path: root/launcher/LaunchController.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'launcher/LaunchController.cpp')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/launcher/LaunchController.cpp b/launcher/LaunchController.cpp
index 8bd5732f..7750be1a 100644
--- a/launcher/LaunchController.cpp
+++ b/launcher/LaunchController.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <QHostInfo>
#include <QList>
#include <QHostAddress>
+#include <QPushButton>
#include "BuildConfig.h"
#include "JavaCommon.h"
@@ -35,6 +36,8 @@ void LaunchController::executeTask()
+ JavaCommon::checkJVMArgs(m_instance->settings()->get("JvmArgs").toString(), m_parentWidget);
@@ -90,8 +93,6 @@ void LaunchController::decideAccount()
void LaunchController::login() {
- JavaCommon::checkJVMArgs(m_instance->settings()->get("JvmArgs").toString(), m_parentWidget);
// if no account is selected, we bail
@@ -113,120 +114,115 @@ void LaunchController::login() {
m_session = std::make_shared<AuthSession>();
m_session->wants_online = m_online;
- shared_qobject_ptr<AccountTask> task;
- if(!password.isNull()) {
- task = m_accountToUse->login(m_session, password);
- }
- else {
- task = m_accountToUse->refresh(m_session);
- }
- if (task)
- {
- // We'll need to validate the access token to make sure the account
- // is still logged in.
- ProgressDialog progDialog(m_parentWidget);
- if (m_online)
- {
- progDialog.setSkipButton(true, tr("Play Offline"));
- }
- progDialog.execWithTask(task.get());
- if (!task->wasSuccessful())
- {
- auto failReasonNew = task->failReason();
- if(failReasonNew == "Invalid token." || failReasonNew == "Invalid Signature")
- {
- // account->invalidateClientToken();
- failReason = needLoginAgain;
- }
- else failReason = failReasonNew;
- }
- }
- switch (m_session->status)
- {
- case AuthSession::Undetermined: {
- qCritical() << "Received undetermined session status during login. Bye.";
- tryagain = false;
- emitFailed(tr("Received undetermined session status during login."));
- return;
+ m_accountToUse->fillSession(m_session);
+ switch(m_accountToUse->accountState()) {
+ case AccountState::Offline: {
+ m_session->wants_online = false;
+ // NOTE: fallthrough is intentional
- case AuthSession::RequiresPassword: {
- // FIXME: this needs to understand MSA
- EditAccountDialog passDialog(failReason, m_parentWidget, EditAccountDialog::PasswordField);
- auto username = m_session->username;
- auto chopN = [](QString toChop, int N) -> QString
- {
- if(toChop.size() > N)
+ case AccountState::Online: {
+ if(!m_session->wants_online) {
+ // we ask the user for a player name
+ bool ok = false;
+ QString usedname = m_session->player_name;
+ QString name = QInputDialog::getText(
+ m_parentWidget,
+ tr("Player name"),
+ tr("Choose your offline mode player name."),
+ QLineEdit::Normal,
+ m_session->player_name,
+ &ok
+ );
+ if (!ok)
- auto left = toChop.left(N);
- left += QString("\u25CF").repeated(toChop.size() - N);
- return left;
+ tryagain = false;
+ break;
- return toChop;
- };
- if(username.contains('@'))
- {
- auto parts = username.split('@');
- auto mailbox = chopN(parts[0],3);
- QString domain = chopN(parts[1], 3);
- username = mailbox + '@' + domain;
- }
- passDialog.setUsername(username);
- if (passDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
- {
- password = passDialog.password();
- }
- else
- {
- tryagain = false;
- emitFailed(tr("Received undetermined session status during login."));
+ if (name.length())
+ {
+ usedname = name;
+ }
+ m_session->MakeOffline(usedname);
+ // offline flavored game from here :3
- break;
- }
- case AuthSession::RequiresProfileSetup: {
- auto entitlement = m_accountToUse->accountData()->minecraftEntitlement;
- QString errorString;
- if(!entitlement.canPlayMinecraft) {
- errorString = tr("The account does not own Minecraft. You need to purchase the game first to play it.");
- QMessageBox::warning(
- nullptr,
- tr("Missing Minecraft profile"),
- errorString,
- QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok,
- QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok
- );
- tryagain = false;
- emitFailed(errorString);
+ if(m_accountToUse->ownsMinecraft()) {
+ if(!m_accountToUse->hasProfile()) {
+ // Now handle setting up a profile name here...
+ ProfileSetupDialog dialog(m_accountToUse, m_parentWidget);
+ if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
+ {
+ tryagain = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ emitFailed(tr("Received undetermined session status during login."));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // we own Minecraft, there is a profile, it's all ready to go!
+ launchInstance();
- // Now handle setting up a profile name here...
- ProfileSetupDialog dialog(m_accountToUse, m_parentWidget);
- if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
- {
- tryagain = true;
- continue;
+ else {
+ // play demo ?
+ QMessageBox box(m_parentWidget);
+ box.setWindowTitle(tr("Play demo?"));
+ box.setText(tr("This account does not own Minecraft.\nYou need to purchase the game first to play it.\n\nDo you want to play the demo?"));
+ box.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning);
+ auto demoButton = box.addButton(tr("Play Demo"), QMessageBox::ButtonRole::YesRole);
+ auto cancelButton = box.addButton(tr("Cancel"), QMessageBox::ButtonRole::NoRole);
+ box.setDefaultButton(cancelButton);
+ box.exec();
+ if(box.clickedButton() == demoButton) {
+ // play demo here
+ m_session->MakeDemo();
+ launchInstance();
+ }
+ else {
+ emitFailed(tr("Launch cancelled - account does not own Minecraft."));
+ }
- else
+ return;
+ }
+ case AccountState::Errored:
+ // This means some sort of soft error that we can fix with a refresh ... so let's refresh.
+ case AccountState::Unchecked: {
+ m_accountToUse->refresh();
+ // NOTE: fallthrough intentional
+ }
+ case AccountState::Working: {
+ // refresh is in progress, we need to wait for it to finish to proceed.
+ ProgressDialog progDialog(m_parentWidget);
+ if (m_online)
- tryagain = false;
- emitFailed(tr("Received undetermined session status during login."));
- return;
+ progDialog.setSkipButton(true, tr("Play Offline"));
+ auto task = m_accountToUse->currentTask();
+ progDialog.execWithTask(task.get());
+ continue;
+ }
+ // FIXME: this is missing - the meaning is that the account is queued for refresh and we should wait for that
+ /*
+ case AccountState::Queued: {
+ return;
- case AuthSession::RequiresOAuth: {
- auto errorString = tr("Microsoft account has expired and needs to be logged into manually again.");
+ */
+ case AccountState::Expired: {
+ auto errorString = tr("The account has expired and needs to be logged into manually again.");
- tr("Microsoft Account refresh failed"),
+ tr("Account refresh failed"),
- tryagain = false;
- case AuthSession::GoneOrMigrated: {
+ case AccountState::Gone: {
auto errorString = tr("The account no longer exists on the servers. It may have been migrated, in which case please add the new account you migrated this one to.");
@@ -235,40 +231,9 @@ void LaunchController::login() {
- tryagain = false;
- case AuthSession::PlayableOffline: {
- // we ask the user for a player name
- bool ok = false;
- QString usedname = m_session->player_name;
- QString name = QInputDialog::getText(
- m_parentWidget,
- tr("Player name"),
- tr("Choose your offline mode player name."),
- QLineEdit::Normal,
- m_session->player_name,
- &ok
- );
- if (!ok)
- {
- tryagain = false;
- break;
- }
- if (name.length())
- {
- usedname = name;
- }
- m_session->MakeOffline(usedname);
- // offline flavored game from here :3
- }
- case AuthSession::PlayableOnline:
- {
- launchInstance();
- tryagain = false;
- return;
- }
emitFailed(tr("Failed to launch."));
@@ -334,14 +299,7 @@ void LaunchController::launchInstance()
online_mode = "offline";
- QString auth_server_status;
- if(m_session->auth_server_online) {
- auth_server_status = "online";
- } else {
- auth_server_status = "offline";
- }
- m_launcher->prependStep(new TextPrint(m_launcher.get(), "Launched instance in " + online_mode + " mode\nAuthentication server is " + auth_server_status + "\n", MessageLevel::Launcher));
+ m_launcher->prependStep(new TextPrint(m_launcher.get(), "Launched instance in " + online_mode + " mode\n", MessageLevel::Launcher));
// Prepend Version
m_launcher->prependStep(new TextPrint(m_launcher.get(), BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_NAME + " version: " + BuildConfig.printableVersionString() + "\n\n", MessageLevel::Launcher));