package io.polyfrost.oneconfig.gui.elements; import io.polyfrost.oneconfig.renderer.Renderer; import io.polyfrost.oneconfig.themes.textures.ThemeElement; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.awt.*; public class OCButton extends OCBlock { private final Color elementColor = theme.getElementColor(); private final Color hoverColor = theme.getHoverColor(); private float percentHoveredRed = 0f; private float percentHoveredGreen = 0f; private float percentHoveredBlue = 0f; private float percentHoveredAlpha = 0f; private float percentDescription = 0f; private ThemeElement element; private boolean alwaysShowDesc = true; private String title, description; /** * Create an empty button. */ public OCButton(int width, int height) { super(width, height); } /** * Create a new button with the specified texture. */ public OCButton(ThemeElement element) { super(element.size + 2, element.size + 2); this.element = element; } public OCButton(@NotNull String title, @NotNull String description, ThemeElement icon, boolean alwaysShowDesc) { super(icon.size + theme.getBoldFont().getWidth(title) + 20, icon.size + 10); this.element = icon; this.title = title; this.description = description; this.alwaysShowDesc = alwaysShowDesc; } public OCButton(@NotNull String title, @NotNull String description, ThemeElement icon, boolean alwaysShowDesc, int width, int height) { super(width, height); this.element = icon; this.title = title; this.description = description; this.alwaysShowDesc = alwaysShowDesc; } public void draw(int x, int y) { super.update(x, y); percentHoveredRed = smooth(percentHoveredRed, elementColor.getRed() / 255f, hoverColor.getRed() / 255f); percentHoveredGreen = smooth(percentHoveredGreen, elementColor.getGreen() / 255f, hoverColor.getGreen() / 255f); percentHoveredBlue = smooth(percentHoveredBlue, elementColor.getBlue() / 255f, hoverColor.getBlue() / 255f); percentHoveredAlpha = smooth(percentHoveredAlpha, elementColor.getAlpha() / 255f, hoverColor.getAlpha() / 255f); if (!alwaysShowDesc) { percentDescription = Renderer.clamp(Renderer.easeOut(percentDescription, isHovered() ? 1f : 0f)); } GlStateManager.color(percentHoveredRed, percentHoveredGreen, percentHoveredBlue, percentHoveredAlpha); if (isClicked()) { //Renderer.setGlColor(theme.getClickColor()); } theme.getTextureManager().draw(ThemeElement.BUTTON, x, y, width, height); if (element != null) { GlStateManager.color(1f, 1f, 1f, isClicked() ? 0.6f : 1f); theme.getTextureManager().draw(element, x + 19, y + 8, element.size, element.size); if (title != null) { if (alwaysShowDesc) { theme.getBoldFont().drawString(title, x + element.size + 25, y + 30, 1.2f, 1.2f, isClicked() ? theme.getTextColor().darker().getRGB() : theme.getTextColor().getRGB()); theme.getFont().drawString(description, x + element.size + 25, y + theme.getBoldFont().getHeight() + 37, 1.2f, 1.2f, isClicked() ? theme.getAccentTextColor().darker().getRGB() : theme.getAccentTextColor().getRGB()); } else { int titleY = y + 48; titleY -= (int) (percentDescription * 18); Color targetColor = theme.getAccentTextColor(); Color currentColor = isClicked() ? targetColor.darker() : new Color(targetColor.getRed(), targetColor.getGreen(), targetColor.getBlue(), (int) (targetColor.getAlpha() * percentDescription)); theme.getFont().drawString(description, x + element.size + 25, y + theme.getBoldFont().getHeight() + 37, 1.2f, 1.2f, currentColor.getRGB()); theme.getBoldFont().drawString(title, x + element.size + 25, titleY, 1.2f, 1.2f, isClicked() ? theme.getTextColor().darker().getRGB() : theme.getTextColor().getRGB()); } } } } private float smooth(float current, float min, float max) { current = Renderer.easeOut(current, isHovered() ? 1f : 0f); if (current <= min) { current = min; } if (current >= max) { current = max; } return current; } public void onHover() { } }