package io.polyfrost.oneconfig.lwjgl; import io.polyfrost.oneconfig.lwjgl.font.Font; import io.polyfrost.oneconfig.lwjgl.font.FontManager; import io.polyfrost.oneconfig.lwjgl.image.Image; import io.polyfrost.oneconfig.lwjgl.image.ImageLoader; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager; import net.minecraft.client.shader.Framebuffer; import org.lwjgl.nanovg.*; import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import java.awt.*; import java.util.function.LongConsumer; import static org.lwjgl.nanovg.NanoSVG.NSVG_FLAGS_VISIBLE; import static org.lwjgl.nanovg.NanoVG.*; import static org.lwjgl.nanovg.NanoVGGL2.NVG_ANTIALIAS; import static org.lwjgl.nanovg.NanoVGGL2.nvgCreate; public final class RenderManager { private RenderManager() { } //nanovg private static long vg = -1; public static void setupAndDraw(LongConsumer consumer) { setupAndDraw(false, consumer); } public static void setupAndDraw(boolean mcScaling, LongConsumer consumer) { if (vg == -1) { vg = nvgCreate(NVG_ANTIALIAS); if (vg == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create nvg context"); } FontManager.INSTANCE.initialize(vg); } Framebuffer fb = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getFramebuffer(); if (!fb.isStencilEnabled()) { fb.enableStencil(); } GL11.glPushAttrib(GL11.GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); if (mcScaling) { ScaledResolution resolution = new ScaledResolution(Minecraft.getMinecraft()); nvgBeginFrame(vg, (float) resolution.getScaledWidth_double(), (float) resolution.getScaledHeight_double(), 1); } else { nvgBeginFrame(vg, Display.getWidth(), Display.getHeight(), 1); } consumer.accept(vg); nvgEndFrame(vg); GlStateManager.popAttrib(); } public static void drawRect(long vg, float x, float y, float width, float height, int color) { nvgBeginPath(vg); nvgRect(vg, x, y, width, height); NVGColor nvgColor = color(vg, color); nvgFill(vg);; } public static void drawRoundedRect(long vg, float x, float y, float width, float height, int color, float radius) { nvgBeginPath(vg); nvgRoundedRect(vg, x, y, width, height, radius); color(vg, color); NVGColor nvgColor = color(vg, color); nvgFill(vg);; } public static void drawCircle(long vg, float x, float y, float radius, int color) { nvgBeginPath(vg); nvgCircle(vg, x, y, radius); NVGColor nvgColor = color(vg, color); nvgFill(vg);; } public static void drawString(long vg, String text, float x, float y, int color, float size, Font font) { drawString(vg, text, x, y, color, size, font.getName()); } public static void drawString(long vg, String text, float x, float y, int color, float size, String fontName) { nvgBeginPath(vg); nvgFontSize(vg, size); nvgFontFace(vg, fontName); nvgTextAlign(vg, NVG_ALIGN_LEFT | NVG_ALIGN_MIDDLE); NVGColor nvgColor = color(vg, color); nvgText(vg, x, y, text); nvgFill(vg);; } public static void drawWrappedString(long vg, String text, float x, float y, float width, int color, float size, Font font) { drawWrappedString(vg, text, x, y, width, color, size, font.getName()); } public static void drawWrappedString(long vg, String text, float x, float y, float width, int color, float size, String fontName) { nvgBeginPath(vg); nvgFontSize(vg, size); nvgFontFace(vg, fontName); nvgTextAlign(vg, NVG_ALIGN_LEFT | NVG_ALIGN_MIDDLE); NVGColor nvgColor = color(vg, color); nvgTextBox(vg, x, y, width, text); nvgFill(vg);; } public static void drawImage(long vg, String fileName, float x, float y, float width, float height) { if (ImageLoader.INSTANCE.loadImage(vg, fileName)) { NVGPaint imagePaint = NVGPaint.calloc(); Image image = ImageLoader.INSTANCE.getImage(fileName); nvgBeginPath(vg); nvgImagePattern(vg, x, y, width, height, 0, image.getReference(), 1, imagePaint); nvgRect(vg, x, y, width, height); nvgFillPaint(vg, imagePaint); nvgFill(vg);; } } public static void drawSVGImage(long vg, String fileName, float x, float y, float width, float height) { if (ImageLoader.INSTANCE.loadSVGImage(fileName)) { NSVGImage image = ImageLoader.INSTANCE.getSVG(fileName); NSVGShape shape; NSVGPath path; int i; for(shape = image.shapes(); shape != null; { // throws npe if (!(shape.flags() == NSVG_FLAGS_VISIBLE)) { continue; } nvgFillColor(vg, color(vg, shape.fill().color())); nvgStrokeColor(vg, color(vg, shape.stroke().color())); nvgStrokeWidth(vg, shape.strokeWidth()); for(path = shape.paths(); path != null; { nvgBeginPath(vg); nvgMoveTo(vg, path.pts().get(0), path.pts().get(1)); for(i = 0; i < path.npts() - 1; i += 3) { float[] p = new float[100]; // INSta CRASH POGGERS path.pts().get(p, i * 2, 100); nvgBezierTo(vg, p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7]); } //hello imma add the svg i got from wikipedia if(path.closed() == 1) { nvgLineTo(vg, path.pts().get(0), path.pts().get(1)); } nvgStroke(vg); } } } } public static void drawLine(long vg, float x, float y, float endX, float endY, float width, int color) { nvgBeginPath(vg); nvgMoveTo(vg, x, y); nvgLineTo(vg, endX, endY); NVGColor nvgColor = color(vg, color); nvgStrokeColor(vg, nvgColor); nvgStrokeWidth(vg, width); nvgStroke(vg);; } public static NVGColor color(long vg, int color) { NVGColor nvgColor = NVGColor.calloc(); nvgRGBA((byte) (color >> 16 & 0xFF), (byte) (color >> 8 & 0xFF), (byte) (color & 0xFF), (byte) (color >> 24 & 0xFF), nvgColor); nvgFillColor(vg, nvgColor); return nvgColor; } //gl public static void drawScaledString(String text, float x, float y, int color, boolean shadow, float scale) { GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); GlStateManager.scale(scale, scale, 1); Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj.drawString(text, x * (1 / scale), y * (1 / scale), color, shadow); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); } public static void color(Color color) { color(color.getRGB()); } public static void color(int color) { float f = (float) (color >> 24 & 255) / 255.0F; float f1 = (float) (color >> 16 & 255) / 255.0F; float f2 = (float) (color >> 8 & 255) / 255.0F; float f3 = (float) (color & 255) / 255.0F; GlStateManager.color(f1, f2, f3, f); } public static void drawDottedLine(float sx, float sy, float ex, float ey, int width, int factor, int color) { GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); GL11.glLineStipple(factor, (short) 0xAAAA); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_LINE_STIPPLE); GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); GlStateManager.disableTexture2D(); GlStateManager.enableBlend(); GlStateManager.disableAlpha(); GlStateManager.tryBlendFuncSeparate(770, 771, 1, 0); color(color); GL11.glLineWidth(width); GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_LINES); GL11.glVertex2d(sx, sy); GL11.glVertex2d(ex, ey); GL11.glEnd(); GlStateManager.disableBlend(); GlStateManager.enableAlpha(); GlStateManager.enableTexture2D(); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LINE_STIPPLE); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); } }