package cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.lwjgl.image; import cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.utils.IOUtils; import org.lwjgl.nanovg.NSVGImage; import org.lwjgl.nanovg.NanoSVG; import org.lwjgl.nanovg.NanoVG; import org.lwjgl.stb.STBImage; import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Loads images and SVGs from resources into NanoVG. * * @see cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.lwjgl.RenderManager * @see Images * @see SVGs */ public final class ImageLoader { public static ImageLoader INSTANCE = new ImageLoader(); private final HashMap imageHashMap = new HashMap<>(); private final HashMap svgHashMap = new HashMap<>(); private ImageLoader() { } /** * Loads an image from resources. * * @param vg The NanoVG context. * @param fileName The name of the file to load. * @return Whether the image was loaded successfully. */ public boolean loadImage(long vg, String fileName) { if (!imageHashMap.containsKey(fileName)) { int[] width = {0}; int[] height = {0}; int[] channels = {0}; ByteBuffer image = IOUtils.resourceToByteBufferNullable(fileName); if (image == null) { return false; } ByteBuffer buffer = STBImage.stbi_load_from_memory(image, width, height, channels, 4); if (buffer == null) { return false; } imageHashMap.put(fileName, NanoVG.nvgCreateImageRGBA(vg, width[0], height[0], NanoVG.NVG_IMAGE_REPEATX | NanoVG.NVG_IMAGE_REPEATY | NanoVG.NVG_IMAGE_GENERATE_MIPMAPS, buffer)); return true; } return true; } /** * Loads an SVG from resources. * * @param vg The NanoVG context. * @param fileName The name of the file to load. * @param width The width of the SVG. * @param height The height of the SVG. * @return Whether the SVG was loaded successfully. */ public boolean loadSVG(long vg, String fileName, float width, float height) { String name = fileName + "-" + width + "-" + height; if (!svgHashMap.containsKey(name)) { try { InputStream inputStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(fileName); if (inputStream == null) return false; StringBuilder resultStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream))) { String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { resultStringBuilder.append(line); } } CharSequence s = resultStringBuilder.toString(); NSVGImage svg = NanoSVG.nsvgParse(s, "px", 96f); if (svg == null) return false; long rasterizer = NanoSVG.nsvgCreateRasterizer(); int w = (int) svg.width(); int h = (int) svg.height(); float scale = Math.max(width / w, height / h); w = (int) (w * scale); h = (int) (h * scale); ByteBuffer image = MemoryUtil.memAlloc(w * h * 4); NanoSVG.nsvgRasterize(rasterizer, svg, 0, 0, scale, image, w, h, w * 4); NanoSVG.nsvgDeleteRasterizer(rasterizer); NanoSVG.nsvgDelete(svg); svgHashMap.put(name, NanoVG.nvgCreateImageRGBA(vg, w, h, NanoVG.NVG_IMAGE_REPEATX | NanoVG.NVG_IMAGE_REPEATY | NanoVG.NVG_IMAGE_GENERATE_MIPMAPS, image)); return true; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Failed to parse SVG file"); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } return true; } /** * Get a loaded image from the cache. *

Requires the image to have been loaded first.

* * @param fileName The name of the file to load. * @return The image * @see ImageLoader#loadImage(long, String) */ public int getImage(String fileName) { return imageHashMap.get(fileName); } /** * Remove an image from the cache, allowing the image to be garbage collected. * Should be used when the GUI rendering the image is closed. * * @param vg The NanoVG context. * @param fileName The name of the file to remove. * @see ImageLoader#loadImage(long, String) */ public void removeImage(long vg, String fileName) { NanoVG.nvgDeleteImage(vg, imageHashMap.get(fileName)); imageHashMap.remove(fileName); } /** * Clears all images from the cache, allowing the images cleared to be garbage collected. * Should be used when the GUI rendering loaded images are closed. * * @param vg The NanoVG context. */ public void clearImages(long vg) { HashMap temp = new HashMap<>(imageHashMap); for (String image : temp.keySet()) { NanoVG.nvgDeleteImage(vg, imageHashMap.get(image)); imageHashMap.remove(image); } } /** * Get a loaded SVG from the cache. *

Requires the SVG to have been loaded first.

* * @param fileName The name of the file to load. * @return The SVG * @see ImageLoader#loadSVG(long, String, float, float) */ public int getSVG(String fileName, float width, float height) { String name = fileName + "-" + width + "-" + height; return svgHashMap.get(name); } /** * Remove a SVG from the cache, allowing the SVG to be garbage collected. * Should be used when the GUI rendering the SVG is closed. * * @param vg The NanoVG context. * @param fileName The name of the file to remove. * @see ImageLoader#loadSVG(long, String, float, float) */ public void removeSVG(long vg, String fileName, float width, float height) { String name = fileName + "-" + width + "-" + height; NanoVG.nvgDeleteImage(vg, imageHashMap.get(name)); svgHashMap.remove(name); } /** * Clears all SVGs from the cache, allowing the SVGs cleared to be garbage collected. * Should be used when the GUI rendering loaded SVGs are closed. * * @param vg The NanoVG context. */ public void clearSVGs(long vg) { HashMap temp = new HashMap<>(svgHashMap); for (String image : temp.keySet()) { NanoVG.nvgDeleteImage(vg, svgHashMap.get(image)); svgHashMap.remove(image); } } }