# These are the change notes for NEU 2.1 REL ### **Major Changes:** - Added mining skill overlay - nopo - Added fishing skill overlay - nopo - Added combat skill overlay - nopo - Added slayer overlay - nopo - Added blocking clicks back to the enchanting minigames (because apparently, it's not bannable?) - [Donpireso replied to a sba dev's email about some of sba features, and it seems to imply that blocking clicks in guis aren't bannable](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/823769568933576764/906101631861526559/unknown.png) - Made it if you hold shift in the enchant solvers it overrides prevent missclicks - nopo - Fixed pet overlay not updating when going into /pets - nopo - [Added an armor overlay for the new armor slots](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/832652653292027904/922399046528794634/unknown.png) - Added a pet overlay that shows your active pet in your inventory - nopo - [Price graph for items on /ah and /bz](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/896407218151366687/926968296929107999/unknown.png) - DeDiamondPro - Added wishing compass solver that shows target coordinates, structure, and integrates with Skytils waypoints - CraftyOldMiner - Improved metal detector logic to solve using a single position in most cases using known locations based on Keeper coordinates - CraftyOldMiner - Added support for official Hypixel wiki, can be toggled in /neu misc - DeDiamondPro - Added a calculator (/neucalc help), that also works in the auction house / bazaar - nea89o - Added Minion Helper - hannibal2, Eisengolem & Alea1337 - Added and fixed various things in the profile viewer: - [Added hotm tab](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/659613194066722833/991115131507441724/unknown.png) - nopo - Big thanks to kwev1n for some math and jani for the texture - [Added bingo tab](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/659613194066722833/991115625772625980/unknown.png) - Lulonaut - [Added bingo and stranded profile icons](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/832652653292027904/915844465372065842/unknown.png) - nopo - [Added trophy fishing tab](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/659613194066722833/991114639150698567/unknown.png) - efefury - [Added bestiary tab](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/832652653292027904/991927854776459324/unknown.png) - nopo - Added equipment - nopo - Added blaze slayer level and kills - nopo - Added social level - nopo - Added various new collections and minions - nopo - Added mastermode catacombs xp to level calculator - nopo - Added profile viewer settings to /neu - nopo - Added an unknown icon if neu doesn't recognize your profile type - nopo - Added total xp to catacombs level - efefury - Fixed minion tiers crafted by coop members not showing up in /pv - Lulonaut - Fixed crash in /pv when the player had a pet that is not saved in the repo - Lulonaut ### **Minor Changes:** - Added built-in recipes for forge crafts - nea89 - Added mob drop viewer in the recipe viewer - nea89 - Added stranded villager trades to the item list - nea89 - Added npc shop trades in the recipe viewer - nea89 - Added a config option to hide Dwarven Mines waypoints when already at the location - Lulonaut - Added some info panels to some settings in /neu - nopo - Added Kat Level After Upgrade Estimator - nea89 - Added pitch and coins/m as options in farming skill overlay - nopo - Make it so tab completion in ah search GUI goes down the items - Lulonaut - Added a toggle for enchant glint in storage gui (ty ery for texture) - nopo - Added fairy souls option to /neu misc - nopo - Added separated settings for fairy soul tracking from showing beacons. Tracking is turned on by default. - CraftyOldMiner - Added fairy souls beacons changing color based on their distance - CraftyOldMiner - Make it so fairy souls are tracked independently for each profile - Lulonaut - Added a button in the storage gui to open the settings - nopo - Added an option to change the click names for /pv to /ah - nopo - Added a help menu to /neuec - nopo - Made it so treecap shows foraging xp instead of farming xp on the farming overlay - nopo - Made it so a jungle axe with cult will show the "farming" overlay - nopo - Changed "NEUAH is DISABLED! Enable in /neusettings." to /neu - nopo - Changed misc overlays tab to todo overlays - nopo - Added a config option for npc retexturing - nopo - Added a config option for dirt wand overlay - nopo - Added a config option for hoe of tilling - nopo - Added a config option for etherwarp block overlay - nopo - Added an option to use short numbers (1.5mil) for price tooltips - nopo - Added Drills, Gauntlets and Flares to the itemlist tools category - jani - Added an option to turn off showing next click in chronomatron - nopo - Made inv search mode automatically turn off after 2 minutes - nopo - Made /neustats modlist show normal /neustats if under 15 mods - nopo - Added max enchant book and max attribute shard to /neuec - Dokm - Fixed pet overlay not resetting pet when making new profile - nopo - Added a warning in the tooltip when price info couldn't be found/is outdated - Lulonaut - Added "Has Advanced Tab" to /neustats - nopo - Added custom runes and crab hat system - jani - Removed unused textures - nopo - Added daily powder to todo overlay - efefury - Added a way to include kismet feather to profit calculator - efefury - Added custom sounds for crystal hollow gemstones - nea89 - Added custom biomes for crystal hollow areas - nopo - Added a config option to hide the reforge stats for Legendary items from Hypixel on reforge stones - Lulonaut - Added an option to alert you if you put something for too much onto ah (default 50%) - nopo - Lowest bin alert triggers if lowest bin isnt found - nopo - Crystal Hollows crystal states are now updated when the Heart of the Mountain menu is opened - CraftyOldMiner - Added /neudiag command to enable/disable debug logging and dump diagnostic data - CraftyOldMiner - Added Blaze Slayer information - whalker - Added subcommand to /neupackdev allowing you to get NBT data from nearby mob(s) - whalker - Added subcommand to /neupackdev allowing you to get NBT data from nearby armor stand(s) - whalker - Added additional data to the /neupackdev NPC subcommand - whalker - Added a subcommand to /neupackdev to get the NBT of all mobs, armor stands, and npc in the loaded world - whalker - Added a subcommand to /neupackdev to get the NBT of the closest mob, armor stand, and npc in a radius in the loaded world - whalker - Added optional radius argument for neupackdev subcommands. - whalker - Added tab completion to /neupackdev subcommands. - whalker - Added 6-10 stars to the auction search overlay - nopo - Added 6-10 stars to /neucustomize - nopo - Added support for attributes in neuec - nopo - Added Heavy Pearls to todo overlay - Cobble8 - Added Booster Cookie Warning - 2stinkysocks - Added an option to only search for Level 100 pets in the auction house search overlay - Lulonaut - [Added an error if you have new tab list off](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/896407218151366687/913681097605398528/unknown.png) - nopo - Added Fishing Timer over bobber - nea89 - Added [Auction Profit Viewer Overlay](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/848901833119629332/993191851400101918/176946124-28ddf336-1ec7-460b-b22a-5fe2733b46a3.png) - efefury - Added Trophy Reward Overlay - hannibal2 - Added power stone feature - hannibal2 ### **Bug Fixes:** - Fixed wiki pages freezing the entire game - nea89 - Fixed titanium overlay and waypoints working while having dwarven overlay disabled - nopo - "fixed" divan rarity in NEUAH (scuffed) - nopo - Fixed ram usage in crystal hollows - DokM - Made skills not show int limit when at max level in skill overlays - nopo - Fixed space cape texture - Microcontrollers - Make it so you can hold down keys in sign GUIs - nopo - Fixed api key autofill with dg copy chat feature - nopo - Made missing enchants not show on an item if its not missing any enchants - nopo - Fixed Mining overlay crash - DokM - Fixed pet crash - DokM - Fixed fetchur for the 75th time - nopo - Fixed fishing alert triggering a bit to early / not working with lava fishing - nopo & nea89 - Fixed /locraw detection, [previously allowed chat messages to trigger it](https://github.com/NotEnoughUpdates/NotEnoughUpdates/issues/35) - IRONM00N - Fixed experiment timer in todo overlay - efefury - Fixed replace click events with /pv working in other modes - nopo - Fixed /neuec presets not applying the strikethrough attribute - Lulonaut - Fixed dungeon detection - nopo - Added checks for chat messages for dungeon win overlay - nopo - Fixed some vanilla Minecraft keybinds not working in NEU GUIs - nopo - Fixed crash with spamming remove enchant in /neuec - nopo - Fixed missing enchants not working with shiny items - nopo ### **Other:** - New icons was added in storage_icons.png - Moved the help icon in /neucustomize over a little - Added dg partner cape - Changed custom_enchant_gui.png to remove top right button - Added 4 new textures for the on/off switches in /neu - Code Cleanup - IRONM00N - Renamed Keebler408 to CraftyOldMiner - Added JUnit unit tests for metal detector and wishing compass solver - Custom biome names for crystal hollows: - NeucrystalHollowsPrecursorRemnants - NeucrystalHollowsMithrilDeposit - NeucrystalHollowsGoblinHoldout - NeucrystalHollowsJungle - NeucrystalHollowsMagmaFields - NeucrystalHollowsCrystalNucleus ### **Previous change log** https://github.com/NotEnoughUpdates/NotEnoughUpdates/blob/master/Update%20Notes/2.0-Pre31-Release.md