ tooltipToDisplay = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+"NEUEC Colouring Guide",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN+"",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN+"How to use the GUI",
+ EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+"Type the name of the enchant you want to colour in the left box",
+ EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+"Change the comparison: ",
+ EnumChatFormatting.RED+"> "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+"greater than a level ",
+ EnumChatFormatting.RED+"= "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+"equals the level ",
+ EnumChatFormatting.RED+"< "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+"less than a level",
+ EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+"Put the level of enchant you want to color in the middle box",
+ EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+"Put the color code you want to use here",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN+"",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN+"Available colour codes:",
+ Utils.chromaString("z = Chroma"),
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_BLUE+"1 = Dark Blue",
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GREEN+"2 = Dark Green",
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA+"3 = Dark Aqua",
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_RED+"4 = Dark Red",
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE+"5 = Dark Purple",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GOLD+"6 = Gold",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+"7 = Gray",
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY+"8 = Dark Gray",
+ EnumChatFormatting.BLUE+"9 = Blue",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN+"a = Green",
+ EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+"b = Aqua",
+ EnumChatFormatting.RED+"c = Red",
+ EnumChatFormatting.LIGHT_PURPLE+"d = Purple",
+ EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+"e = Yellow",
+ EnumChatFormatting.WHITE+"f = White",
+ "\u00A7ZZ = SBA Chroma"+EnumChatFormatting.RESET+EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+" (Requires SBA)",
+ "",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN+"Available formatting:",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+""+EnumChatFormatting.BOLD+"B = "+EnumChatFormatting.BOLD+"Bold",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+""+EnumChatFormatting.STRIKETHROUGH+"S"+EnumChatFormatting.RESET+EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+" = "+EnumChatFormatting.STRIKETHROUGH+"Strikethrough",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+""+EnumChatFormatting.UNDERLINE+"U"+EnumChatFormatting.RESET+EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+" = "+EnumChatFormatting.UNDERLINE+"Underline",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+""+EnumChatFormatting.ITALIC+"I"+EnumChatFormatting.RESET+EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+" = "+EnumChatFormatting.ITALIC+"Italic"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(tooltipToDisplay, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ tooltipToDisplay = null;
+ }
+ }
private void renderSideBar(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscgui/GuiItemCustomize.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscgui/GuiItemCustomize.java
index d0cb3f92..5678a832 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscgui/GuiItemCustomize.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscgui/GuiItemCustomize.java
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ public class GuiItemCustomize extends GuiScreen {
GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
- int helpX = xCenter+textFieldRename.getWidth()/2-10;
+ int helpX = xCenter+textFieldRename.getWidth()/2-5;
Utils.drawTexturedRect(helpX, yTop, 20, 20, GL11.GL_LINEAR);
if(mouseX >= helpX && mouseX <= helpX+20 && mouseY >= yTop && mouseY <= yTop+20) {
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscgui/StorageOverlay.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscgui/StorageOverlay.java
index abef4db6..da8ac561 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscgui/StorageOverlay.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/miscgui/StorageOverlay.java
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
+import net.minecraftforge.client.ClientCommandHandler;
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
@@ -1146,6 +1147,9 @@ public class StorageOverlay extends GuiElement {
case 7:
vIndex = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.storageGUI.searchBarAutofocus ? 1 : 0;
+ case 8:
+ vIndex = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.storageGUI.showEnchantGlint ? 1 : 0;
+ break;
Utils.drawTexturedRect(buttonX, buttonY, 16, 16, minU, maxU, (vIndex * 16) / 256f, (vIndex * 16 + 16) / 256f, GL11.GL_NEAREST);
@@ -1232,6 +1236,21 @@ public class StorageOverlay extends GuiElement {
+ case 8:
+ tooltipToDisplay = createTooltip(
+ "Show Enchant Glint",
+ NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.storageGUI.showEnchantGlint ? 0 : 1,
+ "On",
+ "Off"
+ );
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ tooltipToDisplay = createTooltip(
+ "Open Full Settings",
+ 0,
+ "Click To Open"
+ );
+ break;
@@ -1741,6 +1760,13 @@ public class StorageOverlay extends GuiElement {
NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.storageGUI.searchBarAutofocus =
+ case 8:
+ NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.storageGUI.showEnchantGlint =
+ !NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.storageGUI.showEnchantGlint;
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ ClientCommandHandler.instance.executeCommand(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer, "/neu storage gui");
+ break;
dirty = true;
@@ -1963,7 +1989,9 @@ public class StorageOverlay extends GuiElement {
private void renderEnchOverlay(Set<Vector2f> locations) {
float f = (float) (Minecraft.getSystemTime() % 3000L) / 3000.0F / 8.0F;
float f1 = (float) (Minecraft.getSystemTime() % 4873L) / 4873.0F / 8.0F;
- Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(RES_ITEM_GLINT);
+ if (NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.storageGUI.showEnchantGlint) {
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(RES_ITEM_GLINT);
+ }
for (Vector2f loc : locations) {
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/NEUConfig.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/NEUConfig.java
index 1d7d6876..1a420218 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/NEUConfig.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/NEUConfig.java
@@ -83,6 +83,24 @@ public class NEUConfig extends Config {
case 10:
editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, OverlayManager.crystalHollowOverlay, mining.crystalHollowOverlayPosition);
+ return;
+ case 11:
+ editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, OverlayManager.miningSkillOverlay, skillOverlays.miningPosition);
+ return;
+ case 12:
+ ClientCommandHandler.instance.executeCommand(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer, "/dn");
+ return;
+ case 13:
+ ClientCommandHandler.instance.executeCommand(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer, "/pv");
+ return;
+ case 14:
+ editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, OverlayManager.fishingSkillOverlay, skillOverlays.fishingPosition);
+ return;
+ case 16:
+ ClientCommandHandler.instance.executeCommand(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer, "/neusouls clear");
+ return;
+ case 17:
+ ClientCommandHandler.instance.executeCommand(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer, "/neusouls unclear");
@@ -95,6 +113,13 @@ public class NEUConfig extends Config {
+ name = "GUI Locations",
+ desc = "Edit the GUI locations of everything here"
+ )
+ public LocationEdit locationedit = new LocationEdit();
+ @Expose
+ @Category(
name = "Notifications",
desc = "Notifications"
@@ -240,6 +265,7 @@ public class NEUConfig extends Config {
public AccessoryBag accessoryBag = new AccessoryBag();
name = "Api Key",
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/Dungeons.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/Dungeons.java
index 9ba71505..ca1ae0d8 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/Dungeons.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/Dungeons.java
@@ -10,6 +10,17 @@ public class Dungeons {
@ConfigEditorAccordion(id = 0)
public boolean dungeonMapAccordion = false;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "\u00A7cWarning",
+ desc = "If you are on Entrance, Floor 1 or Master 1 the map wont work properly"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorFSR(
+ runnableId = 12,
+ buttonText = ""
+ )
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 0)
+ public boolean dungeonF1Warning = false;
@@ -98,8 +109,20 @@ public class Dungeons {
name = "Dungeon Block Overlay",
desc = ""
@ConfigEditorAccordion(id = 2)
public boolean dungeonBlocksAccordion = false;
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "\u00A7cWarning",
+ desc = "You need Fast Render and Antialiasing off for these settings to work\n" +
+ "You can find these in your video settings"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorFSR(
+ runnableId = 12,
+ buttonText = ""
+ )
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 2)
+ public boolean dungeonBlockWarning = false;
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/ItemOverlays.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/ItemOverlays.java
index 6b4124ea..1a663467 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/ItemOverlays.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/ItemOverlays.java
@@ -198,6 +198,15 @@ public class ItemOverlays {
+ name = "Enable etherwarp block overlay",
+ desc = "Display an overlay that tells you what block you will TP to."
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorBoolean
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 7)
+ public boolean enableEtherwarpBlockOverlay = true;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
name = "Highlight Colour",
desc = "Change the colour of the etherwarp target block outline"
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/LocationEdit.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/LocationEdit.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..edd0ad46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/LocationEdit.java
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+package io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.options.seperateSections;
+import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.config.Position;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.config.annotations.ConfigAccordionId;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.config.annotations.ConfigEditorButton;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.config.annotations.ConfigOption;
+public class LocationEdit {
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Edit Dungeon Map",
+ desc = "The NEU dungeon map has it's own editor (/neumap).\n" +
+ "Click the button on the left to open it"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(
+ runnableId = 0,
+ buttonText = "Edit"
+ )
+ public int editDungeonMap = 0;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Overlay Position",
+ desc = "Change the position of the Dwarven Mines information Overlay (commisions, powder & forge statuses)"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(
+ runnableId = 1,
+ buttonText = "Edit"
+ )
+ public Position overlayPosition = new Position(10, 100);
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Fuel Bar Position",
+ desc = "Set the position of the drill fuel bar"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(
+ runnableId = 2,
+ buttonText = "Edit"
+ )
+ public Position drillFuelBarPosition = new Position(0, -100, true, false);
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Farming Position",
+ desc = "Change the position of the Farming overlay"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(
+ runnableId = 3,
+ buttonText = "Edit"
+ )
+ public Position farmingPosition = new Position(10, 200);
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Pet Info Position",
+ desc = "The position of the pet info."
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(
+ runnableId = 4,
+ buttonText = "Edit"
+ )
+ public Position petInfoPosition = new Position(-1, -1);
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Todo Position",
+ desc = "Change the position of the Todo overlay"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(
+ runnableId = 5,
+ buttonText = "Edit"
+ )
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 0)
+ public Position todoPosition = new Position(100, 0);
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Edit Toolbar Positions",
+ desc = "Edit the position of the QuickCommands / Search Bar"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = 6, buttonText = "Edit")
+ public boolean positionButton = true;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Open Button Editor",
+ desc = "Open button editor GUI (/neubuttons)"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = 7, buttonText = "Open")
+ public boolean openEditorButton = true;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Bonemerang Overlay Position",
+ desc = "The position of the Bonemerang overlay."
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(
+ runnableId = 9,
+ buttonText = "Edit"
+ )
+ public Position bonemerangPosition = new Position(-1, -1);
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Overlay Position",
+ desc = "Change the position of the Crystal Hollows Overlay."
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(
+ runnableId = 10,
+ buttonText = "Edit"
+ )
+ public Position crystalHollowOverlayPosition = new Position(200, 0);
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Mining Position",
+ desc = "Change the position of the Mining overlay"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(
+ runnableId = 11,
+ buttonText = "Edit"
+ )
+ public Position miningPosition = new Position(10, 200);
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Fishing Position",
+ desc = "Change the position of the Fishing overlay"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(
+ runnableId = 14,
+ buttonText = "Edit"
+ )
+ public Position fishingPosition = new Position(10, 200);
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/Mining.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/Mining.java
index 2c05d553..10cfb9dd 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/Mining.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/Mining.java
@@ -31,6 +31,16 @@ public class Mining {
+ name = "Hide waypoints when at Location",
+ desc = "Hides the Commission Waypoints if you are already at the location of the waypoint.\n" +
+ "Only active if Waypoints are set to \"Commissions Only\""
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorBoolean
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 0)
+ public boolean hideWaypointIfAtLocation = true;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
name = "Emissary Waypoints",
desc = "Show waypoints in the Dwarven mines to emissaries\n" +
"Use \"Commission End\" to only show after finishing commissions"
@@ -489,20 +499,4 @@ public class Mining {
public boolean dwarvenTextures = false;
- /*@Expose
- @ConfigOption(
- name = "Don't Mine Stone",
- desc = "Prevent mining stone blocks in mining areas"
- )
- @ConfigEditorBoolean
- public boolean dontMineStone = true;
- @Expose
- @ConfigOption(
- name = "Reveal Mist Creepers",
- desc = "Make the creepers in the Dwarven Mines mist visible"
- )
- @ConfigEditorBoolean
- public boolean revealMistCreepers = true;*/
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/Misc.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/Misc.java
index fddf84e3..295ec5d8 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/Misc.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/Misc.java
@@ -28,6 +28,45 @@ public class Misc {
public boolean streamerMode = false;
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Fairy Soul Waypoints",
+ desc = ""
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorAccordion(id = 0)
+ public boolean fariySoulAccordion = false;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Fairy Souls Finder",
+ desc = "Shows waypoints to fairy souls (/neusouls)"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorBoolean
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 0)
+ public boolean fariySoul = false;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Clear Fairy Souls",
+ desc = "Clears waypoints to fairy souls (/neusouls clear)"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(
+ runnableId = 16,
+ buttonText = "Clear"
+ )
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 0)
+ public boolean fariySoulClear = false;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Unclear Fairy Souls",
+ desc = "Shows all waypoints to fairy souls (/neusouls unclear)"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(
+ runnableId = 17,
+ buttonText = "Unclear"
+ )
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 0)
+ public boolean fariySoulUnclear = false;
name = "GUI Click Sounds",
@@ -39,15 +78,18 @@ public class Misc {
name = "Replace Chat Social Options",
- desc = "Replace Hypixel's chat social options with NEU's profile viewer."
+ desc = "Replace Hypixel's chat social options with NEU's profile viewer or with /ah"
- @ConfigEditorBoolean
- public boolean replaceSocialOptions = true;
+ @ConfigEditorDropdown(
+ values = {"Off", "/pv", "/ah"}
+ )
+ public int replaceSocialOptions1 = 1;
name = "Damage Indicator Style",
- desc = "Change the style of Skyblock damage indicators to be easier to read"
+ desc = "Change the style of Skyblock damage indicators to be easier to read\n" +
+ "\u00A7cSome old animations mods break this feature"
values = {"Off", "Commas", "Shortened"}
@@ -56,8 +98,17 @@ public class Misc {
+ name = "Profile Viewer",
+ desc = "Brings up the profile viewer (/pv)\n" +
+ "Shows stats and networth of players"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = 13, buttonText = "Open")
+ public boolean openPV = true;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
name = "Edit Enchant Colours",
- desc = "Change the colours of certain skyblock enchants"
+ desc = "Change the colours of certain skyblock enchants (/neuec)"
@ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = 8, buttonText = "Open")
public boolean editEnchantColoursButton = true;
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/SkillOverlays.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/SkillOverlays.java
index ba83fc0c..0ba273ef 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/SkillOverlays.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/SkillOverlays.java
@@ -3,25 +3,52 @@ package io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.options.seperateSections;
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.config.Position;
import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.config.annotations.*;
+import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class SkillOverlays {
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Skill Overlay Info",
+ desc = ""
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorAccordion(id = 2)
+ public boolean infoAccordion = false;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Skill display info",
+ desc = "The skill trackers need you to have an \u00A72api key\u00A77 set (if you dont have one set do \u00A72/api new\u00A77)\n" +
+ "For the overlays to show you need a \u00A7bmathematical hoe\u00A77 or an axe with \u00A7bcultivating\u00A77 " +
+ "enchant for farming, a pickaxe with \u00A7bcompact\u00A77 for mining or a rod with \u00A7bexpertise\u00A77"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorFSR(
+ runnableId = 12,
+ buttonText = ""
+ )
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 2)
+ public boolean skillInfo = false;
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Farming",
+ desc = ""
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorAccordion(id = 0)
+ public boolean farmingAccordion = false;
name = "Enable Farming Overlay",
desc = "Show an overlay while farming with useful information"
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 0)
public boolean farmingOverlay = true;
name = "Farming Text",
desc = "\u00a7eDrag text to change the appearance of the overlay\n" +
- "\u00a7rHold a mathematical hoe or use an axe while gaining farming xp to show the overlay"
+ "\u00a7rHold a mathematical hoe or use an axe with cultivating enchantment while gaining farming xp to show the overlay"
exampleText = {"\u00a7bCounter: \u00a7e37,547,860",
@@ -31,9 +58,13 @@ public class SkillOverlays {
"\u00a7bRemaining XP: \u00a7e3,265",
"\u00a7bXP/h: \u00a7e238,129",
"\u00a7bYaw: \u00a7e68.25\u00a7l\u1D52",
- "\u00a7bETA: 13h12m"}
+ "\u00a7bETA: \u00a7e13h12m",
+ "\u00a7bPitch: \u00a7e69.42\u00a7l\u1D52",
+ "\u00a7bCultivating: \u00a7e10,137,945/20,000,000",
+ "\u00a7bCoins/m \u00a7e57,432"}
- public List<Integer> farmingText = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6));
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 0)
+ public List<Integer> farmingText = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(0, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6));
@@ -44,6 +75,7 @@ public class SkillOverlays {
runnableId = 3,
buttonText = "Edit"
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 0)
public Position farmingPosition = new Position(10, 200);
@@ -54,5 +86,145 @@ public class SkillOverlays {
values = {"Background", "No Shadow", "Shadow", "Full Shadow"}
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 0)
public int farmingStyle = 0;
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Mining",
+ desc = ""
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorAccordion(id = 1)
+ public boolean miningAccordion = false;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Enable Mining Overlay",
+ desc = "Show an overlay while Mining with useful information"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorBoolean
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1)
+ public boolean miningSkillOverlay = true;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Mining Text",
+ desc = "\u00a7eDrag text to change the appearance of the overlay\n" +
+ "\u00a7rHold a pickaxe with compact while gaining mining xp to show the overlay"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorDraggableList(
+ exampleText = {"\u00a7bCompact: \u00a7e547,860",
+ "\u00a7bBlocks/m: \u00a7e38.29",
+ "\u00a7bMine: \u00a7e12\u00a77 [\u00a7e|||||||||||||||||\u00a78||||||||\u00a77] \u00a7e67%",
+ "\u00a7bCurrent XP: \u00a7e6,734",
+ "\u00a7bRemaining XP: \u00a7e3,265",
+ "\u00a7bXP/h: \u00a7e238,129",
+ "\u00a7bYaw: \u00a7e68.25\u00a7l\u1D52",
+ "\u00a7bETA: \u00a7e13h12m",
+ "\u00a7bCompact Progress: \u00a7e137,945/150,000"}
+ )
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1)
+ public List<Integer> miningText = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(0, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7));
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Mining Position",
+ desc = "Change the position of the Mining overlay"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(
+ runnableId = 11,
+ buttonText = "Edit"
+ )
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1)
+ public Position miningPosition = new Position(10, 200);
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Mining Style",
+ desc = "Change the style of the Mining overlay"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorDropdown(
+ values = {"Background", "No Shadow", "Shadow", "Full Shadow"}
+ )
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1)
+ public int miningStyle = 0;
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Fishing",
+ desc = ""
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorAccordion(id = 3)
+ public boolean fishingAccordion = false;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Enable Fishing Overlay",
+ desc = "Show an overlay while Fishing with useful information"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorBoolean
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 3)
+ public boolean FishingSkillOverlay = true;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Fishing Text",
+ desc = "\u00a7eDrag text to change the appearance of the overlay\n" +
+ "\u00a7rHold a fishing rod with expertise enchantment while gaining fishing xp to show the overlay"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorDraggableList(
+ exampleText = {"\u00a7bExpertise: \u00a7e7,945/10,000",
+ //"\u00a7bCatches/m: \u00a7e38.29",
+ "\u00a7bFishing: \u00a7e12\u00a77 [\u00a7e|||||||||||||||||\u00a78||||||||\u00a77] \u00a7e67%",
+ "\u00a7bCurrent XP: \u00a7e6,734",
+ "\u00a7bRemaining XP: \u00a7e3,265",
+ "\u00a7bXP/h: \u00a7e238,129",
+ //"\u00a7bYaw: \u00a7e68.25\u00a7l\u1D52",
+ "\u00a7bETA: \u00a7e13h12m",
+ //"\u00a7bExpertise Progress: \u00a7e7,945/10,000",
+ "\u00a7bTimer: \u00a7e1m15s"}
+ )
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 3)
+ public List<Integer> fishingText = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Fishing Position",
+ desc = "Change the position of the Fishing overlay"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorButton(
+ runnableId = 14,
+ buttonText = "Edit"
+ )
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 3)
+ public Position fishingPosition = new Position(10, 200);
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Fishing Style",
+ desc = "Change the style of the Fishing overlay"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorDropdown(
+ values = {"Background", "No Shadow", "Shadow", "Full Shadow"}
+ )
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 3)
+ public int fishingStyle = 0;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Toggle Fishing timer",
+ desc = "Start or stop the timer on the fishing overlay\n" +
+ "Also can plays a ding customizable below"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorKeybind(defaultKey = Keyboard.KEY_END)
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 3)
+ public int fishKey = Keyboard.KEY_END;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "Fishing Timer Alert",
+ desc = "Change the amount of time (seconds) until the timer dings"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorSlider(
+ minValue = 0,
+ maxValue = 600,
+ minStep = 20
+ )
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 3)
+ public int customFishTimer = 300;
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/StorageGUI.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/StorageGUI.java
index a5b5c2fa..5ec4f9ae 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/StorageGUI.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/options/seperateSections/StorageGUI.java
@@ -14,7 +14,17 @@ public class StorageGUI {
public int selectedIndex = 0;
+ @ConfigOption(
+ name = "\u00A7cWarning",
+ desc = "You need Fast Render and Antialiasing off for these settings to work\n" +
+ "You can find these in your video settings"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorFSR(
+ runnableId = 12,
+ buttonText = ""
+ )
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1)
+ public boolean storageGUIWarning = false;
name = "Enable Storage GUI",
@@ -98,6 +108,15 @@ public class StorageGUI {
+ name = "Show Enchant Glint",
+ desc = "Toggle enchant glint in storage GUI"
+ )
+ @ConfigEditorBoolean
+ @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1)
+ public boolean showEnchantGlint = true;
+ @Expose
+ @ConfigOption(
name = "Selected Storage Colour",
desc = "Change the colour used to draw the selected backpack border"
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/AuctionSearchOverlay.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/AuctionSearchOverlay.java
index d8ddcbc9..fb1025f4 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/AuctionSearchOverlay.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/AuctionSearchOverlay.java
@@ -202,7 +202,34 @@ public class AuctionSearchOverlay {
+ private static final ExecutorService searchES = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
+ private static final AtomicInteger searchId = new AtomicInteger(0);
+ private static String getItemIdAtIndex(int i) {
+ if (!autocompletedItems.isEmpty()) {
+ if ((i > autocompletedItems.size() - 1) || i < 0 || i > 4) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ String searchString = autocompletedItems.toArray()[i].toString();
+ JsonObject repoObject = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get(searchString);
+ String displayname = repoObject.get("displayname").getAsString();
+ if (displayname.contains("Enchanted Book")) {
+ String lore = repoObject.get("lore").getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsString();
+ String name = lore.substring(0, lore.lastIndexOf(" "));
+ return Utils.cleanColour(name);
+ } else {
+ return Utils.cleanColour(displayname);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
public static void close() {
+ if (tabCompleted) {
+ tabCompletionIndex = -1;
+ tabCompleted = false;
+ }
if (NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.ahTweaks.keepPreviousSearch) {
} else {
@@ -277,27 +304,44 @@ public class AuctionSearchOverlay {
- private static final ExecutorService searchES = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
- private static final AtomicInteger searchId = new AtomicInteger(0);
- private static String getItemIdAtIndex(int i) {
- if (!autocompletedItems.isEmpty()) {
- if ((i > autocompletedItems.size() - 1) || i < 0 || i > 4) {
- return "";
+ private static boolean updateTabCompletedSearch(int key) {
+ String id;
+ if (key == Keyboard.KEY_DOWN || key == Keyboard.KEY_TAB) {
+ id = getItemIdAtIndex(tabCompletionIndex + 1);
+ if (id == null) {
+ textField.setFocus(true);
+ textField.setText(searchString);
+ tabCompleted = false;
+ tabCompletionIndex = -1;
+ return true;
+ } else if (id.equals("")) {
+ tabCompletionIndex = 0;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ searchString = id;
+ tabCompletionIndex += 1;
+ return true;
- String searchString = autocompletedItems.toArray()[i].toString();
- JsonObject repoObject = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get(searchString);
- String displayname = repoObject.get("displayname").getAsString();
- if (displayname.contains("Enchanted Book")) {
- String lore = repoObject.get("lore").getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsString();
- String name = lore.substring(0, lore.lastIndexOf(" "));
- return Utils.cleanColour(name);
+ } else if (key == Keyboard.KEY_UP) {
+ id = getItemIdAtIndex(tabCompletionIndex - 1);
+ if (id == null) {
+ textField.setFocus(true);
+ textField.setText(searchString);
+ tabCompleted = false;
+ tabCompletionIndex = -1;
+ return true;
+ } else if (id.equals("")) {
+ if (autocompletedItems.size() > 4) tabCompletionIndex = 4;
+ else tabCompletionIndex = autocompletedItems.size() - 1;
+ tabCompletionIndex = autocompletedItems.size() - 1;
+ return true;
} else {
- return Utils.cleanColour(displayname);
+ searchString = id;
+ tabCompletionIndex -= 1;
+ return true;
- } else {
- return null;
+ return false;
public static void search() {
@@ -352,67 +396,47 @@ public class AuctionSearchOverlay {
public static void keyEvent() {
+ boolean ignoreKey = false;
if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_ESCAPE) {
searchStringExtra = "";
if (NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.ahTweaks.escFullClose) {
Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C0DPacketCloseWindow(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.openContainer.windowId));
+ return;
} else if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_RETURN) {
searchStringExtra = "";
+ return;
} else if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_TAB) {
//autocomplete to first item in the list
- tabCompleted = true;
- String id = getItemIdAtIndex(0);
- if (id == null) {
- tabCompleted = false;
- textField.setFocus(true);
- textField.setText(searchString);
- } else {
- tabCompletionIndex = 0;
- searchString = id;
+ if (!tabCompleted) {
+ tabCompleted = true;
+ ignoreKey = true;
+ String id = getItemIdAtIndex(0);
+ if (id == null) {
+ tabCompleted = false;
+ textField.setFocus(true);
+ textField.setText(searchString);
+ } else {
+ tabCompletionIndex = 0;
+ searchString = id;
+ }
- } else if (Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) {
+ }
+ if (Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) {
if (tabCompleted) {
- String id;
- switch (Keyboard.getEventKey()) {
- case Keyboard.KEY_DOWN:
- id = getItemIdAtIndex(tabCompletionIndex + 1);
- if (id == null) {
- textField.setFocus(true);
- textField.setText(searchString);
- tabCompleted = false;
- tabCompletionIndex = -1;
- } else if (id.equals("")) {
- //At the end of the autocompletion List, do nothing
- return;
- } else {
- searchString = id;
- tabCompletionIndex += 1;
- return;
- }
- break;
- case Keyboard.KEY_UP:
- id = getItemIdAtIndex(tabCompletionIndex - 1);
- if (id == null) {
- textField.setFocus(true);
- textField.setText(searchString);
- tabCompleted = false;
- tabCompletionIndex = -1;
- } else if (id.equals("")) {
- //At the end of the autocompletion List, do nothing
- return;
- } else {
- searchString = id;
- tabCompletionIndex -= 1;
- return;
- }
- break;
- default:
- tabCompletionIndex = -1;
- tabCompleted = false;
- }
+ if (!ignoreKey) {
+ boolean success = updateTabCompletedSearch(Keyboard.getEventKey());
+ if (success) return;
+ textField.setFocus(true);
+ textField.setText(searchString);
+ tabCompleted = false;
+ tabCompletionIndex = -1;
+ } else return;
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/CrystalHollowOverlay.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/CrystalHollowOverlay.java
index f3dfa242..e59702ee 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/CrystalHollowOverlay.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/CrystalHollowOverlay.java
@@ -13,10 +13,7 @@ import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector2f;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
@@ -333,54 +330,12 @@ public class CrystalHollowOverlay extends TextOverlay {
ItemStack icon = null;
String cleaned = Utils.cleanColour(line);
String beforeColon = cleaned.split(":")[0];
- switch (beforeColon) {
- case "Scavenged Lapis Sword":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("DWARVEN_LAPIS_SWORD"));
- break;
- case "Scavenged Golden Hammer":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("DWARVEN_GOLD_HAMMER"));
- break;
- case "Scavenged Diamond Axe":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("DWARVEN_DIAMOND_AXE"));
- break;
- case "Scavenged Emerald Hammer":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("DWARVEN_EMERALD_HAMMER"));
- break;
- case "Electron Transmitter":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("ELECTRON_TRANSMITTER"));
- break;
- case "FTX 3070":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("FTX_3070"));
- break;
- case "Robotron Reflector":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("ROBOTRON_REFLECTOR"));
- break;
- case "Superlite Motor":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("SUPERLITE_MOTOR"));
- break;
- case "Control Switch":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("CONTROL_SWITCH"));
- break;
- case "Synthetic Heart":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("SYNTHETIC_HEART"));
- break;
- case "Amber":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("PERFECT_AMBER_GEM"));
- break;
- case "Sapphire":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("PERFECT_SAPPHIRE_GEM"));
- break;
- case "Jade":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("PERFECT_JADE_GEM"));
- break;
- case "Amethyst":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("PERFECT_AMETHYST_GEM"));
- break;
- case "Topaz":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("PERFECT_TOPAZ_GEM"));
- break;
+ if(crystallHollowsIcons == null){
+ setupCrystallHollowsIcons();
+ }
+ if (crystallHollowsIcons.containsKey(beforeColon)) {
+ icon = crystallHollowsIcons.get(beforeColon);
if (icon != null) {
GlStateManager.translate(position.x, position.y, 0);
@@ -394,6 +349,26 @@ public class CrystalHollowOverlay extends TextOverlay {
super.renderLine(line, position, dummy);
+ private static Map<String, ItemStack> crystallHollowsIcons;
+ private static void setupCrystallHollowsIcons() {
+ crystallHollowsIcons = new HashMap<String, ItemStack>(){};
+ crystallHollowsIcons.put("Scavenged Lapis Sword", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("DWARVEN_LAPIS_SWORD")));
+ crystallHollowsIcons.put("Scavenged Golden Hammer", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("DWARVEN_GOLD_HAMMER")));
+ crystallHollowsIcons.put("Scavenged Diamond Axe", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("DWARVEN_DIAMOND_AXE")));
+ crystallHollowsIcons.put("Scavenged Emerald Hammer", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("DWARVEN_EMERALD_HAMMER")));
+ crystallHollowsIcons.put("Electron Transmitter", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("ELECTRON_TRANSMITTER")));
+ crystallHollowsIcons.put("FTX 3070", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("FTX_3070")));
+ crystallHollowsIcons.put("Robotron Reflector", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("ROBOTRON_REFLECTOR")));
+ crystallHollowsIcons.put("Superlite Motor", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("SUPERLITE_MOTOR")));
+ crystallHollowsIcons.put("Control Switch", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("CONTROL_SWITCH")));
+ crystallHollowsIcons.put("Synthetic Heart", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("SYNTHETIC_HEART")));
+ crystallHollowsIcons.put("Amber", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("PERFECT_AMBER_GEM")));
+ crystallHollowsIcons.put("Sapphire", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("PERFECT_SAPPHIRE_GEM")));
+ crystallHollowsIcons.put("Jade", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("PERFECT_JADE_GEM")));
+ crystallHollowsIcons.put("Amethyst", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("PERFECT_AMETHYST_GEM")));
+ crystallHollowsIcons.put("Topaz", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("PERFECT_TOPAZ_GEM")));
+ }
protected Vector2f getSize(List<String> strings) {
if (NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.mining.crystalHollowIcons)
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/FarmingOverlay.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/FarmingOverlay.java
index e8ad503e..bfb39465 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/FarmingOverlay.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/FarmingOverlay.java
@@ -22,6 +22,13 @@ public class FarmingOverlay extends TextOverlay {
private long lastUpdate = -1;
private int counterLast = -1;
private int counter = -1;
+ private int cultivatingLast = -1;
+ private int cultivating = -1;
+ private int cultivatingTier = -1;
+ private String cultivatingTierAmount = "1";
+ private int Farming = -1;
+ private int Alch = -1;
+ private double Coins = -1;
private float cropsPerSecondLast = 0;
private float cropsPerSecond = 0;
private final LinkedList<Integer> counterQueue = new LinkedList<>();
@@ -63,6 +70,7 @@ public class FarmingOverlay extends TextOverlay {
lastUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis();
counterLast = counter;
+ cultivatingLast = cultivating;
xpGainHourLast = xpGainHour;
counter = -1;
@@ -75,20 +83,99 @@ public class FarmingOverlay extends TextOverlay {
if (tag.hasKey("ExtraAttributes", 10)) {
NBTTagCompound ea = tag.getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes");
- if (ea.hasKey("mined_crops", 99)) {
+ if(ea.hasKey("mined_crops", 99)) {
+ //TODO make cult show separate gui option
counter = ea.getInteger("mined_crops");
+ cultivating = ea.getInteger("farmed_cultivating");
counterQueue.add(0, counter);
} else if (ea.hasKey("farmed_cultivating", 99)) {
counter = ea.getInteger("farmed_cultivating");
+ cultivating = ea.getInteger("farmed_cultivating");
counterQueue.add(0, counter);
+ if (cultivating < 1000){
+ cultivatingTier = 1;
+ } else if (cultivating < 5000){
+ cultivatingTier = 2;
+ } else if (cultivating < 25000){
+ cultivatingTier = 3;
+ } else if (cultivating < 100000){
+ cultivatingTier = 4;
+ } else if (cultivating < 300000){
+ cultivatingTier = 5;
+ } else if (cultivating < 1500000){
+ cultivatingTier = 6;
+ } else if (cultivating < 5000000){
+ cultivatingTier = 7;
+ } else if (cultivating < 20000000){
+ cultivatingTier = 8;
+ } else if (cultivating < 100000000){
+ cultivatingTier = 9;
+ } else if (cultivating > 100000000){
+ cultivatingTier = 10;
+ }
+ switch (cultivatingTier) {
+ case 1:
+ cultivatingTierAmount = "1,000";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ cultivatingTierAmount = "5,000";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ cultivatingTierAmount = "25,000";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ cultivatingTierAmount = "100,000";
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ cultivatingTierAmount = "300,000";
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ cultivatingTierAmount = "1,500,000";
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ cultivatingTierAmount = "5,000,000";
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ cultivatingTierAmount = "20,000,000";
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ cultivatingTierAmount = "100,000,000";
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ cultivatingTierAmount = "Maxed";
+ break;
+ }
String internalname = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getInternalNameForItem(stack);
if (internalname != null && internalname.startsWith("THEORETICAL_HOE_WARTS")) {
skillType = "Alchemy";
+ Farming = 0;
+ Alch = 1;
} else {
skillType = "Farming";
+ Farming = 1;
+ Alch = 0;
+ }
+ if (internalname != null && internalname.startsWith("THEORETICAL_HOE_WARTS") || (internalname != null && internalname.equals("COCO_CHOPPER"))) {
+ Coins = 3;
+ } else if (internalname != null && internalname.startsWith("THEORETICAL_HOE_POTATO") || (internalname != null && internalname.startsWith("THEORETICAL_HOE_CARROT"))
+ || (internalname != null && internalname.equals("CACTUS_KNIFE")) || (internalname != null && internalname.startsWith("THEORETICAL_HOE_WHEAT"))) {
+ Coins = 1;
+ } else if (internalname != null && internalname.startsWith("THEORETICAL_HOE_CANE") || (internalname != null && internalname.equals("TREECAPITATOR_AXE"))) {
+ Coins = 2;
+ } else if ((internalname != null && internalname.equals("PUMPKIN_DICER")) || (internalname != null && internalname.equals("FUNGI_CUTTER"))) {
+ Coins = 4;
+ } else if ((internalname != null && internalname.equals("MELON_DICER"))) {
+ Coins = 0.5;
+ }
+ else {
+ Coins = 0;
skillInfoLast = skillInfo;
@@ -171,7 +258,7 @@ public class FarmingOverlay extends TextOverlay {
NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();
- if (counter >= 0) {
+ if (counter >= 0 && cultivating != counter) {
int counterInterp = (int) interp(counter, counterLast);
lineMap.put(0, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Counter: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + format.format(counterInterp));
@@ -184,10 +271,30 @@ public class FarmingOverlay extends TextOverlay {
float cpsInterp = interp(cropsPerSecond, cropsPerSecondLast);
lineMap.put(1, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Crops/m: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW +
- String.format("%.2f", cpsInterp * 60));
+ String.format("%,.2f", cpsInterp * 60));
+ }
+ }
+ if (counter >= 0 && Coins > 0) {
+ if (cropsPerSecondLast == cropsPerSecond && cropsPerSecond <= 0) {
+ lineMap.put(10, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Coins/m: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "N/A");
+ } else {
+ float cpsInterp = interp(cropsPerSecond, cropsPerSecondLast);
+ lineMap.put(10, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Coins/m: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW +
+ String.format("%,.2f", (cpsInterp * 60) * Coins));
+ if (cultivatingTier <= 9 && cultivating > 0) {
+ int counterInterp = (int) interp(cultivating, cultivatingLast);
+ lineMap.put(9, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Cultivating: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + format.format(counterInterp) + "/" + cultivatingTierAmount);
+ }
+ if (cultivatingTier == 10) {
+ int counterInterp = (int) interp(cultivating, cultivatingLast);
+ lineMap.put(9, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Cultivating: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + format.format(counterInterp));
+ }
float xpInterp = xpGainHour;
if (xpGainHourLast == xpGainHour && xpGainHour <= 0) {
lineMap.put(5, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "XP/h: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "N/A");
@@ -198,7 +305,7 @@ public class FarmingOverlay extends TextOverlay {
format.format(xpInterp) + (isFarming ? "" : EnumChatFormatting.RED + " (PAUSED)"));
- if (skillInfo != null) {
+ if (skillInfo != null && skillInfo.level < 60) {
StringBuilder levelStr = new StringBuilder(EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + skillType.substring(0, 4) + ": ");
@@ -239,28 +346,50 @@ public class FarmingOverlay extends TextOverlay {
lineMap.put(2, levelStr.toString());
lineMap.put(3, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Current XP: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + format.format(current));
- if (remaining < 0) {
- lineMap.put(4, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Remaining XP: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "MAXED!");
- lineMap.put(7, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "ETA: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "MAXED!");
- } else {
- lineMap.put(4, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Remaining XP: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + format.format(remaining));
- if (xpGainHour < 1000) {
- lineMap.put(7, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "ETA: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "N/A");
+ if (remaining < 0) {
+ lineMap.put(4, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Remaining XP: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "MAXED!");
+ lineMap.put(7, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "ETA: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "MAXED!");
} else {
- lineMap.put(7, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "ETA: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + Utils.prettyTime((long) (remaining) * 1000 * 60 * 60 / (long) xpInterp));
+ lineMap.put(4, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Remaining XP: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + format.format(remaining));
+ if (xpGainHour < 1000) {
+ lineMap.put(7, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "ETA: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "N/A");
+ } else {
+ lineMap.put(7, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "ETA: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + Utils.prettyTime((long) (remaining) * 1000 * 60 * 60 / (long) xpInterp));
+ }
+ }
+ if (skillInfo != null && skillInfo.level == 60 || Alch == 1 && skillInfo != null && skillInfo.level == 50) {
+ int current = (int) skillInfo.currentXp;
+ if (skillInfoLast != null && skillInfo.currentXpMax == skillInfoLast.currentXpMax) {
+ current = (int) interp(current, skillInfoLast.currentXp);
+ if (Alch == 0) {
+ lineMap.put(2, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Farm: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "60 " + EnumChatFormatting.RED + "(Maxed)");
+ } else {
+ lineMap.put(2, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Alch: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "50 " + EnumChatFormatting.RED + "(Maxed)");
+ }
+ lineMap.put(3, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Current XP: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + format.format(current));
float yaw = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.rotationYawHead;
+ float pitch = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.rotationPitch;
yaw %= 360;
if (yaw < 0) yaw += 360;
if (yaw > 180) yaw -= 360;
+ pitch %= 360;
+ if (pitch < 0) pitch += 360;
+ if (pitch > 180) pitch -= 360;
lineMap.put(6, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Yaw: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW +
String.format("%.2f", yaw) + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + "\u1D52");
+ lineMap.put(8, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Pitch: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW +
+ String.format("%.2f", pitch) + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + "\u1D52");
for (int strIndex : NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.skillOverlays.farmingText) {
if (lineMap.get(strIndex) != null) {
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/FishingSkillOverlay.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/FishingSkillOverlay.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0438dd1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/FishingSkillOverlay.java
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+package io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.overlays;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.NotEnoughUpdates;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.config.KeybindHelper;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.config.Position;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.util.lerp.LerpUtils;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.util.Utils;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.util.XPInformation;
+import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
+import net.minecraft.client.audio.ISound;
+import net.minecraft.client.audio.PositionedSound;
+import net.minecraft.client.audio.SoundCategory;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
+import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
+import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
+import java.text.NumberFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.function.Supplier;
+public class FishingSkillOverlay extends TextOverlay { //Im sure there is a much better way to do this besides making another class ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
+ private long lastUpdate = -1;
+ private long timer = -1;
+ private int expertiseLast = -1;
+ private int expertise = -1;
+ private int expertiseTier = -1;
+ private String expertiseTierAmount = "1";
+ private float fishedPerSecondLast = 0;
+ private float fishedPerSecond = 0;
+ private LinkedList<Integer> expertiseQueue = new LinkedList<>();
+ private XPInformation.SkillInfo skillInfo = null;
+ private XPInformation.SkillInfo skillInfoLast = null;
+ private float lastTotalXp = -1;
+ private boolean isFishing = false;
+ private LinkedList<Float> xpGainQueue = new LinkedList<>();
+ private float xpGainHourLast = -1;
+ private float xpGainHour = -1;
+ private int xpGainTimer = 0;
+ private String skillType = "Fishing";
+ public FishingSkillOverlay(Position position, Supplier<List<String>> dummyStrings, Supplier<TextOverlayStyle> styleSupplier) {
+ super(position, dummyStrings, styleSupplier);
+ }
+ private float interp(float now, float last) {
+ float interp = now;
+ if(last >= 0 && last != now) {
+ float factor = (System.currentTimeMillis()-lastUpdate)/1000f;
+ factor = LerpUtils.clampZeroOne(factor);
+ interp = last + (now - last) * factor;
+ }
+ return interp;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void update() {
+ if(!NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.skillOverlays.FishingSkillOverlay) {
+ expertise = -1;
+ overlayStrings = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ lastUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ expertiseLast = expertise;
+ xpGainHourLast = xpGainHour;
+ expertise = -1;
+ if(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer == null) return;
+ ItemStack stack = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getHeldItem();
+ if(stack != null && stack.hasTagCompound()) {
+ NBTTagCompound tag = stack.getTagCompound();
+ if(tag.hasKey("ExtraAttributes", 10)) {
+ NBTTagCompound ea = tag.getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes");
+ if(ea.hasKey("expertise_kills", 99)) {
+ expertise = ea.getInteger("expertise_kills");
+ expertiseQueue.add(0, expertise);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (expertise < 50){
+ expertiseTier = 1;
+ } else if (expertise < 100){
+ expertiseTier = 2;
+ } else if (expertise < 250){
+ expertiseTier = 3;
+ } else if (expertise < 500){
+ expertiseTier = 4;
+ } else if (expertise < 1000){
+ expertiseTier = 5;
+ } else if (expertise < 2500){
+ expertiseTier = 6;
+ } else if (expertise < 5500){
+ expertiseTier = 7;
+ } else if (expertise < 10000){
+ expertiseTier = 8;
+ } else if (expertise < 15000){
+ expertiseTier = 9;
+ } else if (expertise > 15000){
+ expertiseTier = 10;
+ }
+ switch (expertiseTier) {
+ case 1:
+ expertiseTierAmount = "50";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ expertiseTierAmount = "100";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ expertiseTierAmount = "250";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ expertiseTierAmount = "500";
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ expertiseTierAmount = "1,000";
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ expertiseTierAmount = "2,500";
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ expertiseTierAmount = "5,500";
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ expertiseTierAmount = "10,000";
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ expertiseTierAmount = "15,000";
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ expertiseTierAmount = "Maxed";
+ break;
+ }
+ String internalname = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getInternalNameForItem(stack);
+ skillInfoLast = skillInfo;
+ skillInfo = XPInformation.getInstance().getSkillInfo(skillType);
+ if(skillInfo != null) {
+ float totalXp = skillInfo.totalXp;
+ if(lastTotalXp > 0) {
+ float delta = totalXp - lastTotalXp;
+ if(delta > 0 && delta < 1000) {
+ xpGainTimer = 3;
+ xpGainQueue.add(0, delta);
+ while(xpGainQueue.size() > 30) {
+ xpGainQueue.removeLast();
+ }
+ float totalGain = 0;
+ for(float f : xpGainQueue) totalGain += f;
+ xpGainHour = totalGain * (60 * 60) / xpGainQueue.size();
+ isFishing = true;
+ } else if(xpGainTimer > 0) {
+ xpGainTimer--;
+ xpGainQueue.add(0, 0f);
+ while(xpGainQueue.size() > 30) {
+ xpGainQueue.removeLast();
+ }
+ float totalGain = 0;
+ for(float f : xpGainQueue) totalGain += f;
+ xpGainHour = totalGain * (60 * 60) / xpGainQueue.size();
+ isFishing = true;
+ } else if(delta <= 0) {
+ isFishing = false;
+ }
+ }
+ lastTotalXp = totalXp;
+ }
+ while(expertiseQueue.size() >= 4) {
+ expertiseQueue.removeLast();
+ }
+ if(expertiseQueue.isEmpty()) {
+ fishedPerSecond = -1;
+ fishedPerSecondLast = 0;
+ } else {
+ fishedPerSecondLast = fishedPerSecond;
+ int last = expertiseQueue.getLast();
+ int first = expertiseQueue.getFirst();
+ fishedPerSecond = (first - last)/3f;
+ }
+ if(expertise != -1) {
+ overlayStrings = new ArrayList<>();
+ } else {
+ overlayStrings = null;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void updateFrequent() {
+ super.updateFrequent();
+ if(expertise < 0) {
+ overlayStrings = null;
+ } else {
+ HashMap<Integer, String> lineMap = new HashMap<>();
+ overlayStrings = new ArrayList<>();
+ NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();
+ /*if(expertise >= 0) {
+ int counterInterp = (int)interp(expertise, expertiseLast);
+ lineMap.put(0, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+"Expertise Kills: "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+format.format(counterInterp));
+ }*/
+ //TODO make this not be interp
+ /*if(expertise >= 0) {
+ if(fishedPerSecondLast == fishedPerSecond && fishedPerSecond <= 0) {
+ lineMap.put(7, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+"Catches/m: "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "N/A");
+ } else {
+ //float cpsInterp = interp(fishedPerSecond, fishedPerSecondLast);
+ lineMap.put(7, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+"Catches/m: "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW +
+ fishedPerSecond);
+ //String.format("%.2f", cpsInterp*60));
+ }
+ }*/
+ if (expertiseTier <= 9) {
+ int counterInterp = (int) interp(expertise, expertiseLast);
+ lineMap.put(0, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Expertise: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + format.format(counterInterp) + "/" + expertiseTierAmount);
+ }
+ if (expertiseTier == 10) {
+ int counterInterp = (int) interp(expertise, expertiseLast);
+ lineMap.put(0, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Expertise: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + format.format(counterInterp) + " " + EnumChatFormatting.RED + expertiseTierAmount);
+ }
+ float xpInterp = xpGainHour;
+ if(xpGainHourLast == xpGainHour && xpGainHour <= 0) {
+ lineMap.put(4, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+"XP/h: "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+"N/A");
+ } else {
+ xpInterp = interp(xpGainHour, xpGainHourLast);
+ lineMap.put(4, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+"XP/h: "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+
+ format.format(xpInterp)+(isFishing ? "" : EnumChatFormatting.RED + " (PAUSED)"));
+ }
+ if(skillInfo != null && skillInfo.level < 50) {
+ StringBuilder levelStr = new StringBuilder(EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + skillType + ": ");
+ levelStr.append(EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW)
+ .append(skillInfo.level)
+ .append(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY)
+ .append(" [");
+ float progress = skillInfo.currentXp / skillInfo.currentXpMax;
+ if(skillInfoLast != null && skillInfo.currentXpMax == skillInfoLast.currentXpMax) {
+ progress = interp(progress, skillInfoLast.currentXp / skillInfoLast.currentXpMax);
+ }
+ float lines = 25;
+ for(int i=0; i<lines; i++) {
+ if(i/lines < progress) {
+ levelStr.append(EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW);
+ } else {
+ levelStr.append(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY);
+ }
+ levelStr.append('|');
+ }
+ levelStr.append(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY)
+ .append("] ")
+ .append(EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW)
+ .append((int)(progress*100))
+ .append("%");
+ int current = (int)skillInfo.currentXp;
+ if(skillInfoLast != null && skillInfo.currentXpMax == skillInfoLast.currentXpMax) {
+ current = (int)interp(current, skillInfoLast.currentXp);
+ }
+ int remaining = (int)(skillInfo.currentXpMax - skillInfo.currentXp);
+ if(skillInfoLast != null && skillInfo.currentXpMax == skillInfoLast.currentXpMax) {
+ remaining = (int)interp(remaining, (int)(skillInfoLast.currentXpMax - skillInfoLast.currentXp));
+ }
+ lineMap.put(1, levelStr.toString());
+ lineMap.put(2, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+"Current XP: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+ format.format(current));
+ if(remaining < 0) {
+ lineMap.put(3, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+"Remaining XP: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+ "MAXED!");
+ lineMap.put(5, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+"ETA: "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+ "MAXED!");
+ } else {
+ lineMap.put(3, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+"Remaining XP: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+ format.format(remaining));
+ if(xpGainHour < 1000) {
+ lineMap.put(5, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+"ETA: "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+ "N/A");
+ } else {
+ lineMap.put(5, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+"ETA: "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+ Utils.prettyTime((long)(remaining)*1000*60*60/(long)xpInterp));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (skillInfo != null && skillInfo.level == 50) {
+ int current = (int) skillInfo.currentXp;
+ if (skillInfoLast != null && skillInfo.currentXpMax == skillInfoLast.currentXpMax) {
+ current = (int) interp(current, skillInfoLast.currentXp);
+ }
+ lineMap.put(1, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Fishing: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "50 " + EnumChatFormatting.RED + "(Maxed)");
+ lineMap.put(2, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Current XP: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + format.format(current));
+ }
+ /*float yaw = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.rotationYawHead;
+ yaw %= 360;
+ if(yaw < 0) yaw += 360;
+ if(yaw > 180) yaw -= 360;
+ lineMap.put(6, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+"Yaw: "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+
+ String.format("%.2f", yaw)+EnumChatFormatting.BOLD+"\u1D52");*/
+ int key = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.skillOverlays.fishKey;
+ ISound sound = new PositionedSound(new ResourceLocation("random.orb")) {{
+ volume = 50;
+ repeat = false;
+ repeatDelay = 0;
+ attenuationType = ISound.AttenuationType.NONE;
+ }};
+ int funnyCustomTimer = 1000*NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.skillOverlays.customFishTimer;
+ if (KeybindHelper.isKeyPressed(key) && timer != 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() - timer > 1000) {
+ timer = 0;
+ } else if (KeybindHelper.isKeyPressed(key) && timer == 0) {
+ timer = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ }
+ if (timer >= 1) {
+ lineMap.put(6, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Timer: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + Utils.prettyTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - (timer)));
+ } if (timer <= 0) {
+ lineMap.put(6, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Timer: " + EnumChatFormatting.RED + "(Stopped)");
+ } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - timer > funnyCustomTimer && System.currentTimeMillis() - timer < (funnyCustomTimer + 100) && funnyCustomTimer != 0) {
+ float oldLevel = Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.getSoundLevel(SoundCategory.PLAYERS);
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.setSoundLevel(SoundCategory.PLAYERS, 1);
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSoundHandler().playSound(sound);
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.setSoundLevel(SoundCategory.PLAYERS, oldLevel);
+ }
+ for(int strIndex : NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.skillOverlays.fishingText) {
+ if(lineMap.get(strIndex) != null) {
+ overlayStrings.add(lineMap.get(strIndex));
+ }
+ }
+ if(overlayStrings != null && overlayStrings.isEmpty()) overlayStrings = null;
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/MiningOverlay.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/MiningOverlay.java
index 57a97161..a077f6d2 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/MiningOverlay.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/MiningOverlay.java
@@ -261,10 +261,10 @@ public class MiningOverlay extends TextOverlay {
- if (!NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.mining.dwarvenOverlay && NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.mining.emissaryWaypoints == 0)
- return;
- if (SBInfo.getInstance().getLocation() == null) return;
- if (SBInfo.getInstance().getLocation().equals("mining_3") || SBInfo.getInstance().getLocation().equals("crystal_hollows")) {
+ if(!NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.mining.dwarvenOverlay && NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.mining.emissaryWaypoints == 0 && !NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.mining.titaniumAlert && NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.mining.locWaypoints == 0) return;
+ //thanks to "Pure Genie#7250" for helping with this (makes tita alert and waypoints work without mine overlay)
+ if(SBInfo.getInstance().getLocation() == null) return;
+ if(SBInfo.getInstance().getLocation().equals("mining_3") || SBInfo.getInstance().getLocation().equals("crystal_hollows")) {
overlayStrings = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -617,77 +617,38 @@ public class MiningOverlay extends TextOverlay {
ItemStack icon = null;
String cleaned = Utils.cleanColour(line);
String beforeColon = cleaned.split(":")[0];
- switch (beforeColon) {
- case "Mithril Powder":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("INK_SACK-10"));
- break;
- case "Gemstone Powder":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("INK_SACK-9"));
- break;
- case "Lucky Raffle":
- case "Raffle":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("MINING_RAFFLE_TICKET"));
- break;
- case "Pickaxe CD":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("DIAMOND_PICKAXE"));
- break;
- case "Thyst Slayer":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("THYST_MONSTER"));
- break;
- case "Hard Stone Miner":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("HARD_STONE"));
- break;
- case "Ice Walker Slayer":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("ENCHANTED_ICE"));
- break;
- case "Goblin Slayer":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("GOBLIN_MONSTER"));
- break;
- case "Star Sentry Puncher":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("NETHER_STAR"));
- break;
- case "Goblin Raid":
- case "Goblin Raid Slayer":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("ENCHANTED_GOLD"));
- break;
- case "Golden Goblin Slayer":
- icon = new ItemStack(Items.golden_helmet, 1, 0);
- break;
- case "2x Mithril Powder Collector":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("ENCHANTED_GLOWSTONE_DUST"));
- break;
- case "Automaton Slayer":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("AUTOMATON_MONSTER"));
- break;
- case "Sludge Slayer":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("SLUDGE_MONSTER"));
- break;
- case "Team Treasurite Member Slayer":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("EXECUTIVE_WENDY_MONSTER"));
- break;
- case "Yog Slayer":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("YOG_MONSTER"));
- break;
- case "Boss Corleone Slayer":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("BOSS_CORLEONE_BOSS"));
- break;
- case "Chest Looter":
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("CHEST"));
- break;
+ if(miningOverlayCommisionItems == null){
+ setupMiningOverlayCommisionItems();
- if (icon == null) {
+ if (miningOverlayCommisionItems.containsKey(beforeColon)) {
+ icon = miningOverlayCommisionItems.get(beforeColon);
+ } else {
if (beforeColon.startsWith("Forge")) {
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("ANVIL"));
+ icon = miningOverlayCommisionItems.get("Forge");
} else if (beforeColon.contains("Mithril")) {
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("MITHRIL_ORE"));
+ icon = miningOverlayCommisionItems.get("Mithril");
} else if (beforeColon.endsWith(" Gemstone Collector")) {
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("ROUGH_"
- + beforeColon.replace(" Gemstone Collector", "").toUpperCase() + "_GEM"));
+ String gemName = "ROUGH_"
+ + beforeColon.replace(" Gemstone Collector", "").toUpperCase() + "_GEM";
+ if(miningOverlayRoughGems.containsKey(gemName)){
+ icon = miningOverlayRoughGems.get(gemName);
+ } else {
+ icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get(gemName));
+ miningOverlayRoughGems.put(gemName, icon);
+ }
} else if (beforeColon.endsWith(" Crystal Hunter")) {
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("PERFECT_"
- + beforeColon.replace(" Crystal Hunter", "").toUpperCase() + "_GEM"));
+ String gemName = "PERFECT_"
+ + beforeColon.replace(" Crystal Hunter", "").toUpperCase() + "_GEM";
+ if(miningOverlayPerfectGems.containsKey(gemName)){
+ icon = miningOverlayPerfectGems.get(gemName);
+ } else {
+ icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get(gemName));
+ miningOverlayPerfectGems.put(gemName, icon);
+ }
} else if (beforeColon.contains("Titanium")) {
- icon = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("TITANIUM_ORE"));
+ icon = miningOverlayCommisionItems.get("Titanium");
@@ -703,4 +664,37 @@ public class MiningOverlay extends TextOverlay {
super.renderLine(line, position, dummy);
+ private static HashMap<String, ItemStack> miningOverlayRoughGems = new HashMap<String, ItemStack>() {};
+ private static HashMap<String, ItemStack> miningOverlayPerfectGems = new HashMap<String, ItemStack>() {};
+ private static HashMap<String, ItemStack> miningOverlayCommisionItems;
+ private static void setupMiningOverlayCommisionItems(){
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems = new HashMap<String, ItemStack>() {};
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Mithril Powder", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("INK_SACK-10")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Gemstone Powder", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("INK_SACK-9")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Lucky Raffle", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("MINING_RAFFLE_TICKET")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Raffle", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("MINING_RAFFLE_TICKET")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Pickaxe CD", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("DIAMOND_PICKAXE")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Thyst Slayer", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("THYST_MONSTER")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Hard Stone Miner", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("HARD_STONE")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Ice Walker Slayer", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("ENCHANTED_ICE")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Goblin Slayer", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("GOBLIN_MONSTER")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Star Sentry Puncher", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("NETHER_STAR")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Goblin Raid", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("ENCHANTED_GOLD")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Goblin Raid Slayer", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("ENCHANTED_GOLD")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Golden Goblin Slayer", new ItemStack(Items.golden_helmet, 1, 0));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("2x Mithril Powder Collector", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("ENCHANTED_GLOWSTONE_DUST")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Automaton Slayer", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("AUTOMATON_MONSTER")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Sludge Slayer", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("SLUDGE_MONSTER")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Team Treasurite Member Slayer", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("EXECUTIVE_WENDY_MONSTER")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Yog Slayer", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("YOG_MONSTER")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Boss Corleone Slayer", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("BOSS_CORLEONE_BOSS")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Chest Looter", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("CHEST")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Titanium", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("TITANIUM_ORE")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Mithril", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("MITHRIL_ORE")));
+ miningOverlayCommisionItems.put("Forge", NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get("ANVIL")));
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/MiningSkillOverlay.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/MiningSkillOverlay.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43d6ab70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/MiningSkillOverlay.java
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+package io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.overlays;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.NotEnoughUpdates;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.config.Position;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.util.lerp.LerpUtils;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.util.Utils;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.util.XPInformation;
+import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
+import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
+import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
+import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
+import java.text.NumberFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.function.Supplier;
+public class MiningSkillOverlay extends TextOverlay { //Im sure there is a much better way to do this besides making another class ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
+ private long lastUpdate = -1;
+ private int compactLast = -1;
+ private int compact = -1;
+ private int compactTier = -1;
+ private String compactTierAmount = "1";
+ private float minedPerSecondLast = 0;
+ private float minedPerSecond = 0;
+ private LinkedList<Integer> compactQueue = new LinkedList<>();
+ private XPInformation.SkillInfo skillInfo = null;
+ private XPInformation.SkillInfo skillInfoLast = null;
+ private float lastTotalXp = -1;
+ private boolean isMining = false;
+ private LinkedList<Float> xpGainQueue = new LinkedList<>();
+ private float xpGainHourLast = -1;
+ private float xpGainHour = -1;
+ private int xpGainTimer = 0;
+ private String skillType = "Mining";
+ public MiningSkillOverlay(Position position, Supplier<List<String>> dummyStrings, Supplier<TextOverlayStyle> styleSupplier) {
+ super(position, dummyStrings, styleSupplier);
+ }
+ private float interp(float now, float last) {
+ float interp = now;
+ if(last >= 0 && last != now) {
+ float factor = (System.currentTimeMillis()-lastUpdate)/1000f;
+ factor = LerpUtils.clampZeroOne(factor);
+ interp = last + (now - last) * factor;
+ }
+ return interp;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void update() {
+ if(!NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.skillOverlays.miningSkillOverlay) {
+ compact = -1;
+ overlayStrings = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ lastUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ compactLast = compact;
+ xpGainHourLast = xpGainHour;
+ compact = -1;
+ if(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer == null) return;
+ ItemStack stack = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getHeldItem();
+ if(stack != null && stack.hasTagCompound()) {
+ NBTTagCompound tag = stack.getTagCompound();
+ if(tag.hasKey("ExtraAttributes", 10)) {
+ NBTTagCompound ea = tag.getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes");
+ if(ea.hasKey("compact_blocks", 99)) {
+ compact = ea.getInteger("compact_blocks");
+ compactQueue.add(0, compact);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (compact < 100){
+ compactTier = 1;
+ } else if (compact < 500){
+ compactTier = 2;
+ } else if (compact < 1500){
+ compactTier = 3;
+ } else if (compact < 5000){
+ compactTier = 4;
+ } else if (compact < 15000){
+ compactTier = 5;
+ } else if (compact < 50000){
+ compactTier = 6;
+ } else if (compact < 150000){
+ compactTier = 7;
+ } else if (compact < 500000){
+ compactTier = 8;
+ } else if (compact < 1000000){
+ compactTier = 9;
+ } else if (compact > 1000000){
+ compactTier = 10;
+ }
+ switch (compactTier) {
+ case 1:
+ compactTierAmount = "100";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ compactTierAmount = "500";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ compactTierAmount = "1,500";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ compactTierAmount = "5,000";
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ compactTierAmount = "15,000";
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ compactTierAmount = "50,000";
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ compactTierAmount = "150,000";
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ compactTierAmount = "500,000";
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ compactTierAmount = "1,000,000";
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ compactTierAmount = "Maxed";
+ break;
+ }
+ String internalname = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getInternalNameForItem(stack);
+ skillInfoLast = skillInfo;
+ skillInfo = XPInformation.getInstance().getSkillInfo(skillType);
+ if(skillInfo != null) {
+ float totalXp = skillInfo.totalXp;
+ if(lastTotalXp > 0) {
+ float delta = totalXp - lastTotalXp;
+ if(delta > 0 && delta < 1000) {
+ xpGainTimer = 3;
+ xpGainQueue.add(0, delta);
+ while(xpGainQueue.size() > 30) {
+ xpGainQueue.removeLast();
+ }
+ float totalGain = 0;
+ for(float f : xpGainQueue) totalGain += f;
+ xpGainHour = totalGain * (60 * 60) / xpGainQueue.size();
+ isMining = true;
+ } else if(xpGainTimer > 0) {
+ xpGainTimer--;
+ xpGainQueue.add(0, 0f);
+ while(xpGainQueue.size() > 30) {
+ xpGainQueue.removeLast();
+ }
+ float totalGain = 0;
+ for(float f : xpGainQueue) totalGain += f;
+ xpGainHour = totalGain * (60 * 60) / xpGainQueue.size();
+ isMining = true;
+ } else if(delta <= 0) {
+ isMining = false;
+ }
+ }
+ lastTotalXp = totalXp;
+ }
+ while(compactQueue.size() >= 4) {
+ compactQueue.removeLast();
+ }
+ if(compactQueue.isEmpty()) {
+ minedPerSecond = -1;
+ minedPerSecondLast = 0;
+ } else {
+ minedPerSecondLast = minedPerSecond;
+ int last = compactQueue.getLast();
+ int first = compactQueue.getFirst();
+ minedPerSecond = (first - last)/3f;
+ }
+ if(compact != -1) {
+ overlayStrings = new ArrayList<>();
+ } else {
+ overlayStrings = null;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void updateFrequent() {
+ super.updateFrequent();
+ if(compact < 0) {
+ overlayStrings = null;
+ } else {
+ HashMap<Integer, String> lineMap = new HashMap<>();
+ overlayStrings = new ArrayList<>();
+ NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();
+ if (compact >= 0) {
+ int counterInterp = (int) interp(compact, compactLast);
+ lineMap.put(0, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Compact: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + format.format(counterInterp));
+ }
+ if (compact >= 0) {
+ if (minedPerSecondLast == minedPerSecond && minedPerSecond <= 0) {
+ lineMap.put(1, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Blocks/m: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "N/A");
+ } else {
+ float cpsInterp = interp(minedPerSecond, minedPerSecondLast);
+ lineMap.put(1, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Blocks/m: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW +
+ String.format("%,.2f", cpsInterp * 60));
+ }
+ }
+ if (compactTier <= 9) {
+ int counterInterp = (int) interp(compact, compactLast);
+ lineMap.put(8, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Compact Progress: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + format.format(counterInterp) + "/" + compactTierAmount);
+ }
+ if (compactTier == 10) {
+ lineMap.put(8, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Compact Progress: " + EnumChatFormatting.RED + compactTierAmount);
+ }
+ float xpInterp = xpGainHour;
+ if (xpGainHourLast == xpGainHour && xpGainHour <= 0) {
+ lineMap.put(5, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "XP/h: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "N/A");
+ } else {
+ xpInterp = interp(xpGainHour, xpGainHourLast);
+ lineMap.put(5, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "XP/h: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW +
+ format.format(xpInterp) + (isMining ? "" : EnumChatFormatting.RED + " (PAUSED)"));
+ }
+ if (skillInfo != null && skillInfo.level < 60) {
+ StringBuilder levelStr = new StringBuilder(EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Mining" + ": "); //yes ik its spelt wrong
+ levelStr.append(EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW)
+ .append(skillInfo.level)
+ .append(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY)
+ .append(" [");
+ float progress = skillInfo.currentXp / skillInfo.currentXpMax;
+ if (skillInfoLast != null && skillInfo.currentXpMax == skillInfoLast.currentXpMax) {
+ progress = interp(progress, skillInfoLast.currentXp / skillInfoLast.currentXpMax);
+ }
+ float lines = 25;
+ for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
+ if (i / lines < progress) {
+ levelStr.append(EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW);
+ } else {
+ levelStr.append(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY);
+ }
+ levelStr.append('|');
+ }
+ levelStr.append(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY)
+ .append("] ")
+ .append(EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW)
+ .append((int) (progress * 100))
+ .append("%");
+ int current = (int) skillInfo.currentXp;
+ if (skillInfoLast != null && skillInfo.currentXpMax == skillInfoLast.currentXpMax) {
+ current = (int) interp(current, skillInfoLast.currentXp);
+ }
+ int remaining = (int) (skillInfo.currentXpMax - skillInfo.currentXp);
+ if (skillInfoLast != null && skillInfo.currentXpMax == skillInfoLast.currentXpMax) {
+ remaining = (int) interp(remaining, (int) (skillInfoLast.currentXpMax - skillInfoLast.currentXp));
+ }
+ lineMap.put(2, levelStr.toString());
+ lineMap.put(3, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Current XP: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + format.format(current));
+ if (remaining < 0) {
+ lineMap.put(4, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Remaining XP: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "MAXED!");
+ lineMap.put(7, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "ETA: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "MAXED!");
+ } else {
+ lineMap.put(4, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Remaining XP: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + format.format(remaining));
+ if (xpGainHour < 1000) {
+ lineMap.put(7, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "ETA: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "N/A");
+ } else {
+ lineMap.put(7, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "ETA: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + Utils.prettyTime((long) (remaining) * 1000 * 60 * 60 / (long) xpInterp));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (skillInfo != null && skillInfo.level == 60) {
+ int current = (int) skillInfo.currentXp;
+ if (skillInfoLast != null && skillInfo.currentXpMax == skillInfoLast.currentXpMax) {
+ current = (int) interp(current, skillInfoLast.currentXp);
+ }
+ lineMap.put(2, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Mine: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "60 " + EnumChatFormatting.RED + "(Maxed)");
+ lineMap.put(3, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Current XP: " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + format.format(current));
+ }
+ float yaw = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.rotationYawHead;
+ yaw %= 360;
+ if(yaw < 0) yaw += 360;
+ if(yaw > 180) yaw -= 360;
+ lineMap.put(6, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+"Yaw: "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+
+ String.format("%.2f", yaw)+EnumChatFormatting.BOLD+"\u1D52");
+ for(int strIndex : NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.skillOverlays.miningText) {
+ if(lineMap.get(strIndex) != null) {
+ overlayStrings.add(lineMap.get(strIndex));
+ }
+ }
+ if(overlayStrings != null && overlayStrings.isEmpty()) overlayStrings = null;
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/OverlayManager.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/OverlayManager.java
index a9349865..aa52d874 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/OverlayManager.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/overlays/OverlayManager.java
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ public class OverlayManager {
public static MiningOverlay miningOverlay;
public static FarmingOverlay farmingOverlay;
+ public static FishingSkillOverlay fishingSkillOverlay;
+ public static MiningSkillOverlay miningSkillOverlay;
public static PetInfoOverlay petInfoOverlay;
public static TimersOverlay timersOverlay;
public static BonemerangOverlay bonemerangOverlay;
@@ -87,7 +89,48 @@ public class OverlayManager {
return TextOverlayStyle.BACKGROUND;
+ List<String> miningSkillDummy = Lists.newArrayList(
+ "\u00a7bCompact: \u00a7e547,860",
+ "\u00a7bBlocks/m: \u00a7e38.29",
+ "\u00a7bMine: \u00a7e12\u00a77 [\u00a7e|||||||||||||||||\u00a78||||||||\u00a77] \u00a7e67%",
+ "\u00a7bCurrent XP: \u00a7e6,734",
+ "\u00a7bRemaining XP: \u00a7e3,265",
+ "\u00a7bXP/h: \u00a7e238,129",
+ "\u00a7bYaw: \u00a7e68.25\u00a7l\u1D52");
+ miningSkillOverlay = new MiningSkillOverlay(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.skillOverlays.miningPosition, () -> {
+ List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
+ for(int i : NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.skillOverlays.miningText) {
+ if(i >= 0 && i < miningSkillDummy.size()) strings.add(miningSkillDummy.get(i));
+ }
+ return strings;
+ }, () -> {
+ int style = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.skillOverlays.miningStyle;
+ if(style >= 0 && style < TextOverlayStyle.values().length) {
+ return TextOverlayStyle.values()[style];
+ }
+ return TextOverlayStyle.BACKGROUND;
+ });
+ List<String> fishingDummy = Lists.newArrayList("\u00a7bCatches: \u00a7e37,547,860",
+ //"\u00a7bCatches/m: \u00a7e38.29",
+ "\u00a7bFish: \u00a7e12\u00a77 [\u00a7e|||||||||||||||||\u00a78||||||||\u00a77] \u00a7e67%",
+ "\u00a7bCurrent XP: \u00a7e6,734",
+ "\u00a7bRemaining XP: \u00a7e3,265",
+ "\u00a7bXP/h: \u00a7e238,129"
+ //"\u00a7bYaw: \u00a7e68.25\u00a7l\u1D52"
+ );
+ fishingSkillOverlay = new FishingSkillOverlay(NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.skillOverlays.fishingPosition, () -> {
+ List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int i : NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.skillOverlays.fishingText) {
+ if (i >= 0 && i < fishingDummy.size()) strings.add(fishingDummy.get(i));
+ }
+ return strings;
+ }, () -> {
+ int style = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.config.skillOverlays.fishingStyle;
+ if (style >= 0 && style < TextOverlayStyle.values().length) {
+ return TextOverlayStyle.values()[style];
+ }
+ return TextOverlayStyle.BACKGROUND;
+ });
List<String> petInfoDummy = Lists.newArrayList("\u00a7a[Lvl 37] \u00a7fRock",
"\u00a7b2,312.9/2,700\u00a7e (85.7%)",
"\u00a7b2.3k/2.7k\u00a7e (85.7%)",
@@ -170,6 +213,8 @@ public class OverlayManager {
+ textOverlays.add(miningSkillOverlay);
+ textOverlays.add(fishingSkillOverlay);
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/GuiProfileViewer.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/GuiProfileViewer.java
index 1eb8f1c0..9dcac181 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/GuiProfileViewer.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/GuiProfileViewer.java
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
import com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive;
import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile;
-import com.mojang.authlib.minecraft.MinecraftProfileTexture;
import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.NotEnoughUpdates;
import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.cosmetics.ShaderManager;
import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.itemeditor.GuiElementTextField;
@@ -24,7 +23,6 @@ import net.minecraft.client.renderer.OpenGlHelper;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderHelper;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.DefaultPlayerSkin;
-import net.minecraft.client.resources.SkinManager;
import net.minecraft.client.shader.Framebuffer;
import net.minecraft.client.shader.Shader;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
@@ -67,6 +65,7 @@ public class GuiProfileViewer extends GuiScreen {
public static final ResourceLocation pv_basic = new ResourceLocation("notenoughupdates:pv_basic.png");
public static final ResourceLocation pv_dung = new ResourceLocation("notenoughupdates:pv_dung.png");
public static final ResourceLocation pv_extra = new ResourceLocation("notenoughupdates:pv_extra.png");
+ public static final ResourceLocation pv_mining = new ResourceLocation("notenoughupdates:pv_mining.png");
public static final ResourceLocation pv_invs = new ResourceLocation("notenoughupdates:pv_invs.png");
public static final ResourceLocation pv_cols = new ResourceLocation("notenoughupdates:pv_cols.png");
public static final ResourceLocation pv_pets = new ResourceLocation("notenoughupdates:pv_pets.png");
@@ -106,7 +105,8 @@ public class GuiProfileViewer extends GuiScreen {
EXTRA(new ItemStack(Items.book)),
INVS(new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.ender_chest))),
COLS(new ItemStack(Items.painting)),
- PETS(new ItemStack(Items.bone));
+ PETS(new ItemStack(Items.bone)),
+ MINING(new ItemStack(Items.iron_pickaxe));
public final ItemStack stack;
@@ -263,6 +263,9 @@ public class GuiProfileViewer extends GuiScreen {
case PETS:
drawPetsPage(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
+ case MINING:
+ drawMiningPage(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
+ break;
String str = EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "Loading player profiles.";
long currentTimeMod = System.currentTimeMillis() % 1000;
@@ -777,9 +780,11 @@ public class GuiProfileViewer extends GuiScreen {
private static final ItemStack DEADBUSH = new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.deadbush));
+ private static final ItemStack iron_pick = new ItemStack(Items.iron_pickaxe);
private static final ItemStack[] BOSS_HEADS = new ItemStack[7];
private final HashMap<String, ProfileViewer.Level> levelObjCatas = new HashMap<>();
+ private final HashMap<String, ProfileViewer.Level> levelObjhotms = new HashMap<>();
private final HashMap<String, HashMap<String, ProfileViewer.Level>> levelObjClasseses = new HashMap<>();
private final GuiElementTextField dungeonLevelTextField = new GuiElementTextField("", GuiElementTextField.SCALE_TEXT);
@@ -887,12 +892,21 @@ public class GuiProfileViewer extends GuiScreen {
Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "Until Cata " + floorLevelTo + ": ",
EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + shortNumberFormat(floorLevelToXP, 0), x, y + 16, sectionWidth);
- if (mouseX > x && mouseX < x + sectionWidth &&
- mouseY > y + 16 && mouseY < y + 24) {
- float xpF5 = 2000;
- float xpF6 = 4000;
- float xpF7 = 20000;
- if (!Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT)) {
+ if(mouseX > x && mouseX < x + sectionWidth && mouseY > y+16 && mouseY < y+24 && !onMasterMode) {
+ float F5 = (Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "dungeons.dungeon_types.catacombs.tier_completions."+5), 0)); //this can prob be done better
+ float F6 = (Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "dungeons.dungeon_types.catacombs.tier_completions."+6), 0));
+ float F7 = (Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "dungeons.dungeon_types.catacombs.tier_completions."+7), 0));
+ if (F5 > 150){
+ F5 = 150;
+ } if (F6 > 100){
+ F6 = 100;
+ } if (F7 > 50){
+ F7 = 50;
+ }
+ float xpF5 = 2000*(F5/100+1);
+ float xpF6 = 4000*(F6/100+1);
+ float xpF7 = 20000*(F7/100+1);
+ if(!Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT)) {
xpF5 *= 1.1;
xpF6 *= 1.1;
xpF7 *= 1.1;
@@ -938,9 +952,91 @@ public class GuiProfileViewer extends GuiScreen {
if (!Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT)) tooltipToDisplay.add("");
tooltipToDisplay.add("Number of runs is calculated as [Remaining XP]/[XP per Run].");
tooltipToDisplay.add("The [XP per Run] is the average xp gained from an S+ run");
- tooltipToDisplay.add("The " + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE + "Catacombs Expert Ring" + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY +
- " is assumed to be used, unless " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "SHIFT" + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + " is held.");
- tooltipToDisplay.add("[Time per run] is calculated using fastestSPlus x 120%");
+ tooltipToDisplay.add("The "+EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE+"Catacombs Expert Ring"+EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+
+ " is assumed to be used, unless "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+"SHIFT"+EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+" is held.");
+ tooltipToDisplay.add("[Time per run] is calculated using Fastest S+ x 120%");
+ } else {
+ tooltipToDisplay.add("[Hold "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+"CTRL"+EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+" to see details]");
+ }
+ }
+ if(mouseX > x && mouseX < x + sectionWidth && mouseY > y+16 && mouseY < y+24 && onMasterMode) {
+ float M3 = (Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "dungeons.dungeon_types.master_catacombs.tier_completions."+3), 0));
+ float M4 = (Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "dungeons.dungeon_types.master_catacombs.tier_completions."+4), 0));
+ float M5 = (Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "dungeons.dungeon_types.master_catacombs.tier_completions."+5), 0)); //this can prob be done better
+ float M6 = (Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "dungeons.dungeon_types.master_catacombs.tier_completions."+6), 0));
+ if (M3 > 50){
+ M3 = 50;
+ } if (M4 > 50){
+ M4 = 50;
+ } if (M5 > 50){
+ M5 = 50;
+ } if (M6 > 50){
+ M6 = 50;
+ }
+ float xpM3 = 36500*(M3/100+1);
+ float xpM4 = 48500*(M4/100+1);
+ float xpM5 = 70000*(M5/100+1);
+ float xpM6 = 100000*(M6/100+1);
+ //No clue if M3 or M4 xp values are right
+ if(!Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT)) {
+ xpM3 *= 1.1;
+ xpM4 *= 1.1;
+ xpM5 *= 1.1;
+ xpM6 *= 1.1;
+ }
+ long runsM3 = (int)Math.ceil(floorLevelToXP/xpM3);
+ long runsM4 = (int)Math.ceil(floorLevelToXP/xpM4);
+ long runsM5 = (int)Math.ceil(floorLevelToXP/xpM5);
+ long runsM6 = (int)Math.ceil(floorLevelToXP/xpM6);
+ float timeM3 = Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo,
+ "dungeons.dungeon_types.master_catacombs.fastest_time_s_plus.3"), 0);
+ float timeM4 = Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo,
+ "dungeons.dungeon_types.master_catacombs.fastest_time_s_plus.4"), 0);
+ float timeM5 = Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo,
+ "dungeons.dungeon_types.master_catacombs.fastest_time_s_plus.5"), 0);
+ float timeM6 = Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo,
+ "dungeons.dungeon_types.master_catacombs.fastest_time_s_plus.6"), 0);
+ tooltipToDisplay = Lists.newArrayList(
+ String.format("# M3 Runs (%s xp) : %d", shortNumberFormat(xpM3, 0), runsM3),
+ String.format("# M4 Runs (%s xp) : %d", shortNumberFormat(xpM4, 0), runsM4),
+ String.format("# M5 Runs (%s xp) : %d", shortNumberFormat(xpM5, 0), runsM5),
+ String.format("# M6 Runs (%s xp) : %d", shortNumberFormat(xpM6, 0), runsM6),
+ ""
+ );
+ boolean hasTime = false;
+ if(timeM3 > 1000) {
+ tooltipToDisplay.add(String.format("Expected Time (M3) : %s", Utils.prettyTime(runsM3*(long)(timeM3*1.2))));
+ hasTime = true;
+ }
+ if(timeM4 > 1000) {
+ tooltipToDisplay.add(String.format("Expected Time (M4) : %s", Utils.prettyTime(runsM4*(long)(timeM4*1.2))));
+ hasTime = true;
+ }
+ if(timeM5 > 1000) {
+ tooltipToDisplay.add(String.format("Expected Time (M5) : %s", Utils.prettyTime(runsM5*(long)(timeM5*1.2))));
+ hasTime = true;
+ }
+ if(timeM6 > 1000) {
+ tooltipToDisplay.add(String.format("Expected Time (M6) : %s", Utils.prettyTime(runsM6*(long)(timeM6*1.2))));
+ hasTime = true;
+ }
+ if(hasTime) {
+ tooltipToDisplay.add("");
+ }
+ if(!Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT)) {
+ tooltipToDisplay.add("[Hold "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+"SHIFT"+EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+" to show without Expert Ring]");
+ }
+ if(Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LCONTROL)) {
+ if(!Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT)) tooltipToDisplay.add("");
+ tooltipToDisplay.add("Number of runs is calculated as [Remaining XP]/[XP per Run].");
+ tooltipToDisplay.add("The [XP per Run] is the average xp gained from an S+ run");
+ tooltipToDisplay.add("The "+EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE+"Catacombs Expert Ring"+EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+
+ " is assumed to be used, unless "+EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW+"SHIFT"+EnumChatFormatting.GRAY+" is held.");
+ tooltipToDisplay.add("[Time per run] is calculated using Fastest S+ x 120%");
} else {
tooltipToDisplay.add("[Hold " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "CTRL" + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + " to see details]");
@@ -2602,9 +2698,9 @@ public class GuiProfileViewer extends GuiScreen {
guiLeft + xStart + xOffset * 2, guiTop + yStartBottom + yOffset * 0, 76);
Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA + "Sven T4", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE.toString() + (int) wolf_boss_kills_tier_3,
guiLeft + xStart + xOffset * 2, guiTop + yStartBottom + yOffset * 1, 76);
- Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA + "Voidgloom Seraph T3", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE.toString() + (int) enderman_boss_kills_tier_2,
+ Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA + "Voidgloom T3", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE.toString() + (int) enderman_boss_kills_tier_2,
guiLeft + xStart + xOffset * 2, guiTop + yStartBottom + yOffset * 2, 76);
- Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA + "Voidgloom Seraph T4", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE.toString() + (int) enderman_boss_kills_tier_3,
+ Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA + "Voidgloom T4", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE.toString() + (int) enderman_boss_kills_tier_3,
guiLeft + xStart + xOffset * 2, guiTop + yStartBottom + yOffset * 3, 76);
float pet_milestone_ores_mined = Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "stats.pet_milestone_ores_mined"), 0);
@@ -2683,6 +2779,1090 @@ public class GuiProfileViewer extends GuiScreen {
+ private void drawMiningPage(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
+ FontRenderer fr = Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj;
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(pv_mining);
+ Utils.drawTexturedRect(guiLeft, guiTop, sizeX, sizeY, GL11.GL_NEAREST);
+ JsonObject profileInfo = profile.getProfileInformation(profileId);
+ if (profileInfo == null) return;
+ JsonObject skillInfo = profile.getSkillInfo(profileId);
+ float xStart = 22;
+ float xOffset = 103;
+ float yStartTop = 27;
+ float yStartBottom = 105;
+ float yOffset = 10;
+ int x = guiLeft + 23;
+ int y = guiTop + 25;
+ int sectionWidth = 110;
+ JsonObject leveling = Constants.LEVELING;
+ ProfileViewer.Level levelObjhotm = levelObjhotms.get(profileId);
+ if (levelObjhotm == null) {
+ float hotmXp = Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.experience"), 0);
+ levelObjhotm = ProfileViewer.getLevel(Utils.getElement(leveling, "HOTM").getAsJsonArray(),
+ hotmXp, 7, false);
+ levelObjhotms.put(profileId, levelObjhotm);
+ }
+ String skillName = EnumChatFormatting.RED + "HOTM";
+ //The stats that show
+ float mithrilPowder = Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.powder_mithril"), 0);
+ float gemstonePowder = Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.powder_gemstone"), 0);
+ float mithrilPowderTotal = Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.powder_spent_mithril"), 0);
+ float gemstonePowderTotal = (Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.powder_spent_gemstone"), 0));
+ String jadeCrystal = (Utils.getElementAsString(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.crystals.jade_crystal.state"), "Not Found"));
+ float crystalPlacedAmount = (Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.crystals.jade_crystal.total_placed"), 0));
+ String jadeCrystalString = "§c✖";
+ String amethystCrystal = (Utils.getElementAsString(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.crystals.amethyst_crystal.state"), "Not Found"));
+ String amethystCrystalString = "§c✖";
+ String amberCrystal = (Utils.getElementAsString(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.crystals.amber_crystal.state"), "Not Found"));
+ String amberCrystalString = "§c✖";
+ String sapphireCrystal = (Utils.getElementAsString(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.crystals.sapphire_crystal.state"), "Not Found"));
+ String sapphireCrystalString = "§c✖";
+ String topazCrystal = (Utils.getElementAsString(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.crystals.topaz_crystal.state"), "Not Found"));
+ String topazCrystalString = "§c✖";
+ String jasperCrystal = (Utils.getElementAsString(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.crystals.jasper_crystal.state"), "Not Found"));
+ String jasperCrystalString = "§c✖";
+ String rubyCrystal = (Utils.getElementAsString(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.crystals.ruby_crystal.state"), "Not Found"));
+ String rubyCrystalString = "§c✖";
+ int miningFortune = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.mining_fortune"), 0)));
+ int miningFortuneStat = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.mining_fortune"), 0)) * 5);
+ int miningSpeed = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.mining_speed"), 0)));
+ int miningSpeedStat = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.mining_speed"), 0)) * 20);
+ int dailyPowder = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.daily_powder"), 0)));
+ int dailyPowderStat = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.daily_powder"), 0)) * 36 + 364);
+ int effMiner = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.efficient_miner"), 0)));
+ float effMinerStat = (float) ((Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.efficient_miner"), 0)) * 0.4 + 10.4);
+ float effMinerStat2 = (float) ((Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.efficient_miner"), 0)) * .06 + 0.31);
+ int tittyInsane = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.titanium_insanium"), 0)));
+ float tittyInsaneStat = (float) ((Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.titanium_insanium"), 0)) * .1 + 2);
+ int luckofcave = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.random_event"), 0)));
+ int luckofcaveStat = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.random_event"), 0)));
+ int madMining = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.mining_madness"), 0)));
+ int skyMall = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.daily_effect"), 0)));
+ int goblinKiller = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.goblin_killer"), 0)));
+ int seasonMine = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.mining_experience"), 0)));
+ float seasonMineStat = (float) ((Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.mining_experience"), 0)) * 0.1 + 5);
+ int quickForge = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.forge_time"), 0)));
+ float quickForgeStat = (float) ((Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.forge_time"), 0)) * .5 + 10);
+ int frontLoad = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.front_loaded"), 0)));
+ int orbit = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.experience_orbs"), 0)));
+ float orbitStat = (float) ((Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.experience_orbs"), 0)) * .01 + 0.2);
+ int crystallized = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.fallen_star_bonus"), 0)));
+ int crystallizedStat = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.fallen_star_bonus"), 0)) * 6 + 14);
+ int professional = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.professional"), 0)));
+ int professionalStat = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.professional"), 0)) * 5 + 50);
+ int greatExplorer = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.great_explorer"), 0)));
+ int greatExplorerStat = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.great_explorer"), 0)) * 4 + 16);
+ int fortunate = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.fortunate"), 0)));
+ int fortunateStat = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.fortunate"), 0)) * 4 + 20);
+ int lonesomeMiner = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.lonesome_miner"), 0)));
+ float lonesomeMinerStat = (float) ((Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.lonesome_miner"), 0)) * .5 + 5);
+ int miningFortune2 = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.mining_fortune_2"), 0)));
+ int miningFortune2Stat = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.mining_fortune_2"), 0)) * 5);
+ int miningSpeed2 = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.mining_speed_2"), 0)));
+ int miningSpeed2Stat = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.mining_speed_2"), 0)) * 40);
+ int miningSpeedBoost = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.mining_speed_boost"), 0)));
+ int veinSeeker = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.vein_seeker"), 0)));
+ int powderBuff = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.powder_buff"), 0)));
+ int potm = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.special_0"), 0)));
+ int fortnite = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.precision_mining"), 0)));
+ int starPowder = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.star_powder"), 0)));
+ int pickoblus = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.pickaxe_toss"), 0)));
+ int maniacMiner = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.maniac_miner"), 0)));
+ if (effMinerStat2 < 1) {
+ effMinerStat2 = 1;
+ }
+ int moul = ((Utils.getElementAsInt(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.mole"), 0)));
+ float moulStat = (float) ((Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.nodes.mole"), 0)) * 0.051);
+ double moleperkstat = (double) moul / 20 - 0.55 + 50;
+ double moleperkstat2 = (double) Math.round(moleperkstat * 100) / 100;
+ float output = (float) (moleperkstat2 % 1) * 100;
+ if (output == 0) {
+ output = 100;
+ }
+ //The logic for some of the stats
+ if (Objects.equals(jadeCrystal, "NOT_FOUND")) {
+ jadeCrystalString = "§c✖";
+ } else if (Objects.equals(jadeCrystal, "FOUND")) {
+ jadeCrystalString = "§a✔";
+ }
+ if (Objects.equals(amethystCrystal, "NOT_FOUND")) {
+ amethystCrystalString = "§c✖";
+ } else if (Objects.equals(amethystCrystal, "FOUND")) {
+ amethystCrystalString = "§a✔";
+ }
+ if (Objects.equals(amberCrystal, "NOT_FOUND")) {
+ amberCrystalString = "§c✖";
+ } else if (Objects.equals(amberCrystal, "FOUND")) {
+ amberCrystalString = "§a✔";
+ }
+ if (Objects.equals(sapphireCrystal, "NOT_FOUND")) {
+ sapphireCrystalString = "§c✖";
+ } else if (Objects.equals(sapphireCrystal, "FOUND")) {
+ sapphireCrystalString = "§a✔";
+ }
+ if (Objects.equals(topazCrystal, "NOT_FOUND")) {
+ topazCrystalString = "§c✖";
+ } else if (Objects.equals(topazCrystal, "FOUND")) {
+ topazCrystalString = "§a✔";
+ }
+ if (Objects.equals(jasperCrystal, "NOT_FOUND")) {
+ jasperCrystalString = "§c✖";
+ } else if (Objects.equals(jasperCrystal, "FOUND")) {
+ jasperCrystalString = "§a✔";
+ }
+ if (Objects.equals(rubyCrystal, "NOT_FOUND")) {
+ rubyCrystalString = "§c✖";
+ } else if (Objects.equals(rubyCrystal, "FOUND")) {
+ rubyCrystalString = "§a✔";
+ }
+ //The rendering of the stats
+ //hotm level
+ renderXpBar(skillName, iron_pick, x, y, sectionWidth, levelObjhotm, mouseX, mouseY);
+ //Powder
+ Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GREEN + "Mithril Powder", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + shortNumberFormat(mithrilPowder, 0),
+ guiLeft + xStart, guiTop + yStartTop + 24, 115);
+ Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.LIGHT_PURPLE + "Gemstone Powder", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + shortNumberFormat(gemstonePowder, 0),
+ guiLeft + xStart, guiTop + yStartTop + 44, 115);
+ Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GREEN + "Total Mithril Powder", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + shortNumberFormat(mithrilPowderTotal + mithrilPowder, 0),
+ guiLeft + xStart, guiTop + yStartTop + 34, 115);
+ Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.LIGHT_PURPLE + "Total Gemstone Powder", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + shortNumberFormat(gemstonePowderTotal + gemstonePowder, 0),
+ guiLeft + xStart, guiTop + yStartTop + 54, 115);
+ //Crystals
+ Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "Jade Crystal:", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + jadeCrystalString,
+ guiLeft + xStart, guiTop + yStartTop + 74, 110);
+ Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "Amber Crystal:", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + amberCrystalString,
+ guiLeft + xStart, guiTop + yStartTop + 84, 110);
+ Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE + "Amethyst Crystal:", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + amethystCrystalString,
+ guiLeft + xStart, guiTop + yStartTop + 94, 110);
+ Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Sapphire Crystal:", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + sapphireCrystalString,
+ guiLeft + xStart, guiTop + yStartTop + 104, 110);
+ Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "Topaz Crystal:", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + topazCrystalString,
+ guiLeft + xStart, guiTop + yStartTop + 114, 110);
+ Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.LIGHT_PURPLE + "Jasper Crystal:", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + jasperCrystalString,
+ guiLeft + xStart, guiTop + yStartTop + 124, 110);
+ Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.RED + "Ruby Crystal:", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + rubyCrystalString,
+ guiLeft + xStart, guiTop + yStartTop + 134, 110);
+ Utils.renderAlignedString(EnumChatFormatting.BLUE + "Total Placed Crystals:", EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + shortNumberFormat(crystalPlacedAmount, 0),
+ guiLeft + xStart, guiTop + yStartTop + 149, 110);
+ //hotm render
+ //Pain
+ //if (miningSpeed == 0) {
+ boolean miningSpeedunlocked = (miningSpeed > 0);
+ List<String> miningSpeedTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((miningSpeedunlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 255), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 138));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 255 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 271) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 138 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 154) {
+ miningSpeedTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (miningSpeedunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Mining Speed",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Level " + miningSpeed + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/50",
+ "",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Grants " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "+" + miningSpeedStat + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + " ⸕ Mining",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "Speed" + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(miningSpeedTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ miningSpeedTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean miningFortuneunlocked = (miningFortune > 0);
+ List<String> miningFortuneTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((miningFortuneunlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 255), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 114));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 255 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 271) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 114 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 130) {
+ miningFortuneTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (miningSpeedunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Mining Fortune",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Level " + miningFortune + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/50",
+ "",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Grants " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "+" + miningFortuneStat + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + " ☘ Mining",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "Fortune" + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(miningFortuneTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ miningFortuneTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean tittyInsaneunlocked = (tittyInsane > 0);
+ List<String> tittyInsaneTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((tittyInsaneunlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 231), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 114));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 231 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 247) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 114 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 130) {
+ tittyInsaneTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (tittyInsaneunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Titanium Insanium",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Level " + tittyInsane + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/50",
+ "",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "When mining Mithril Ore, you",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "have a " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + tittyInsaneStat + "% " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "chance to",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "convert the block into Titanium",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Ore."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(tittyInsaneTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ tittyInsaneTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (miningSpeedBoost == 0) {
+ if (potm == 0) {
+ List<String> mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.coal_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 207), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 114));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 207 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 223) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 114 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 130) {
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.RED + "Mining Speed Boost",
+ "",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Pickaxe Ability: Mining Speed Boost",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Grants " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "200% " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "⸕ Mining",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "Speed " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "for " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "15s" + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY,
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "Cooldown: " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "120s"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(mngspeedBoostTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (potm > 0) {
+ List<String> mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.coal_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 207), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 114));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 207 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 223) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 114 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 130) {
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.RED + "Mining Speed Boost",
+ "",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Pickaxe Ability: Mining Speed Boost",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Grants " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "300% " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "⸕ Mining",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "Speed " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "for " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "20s" + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY,
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "Cooldown: " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "120s"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(mngspeedBoostTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (miningSpeedBoost > 0) {
+ if (potm == 0) {
+ List<String> mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.emerald_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 207), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 114));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 207 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 223) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 114 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 130) {
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "Mining Speed Boost",
+ "",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Pickaxe Ability: Mining Speed Boost",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Grants " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "200% " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "⸕ Mining",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "Speed " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "for " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "15s" + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY,
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "Cooldown: " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "120s"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(mngspeedBoostTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (potm > 0) {
+ List<String> mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.emerald_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 207), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 114));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 207 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 223) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 114 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 130) {
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "Mining Speed Boost",
+ "",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Pickaxe Ability: Mining Speed Boost",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Grants " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "300% " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "⸕ Mining",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "Speed " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "for " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "20s" + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY,
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "Cooldown: " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "120s"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(mngspeedBoostTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (veinSeeker == 0) {
+ List<String> mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.coal_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 183), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 18));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 183 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 199) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 18 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 34) {
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.RED + "Vein Seeker",
+ "",
+ "§6Pickaxe Ability: Vein Seeker",
+ "§7Points in the direction of the",
+ "§7nearest vein and grants §a+§a3§7",
+ "§7§6Mining Spread §7for §a14s§7§7.",
+ "§8Cooldown: §a60s"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(mngspeedBoostTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (veinSeeker > 0) {
+ List<String> mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.emerald_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 183), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 18));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 183 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 199) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 18 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 34) {
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "Vein Seeker",
+ "",
+ "§6Pickaxe Ability: Vein Seeker",
+ "§7Points in the direction of the",
+ "§7nearest vein and grants §a+§a3§7",
+ "§7§6Mining Spread §7for §a14s§7§7.",
+ "§8Cooldown: §a60s"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(mngspeedBoostTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ boolean luckofcaveunlocked = (luckofcave > 0);
+ List<String> luckofcaveTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((luckofcaveunlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 207), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 90));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 207 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 223) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 90 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 106) {
+ luckofcaveTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (luckofcaveunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Luck of the Cave",
+ "§7Level " + luckofcave + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/45",
+ "",
+ "§7Increases the chance for you to",
+ "§7trigger rare occurrences im",
+ "§2Dwarven Mines by " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + luckofcaveStat + "%§7."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(luckofcaveTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ luckofcaveTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean dailyPowderunlocked = (dailyPowder > 0);
+ List<String> dailyPowderTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((dailyPowderunlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 255), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 90));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 255 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 271) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 90 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 106) {
+ dailyPowderTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (dailyPowderunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Daily Powder",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Level " + dailyPowder + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/100",
+ "",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Gains " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + dailyPowderStat + " Powder" + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + " from the",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "first ore you mine every day.",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Works for all Powder types."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(dailyPowderTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ dailyPowderTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean effMinerunlocked = (effMiner > 0);
+ List<String> effMinerTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((effMinerunlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 255), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 66));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 255 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 271) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 66 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 82) {
+ effMinerTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (effMinerunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Efficient Miner",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Level " + effMiner + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/100",
+ "",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "When mining ores, you have a",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "" + effMinerStat + "%" + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + " chance to mine " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + Math.round(effMinerStat2),
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "adjacent ores."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(effMinerTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ effMinerTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ //AaaaaaaAaaAaA
+ if (potm == 5) {
+ List<String> potmTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.redstone_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 255), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 42));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ //Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(potmUnlocked);
+ //Utils.drawTexturedRect(guiLeft + xStart + 255, guiTop + yStartTop + 42, 16, 16, GL11.GL_NEAREST);
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 255 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 271) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 42 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 58) {
+ potmTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "Peak of the Mountain",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Level " + potm + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/5",
+ "",
+ "§7§8+§c1 Pickaxe Ability Level",
+ "§7§8+§51 Token of the Mountain",
+ "§7§8+§a1 Forge Slot",
+ "§7§8+§a1 Commission Slot",
+ "§7§8+§21 Mithril Powder §7when",
+ "§7mining §fMithril",
+ "§7§8+§51 Token of the Mountain"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(potmTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ potmTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (potm == 4) {
+ List<String> potmTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.redstone_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 255), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 42));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 255 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 271) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 42 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 58) {
+ potmTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "Peak of the Mountain",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Level " + potm + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/5",
+ "",
+ "§7§8+§c1 Pickaxe Ability Level",
+ "§7§8+§51 Token of the Mountain",
+ "§7§8+§a1 Forge Slot",
+ "§7§8+§a1 Commission Slot",
+ "§7§8+§21 Mithril Powder §7when",
+ "§7mining §fMithril"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(potmTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ potmTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (potm == 3) {
+ List<String> potmTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.redstone_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 255), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 42));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 255 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 271) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 42 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 58) {
+ potmTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "Peak of the Mountain",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Level " + potm + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/5",
+ "",
+ "§7§8+§c1 Pickaxe Ability Level",
+ "§7§8+§51 Token of the Mountain",
+ "§7§8+§a1 Forge Slot",
+ "§7§8+§a1 Commission Slot"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(potmTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ potmTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (potm == 2) {
+ List<String> potmTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.redstone_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 255), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 42));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 255 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 271) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 42 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 58) {
+ potmTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "Peak of the Mountain",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Level " + potm + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/5",
+ "",
+ "§7§8+§c1 Pickaxe Ability Level",
+ "§7§8+§51 Token of the Mountain",
+ "§7§8+§a1 Forge Slot"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(potmTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ potmTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (potm == 1) {
+ List<String> potmTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.redstone_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 255), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 42));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 255 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 271) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 42 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 58) {
+ potmTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "Peak of the Mountain",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Level " + potm + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/5",
+ "",
+ "§7§8+§c1 Pickaxe Ability Level",
+ "§7§8+§51 Token of the Mountain"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(potmTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ potmTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (potm == 0) {
+ List<String> potmTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.bedrock), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 255), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 42));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 255 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 271) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 42 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 58) {
+ potmTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.RED + "Peak of the Mountain",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Level " + potm + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/5"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(potmTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ potmTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //aaaaa
+ //aaa
+ boolean moulunlocked = (moul > 0);
+ List<String> moulTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((moulunlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 255), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 18));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 255 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 271) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 18 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 34) {
+ moulTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (moulunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Mole",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Level " + moul + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/190",
+ "",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "When mining hard stone, you have",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "a " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + output + "% " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "chance to mine " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "" + Math.round(moulStat) + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + " adjacent hard stone blocks."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(moulTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ moulTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean powderBuffunlocked = (powderBuff > 0);
+ List<String> powderBuffTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((powderBuffunlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 255), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop - 6));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 255 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 271) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop - 6 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 10) {
+ powderBuffTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (powderBuffunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Powder Buff",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Level " + powderBuff + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/50",
+ "",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Gain " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + powderBuff + "% " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "more Mithril",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "Powder and Gemstone Powder§7."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(powderBuffTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ powderBuffTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean skyMallunlocked = (skyMall > 0);
+ List<String> skyMallTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((skyMallunlocked ? Items.diamond : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 183), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 66));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 183 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 199) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 66 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 82) {
+ skyMallTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (skyMallunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Sky Mall",
+ "§7Every SkyBlock day, you receive",
+ "§7a random buff in the §2Dwarven",
+ "§2Mines§7.",
+ "",
+ "§7Possible Buffs",
+ "§8 ■ §7Gain §a+100 §6⸕ Mining Speed.",
+ "§8 ■ §7Gain §a+50 §6☘ Mining Fortune.",
+ "§8 ■ §7Gain §a+15% §7chance to gain",
+ " §7extra Powder while mining.",
+ "§8 ■ §7Reduce Pickaxe Ability cooldown",
+ " §7by §a20%", "§8 ■ §7§a10x §7chance to find Goblins",
+ " §7while mining.",
+ "§8 ■ §7Gain §a5x §9Titanium §7drops."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(skyMallTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ skyMallTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean goblinKillerunlocked = (goblinKiller > 0);
+ List<String> goblinKillerTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((goblinKillerunlocked ? Items.diamond : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 207), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 42));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 207 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 223) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 42 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 58) {
+ goblinKillerTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (goblinKillerunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Goblin Killer",
+ "§7Killing a §6Golden Goblin",
+ "§6§7gives §2200 §7extra §2Mithril",
+ "§2Powder§7, while killing other",
+ "§7Goblins gives some based on",
+ "§7their wits."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(goblinKillerTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ goblinKillerTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean seasonMineunlocked = (seasonMine > 0);
+ List<String> seasonMineTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((seasonMineunlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 231), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 66));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 231 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 247) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 66 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 82) {
+ seasonMineTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (seasonMineunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Seasoned Mineman",
+ "§7Level " + seasonMine + "§8/100",
+ "",
+ "§7Increases your Mining",
+ "§7experience gain by " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + seasonMineStat + "%§7."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(seasonMineTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ seasonMineTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean madMiningunlocked = (madMining > 0);
+ List<String> madMiningTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((madMiningunlocked ? Items.diamond : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 207), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 66));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 207 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 223) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 66 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 82) {
+ madMiningTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (madMiningunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Mining Madness",
+ "§7Grants §a+50 §6⸕ Mining Speed",
+ "§7and §6☘ Mining Fortune§7."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(madMiningTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ madMiningTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean lonesomeMinerunlocked = (lonesomeMiner > 0);
+ List<String> lonesomeMinerTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((lonesomeMinerunlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 207), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 18));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 207 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 223) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 18 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 34) {
+ lonesomeMinerTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (lonesomeMinerunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Lonesome Miner",
+ "§7Level " + lonesomeMiner + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/45",
+ "",
+ "§7Increases §c❁ Strength, §9☣ Crit",
+ "§9Chance, §9☠ Crit Damage, §a❈",
+ "§aDefense, and §c❤ Health",
+ "§c§7statistics gain by " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + lonesomeMinerStat + "%§7",
+ "§7while in the Crystal Hollows."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(lonesomeMinerTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ lonesomeMinerTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean professionalunlocked = (professional > 0);
+ List<String> professionalTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((professionalunlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 231), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 18));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 231 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 247) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 18 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 34) {
+ professionalTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (professionalunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Professional",
+ "§7Level " + professional + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/140",
+ "",
+ "§7Gain §a+" + professionalStat + "§6 ⸕ Mining",
+ "§6Speed§7 when mining Gemstones."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(professionalTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ professionalTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean miningSpeed2unlocked = (miningSpeed2 > 0);
+ List<String> miningSpeed2Tooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((miningSpeed2unlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 207), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop - 6));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 207 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 223) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop - 6 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 10) {
+ miningSpeed2Tooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (miningSpeed2unlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Mining Speed 2",
+ "§7Level " + miningSpeed2 + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/50",
+ "",
+ "§7Grants " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "+" + miningSpeed2Stat + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + " ⸕ Mining",
+ "§6Speed§7."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(miningSpeed2Tooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ miningSpeed2Tooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean quickForgeunlocked = (quickForge > 0);
+ List<String> quickForgeTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((quickForgeunlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 279), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 114));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 279 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 295) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 114 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 130) {
+ quickForgeTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (quickForgeunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Quick Forge",
+ "§7Level " + quickForge + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/20",
+ "",
+ "§7Decreases the time it takes to",
+ "§7forge by §a" + quickForgeStat + "%§7."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(quickForgeTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ quickForgeTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean fortunateunlocked = (fortunate > 0);
+ List<String> fortunateTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((fortunateunlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 279), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 18));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 279 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 295) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 18 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 34) {
+ fortunateTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (fortunateunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Fortunate",
+ "§7Level " + fortunate + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/20",
+ "",
+ "§7Gain " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "+" + fortunateStat + " §6☘ Mining",
+ "§6Fortune§7 when mining Gemstones."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(fortunateTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ fortunateTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean greatExplorerunlocked = (greatExplorer > 0);
+ List<String> greatExplorerTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((greatExplorerunlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 302), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 18));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 303 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 319) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 18 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 34) {
+ greatExplorerTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (greatExplorerunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Great Explorer",
+ "§7Level " + greatExplorer + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/20",
+ "",
+ "§7Grants " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + greatExplorerStat + "% " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "chance to",
+ "§7find treasure."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(greatExplorerTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ greatExplorerTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean miningFortune2unlocked = (miningFortune2 > 0);
+ List<String> miningFortune2Tooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((miningFortune2unlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 303), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop - 6));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 303 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 319) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop - 6 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 10) {
+ miningFortune2Tooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (miningFortune2unlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Mining Fortune 2",
+ "§7Level " + miningFortune2 + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/50",
+ "",
+ "§7Grants §a+§a" + miningFortune2Stat + "§7 §6☘ Mining", "§6Fortune§7."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(miningFortune2Tooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ miningFortune2Tooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean orbitunlocked = (orbit > 0);
+ List<String> orbitTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((orbitunlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 279), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 66));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 279 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 295) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 66 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 82) {
+ orbitTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (orbitunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Orbiter",
+ "§7Level " + orbit + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/80",
+ "",
+ "§7When mining ores, you have a",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "" + orbitStat + "%" + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + " chance to get a random",
+ "§7amount of experience orbs."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(orbitTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ orbitTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean frontLoadunlocked = (frontLoad > 0);
+ List<String> frontLoadTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((frontLoadunlocked ? Items.diamond : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 303), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 66));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 303 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 319) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 66 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 82) {
+ frontLoadTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (frontLoadunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Front Loaded",
+ "§7Grants §a+100 §6⸕ Mining Speed",
+ "§7and §6☘ Mining Fortune §7for",
+ "§7the first §e2,500 §7ores you",
+ "§7mine in a day."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(frontLoadTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ frontLoadTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean starPowderunlocked = (starPowder > 0);
+ List<String> starPowderTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((starPowderunlocked ? Items.diamond : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 303), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 42));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 303 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 319) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 42 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 58) {
+ starPowderTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (starPowderunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Star Powder",
+ "§7Mining Mithril Ore near §5Fallen",
+ "§5Crystals §7gives §a+3 §7extra",
+ "§7Mithril Powder§7."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(starPowderTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ starPowderTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean fortniteunlocked = (fortnite > 0);
+ List<String> fortniteTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((fortniteunlocked ? Items.diamond : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 327), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 66));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 327 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 343) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 66 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 82) {
+ fortniteTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (fortniteunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Precision Mining",
+ "§7When mining ore, a particle",
+ "§7target appears on the block that",
+ "§7increases your §6⸕ Mining Speed",
+ "§7by §a30% §7when aiming at it."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(fortniteTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ fortniteTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean crystallizedunlocked = (crystallized > 0);
+ List<String> crystallizedTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack((crystallizedunlocked ? Items.emerald : Items.coal)), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 303), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 90));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 303 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 319) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 90 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 106) {
+ crystallizedTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (crystallizedunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Crystallized",
+ "§7Level " + crystallized + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "/30",
+ "",
+ "§7Grants §a+§a" + crystallizedStat + "§7 §6⸕ Mining",
+ "§6Speed §7and a §a" + crystallizedStat + "%§7 §7chance",
+ "§7to deal §a+1 §7extra damage near",
+ "§7§5Fallen Stars§7."
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(crystallizedTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ crystallizedTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pickoblus == 0) {
+ if (potm == 0) {
+ List<String> mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.coal_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 303), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 114));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 303 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 319) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 114 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 130) {
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ (miningSpeedunlocked ? EnumChatFormatting.GREEN : EnumChatFormatting.RED) + "Pickobulus",
+ "",
+ "§6Pickaxe Ability: Pickobulus",
+ "§7Throw your pickaxe to create an",
+ "§7explosion on impact, mining all",
+ "§7ores within a §a2§7 block",
+ "§7radius.",
+ "§8Cooldown: §a120s"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(mngspeedBoostTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (potm > 0) {
+ List<String> mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.coal_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 303), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 114));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 303 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 319) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 114 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 130) {
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.RED + "Pickobulus",
+ "",
+ "§6Pickaxe Ability: Pickobulus",
+ "§7Throw your pickaxe to create an",
+ "§7explosion on impact, mining all",
+ "§7ores within a §a2§7 block",
+ "§7radius.",
+ "§8Cooldown: §a110s"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(mngspeedBoostTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pickoblus > 0) {
+ if (potm == 0) {
+ List<String> mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.emerald_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 303), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 114));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 303 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 319) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 114 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 130) {
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "Pickobulus",
+ "",
+ "§6Pickaxe Ability: Pickobulus",
+ "§7Throw your pickaxe to create an",
+ "§7explosion on impact, mining all",
+ "§7ores within a §a2§7 block",
+ "§7radius.",
+ "§8Cooldown: §a120s"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(mngspeedBoostTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (potm > 0) {
+ List<String> mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.emerald_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 303), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 114));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 303 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 319) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 114 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 130) {
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "Pickobulus",
+ "",
+ "§6Pickaxe Ability: Pickobulus",
+ "§7Throw your pickaxe to create an",
+ "§7explosion on impact, mining all",
+ "§7ores within a §a2§7 block",
+ "§7radius.",
+ "§8Cooldown: §a110s"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(mngspeedBoostTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (maniacMiner == 0) {
+ List<String> mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.coal_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 327), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 18));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 327 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 343) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 18 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 34) {
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.RED + "Maniac Miner",
+ "",
+ "§6Pickaxe Ability: Maniac Miner",
+ "§7Spends all your Mana and grants",
+ "§7§a+1 §6⸕ Mining Speed §7for",
+ "§7every 10 Mana spent, for",
+ "§7§a§a15s§7§7.",
+ "§8Cooldown: §a59s"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(mngspeedBoostTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (maniacMiner > 0) {
+ List<String> mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ GlStateManager.disableLighting();
+ RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting();
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(new ItemStack(Blocks.emerald_block), (int) (guiLeft + xStart + 327), (int) (guiTop + yStartTop + 18));
+ GlStateManager.enableLighting();
+ if (mouseX >= guiLeft + xStart + 327 && mouseX < guiLeft + xStart + 343) {
+ if (mouseY >= guiTop + yStartTop + 18 && mouseY <= guiTop + yStartTop + 34) {
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = Lists.newArrayList(
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "Maniac Miner",
+ "",
+ "§6Pickaxe Ability: Maniac Miner",
+ "§7Spends all your Mana and grants",
+ "§7§a+1 §6⸕ Mining Speed §7for",
+ "§7every 10 Mana spent, for",
+ "§7§a§a15s§7§7.",
+ "§8Cooldown: §a59s"
+ );
+ Utils.drawHoveringText(mngspeedBoostTooltip, mouseX, mouseY, width, height, -1, fr);
+ mngspeedBoostTooltip = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
private String getTimeSinceString(JsonObject profileInfo, String path) {
JsonElement lastSaveElement = Utils.getElement(profileInfo, path);
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/ProfileViewer.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/ProfileViewer.java
index 1de24257..de6dc467 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/ProfileViewer.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/ProfileViewer.java
@@ -692,6 +692,7 @@ public class ProfileViewer {
float experience_skill_fishing = Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "experience_skill_fishing"), 0);
float experience_skill_alchemy = Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "experience_skill_alchemy"), 0);
float experience_skill_runecrafting = Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "experience_skill_runecrafting"), 0);
+ float experience_skill_hotm = Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "mining_core.experience"), 0);
float experience_skill_catacombs = Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "dungeons.dungeon_types.catacombs.experience"), 0);
@@ -721,6 +722,7 @@ public class ProfileViewer {
skillInfo.addProperty("experience_skill_fishing", experience_skill_fishing);
skillInfo.addProperty("experience_skill_alchemy", experience_skill_alchemy);
skillInfo.addProperty("experience_skill_runecrafting", experience_skill_runecrafting);
+ skillInfo.addProperty("experience_skill_hotm", experience_skill_hotm);
skillInfo.addProperty("experience_skill_catacombs", experience_skill_catacombs);
@@ -741,9 +743,9 @@ public class ProfileViewer {
Level level_skill_combat = getLevel(levelingArray, experience_skill_combat, getCap(leveling, "combat"), false);
Level level_skill_fishing = getLevel(levelingArray, experience_skill_fishing, getCap(leveling, "fishing"), false);
Level level_skill_alchemy = getLevel(levelingArray, experience_skill_alchemy, getCap(leveling, "alchemy"), false);
+ Level level_skill_hotm = getLevel(levelingArray, experience_skill_hotm, getCap(leveling, "HOTM"), false);
Level level_skill_runecrafting = getLevel(Utils.getElement(leveling, "runecrafting_xp").getAsJsonArray(),
experience_skill_runecrafting, getCap(leveling, "runecrafting"), false);
Level level_skill_catacombs = getLevel(Utils.getElement(leveling, "catacombs").getAsJsonArray(),
experience_skill_catacombs, getCap(leveling, "catacombs"), false);
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/util/GuiTextures.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/util/GuiTextures.java
index 5a3e55aa..8b9376f4 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/util/GuiTextures.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/util/GuiTextures.java
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ public class GuiTextures {
public static final ResourceLocation item_mask = new ResourceLocation("notenoughupdates:item_mask.png");
public static final ResourceLocation item_haschild = new ResourceLocation("notenoughupdates:item_haschild.png");
public static final ResourceLocation button_tex = new ResourceLocation("notenoughupdates:button.png");
+ public static final ResourceLocation button_fsr = new ResourceLocation("notenoughupdates:FSR_do_not_texture_this_please.png");
public static final ResourceLocation setting_border = new ResourceLocation("notenoughupdates:setting_border.png");
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/util/Utils.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/util/Utils.java
index 0845c7f6..b965c0c4 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/util/Utils.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/util/Utils.java
@@ -455,21 +455,22 @@ public class Utils {
return str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1).toLowerCase();
- public static String[] rarityArr = new String[]{
+ public static String[] rarityArr = new String[] {
- public static String[] rarityArrC = new String[]{
- EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString() + "COMMON",
- EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString() + "UNCOMMON",
- EnumChatFormatting.BLUE + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString() + "RARE",
- EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString() + "EPIC",
- EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString() + "LEGENDARY",
- EnumChatFormatting.LIGHT_PURPLE + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString() + "MYTHIC",
- EnumChatFormatting.RED + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString() + "SPECIAL",
- EnumChatFormatting.RED + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString() + "VERY SPECIAL",
- EnumChatFormatting.DARK_RED + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString() + "SUPREME",
- EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString() + "DIVINE",
+ public static String[] rarityArrC = new String[] {
+ EnumChatFormatting.WHITE+EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString()+"COMMON",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GREEN+EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString()+"UNCOMMON",
+ EnumChatFormatting.BLUE+EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString()+"RARE",
+ EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE+EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString()+"EPIC",
+ EnumChatFormatting.GOLD+EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString()+"LEGENDARY",
+ EnumChatFormatting.LIGHT_PURPLE+EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString()+"MYTHIC",
+ EnumChatFormatting.RED+EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString()+"SPECIAL",
+ EnumChatFormatting.RED+EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString()+"VERY SPECIAL",
+ EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString()+"DIVINE",
+ EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString()+"DIVINE",
+ //EnumChatFormatting.AQUA+EnumChatFormatting.BOLD.toString()+"DIVINE",
public static final HashMap<String, String> rarityArrMap = new HashMap<>();
@@ -483,8 +484,8 @@ public class Utils {
rarityArrMap.put("MYTHIC", rarityArrC[5]);
rarityArrMap.put("SPECIAL", rarityArrC[6]);
rarityArrMap.put("VERY SPECIAL", rarityArrC[7]);
- rarityArrMap.put("SUPREME", rarityArrC[8]);
- rarityArrMap.put("DIVINE", rarityArrC[9]);
+ rarityArrMap.put("DIVINE", rarityArrC[8]);
+ //rarityArrMap.put("DIVINE", rarityArrC[9]);
@@ -1033,6 +1034,14 @@ public class Utils {
return prim.getAsFloat();
+ public static int getElementAsInt(JsonElement element, int def) {
+ if (element == null) return def;
+ if (!element.isJsonPrimitive()) return def;
+ JsonPrimitive prim = element.getAsJsonPrimitive();
+ if (!prim.isNumber()) return def;
+ return prim.getAsInt();
+ }
public static String getElementAsString(JsonElement element, String def) {
if (element == null) return def;
if (!element.isJsonPrimitive()) return def;