Branch | Commit message | Author | Age |
aotv | Fix AOTV overlay not working | Linnea Gräf | 15 months |
autoupdate | Merge branch 'master' into autoupdate | NopoTheGamer | 3 years |
brigadier | fix nopos concerns | nea | 2 years |
crafts/mobdrops | moving parts | nea | 3 years |
crafts/villagers | fix a little oopsie | nea | 3 years |
cultofthefallencalendaroverlay | Add star cult to neucalendar | nea | 19 months |
disabledoptions | Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into disabledoptions | nea | 2 years |
experiment | register bin overlay | nopo | 2 years |
feat/annotationregistering | Don't bundle KSP / annotation processor | nea | 2 years |
feat/customuseragent | so that means it has to be in 2 commits | NopoTheGamer | 2 years |
feat/entertocopycalculationresult | Copy calculation result to clipboard when replacing in search bar | nea | 19 months |
feat/hexcodes | Update | Roman / Linnea Gräf | 22 months |
feat/jsonkey | RepoEditing: Allow opening files in the external editor | nea | 2 years |
feat/lessarmorstuff | Add extra check before modifying custom armor | Linnea Gräf | 9 months |
feat/museumhighlight | Change NEUConfig | nea | 2 years |
feat/museumhighlightsolo | Fuck who gives a fuck anymore this wasnt a good git history to begin with | nea | 2 years |
feat/npcexport | Fix | nea | 23 months |
feat/ruler | add build height limit | nea | 23 months |
feat/tunnelwaypoints | Add repo waypoints for tunnel comms | Linnea Gräf | 11 months |
feat/versionidstats | Display version id in /neustats | Linnea Gräf | 11 months |
feature/fishingnumber | Due to public demand | nea | 3 years |
feature/glowshrooms | Merge branch 'master' into feature/glowshrooms | Roman / Linnea Gräf | 2 years |
feature/itemshops | Merge branch 'master' into feature/itemshops | Roman / Nea | 3 years |
feature/katsitter | Remove unused scan function | Roman / Nea | 3 years |
feature/sbamixin | Jitpack metadata | nea | 2 years |
feature/signcalc | add x for multiplication, fixed - not working and quick math solver | nopo | 3 years |
feature/universalconfigkillswitch | Killswitches | nea | 2 years |
fix-enchanting_gui | Fix Enchanting GUI | nea | 3 years |
fix/apicache-nullpointer | ApiCache: Fix apparent NullPointerException | nea | 2 years |
fix/apispam | Disk cache for the API | nea | 2 years |
fix/dependencies | stuff | nea | 3 years |
fix/epicpets | PetLeveling: Fix non legendary pets being able to be leveled above 100 | nea | 2 years |
fix/lava-fishing | stupid dojo fuck up | nea | 3 years |
fix/letsencryptssl | Make old profiles show again | nea | 2 years |
fix/montezumatype | Fix crash when loading montezuma with invalid pet id | Linnea Gräf | 11 months |
fix/rngmeter | Fix nearly full RNG meters | Linnea Gräf | 14 months |
fix/storage | Fix crash in storage overlay | nea | 19 months |
fix/stubexpladders | PetLeveling: return stub exp ladder on misformed repo data | nea | 2 years |
fix/tablistcooldown | Display version id in /neustats | Linnea Gräf | 11 months |
fix/unarycalculator | Add support for prefix operators (currenly only -) | nea | 22 months |
fix/useragent | Fix double [NEU] tag before neudevtest toggle | nea | 2 years |
fix_storage-gui/search | no clue what the search does but this fixes it | nea | 3 years |
fixbadgelines | doc: Fix line count badge | nea | 17 months |
fixdoublerenderingitemtooltip | Fix auction house sort double rendering with chattriggers | nea | 17 months |
fixdoubletyping | Fix doubletyping in custom todos on bad operating systems | Linnea Gräf | 16 months |
fixraintimer | Merge branch 'master' into fixraintimer | nopo | 19 months |
fixyummycakeyumyum | Make Cake Timer in todo overlay reset when eating a refreshment cake | nea | 17 months |
forkering | Dont reset the config lol | nea | 3 years |
infering | Run infer on every PR | nea | 3 years |
janitheaccuser | Add rotating drops to mob loot. | nea | 17 months |
jitpacktest | Jitpack metadata | nea | 2 years |
joincommandv2 | Update src/main/kotlin/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/commands/misc/Joi... | Linnea Gräf | 18 months |
loomerings | | nea | 3 years |
luloeventlistener | Add ButtonExclusionZoneEvent | nea | 2 years |
malware | Add Malware | Moulberry | 11 months |
master | Create release.yml | Roman / Linnea Gräf | 2 years |
minion_helper_remerged | Merge branch 'squashed_utility_changes_from_minion_helper_2' into minion_help... | nea | 2 years |
morecustomtodoicons | Add more custom icons to neu custom todos | Linnea Gräf | 16 months |
moulconfig | Fix merge | nea | 18 months |
nobuttons | Merge branch 'master' into nobuttons | Roman / Linnea Gräf | 2 years |
nomoreswing | Do not ask the for an itemid when saving recipes | nea | 2 years |
ntr | Use left to right association order | nea | 3 years |
perf/dungeonnpcprofitoverlay | DungeonNPCProfitOverlay: make use of ItemResolutionQuerys id by name resolvers | nea | 22 months |
petfix | Fix Pet Overlay for everyone except that guy | nea | 18 months |
pvfailures | Add warning for missing auth token | Linnea Gräf | 14 months |
pvlevel | Make use of new collections api in collectionspage | nea | 2 years |
recipeprio | Sort recipe tabs in GuiItemRecipe | nea | 2 years |
redirecttomodifyarg | Make it compile | hannibal2 | 23 months |
remove-label | oki | nea | 2 years |
scrolling | fix merge conflict | nopo | 2 years |
selectivebuttons | Check for buyback slots in npc shop exporter | nea | 2 years |
spiritleapmap | stuff | nea | 3 years |
squashed_utility_changes_from_minion_helper_2 | Squashed utility changed from the minion helper branch | hannibal002 | 2 years |
texturefixv2 | Restrict texture https upgrading to only | nea | 2 years |
updater | do not run gensources | nea | 3 years |
warner | Merge branch 'master' into warner | Roman / Linnea Gräf | 3 years |
Tag | Download | Author | Age |
v2.1.0 | NotEnoughUpdates-2.1.0.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-2.1.0.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 2 years |
2.0.0 | NotEnoughUpdates-2.0.0.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-2.0.0.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 3 years |
2.0-PRE26 | NotEnoughUpdates-2.0-PRE26.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-2.0-PRE26.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 4 years |
toadstar | NotEnoughUpdates-toadstar.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-toadstar.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 4 years |
1.7.1-REL | NotEnoughUpdates-1.7.1-REL.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.7.1-REL.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 4 years |
1.6-REL | NotEnoughUpdates-1.6-REL.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.6-REL.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 4 years |
1.7-REL | NotEnoughUpdates-1.7-REL.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.7-REL.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 4 years |
1.5-REL(3) | NotEnoughUpdates-1.5-REL(3).tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.5-REL(3).tar.bz2 NotEnoughUpdates-1.5-REL(3).zip | Moulberry | 4 years |
1.5.1-REL | NotEnoughUpdates-1.5.1-REL.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.5.1-REL.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 4 years |
1.2.4-BETA | NotEnoughUpdates-1.2.4-BETA.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.2.4-BETA.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 5 years |
1.3-REL | NotEnoughUpdates-1.3-REL.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.3-REL.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 5 years |
1.4-REL | NotEnoughUpdates-1.4-REL.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.4-REL.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 5 years |
1.2-REL | NotEnoughUpdates-1.2-REL.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.2-REL.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 5 years |
1.2.1-BETA | NotEnoughUpdates-1.2.1-BETA.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.2.1-BETA.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 5 years |
1.2.2-BETA | NotEnoughUpdates-1.2.2-BETA.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.2.2-BETA.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 5 years |
1.2.3-BETA | NotEnoughUpdates-1.2.3-BETA.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.2.3-BETA.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 5 years |
1.1-REL | NotEnoughUpdates-1.1-REL.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.1-REL.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 5 years |
BETA-1.11 | NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.11.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.11.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 5 years |
REL-1.0.1 | NotEnoughUpdates-REL-1.0.1.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-REL-1.0.1.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 5 years |
1.5-REL | NotEnoughUpdates-1.5-REL.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.5-REL.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 5 years |
1.5-REL(2) | NotEnoughUpdates-1.5-REL(2).tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.5-REL(2).tar.bz2 NotEnoughUpdates-1.5-REL(2).zip | Moulberry | 5 years |
REL-1.0.0 | NotEnoughUpdates-REL-1.0.0.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-REL-1.0.0.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 5 years |
v1.10 | NotEnoughUpdates-1.10.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.10.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 5 years |
v1.10.1 | NotEnoughUpdates-1.10.1.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-1.10.1.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 5 years |
veryspecial | NotEnoughUpdates-veryspecial.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-veryspecial.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 5 years |
STREAM-REL | NotEnoughUpdates-STREAM-REL.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-STREAM-REL.tar.bz2 | unknown | 5 years |
BETA-1.8 | NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.8.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.8.tar.bz2 | unknown | 5 years |
BETA-1.9 | NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.9.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.9.tar.bz2 | unknown | 5 years |
BETA-1.7 | NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.7.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.7.tar.bz2 | Moulberry | 5 years |
BETA-1.6 | NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.6.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.6.tar.bz2 | unknown | 5 years |
BETA-1.1 | NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.1.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.1.tar.bz2 | unknown | 5 years |
BETA-1.2 | NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.2.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.2.tar.bz2 | unknown | 5 years |
BETA-1.3 | NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.3.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.3.tar.bz2 | unknown | 5 years |
BETA-1.4 | NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.4.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.4.tar.bz2 | unknown | 5 years |
BETA-1.5 | NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.5.tar.gz NotEnoughUpdates-BETA-1.5.tar.bz2 | unknown | 5 years |