BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
aotvFix AOTV overlay not workingLinnea Gräf15 months
autoupdateMerge branch 'master' into autoupdateNopoTheGamer3 years
brigadierfix nopos concernsnea2 years
crafts/mobdropsmoving partsnea3 years
crafts/villagersfix a little oopsienea3 years
cultofthefallencalendaroverlayAdd star cult to neucalendarnea19 months
disabledoptionsMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into disabledoptionsnea2 years
experimentregister bin overlaynopo2 years
feat/annotationregisteringDon't bundle KSP / annotation processornea2 years
feat/customuseragentso that means it has to be in 2 commitsNopoTheGamer2 years
feat/entertocopycalculationresultCopy calculation result to clipboard when replacing in search barnea19 months
feat/hexcodesUpdate NEUManager.javaRoman / Linnea Gräf23 months
feat/jsonkeyRepoEditing: Allow opening files in the external editornea2 years
feat/lessarmorstuffAdd extra check before modifying custom armorLinnea Gräf9 months
feat/museumhighlightChange NEUConfignea2 years
feat/museumhighlightsoloFuck who gives a fuck anymore this wasnt a good git history to begin withnea2 years
feat/npcexportFix months
feat/ruleradd build height limitnea23 months
feat/tunnelwaypointsAdd repo waypoints for tunnel commsLinnea Gräf12 months
feat/versionidstatsDisplay version id in /neustatsLinnea Gräf11 months
feature/fishingnumberDue to public demandnea3 years
feature/glowshroomsMerge branch 'master' into feature/glowshroomsRoman / Linnea Gräf2 years
feature/itemshopsMerge branch 'master' into feature/itemshopsRoman / Nea3 years
feature/katsitterRemove unused scan functionRoman / Nea3 years
feature/sbamixinJitpack metadatanea2 years
feature/signcalcadd x for multiplication, fixed - not working and quick math solvernopo3 years
feature/universalconfigkillswitchKillswitchesnea2 years
fix-enchanting_guiFix Enchanting GUInea3 years
fix/apicache-nullpointerApiCache: Fix apparent NullPointerExceptionnea2 years
fix/apispamDisk cache for the APInea2 years
fix/dependenciesstuffnea3 years
fix/epicpetsPetLeveling: Fix non legendary pets being able to be leveled above 100nea2 years
fix/lava-fishingstupid dojo fuck upnea3 years
fix/letsencryptsslMake old profiles show againnea2 years
fix/montezumatypeFix crash when loading montezuma with invalid pet idLinnea Gräf11 months
fix/rngmeterFix nearly full RNG metersLinnea Gräf14 months
fix/storageFix crash in storage overlaynea20 months
fix/stubexpladdersPetLeveling: return stub exp ladder on misformed repo datanea2 years
fix/tablistcooldownDisplay version id in /neustatsLinnea Gräf11 months
fix/unarycalculatorAdd support for prefix operators (currenly only -)nea22 months
fix/useragentFix double [NEU] tag before neudevtest togglenea2 years
fix_storage-gui/searchno clue what the search does but this fixes itnea3 years
fixbadgelinesdoc: Fix line count badgenea18 months
fixdoublerenderingitemtooltipFix auction house sort double rendering with chattriggersnea18 months
fixdoubletypingFix doubletyping in custom todos on bad operating systemsLinnea Gräf16 months
fixraintimerMerge branch 'master' into fixraintimernopo19 months
fixyummycakeyumyumMake Cake Timer in todo overlay reset when eating a refreshment cakenea17 months
forkeringDont reset the config lolnea3 years
inferingRun infer on every PRnea3 years
janitheaccuserAdd rotating drops to mob loot.nea17 months
jitpacktestJitpack metadatanea3 years
joincommandv2Update src/main/kotlin/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/commands/misc/Joi...Linnea Gräf18 months
loomeringsCONTRIBUTINGERING.mdnea3 years
luloeventlistenerAdd ButtonExclusionZoneEventnea2 years
malwareAdd MalwareMoulberry11 months
masterCreate release.ymlRoman / Linnea Gräf2 years
minion_helper_remergedMerge branch 'squashed_utility_changes_from_minion_helper_2' into minion_help...nea2 years
morecustomtodoiconsAdd more custom icons to neu custom todosLinnea Gräf16 months
moulconfigFix mergenea18 months
nobuttonsMerge branch 'master' into nobuttonsRoman / Linnea Gräf2 years
nomoreswingDo not ask the for an itemid when saving recipesnea2 years
ntrUse left to right association ordernea3 years
perf/dungeonnpcprofitoverlayDungeonNPCProfitOverlay: make use of ItemResolutionQuerys id by name resolversnea22 months
petfixFix Pet Overlay for everyone except that guynea18 months
pvfailuresAdd warning for missing auth tokenLinnea Gräf15 months
pvlevelMake use of new collections api in collectionspagenea2 years
recipeprioSort recipe tabs in GuiItemRecipenea2 years
redirecttomodifyargMake it compilehannibal223 months
remove-labelokinea2 years
scrollingfix merge conflictnopo2 years
selectivebuttonsCheck for buyback slots in npc shop exporternea2 years
spiritleapmapstuffnea3 years
squashed_utility_changes_from_minion_helper_2Squashed utility changed from the minion helper branchhannibal0022 years
texturefixv2Restrict texture https upgrading to only minecraft.netnea2 years
updaterdo not run gensourcesnea3 years
warnerMerge branch 'master' into warnerRoman / Linnea Gräf3 years