package cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.gui.pages; import cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.gui.OneConfigGui; import cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.lwjgl.scissor.Scissor; import cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.lwjgl.scissor.ScissorManager; import cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.utils.MathUtils; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; /** * A page is a 1056x728 rectangle of the GUI. It is the main content of the gui, and can be switched back and forwards easily. All the content of OneConfig is in a page. */ public abstract class Page { private float currentScroll = 0f; private float scrollTarget; protected final String title; Page(String title) { this.title = title; } public abstract void draw(long vg, int x, int y); /** * Use this method to draw elements that are static on the page (ignore the scrolling). * * @return the total height of the elements, so they are excluded from the scissor rectangle. */ public int drawStatic(long vg, int x, int y) { return 0; } public void finishUpAndClose() { } public void scrollWithDraw(long vg, int x, int y) { // TODO scroll bar int maxScroll = getMaxScrollHeight(); int scissorOffset = drawStatic(vg, x, y); Scissor scissor = ScissorManager.scissor(vg, x, y + scissorOffset, x + 1056, y + 728 - scissorOffset); if (maxScroll <= 728) { draw(vg, x, y); ScissorManager.resetScissor(vg, scissor); return; } draw(vg, x, (int) (y + currentScroll)); int dWheel = Mouse.getDWheel(); scrollTarget += dWheel; if (scrollTarget > 0f) scrollTarget = 0f; else if (scrollTarget < -maxScroll + 728) scrollTarget = -maxScroll + 728; currentScroll = MathUtils.easeOut(currentScroll, scrollTarget, 50f); ScissorManager.resetScissor(vg, scissor); } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void keyTyped(char key, int keyCode) { } /** * Overwrite this method and make it return true if you want this to always be the base in breadcrumbs */ public boolean isBase() { return false; } /** * Use this method to set the maximum scroll height of the page. */ public int getMaxScrollHeight() { return 728; } }