package cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.hud; import cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.lwjgl.OneColor; import cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.lwjgl.RenderManager; public abstract class BasicHud { public boolean enabled; public boolean rounded; public boolean border; public OneColor bgColor; public OneColor borderColor; public float cornerRadius; public float borderSize; public double xUnscaled; public double yUnscaled; public float scale; public float paddingX; public float paddingY; public BasicHud parent; public BasicHud childRight; public BasicHud childBottom; /** * @param enabled If the hud is enabled * @param x X-coordinate of hud on a 1080p display * @param y Y-coordinate of hud on a 1080p display * @param scale Scale of the hud * @param rounded If the corner is rounded or not * @param cornerRadius Radius of the corner * @param paddingX Horizontal background padding * @param paddingY Vertical background padding * @param bgColor Background color * @param border If the hud has a border or not * @param borderSize Thickness of the border * @param borderColor The color of the border */ public BasicHud(boolean enabled, int x, int y, float scale, boolean rounded, int cornerRadius, int paddingX, int paddingY, OneColor bgColor, boolean border, float borderSize, OneColor borderColor) { this.enabled = enabled; this.scale = scale; this.rounded = rounded; this.cornerRadius = cornerRadius; this.paddingX = paddingX; this.paddingY = paddingY; this.bgColor = bgColor; this.border = border; this.borderSize = borderSize; this.borderColor = borderColor; if (x / 1920d <= 0.5d) xUnscaled = x / 1920d; else xUnscaled = (x + getWidth(scale)) / 1920d; if (y / 1080d <= 0.5d) yUnscaled = y / 1080d; else yUnscaled = (y + getHeight(scale)) / 1090d; } /** * @param enabled If the hud is enabled * @param x X-coordinate of hud on a 1080p display * @param y Y-coordinate of hud on a 1080p display * @param scale Scale of the hud */ public BasicHud(boolean enabled, int x, int y, int scale) { this(enabled, x, y, scale, false, 2, 5, 5, new OneColor(0, 0, 0, 120), false, 2, new OneColor(0, 0, 0)); } /** * @param enabled If the hud is enabled * @param x X-coordinate of hud on a 1080p display * @param y Y-coordinate of hud on a 1080p display */ public BasicHud(boolean enabled, int x, int y) { this(enabled, x, y, 1, false, 2, 5, 5, new OneColor(0, 0, 0, 120), false, 2, new OneColor(0, 0, 0)); } /** * @param enabled If the hud is enabled */ public BasicHud(boolean enabled) { this(enabled, 0, 0, 1, false, 2, 5, 5, new OneColor(0, 0, 0, 120), false, 2, new OneColor(0, 0, 0)); } /** * Function called when drawing the hud * @param x Top left x-coordinate of the hud * @param y Top left y-coordinate of the hud * @param scale Scale of the hud */ public abstract void draw(int x, int y, float scale); /** * Function called when drawing the example version of the hud. * This is used in for example, the hud editor gui. * @param x Top left x-coordinate of the hud * @param y Top left y-coordinate of the hud * @param scale Scale of the hud */ public void drawExample(int x, int y, float scale) { draw(x, y, scale); } /** * @param scale Scale of the hud * @return The width of the hud */ public abstract int getWidth(float scale); /** * @param scale Scale of the hud * @return The height of the hud */ public abstract int getHeight(float scale); /** * @param scale Scale of the hud * @return The width of the example version of the hud */ public int getExampleWidth(float scale) { return getWidth(scale); } /** * @param scale Scale of the hud * @return The height of the example version of the hud */ public int getExampleHeight(float scale) { return getHeight(scale); } /** * Draw the background, the hud and all childed huds, used by HudCore * @param x X-coordinate * @param y Y-coordinate * @param scale Scale of the hud * @param background If background should be drawn or not */ public void drawAll(float x, float y, float scale, boolean background) { if (background) drawBackground(x, y, getTotalWidth(scale), getTotalHeight(scale), scale); draw((int) (x + paddingX * scale / 2f), (int) (y + paddingY * scale / 2f), scale); if (childRight != null) childRight.drawAll((int) x + paddingX * scale / 2f + getWidth(scale), (int) y, childRight.scale, false); if (childBottom != null) childBottom.drawAll((int) x, (int) y + paddingY * scale / 2f + getHeight(scale), childBottom.scale, false); } /** * Draw example version of the background, the hud and all childed huds, used by HudGui * @param x X-coordinate * @param y Y-coordinate * @param scale Scale of the hud * @param background If background should be drawn or not */ public void drawExampleAll(float x, float y, float scale, boolean background) { if (background) drawBackground(x, y, getTotalExampleWidth(scale), getTotalExampleHeight(scale), scale); drawExample((int) (x + paddingX * scale / 2f), (int) (y + paddingY * scale / 2f), scale); if (childRight != null) childRight.drawExampleAll((int) x + paddingX * scale / 2f + getWidth(scale), (int) y, childRight.scale, false); if (childBottom != null) childBottom.drawExampleAll((int) x, (int) y + paddingY * scale / 2f + getHeight(scale), childBottom.scale, false); } /** * Draw example version of the background, the hud and all childed huds, used by HudGui * @param x X-coordinate * @param y Y-coordinate * @param width Width of the hud * @param height Height of the hud * @param scale Scale of the hud */ private void drawBackground(float x, float y, float width, float height, float scale) { RenderManager.setupAndDraw(true, (vg) -> { if (rounded) { RenderManager.drawRoundedRect(vg, x, y, (width + paddingX * scale), (height + paddingY * scale), bgColor.getRGB(), cornerRadius * scale); if (border) RenderManager.drawHollowRoundRect(vg, x - borderSize * scale, y - borderSize * scale, (width + paddingX * scale) + borderSize * scale, (height + paddingY * scale) + borderSize * scale, borderColor.getRGB(), cornerRadius * scale, borderSize * scale); } else { RenderManager.drawRect(vg, x, y, (width + paddingX * scale), (height + paddingY * scale), bgColor.getRGB()); if (border) RenderManager.drawHollowRoundRect(vg, x - borderSize * scale, y - borderSize * scale, (width + paddingX * scale) + borderSize * scale, (height + paddingY * scale) + borderSize * scale, borderColor.getRGB(), 0, borderSize * scale); } }); } /** * @param screenWidth width of the screen * @return X-coordinate of the hud */ public float getXScaled(int screenWidth) { if (parent != null && parent.childRight == this) { return parent.getXScaled(screenWidth) + parent.getWidth(parent.scale) + parent.paddingX * parent.scale / 2f; } else if (parent != null) { return parent.getXScaled(screenWidth); } if (xUnscaled <= 0.5) { return (int) (screenWidth * xUnscaled); } return (float) (screenWidth - (1d - xUnscaled) * screenWidth - (getWidth(scale) + paddingX * scale)); } /** * @param screenHeight height of the screen * @return Y-coordinate of the hud */ public float getYScaled(int screenHeight) { if (parent != null && parent.childBottom == this) { return parent.getYScaled(screenHeight) + parent.getHeight(parent.scale) + parent.paddingY * parent.scale / 2f; } else if (parent != null) { return parent.getYScaled(screenHeight); } if (yUnscaled <= 0.5) { return (int) (screenHeight * yUnscaled); } return (float) (screenHeight - (1d - yUnscaled) * screenHeight - (getHeight(scale) + paddingY * scale)); } /** * @param scale Scale of the hud * @return The width of the hud and all childed huds */ public float getTotalWidth(float scale) { float width = getWidth(scale); if (childRight != null) width += childRight.getTotalWidth(childRight.scale) + paddingY * scale / 2f; if (childBottom != null) width = Math.max(childBottom.getTotalWidth(childBottom.scale), width); return width; } /** * @param scale Scale of the hud * @return The height of the hud and all childed huds */ public float getTotalHeight(float scale) { float height = getHeight(scale); if (childBottom != null) height += childBottom.getTotalHeight(childBottom.scale) + paddingY * scale / 2f; if (childRight != null) height = Math.max(childRight.getTotalHeight(childRight.scale), height); return height; } /** * @param scale Scale of the hud * @return The example width of the hud and all childed huds */ public float getTotalExampleWidth(float scale) { float width = getExampleWidth(scale); if (childRight != null) width += childRight.getTotalExampleWidth(childRight.scale) + paddingX * scale / 2f; if (childBottom != null) width = Math.max(childBottom.getTotalExampleWidth(childBottom.scale), width); return width; } /** * @param scale Scale of the hud * @return The example height of the hud and all childed huds */ public float getTotalExampleHeight(float scale) { float height = getExampleHeight(scale); if (childBottom != null) height += childBottom.getTotalExampleHeight(childBottom.scale) + paddingY * scale / 2f; if (childRight != null) height = Math.max(childRight.getTotalExampleHeight(childRight.scale), height); return height; } }