path: root/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/ResourceModel.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/ResourceModel.cpp')
1 files changed, 444 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/ResourceModel.cpp b/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/ResourceModel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db7d26f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/ResourceModel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 flowln <flowlnlnln@gmail.com>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+#include "ResourceModel.h"
+#include <QCryptographicHash>
+#include <QIcon>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QPixmapCache>
+#include <QUrl>
+#include "Application.h"
+#include "BuildConfig.h"
+#include "Json.h"
+#include "net/Download.h"
+#include "net/NetJob.h"
+#include "modplatform/ModIndex.h"
+#include "ui/widgets/ProjectItem.h"
+namespace ResourceDownload {
+QHash<ResourceModel*, bool> ResourceModel::s_running_models;
+ResourceModel::ResourceModel(ResourceAPI* api) : QAbstractListModel(), m_api(api)
+ s_running_models.insert(this, true);
+ s_running_models.find(this).value() = false;
+auto ResourceModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const -> QVariant
+ int pos = index.row();
+ if (pos >= m_packs.size() || pos < 0 || !index.isValid()) {
+ return QString("INVALID INDEX %1").arg(pos);
+ }
+ auto pack = m_packs.at(pos);
+ switch (role) {
+ case Qt::ToolTipRole: {
+ if (pack.description.length() > 100) {
+ // some magic to prevent to long tooltips and replace html linebreaks
+ QString edit = pack.description.left(97);
+ edit = edit.left(edit.lastIndexOf("<br>")).left(edit.lastIndexOf(" ")).append("...");
+ return edit;
+ }
+ return pack.description;
+ }
+ case Qt::DecorationRole: {
+ if (auto icon_or_none = const_cast<ResourceModel*>(this)->getIcon(const_cast<QModelIndex&>(index), pack.logoUrl);
+ icon_or_none.has_value())
+ return icon_or_none.value();
+ return APPLICATION->getThemedIcon("screenshot-placeholder");
+ }
+ case Qt::SizeHintRole:
+ return QSize(0, 58);
+ case Qt::UserRole: {
+ QVariant v;
+ v.setValue(pack);
+ return v;
+ }
+ // Custom data
+ case UserDataTypes::TITLE:
+ return pack.name;
+ case UserDataTypes::DESCRIPTION:
+ return pack.description;
+ case UserDataTypes::SELECTED:
+ return pack.isAnyVersionSelected();
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return {};
+QHash<int, QByteArray> ResourceModel::roleNames() const
+ QHash<int, QByteArray> roles;
+ roles[Qt::ToolTipRole] = "toolTip";
+ roles[Qt::DecorationRole] = "decoration";
+ roles[Qt::SizeHintRole] = "sizeHint";
+ roles[Qt::UserRole] = "pack";
+ roles[UserDataTypes::TITLE] = "title";
+ roles[UserDataTypes::DESCRIPTION] = "description";
+ roles[UserDataTypes::SELECTED] = "selected";
+ return roles;
+bool ResourceModel::setData(const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value, int role)
+ int pos = index.row();
+ if (pos >= m_packs.size() || pos < 0 || !index.isValid())
+ return false;
+ m_packs[pos] = value.value<ModPlatform::IndexedPack>();
+ emit dataChanged(index, index);
+ return true;
+QString ResourceModel::debugName() const
+ return "ResourceDownload (Model)";
+void ResourceModel::fetchMore(const QModelIndex& parent)
+ if (parent.isValid() || m_search_state == SearchState::Finished)
+ return;
+ search();
+void ResourceModel::search()
+ if (hasActiveSearchJob())
+ return;
+ auto args{ createSearchArguments() };
+ auto callbacks{ createSearchCallbacks() };
+ // Use defaults if no callbacks are set
+ if (!callbacks.on_succeed)
+ callbacks.on_succeed = [this](auto& doc) {
+ if (!s_running_models.constFind(this).value())
+ return;
+ searchRequestSucceeded(doc);
+ };
+ if (!callbacks.on_fail)
+ callbacks.on_fail = [this](QString reason, int network_error_code) {
+ if (!s_running_models.constFind(this).value())
+ return;
+ searchRequestFailed(reason, network_error_code);
+ };
+ if (!callbacks.on_abort)
+ callbacks.on_abort = [this] {
+ if (!s_running_models.constFind(this).value())
+ return;
+ searchRequestAborted();
+ };
+ if (auto job = m_api->searchProjects(std::move(args), std::move(callbacks)); job)
+ runSearchJob(job);
+void ResourceModel::loadEntry(QModelIndex& entry)
+ auto const& pack = m_packs[entry.row()];
+ if (!hasActiveInfoJob())
+ m_current_info_job.clear();
+ if (!pack.versionsLoaded) {
+ auto args{ createVersionsArguments(entry) };
+ auto callbacks{ createVersionsCallbacks(entry) };
+ // Use default if no callbacks are set
+ if (!callbacks.on_succeed)
+ callbacks.on_succeed = [this, entry](auto& doc, auto pack) {
+ if (!s_running_models.constFind(this).value())
+ return;
+ versionRequestSucceeded(doc, pack, entry);
+ };
+ if (auto job = m_api->getProjectVersions(std::move(args), std::move(callbacks)); job)
+ runInfoJob(job);
+ }
+ if (!pack.extraDataLoaded) {
+ auto args{ createInfoArguments(entry) };
+ auto callbacks{ createInfoCallbacks(entry) };
+ // Use default if no callbacks are set
+ if (!callbacks.on_succeed)
+ callbacks.on_succeed = [this, entry](auto& doc, auto pack) {
+ if (!s_running_models.constFind(this).value())
+ return;
+ infoRequestSucceeded(doc, pack, entry);
+ };
+ if (auto job = m_api->getProjectInfo(std::move(args), std::move(callbacks)); job)
+ runInfoJob(job);
+ }
+void ResourceModel::refresh()
+ bool reset_requested = false;
+ if (hasActiveInfoJob()) {
+ m_current_info_job.abort();
+ reset_requested = true;
+ }
+ if (hasActiveSearchJob()) {
+ m_current_search_job->abort();
+ reset_requested = true;
+ }
+ if (reset_requested) {
+ m_search_state = SearchState::ResetRequested;
+ return;
+ }
+ clearData();
+ m_search_state = SearchState::None;
+ m_next_search_offset = 0;
+ search();
+void ResourceModel::clearData()
+ beginResetModel();
+ m_packs.clear();
+ endResetModel();
+void ResourceModel::runSearchJob(Task::Ptr ptr)
+ m_current_search_job = ptr;
+ m_current_search_job->start();
+void ResourceModel::runInfoJob(Task::Ptr ptr)
+ if (!m_current_info_job.isRunning())
+ m_current_info_job.clear();
+ m_current_info_job.addTask(ptr);
+ if (!m_current_info_job.isRunning())
+ m_current_info_job.run();
+std::optional<ResourceAPI::SortingMethod> ResourceModel::getCurrentSortingMethodByIndex() const
+ std::optional<ResourceAPI::SortingMethod> sort{};
+ { // Find sorting method by ID
+ auto sorting_methods = getSortingMethods();
+ auto method = std::find_if(sorting_methods.constBegin(), sorting_methods.constEnd(),
+ [this](auto const& e) { return m_current_sort_index == e.index; });
+ if (method != sorting_methods.constEnd())
+ sort = *method;
+ }
+ return sort;
+std::optional<QIcon> ResourceModel::getIcon(QModelIndex& index, const QUrl& url)
+ QPixmap pixmap;
+ if (QPixmapCache::find(url.toString(), &pixmap))
+ return { pixmap };
+ if (!m_current_icon_job)
+ m_current_icon_job.reset(new NetJob("IconJob", APPLICATION->network()));
+ if (m_currently_running_icon_actions.contains(url))
+ return {};
+ if (m_failed_icon_actions.contains(url))
+ return {};
+ auto cache_entry = APPLICATION->metacache()->resolveEntry(
+ metaEntryBase(),
+ QString("logos/%1").arg(QString(QCryptographicHash::hash(url.toEncoded(), QCryptographicHash::Algorithm::Sha1).toHex())));
+ auto icon_fetch_action = Net::Download::makeCached(url, cache_entry);
+ auto full_file_path = cache_entry->getFullPath();
+ connect(icon_fetch_action.get(), &NetAction::succeeded, this, [=] {
+ auto icon = QIcon(full_file_path);
+ QPixmapCache::insert(url.toString(), icon.pixmap(icon.actualSize({ 64, 64 })));
+ m_currently_running_icon_actions.remove(url);
+ emit dataChanged(index, index, { Qt::DecorationRole });
+ });
+ connect(icon_fetch_action.get(), &NetAction::failed, this, [=] {
+ m_currently_running_icon_actions.remove(url);
+ m_failed_icon_actions.insert(url);
+ });
+ m_currently_running_icon_actions.insert(url);
+ m_current_icon_job->addNetAction(icon_fetch_action);
+ if (!m_current_icon_job->isRunning())
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_current_icon_job.get(), &NetJob::start);
+ return {};
+// No 'forgor to implement' shall pass here :blobfox_knife:
+ Q_ASSERT_X(0 != 0, #name, "You NEED to re-implement this if you intend on using the default callbacks.")
+QJsonArray ResourceModel::documentToArray(QJsonDocument& doc) const
+ NEED_FOR_CALLBACK_ASSERT("documentToArray");
+ return {};
+void ResourceModel::loadIndexedPack(ModPlatform::IndexedPack&, QJsonObject&)
+ NEED_FOR_CALLBACK_ASSERT("loadIndexedPack");
+void ResourceModel::loadExtraPackInfo(ModPlatform::IndexedPack&, QJsonObject&)
+ NEED_FOR_CALLBACK_ASSERT("loadExtraPackInfo");
+void ResourceModel::loadIndexedPackVersions(ModPlatform::IndexedPack&, QJsonArray&)
+ NEED_FOR_CALLBACK_ASSERT("loadIndexedPackVersions");
+/* Default callbacks */
+void ResourceModel::searchRequestSucceeded(QJsonDocument& doc)
+ QList<ModPlatform::IndexedPack> newList;
+ auto packs = documentToArray(doc);
+ for (auto packRaw : packs) {
+ auto packObj = packRaw.toObject();
+ ModPlatform::IndexedPack pack;
+ try {
+ loadIndexedPack(pack, packObj);
+ newList.append(pack);
+ } catch (const JSONValidationError& e) {
+ qWarning() << "Error while loading resource from " << debugName() << ": " << e.cause();
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (packs.size() < 25) {
+ m_search_state = SearchState::Finished;
+ } else {
+ m_next_search_offset += 25;
+ m_search_state = SearchState::CanFetchMore;
+ }
+ // When you have a Qt build with assertions turned on, proceeding here will abort the application
+ if (newList.size() == 0)
+ return;
+ beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_packs.size(), m_packs.size() + newList.size() - 1);
+ m_packs.append(newList);
+ endInsertRows();
+void ResourceModel::searchRequestFailed(QString reason, int network_error_code)
+ switch (network_error_code) {
+ default:
+ // Network error
+ QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, tr("Error"), tr("A network error occurred. Could not load mods."));
+ break;
+ case 409:
+ // 409 Gone, notify user to update
+ QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, tr("Error"),
+ QString("%1").arg(tr("API version too old!\nPlease update %1!").arg(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_DISPLAYNAME)));
+ break;
+ }
+ m_search_state = SearchState::Finished;
+void ResourceModel::searchRequestAborted()
+ if (m_search_state != SearchState::ResetRequested)
+ qCritical() << "Search task in" << debugName() << "aborted by an unknown reason!";
+ // Retry fetching
+ clearData();
+ m_next_search_offset = 0;
+ search();
+void ResourceModel::versionRequestSucceeded(QJsonDocument& doc, ModPlatform::IndexedPack& pack, const QModelIndex& index)
+ auto current_pack = data(index, Qt::UserRole).value<ModPlatform::IndexedPack>();
+ // Check if the index is still valid for this resource or not
+ if (pack.addonId != current_pack.addonId)
+ return;
+ try {
+ auto arr = doc.isObject() ? Json::ensureArray(doc.object(), "data") : doc.array();
+ loadIndexedPackVersions(current_pack, arr);
+ } catch (const JSONValidationError& e) {
+ qDebug() << doc;
+ qWarning() << "Error while reading " << debugName() << " resource version: " << e.cause();
+ }
+ // Cache info :^)
+ QVariant new_pack;
+ new_pack.setValue(current_pack);
+ if (!setData(index, new_pack, Qt::UserRole)) {
+ qWarning() << "Failed to cache resource versions!";
+ return;
+ }
+ emit versionListUpdated();
+void ResourceModel::infoRequestSucceeded(QJsonDocument& doc, ModPlatform::IndexedPack& pack, const QModelIndex& index)
+ auto current_pack = data(index, Qt::UserRole).value<ModPlatform::IndexedPack>();
+ // Check if the index is still valid for this resource or not
+ if (pack.addonId != current_pack.addonId)
+ return;
+ try {
+ auto obj = Json::requireObject(doc);
+ loadExtraPackInfo(current_pack, obj);
+ } catch (const JSONValidationError& e) {
+ qDebug() << doc;
+ qWarning() << "Error while reading " << debugName() << " resource info: " << e.cause();
+ }
+ // Cache info :^)
+ QVariant new_pack;
+ new_pack.setValue(current_pack);
+ if (!setData(index, new_pack, Qt::UserRole)) {
+ qWarning() << "Failed to cache resource info!";
+ return;
+ }
+ emit projectInfoUpdated();
+} // namespace ResourceDownload