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<h1 align="center"> NotEnoughUpdates </h1>

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NotEnoughUpdates (NEU) is a feature rich 1.8.9 Minecraft forge mod for Hypixel Skyblock.

## Getting Started

<u>**Installing Forge:**</u>

1. Run normal Minecraft 1.8.9 and once it reaches the title screen wait about 5 seconds and close it.
2. Install Minecraft **1.8.9** forge from the [forge website](http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.8.9.html)
   - Once you click on the installer you'd like to download, a window will pop up. **Do not click on anything in the middle of your screen**; instead, click on the `skip ad` button towards the top right
3. Open the installer, select install client, and click install
4. When forge is installed, open the Minecraft launcher, go under the `installations tab`, click `new installation`, select the version release `1.8.9-forge1.8.9-11.15.1.xxxx` (it will usually be all the way towards the bottom).
5. Once you are done, run this new installation that you just created. Once it reaches the title screen, wait about 5 seconds and close it.

<u>**Installing the NotEnoughUpdates mod:**</u>

1. Download the latest mod [release](https://github.com/Moulberry/NotEnoughUpdates/releases). If it says `this file may harm your computer`, click `allow anyways` as all java files will be flagged by Chrome.
2. Add the NEU mod:
   - If you have java installed, double click the file, click `install`
   - If not, press the windows key + R; type `%appdata%`; click on the folder called `.minecraft`; click on the folder called `mods` and drag the mods file in here.
3. Open the Minecraft launcher and run your forge installation you set up earlier.
4. Then, hop onto Skyblock and run the command `/api new`. Your api key is automatically filled out and all features should work.
5. Type `/neu`. If you see the NotEnoughUpdates menu, you have done this correctly!

*If you need further assistance feel free to join the [discord](https://discord.gg/moulberry) and ask for help in [#neu-support-1](discord://discord.com/channels/516977525906341928/714332750156660756)*

## Features

- An [item list](https://github.com/Moulberry/NotEnoughUpdates-REPO) containing information and recipes about every item in skyblock.
- A dungeons minimap.
- Dungeon loot profit checker.
- Item overlays for Treecapitator, Builder's Wand, Block Zapper, and Bonemerang.
- An in-game skyblock profile viewer accessed with `/pv [player]`.
- Fully customizable enchant colors accessed with `/neuec [player]`.
- Fairy soul waypoints accessed with `/neusouls`.
- Customizable inventory command buttons accessed with `/neubuttons`.
- The ability to change the line color of fishing rods.
- Onscreen overlays for: Farming, Dwarven Mines, Pets, and the Accessory bag.
- A custom auction house accessed with `/neuah`.
- Solvers for: Enchanting and The Puzzler.
- A custom Action House Search GUI.
- A custom storage GUI.
- A custom enchanting table GUI.
- Slot Locking
- Fishing Particle customization & alerts.
- And much, much, more.