import gg.essential.gradle.util.RelocationTransform.Companion.registerRelocationAttribute import gg.essential.gradle.util.noServerRunConfigs import net.fabricmc.loom.task.RemapSourcesJarTask import java.text.SimpleDateFormat plugins { kotlin("jvm") id("gg.essential.multi-version") id("gg.essential.defaults.repo") id("") id("gg.essential.defaults.loom") id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") id("net.kyori.blossom") version "1.3.0" id("org.jetbrains.dokka") version "1.6.21" id("maven-publish") id("signing") java } kotlin.jvmToolchain { (this as JavaToolchainSpec).languageVersion.set(JavaLanguageVersion.of(8)) } java { withSourcesJar() } val mod_name: String by project val mod_major_version: String by project val mod_minor_version: String by project val mod_id: String by project preprocess { vars.put("MODERN", if (project.platform.mcMinor >= 16) 1 else 0) } blossom { replaceToken("@VER@", mod_major_version + mod_minor_version) replaceToken("@NAME@", mod_name) replaceToken("@ID@", mod_id) } version = mod_major_version + mod_minor_version group = "cc.polyfrost" base { archivesName.set("$mod_id-$platform") } loom { noServerRunConfigs() runConfigs.named("client") { if (project.platform.isLegacyForge) { vmArgs.remove("-XstartOnFirstThread") } } launchConfigs.named("client") { if (project.platform.isLegacyForge) { arg("--tweakClass", "cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.internal.plugin.asm.OneConfigTweaker") } property("mixin.debug.export", "true") property("debugBytecode", "true") property("forge.logging.console.level", "debug") if (org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem.current().isMacOsX) { property("fml.earlyprogresswindow", "false") } } if (project.platform.isForge) { forge { mixinConfig("mixins.${mod_id}.json") } } mixin.defaultRefmapName.set("mixins.${mod_id}.refmap.json") } repositories { maven("") } val relocatedCommonProject = registerRelocationAttribute("common-lwjgl") { if (platform.isModLauncher || platform.isFabric) { relocate("org.lwjgl3", "org.lwjgl") } } val relocated = registerRelocationAttribute("relocate") { relocate("gg.essential", "cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.libs") relocate("me.kbrewster", "cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.libs") relocate("com.github.benmanes", "cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.libs") relocate("", "cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.libs") relocate("org.checkerframework", "cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.libs") remapStringsIn("com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.LocalCacheFactory") remapStringsIn("com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.NodeFactory") } val shadeProject: Configuration by configurations.creating { attributes { attribute(relocatedCommonProject, false) } } val shadeRelocated: Configuration by configurations.creating { attributes { attribute(relocated, true) } } val shade: Configuration by configurations.creating { configurations.api.get().extendsFrom(this) } val shadeNoPom2: Configuration by configurations.creating sourceSets { main { if (project.platform.isForge) { output.setResourcesDir(java.classesDirectory) } } } dependencies { compileOnly("gg.essential:vigilance-$platform:222") { isTransitive = false } include("gg.essential:universalcraft-$platform:211", relocate = true, transitive = false, mod = true) include("com.github.KevinPriv:keventbus:c52e0a2ea0", relocate = true, transitive = false) @Suppress("GradlePackageUpdate") include("com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine:2.9.3", relocate = true) // for other mods and universalcraft val kotlinVersion: String by project val coroutinesVersion: String by project val serializationVersion: String by project val atomicfuVersion: String by project include("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$kotlinVersion") include("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:$kotlinVersion") include("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlinVersion") include("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:$kotlinVersion") include("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:$coroutinesVersion") include("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm:$coroutinesVersion") include("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8:$coroutinesVersion") include("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm:$serializationVersion") include("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm:$serializationVersion") include("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm:$serializationVersion") include("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:atomicfu-jvm:$atomicfuVersion") if (platform.isLegacyForge) { include("org.spongepowered:mixin:0.7.11-SNAPSHOT", pom = false, transitive = false) } shadeProject(project(":")) { isTransitive = false } include("cc.polyfrost:lwjgl-$platform:1.0.0-alpha8") dokkaHtmlPlugin("org.jetbrains.dokka:kotlin-as-java-plugin:1.6.21") configurations.named(JavaPlugin.COMPILE_CLASSPATH_CONFIGURATION_NAME) { extendsFrom(shadeProject) } configurations.named(JavaPlugin.RUNTIME_CLASSPATH_CONFIGURATION_NAME) { extendsFrom(shadeProject) } } tasks { processResources {"id", mod_id)"name", mod_name) val java = if (project.platform.mcMinor >= 18) { 17 } else { if (project.platform.mcMinor == 17) 16 else 8 } val compatLevel = "JAVA_${java}""java", java)"java_level", compatLevel)"version", mod_major_version + mod_minor_version)"mcVersionStr", project.platform.mcVersionStr) filesMatching(listOf("", "mixins.${mod_id}.json", "**/mods.toml")) { expand( mapOf( "id" to mod_id, "name" to mod_name, "java" to java, "java_level" to compatLevel, "version" to mod_major_version + mod_minor_version, "mcVersionStr" to project.platform.mcVersionStr ) ) } filesMatching("fabric.mod.json") { expand( mapOf( "id" to mod_id, "name" to mod_name, "java" to java, "java_level" to compatLevel, "version" to mod_major_version + mod_minor_version, "mcVersionStr" to project.platform.mcVersionStr.substringBeforeLast(".") + ".x" ) ) } } withType( { duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE if (project.platform.isFabric) { exclude("", "META-INF/mods.toml") } else { exclude("fabric.mod.json") if (project.platform.isLegacyForge) { exclude("**/mods.toml") exclude("META-INF/versions/**") exclude("**/module-info.class") exclude("**/package-info.class") } else { exclude("") } } if (!name.contains("sourcesjar", ignoreCase = true) || !name.contains("dokka", ignoreCase = true)) { exclude("**/**_Test.**") exclude("**/**_Test$**.**") } } val shadowJar = named("shadowJar") { archiveClassifier.set("full-dev") configurations = listOf(shade, shadeNoPom2, shadeProject, shadeRelocated) duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE dependsOn(jar) } remapJar { input.set(shadowJar.get().archiveFile) archiveClassifier.set("full") } fun Jar.excludeInternal() { exclude("**/internal/**") } jar { duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE dependsOn(shadeNoPom2, shadeProject, shadeRelocated) from(ArrayList().run { addAll(shadeNoPom2); addAll(shadeProject); addAll(shadeRelocated); this } .map { if (it.isDirectory) it else zipTree(it) }) manifest { attributes( if (platform.isForge) { if (platform.isLegacyForge) { mapOf( "ModSide" to "CLIENT", "ForceLoadAsMod" to true, "TweakOrder" to "0", "MixinConfigs" to "mixins.oneconfig.json", "TweakClass" to "cc.polyfrost.oneconfig.internal.plugin.asm.OneConfigTweaker" ) } else { mapOf( "MixinConfigs" to "mixins.oneconfig.json", "Specification-Title" to mod_id, "Specification-Vendor" to mod_id, "Specification-Version" to "1", // We are version 1 of ourselves, whatever the hell that means "Implementation-Title" to mod_name, "Implementation-Version" to mod_major_version + mod_minor_version, "Implementation-Vendor" to mod_id, "Implementation-Timestamp" to SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ").format(`java.util`.Date()) ) } } else { mapOf() } ) } /*/ */ excludeInternal() archiveClassifier.set("") } dokkaHtml.configure { outputDirectory.set(buildDir.resolve("dokka")) moduleName.set("OneConfig $platform") moduleVersion.set(mod_major_version + mod_minor_version) dokkaSourceSets { configureEach { jdkVersion.set(8) //reportUndocumented.set(true) } } doLast { val outputFile = outputDirectory.get().resolve("images/logo-icon.svg") if (outputFile.exists()) { outputFile.delete() } val inputFile = project.rootDir.resolve("src/main/resources/assets/oneconfig/icons/OneConfig.svg") inputFile.copyTo(outputFile) } } val dokkaJar = create("dokkaJar", { archiveClassifier.set("dokka") group = "build" dependsOn(dokkaHtml) from(layout.buildDirectory.dir("dokka")) } named("sourcesJar") { from(project(":") { it.allSource }) dependsOn(dokkaJar) excludeInternal() archiveClassifier.set("sources") doFirst { archiveClassifier.set("sources") } doLast { archiveFile.orNull?.asFile?.let { it.copyTo(File(it.parentFile, it.nameWithoutExtension + "-dev" + it.extension.let { if (it.isBlank()) "" else ".$it" }), overwrite = true) } archiveClassifier.set("sources") } } withType { enabled = false } } publishing { publications { register("oneconfig-$platform") { groupId = "cc.polyfrost" artifactId = base.archivesName.get() artifact(tasks["jar"]) artifact(tasks["remapJar"]) artifact(tasks["sourcesJar"]) artifact(tasks["dokkaJar"]) } } repositories { maven { name = "releases" url = uri("") credentials(PasswordCredentials::class) authentication { create("basic") } } maven { name = "snapshots" url = uri("") credentials(PasswordCredentials::class) authentication { create("basic") } } maven { name = "private" url = uri("") credentials(PasswordCredentials::class) authentication { create("basic") } } } } fun DependencyHandlerScope.include(dependency: Any, pom: Boolean = true, mod: Boolean = false) { if (platform.isForge) { if (pom) { shade(dependency) } else { shadeNoPom2(dependency) compileOnly(dependency) runtimeOnly(dependency) } } else { if (pom) { if (mod) { modApi(dependency) } else { api(dependency) } } else { if (mod) { modCompileOnly(dependency) modRuntimeOnly(dependency) } else { compileOnly(dependency) runtimeOnly(dependency) } } "include"(dependency) } } fun DependencyHandlerScope.include(dependency: ModuleDependency, pom: Boolean = true, mod: Boolean = false, relocate: Boolean = false, transitive: Boolean = true) { if (platform.isForge) { if (relocate) { shadeRelocated(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive } compileOnly(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive; attributes { attribute(relocated, true) } } runtimeOnly(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive; attributes { attribute(relocated, true) } } } else { if (pom) { shade(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive } } else { shadeNoPom2(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive } compileOnly(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive } runtimeOnly(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive } } } } else { if (pom && !relocate) { if (mod) { modApi(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive } } else { api(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive } } } else { if (mod) { modCompileOnly(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive; if (relocate) attributes { attribute(relocated, true) } } modRuntimeOnly(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive; if (relocate) attributes { attribute(relocated, true) } } } else { compileOnly(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive; if (relocate) attributes { attribute(relocated, true) } } runtimeOnly(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive; if (relocate) attributes { attribute(relocated, true) } } } } "include"(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive; if (relocate) attributes { attribute(relocated, true) } } } } fun DependencyHandlerScope.include(dependency: String, pom: Boolean = true, mod: Boolean = false, relocate: Boolean = false, transitive: Boolean = true) { if (platform.isForge) { if (relocate) { shadeRelocated(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive } compileOnly(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive; attributes { attribute(relocated, true) } } runtimeOnly(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive; attributes { attribute(relocated, true) } } } else { if (pom) { shade(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive } } else { shadeNoPom2(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive } compileOnly(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive } runtimeOnly(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive } } } } else { if (pom && !relocate) { if (mod) { modApi(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive } } else { api(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive } } } else { if (mod) { modCompileOnly(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive; if (relocate) attributes { attribute(relocated, true) } } modRuntimeOnly(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive; if (relocate) attributes { attribute(relocated, true) } } } else { compileOnly(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive; if (relocate) attributes { attribute(relocated, true) } } runtimeOnly(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive; if (relocate) attributes { attribute(relocated, true) } } } } "include"(dependency) { isTransitive = transitive; if (relocate) attributes { attribute(relocated, true) } } } }