path: root/launcher/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPackExportTask.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'launcher/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPackExportTask.cpp')
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/launcher/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPackExportTask.cpp b/launcher/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPackExportTask.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cfd751d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launcher/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPackExportTask.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+ * Prism Launcher - Minecraft Launcher
+ * Copyright (C) 2023 TheKodeToad <TheKodeToad@proton.me>
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include "ModrinthPackExportTask.h"
+#include <QCryptographicHash>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QFileInfoList>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QtConcurrent>
+#include "Json.h"
+#include "MMCZip.h"
+#include "minecraft/MinecraftInstance.h"
+#include "minecraft/PackProfile.h"
+#include "modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthAPI.h"
+const QStringList ModrinthPackExportTask::PREFIXES = QStringList({ "mods", "coremods", "resourcepacks", "texturepacks", "shaderpacks" });
+ModrinthPackExportTask::ModrinthPackExportTask(const QString& name,
+ const QString& version,
+ const QString& summary,
+ InstancePtr instance,
+ const QString& output,
+ MMCZip::FilterFunction filter)
+ : name(name), version(version), summary(summary), instance(instance), output(output), filter(filter)
+void ModrinthPackExportTask::executeTask()
+ setStatus(tr("Searching for files..."));
+ setProgress(0, 0);
+ collectFiles();
+ QByteArray* response = new QByteArray;
+ task = api.currentVersions(pendingHashes.values(), "sha512", response);
+ connect(task.get(), &NetJob::succeeded, [this, response]() { parseApiResponse(response); });
+ connect(task.get(), &NetJob::failed, this, &ModrinthPackExportTask::emitFailed);
+ task->start();
+bool ModrinthPackExportTask::abort()
+ if (task != nullptr) {
+ if (!task->abort())
+ return false;
+ task = nullptr;
+ emitAborted();
+ return true;
+ }
+ pendingAbort = true;
+ return true;
+void ModrinthPackExportTask::collectFiles()
+ files.clear();
+ if (!MMCZip::collectFileListRecursively(instance->gameRoot(), nullptr, &files, filter)) {
+ emitFailed(tr("Could not collect list of files"));
+ return;
+ }
+ pendingHashes.clear();
+ resolvedFiles.clear();
+ QDir mc(instance->gameRoot());
+ for (QFileInfo file : files) {
+ QString relative = mc.relativeFilePath(file.absoluteFilePath());
+ // require sensible file types
+ if (!(relative.endsWith(".zip") || relative.endsWith(".jar") || relative.endsWith(".litemod")))
+ continue;
+ if (!std::any_of(PREFIXES.begin(), PREFIXES.end(),
+ [&relative](const QString& prefix) { return relative.startsWith(prefix + QDir::separator()); }))
+ continue;
+ QCryptographicHash hash(QCryptographicHash::Algorithm::Sha512);
+ QFile openFile(file.absoluteFilePath());
+ if (!openFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
+ qWarning() << "Could not open" << file << "for hashing";
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!hash.addData(&openFile)) {
+ qWarning() << "Could not add hash data for" << file;
+ continue;
+ }
+ pendingHashes[relative] = hash.result().toHex();
+ }
+void ModrinthPackExportTask::parseApiResponse(QByteArray* response)
+ task = nullptr;
+ try {
+ QJsonDocument doc = Json::requireDocument(*response);
+ QMapIterator<QString, QString> iterator(pendingHashes);
+ while (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ iterator.next();
+ QJsonObject obj = doc[iterator.value()].toObject();
+ if (obj.isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ QJsonArray files = obj["files"].toArray();
+ if (auto fileIter = std::find_if(files.begin(), files.end(),
+ [&iterator](const QJsonValue& file) { return file["hashes"]["sha512"] == iterator.value(); });
+ fileIter != files.end()) {
+ // map the file to the url
+ resolvedFiles[iterator.key()] =
+ ResolvedFile{ fileIter->toObject()["hashes"].toObject()["sha1"].toString(), iterator.value(),
+ fileIter->toObject()["url"].toString(), fileIter->toObject()["size"].toInt() };
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Json::JsonException& e) {
+ qWarning() << "Failed to parse versions response" << e.what();
+ }
+ pendingHashes.clear();
+ buildZip();
+void ModrinthPackExportTask::buildZip()
+ QtConcurrent::run(QThreadPool::globalInstance(), [this]() {
+ setStatus("Adding files...");
+ QuaZip zip(output);
+ if (!zip.open(QuaZip::mdCreate)) {
+ QFile::remove(output);
+ emitFailed(tr("Could not create file"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pendingAbort) {
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(
+ this, [this]() { emitAborted(); }, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ return;
+ }
+ QuaZipFile indexFile(&zip);
+ if (!indexFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly, QuaZipNewInfo("modrinth.index.json"))) {
+ QFile::remove(output);
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(
+ this, [this]() { emitFailed(tr("Could not create index")); }, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ return;
+ }
+ indexFile.write(generateIndex());
+ QDir mc(instance->gameRoot());
+ size_t i = 0;
+ for (const QFileInfo& file : files) {
+ if (pendingAbort) {
+ QFile::remove(output);
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(
+ this, [this]() { emitAborted(); }, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ return;
+ }
+ setProgress(i, files.length());
+ QString relative = mc.relativeFilePath(file.absoluteFilePath());
+ if (!resolvedFiles.contains(relative) && !JlCompress::compressFile(&zip, file.absoluteFilePath(), "overrides/" + relative))
+ qWarning() << "Could not compress" << file;
+ i++;
+ }
+ zip.close();
+ if (zip.getZipError() != 0) {
+ QFile::remove(output);
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(
+ this, [this]() { emitFailed(tr("A zip error occurred")); }, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ return;
+ }
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(
+ this, [this]() { emitSucceeded(); }, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ });
+QByteArray ModrinthPackExportTask::generateIndex()
+ QJsonObject obj;
+ obj["formatVersion"] = 1;
+ obj["game"] = "minecraft";
+ obj["name"] = name;
+ obj["versionId"] = version;
+ if (!summary.isEmpty())
+ obj["summary"] = summary;
+ MinecraftInstance* mc = dynamic_cast<MinecraftInstance*>(instance.get());
+ if (mc) {
+ auto profile = mc->getPackProfile();
+ // collect all supported components
+ auto minecraft = profile->getComponent("net.minecraft");
+ auto quilt = profile->getComponent("org.quiltmc.quilt-loader");
+ auto fabric = profile->getComponent("net.fabricmc.fabric-loader");
+ auto forge = profile->getComponent("net.minecraftforge");
+ // convert all available components to mrpack dependencies
+ QJsonObject dependencies;
+ if (minecraft != nullptr)
+ dependencies["minecraft"] = minecraft->m_version;
+ if (quilt != nullptr)
+ dependencies["quilt-loader"] = quilt->m_version;
+ if (fabric != nullptr)
+ dependencies["fabric-loader"] = fabric->m_version;
+ if (forge != nullptr)
+ dependencies["forge"] = forge->m_version;
+ obj["dependencies"] = dependencies;
+ }
+ QJsonArray files;
+ QMapIterator<QString, ResolvedFile> iterator(resolvedFiles);
+ while (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ iterator.next();
+ const ResolvedFile& value = iterator.value();
+ QJsonObject file;
+ file["path"] = iterator.key();
+ file["downloads"] = QJsonArray({ iterator.value().url });
+ QJsonObject hashes;
+ hashes["sha1"] = value.sha1;
+ hashes["sha512"] = value.sha512;
+ file["hashes"] = hashes;
+ file["fileSize"] = value.size;
+ files << file;
+ }
+ obj["files"] = files;
+ return QJsonDocument(obj).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact);
+} \ No newline at end of file