path: root/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ManagedPackPage.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'launcher/ui/pages/instance/ManagedPackPage.cpp')
1 files changed, 433 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ManagedPackPage.cpp b/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ManagedPackPage.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4de80468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ManagedPackPage.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 flow <flowlnlnln@gmail.com>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+#include "ManagedPackPage.h"
+#include "ui_ManagedPackPage.h"
+#include <QListView>
+#include <QProxyStyle>
+#include <QStyleFactory>
+#include <HoeDown.h>
+#include "Application.h"
+#include "BuildConfig.h"
+#include "InstanceImportTask.h"
+#include "InstanceList.h"
+#include "InstanceTask.h"
+#include "Json.h"
+#include "modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPackManifest.h"
+#include "ui/InstanceWindow.h"
+#include "ui/dialogs/CustomMessageBox.h"
+#include "ui/dialogs/ProgressDialog.h"
+/** This is just to override the combo box popup behavior so that the combo box doesn't take the whole screen.
+ * ... thanks Qt.
+ */
+class NoBigComboBoxStyle : public QProxyStyle {
+ public:
+ NoBigComboBoxStyle(QStyle* style) : QProxyStyle(style) {}
+ // clang-format off
+ int styleHint(QStyle::StyleHint hint, const QStyleOption* option = nullptr, const QWidget* widget = nullptr, QStyleHintReturn* returnData = nullptr) const override
+ {
+ if (hint == QStyle::SH_ComboBox_Popup)
+ return false;
+ return QProxyStyle::styleHint(hint, option, widget, returnData);
+ }
+ // clang-format on
+ManagedPackPage* ManagedPackPage::createPage(BaseInstance* inst, QString type, QWidget* parent)
+ if (type == "modrinth")
+ return new ModrinthManagedPackPage(inst, nullptr, parent);
+ if (type == "flame" && (APPLICATION->capabilities() & Application::SupportsFlame))
+ return new FlameManagedPackPage(inst, nullptr, parent);
+ return new GenericManagedPackPage(inst, nullptr, parent);
+ManagedPackPage::ManagedPackPage(BaseInstance* inst, InstanceWindow* instance_window, QWidget* parent)
+ : QWidget(parent), m_instance_window(instance_window), ui(new Ui::ManagedPackPage), m_inst(inst)
+ Q_ASSERT(inst);
+ ui->setupUi(this);
+ // NOTE: GTK2 themes crash with the proxy style.
+ // This seems like an upstream bug, so there's not much else that can be done.
+ if (!QStyleFactory::keys().contains("gtk2"))
+ ui->versionsComboBox->setStyle(new NoBigComboBoxStyle(ui->versionsComboBox->style()));
+ ui->reloadButton->setVisible(false);
+ connect(ui->reloadButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [this](bool){
+ ui->reloadButton->setVisible(false);
+ m_loaded = false;
+ // Pretend we're opening the page again
+ openedImpl();
+ });
+ delete ui;
+void ManagedPackPage::openedImpl()
+ ui->packName->setText(m_inst->getManagedPackName());
+ ui->packVersion->setText(m_inst->getManagedPackVersionName());
+ ui->packOrigin->setText(tr("Website: <a href=%1>%2</a> | Pack ID: %3 | Version ID: %4")
+ .arg(url(), displayName(), m_inst->getManagedPackID(), m_inst->getManagedPackVersionID()));
+ parseManagedPack();
+QString ManagedPackPage::displayName() const
+ auto type = m_inst->getManagedPackType();
+ if (type.isEmpty())
+ return {};
+ if (type == "flame")
+ type = "CurseForge";
+ return type.replace(0, 1, type[0].toUpper());
+QIcon ManagedPackPage::icon() const
+ return APPLICATION->getThemedIcon(m_inst->getManagedPackType());
+QString ManagedPackPage::helpPage() const
+ return {};
+void ManagedPackPage::retranslate()
+ ui->retranslateUi(this);
+bool ManagedPackPage::shouldDisplay() const
+ return m_inst->isManagedPack();
+bool ManagedPackPage::runUpdateTask(InstanceTask* task)
+ Q_ASSERT(task);
+ unique_qobject_ptr<Task> wrapped_task(APPLICATION->instances()->wrapInstanceTask(task));
+ connect(task, &Task::failed,
+ [this](QString reason) { CustomMessageBox::selectable(this, tr("Error"), reason, QMessageBox::Critical)->show(); });
+ connect(task, &Task::succeeded, [this, task]() {
+ QStringList warnings = task->warnings();
+ if (warnings.count())
+ CustomMessageBox::selectable(this, tr("Warnings"), warnings.join('\n'), QMessageBox::Warning)->show();
+ });
+ connect(task, &Task::aborted, [this] {
+ CustomMessageBox::selectable(this, tr("Task aborted"), tr("The task has been aborted by the user."), QMessageBox::Information)
+ ->show();
+ });
+ ProgressDialog loadDialog(this);
+ loadDialog.setSkipButton(true, tr("Abort"));
+ loadDialog.execWithTask(task);
+ return task->wasSuccessful();
+void ManagedPackPage::suggestVersion()
+ ui->updateButton->setText(tr("Update pack"));
+ ui->updateButton->setDisabled(false);
+void ManagedPackPage::setFailState()
+ qDebug() << "Setting fail state!";
+ // We block signals here so that suggestVersion() doesn't get called, causing an assertion fail.
+ ui->versionsComboBox->blockSignals(true);
+ ui->versionsComboBox->clear();
+ ui->versionsComboBox->addItem(tr("Failed to search for available versions."), {});
+ ui->versionsComboBox->blockSignals(false);
+ ui->changelogTextBrowser->setText(tr("Failed to request changelog data for this modpack."));
+ ui->updateButton->setText(tr("Cannot update!"));
+ ui->updateButton->setDisabled(true);
+ ui->reloadButton->setVisible(true);
+ModrinthManagedPackPage::ModrinthManagedPackPage(BaseInstance* inst, InstanceWindow* instance_window, QWidget* parent)
+ : ManagedPackPage(inst, instance_window, parent)
+ Q_ASSERT(inst->isManagedPack());
+ connect(ui->versionsComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(suggestVersion()));
+ connect(ui->updateButton, &QPushButton::pressed, this, &ModrinthManagedPackPage::update);
+void ModrinthManagedPackPage::parseManagedPack()
+ qDebug() << "Parsing Modrinth pack";
+ // No need for the extra work because we already have everything we need.
+ if (m_loaded)
+ return;
+ if (m_fetch_job && m_fetch_job->isRunning())
+ m_fetch_job->abort();
+ m_fetch_job.reset(new NetJob(QString("Modrinth::PackVersions(%1)").arg(m_inst->getManagedPackName()), APPLICATION->network()));
+ auto response = std::make_shared<QByteArray>();
+ QString id = m_inst->getManagedPackID();
+ m_fetch_job->addNetAction(Net::Download::makeByteArray(QString("%1/project/%2/version").arg(BuildConfig.MODRINTH_PROD_URL, id), response.get()));
+ QObject::connect(m_fetch_job.get(), &NetJob::succeeded, this, [this, response, id] {
+ QJsonParseError parse_error{};
+ QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(*response, &parse_error);
+ if (parse_error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
+ qWarning() << "Error while parsing JSON response from Modrinth at " << parse_error.offset
+ << " reason: " << parse_error.errorString();
+ qWarning() << *response;
+ setFailState();
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ Modrinth::loadIndexedVersions(m_pack, doc);
+ } catch (const JSONValidationError& e) {
+ qDebug() << *response;
+ qWarning() << "Error while reading modrinth modpack version: " << e.cause();
+ setFailState();
+ return;
+ }
+ // We block signals here so that suggestVersion() doesn't get called, causing an assertion fail.
+ ui->versionsComboBox->blockSignals(true);
+ ui->versionsComboBox->clear();
+ ui->versionsComboBox->blockSignals(false);
+ for (auto version : m_pack.versions) {
+ QString name = version.version;
+ if (!version.name.contains(version.version))
+ name = QString("%1 — %2").arg(version.name, version.version);
+ // NOTE: the id from version isn't the same id in the modpack format spec...
+ // e.g. HexMC's 4.4.0 has versionId 4.0.0 in the modpack index..............
+ if (version.version == m_inst->getManagedPackVersionName())
+ name = tr("%1 (Current)").arg(name);
+ ui->versionsComboBox->addItem(name, QVariant(version.id));
+ }
+ suggestVersion();
+ m_loaded = true;
+ });
+ QObject::connect(m_fetch_job.get(), &NetJob::failed, this, &ModrinthManagedPackPage::setFailState);
+ QObject::connect(m_fetch_job.get(), &NetJob::aborted, this, &ModrinthManagedPackPage::setFailState);
+ ui->changelogTextBrowser->setText(tr("Fetching changelogs..."));
+ m_fetch_job->start();
+QString ModrinthManagedPackPage::url() const
+ return "https://modrinth.com/mod/" + m_inst->getManagedPackID();
+void ModrinthManagedPackPage::suggestVersion()
+ auto index = ui->versionsComboBox->currentIndex();
+ auto version = m_pack.versions.at(index);
+ HoeDown md_parser;
+ ui->changelogTextBrowser->setHtml(md_parser.process(version.changelog.toUtf8()));
+ ManagedPackPage::suggestVersion();
+void ModrinthManagedPackPage::update()
+ auto index = ui->versionsComboBox->currentIndex();
+ auto version = m_pack.versions.at(index);
+ QMap<QString, QString> extra_info;
+ // NOTE: Don't use 'm_pack.id' here, since we didn't completely parse all the metadata for the pack, including this field.
+ extra_info.insert("pack_id", m_inst->getManagedPackID());
+ extra_info.insert("pack_version_id", version.id);
+ extra_info.insert("original_instance_id", m_inst->id());
+ auto extracted = new InstanceImportTask(version.download_url, this, std::move(extra_info));
+ InstanceName inst_name(m_inst->getManagedPackName(), version.version);
+ inst_name.setName(m_inst->name().replace(m_inst->getManagedPackVersionName(), version.version));
+ extracted->setName(inst_name);
+ extracted->setGroup(APPLICATION->instances()->getInstanceGroup(m_inst->id()));
+ extracted->setIcon(m_inst->iconKey());
+ extracted->setConfirmUpdate(false);
+ auto did_succeed = runUpdateTask(extracted);
+ if (m_instance_window && did_succeed)
+ m_instance_window->close();
+FlameManagedPackPage::FlameManagedPackPage(BaseInstance* inst, InstanceWindow* instance_window, QWidget* parent)
+ : ManagedPackPage(inst, instance_window, parent)
+ Q_ASSERT(inst->isManagedPack());
+ connect(ui->versionsComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(suggestVersion()));
+ connect(ui->updateButton, &QPushButton::pressed, this, &FlameManagedPackPage::update);
+void FlameManagedPackPage::parseManagedPack()
+ qDebug() << "Parsing Flame pack";
+ // We need to tell the user to redownload the pack, since we didn't save the required info previously
+ if (m_inst->getManagedPackID().isEmpty()) {
+ setFailState();
+ QString message =
+ tr("<h1>Hey there!</h1>"
+ "<h4>"
+ "It seems like your Pack ID is null. This is because of a bug in older versions of the launcher.<br/>"
+ "Unfortunately, we can't do the proper API requests without this information.<br/>"
+ "<br/>"
+ "So, in order for this feature to work, you will need to re-download the modpack from the built-in downloader.<br/>"
+ "<br/>"
+ "Don't worry though, it will ask you to update this instance instead, so you'll not lose this instance!"
+ "</h4>");
+ ui->changelogTextBrowser->setHtml(message);
+ return;
+ }
+ // No need for the extra work because we already have everything we need.
+ if (m_loaded)
+ return;
+ if (m_fetch_job && m_fetch_job->isRunning())
+ m_fetch_job->abort();
+ m_fetch_job.reset(new NetJob(QString("Flame::PackVersions(%1)").arg(m_inst->getManagedPackName()), APPLICATION->network()));
+ auto response = std::make_shared<QByteArray>();
+ QString id = m_inst->getManagedPackID();
+ m_fetch_job->addNetAction(Net::Download::makeByteArray(QString("%1/mods/%2/files").arg(BuildConfig.FLAME_BASE_URL, id), response.get()));
+ QObject::connect(m_fetch_job.get(), &NetJob::succeeded, this, [this, response, id] {
+ QJsonParseError parse_error{};
+ QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(*response, &parse_error);
+ if (parse_error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
+ qWarning() << "Error while parsing JSON response from Flame at " << parse_error.offset
+ << " reason: " << parse_error.errorString();
+ qWarning() << *response;
+ setFailState();
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ auto obj = doc.object();
+ auto data = Json::ensureArray(obj, "data");
+ Flame::loadIndexedPackVersions(m_pack, data);
+ } catch (const JSONValidationError& e) {
+ qDebug() << *response;
+ qWarning() << "Error while reading flame modpack version: " << e.cause();
+ setFailState();
+ return;
+ }
+ // We block signals here so that suggestVersion() doesn't get called, causing an assertion fail.
+ ui->versionsComboBox->blockSignals(true);
+ ui->versionsComboBox->clear();
+ ui->versionsComboBox->blockSignals(false);
+ for (auto version : m_pack.versions) {
+ QString name = version.version;
+ if (version.fileId == m_inst->getManagedPackVersionID().toInt())
+ name = tr("%1 (Current)").arg(name);
+ ui->versionsComboBox->addItem(name, QVariant(version.fileId));
+ }
+ suggestVersion();
+ m_loaded = true;
+ });
+ QObject::connect(m_fetch_job.get(), &NetJob::failed, this, &FlameManagedPackPage::setFailState);
+ QObject::connect(m_fetch_job.get(), &NetJob::aborted, this, &FlameManagedPackPage::setFailState);
+ m_fetch_job->start();
+QString FlameManagedPackPage::url() const
+ // FIXME: We should display the websiteUrl field, but this requires doing the API request first :(
+ return {};
+void FlameManagedPackPage::suggestVersion()
+ auto index = ui->versionsComboBox->currentIndex();
+ auto version = m_pack.versions.at(index);
+ ui->changelogTextBrowser->setHtml(m_api.getModFileChangelog(m_inst->getManagedPackID().toInt(), version.fileId));
+ ManagedPackPage::suggestVersion();
+void FlameManagedPackPage::update()
+ auto index = ui->versionsComboBox->currentIndex();
+ auto version = m_pack.versions.at(index);
+ QMap<QString, QString> extra_info;
+ extra_info.insert("pack_id", m_inst->getManagedPackID());
+ extra_info.insert("pack_version_id", QString::number(version.fileId));
+ extra_info.insert("original_instance_id", m_inst->id());
+ auto extracted = new InstanceImportTask(version.downloadUrl, this, std::move(extra_info));
+ extracted->setName(m_inst->name());
+ extracted->setGroup(APPLICATION->instances()->getInstanceGroup(m_inst->id()));
+ extracted->setIcon(m_inst->iconKey());
+ extracted->setConfirmUpdate(false);
+ auto did_succeed = runUpdateTask(extracted);
+ if (m_instance_window && did_succeed)
+ m_instance_window->close();
+#include "ManagedPackPage.moc"