path: root/logic/lists/MinecraftVersionList.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'logic/lists/MinecraftVersionList.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 290 deletions
diff --git a/logic/lists/MinecraftVersionList.cpp b/logic/lists/MinecraftVersionList.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b9d60c61..00000000
--- a/logic/lists/MinecraftVersionList.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2013 MultiMC Contributors
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "MinecraftVersionList.h"
-#include "MultiMC.h"
-#include "logic/net/URLConstants.h"
-#include <QtXml>
-#include <QJsonDocument>
-#include <QJsonObject>
-#include <QJsonArray>
-#include <QJsonValue>
-#include <QJsonParseError>
-#include <QtAlgorithms>
-#include <QtNetwork>
-MinecraftVersionList::MinecraftVersionList(QObject *parent) : BaseVersionList(parent)
-Task *MinecraftVersionList::getLoadTask()
- return new MCVListLoadTask(this);
-bool MinecraftVersionList::isLoaded()
- return m_loaded;
-const BaseVersionPtr MinecraftVersionList::at(int i) const
- return m_vlist.at(i);
-int MinecraftVersionList::count() const
- return m_vlist.count();
-static bool cmpVersions(BaseVersionPtr first, BaseVersionPtr second)
- auto left = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MinecraftVersion>(first);
- auto right = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MinecraftVersion>(second);
- return left->timestamp > right->timestamp;
-void MinecraftVersionList::sortInternal()
- qSort(m_vlist.begin(), m_vlist.end(), cmpVersions);
-void MinecraftVersionList::sort()
- beginResetModel();
- sortInternal();
- endResetModel();
-BaseVersionPtr MinecraftVersionList::getLatestStable() const
- for (int i = 0; i < m_vlist.length(); i++)
- {
- auto ver = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MinecraftVersion>(m_vlist.at(i));
- if (ver->is_latest && !ver->is_snapshot)
- {
- return m_vlist.at(i);
- }
- }
- return BaseVersionPtr();
-void MinecraftVersionList::updateListData(QList<BaseVersionPtr> versions)
- beginResetModel();
- m_vlist = versions;
- m_loaded = true;
- sortInternal();
- endResetModel();
-inline QDomElement getDomElementByTagName(QDomElement parent, QString tagname)
- QDomNodeList elementList = parent.elementsByTagName(tagname);
- if (elementList.count())
- return elementList.at(0).toElement();
- else
- return QDomElement();
-inline QDateTime timeFromS3Time(QString str)
- return QDateTime::fromString(str, Qt::ISODate);
-MCVListLoadTask::MCVListLoadTask(MinecraftVersionList *vlist)
- m_list = vlist;
- m_currentStable = NULL;
- vlistReply = nullptr;
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.5.2");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.5.1");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.5");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.4.7");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.4.6");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.4.5");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.4.4");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.4.3");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.4.2");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.4.1");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.4");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.3.2");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.3.1");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.3");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.2.5");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.2.4");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.2.3");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.2.2");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.2.1");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.1");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.0.1");
- legacyWhitelist.insert("1.0");
-void MCVListLoadTask::executeTask()
- setStatus(tr("Loading instance version list..."));
- auto worker = MMC->qnam();
- vlistReply = worker->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl("http://" + URLConstants::AWS_DOWNLOAD_VERSIONS + "versions.json")));
- connect(vlistReply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(list_downloaded()));
-void MCVListLoadTask::list_downloaded()
- if (vlistReply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError)
- {
- vlistReply->deleteLater();
- emitFailed("Failed to load Minecraft main version list" + vlistReply->errorString());
- return;
- }
- QJsonParseError jsonError;
- QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(vlistReply->readAll(), &jsonError);
- vlistReply->deleteLater();
- if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError)
- {
- emitFailed("Error parsing version list JSON:" + jsonError.errorString());
- return;
- }
- if (!jsonDoc.isObject())
- {
- emitFailed("Error parsing version list JSON: jsonDoc is not an object");
- return;
- }
- QJsonObject root = jsonDoc.object();
- // Get the ID of the latest release and the latest snapshot.
- if (!root.value("latest").isObject())
- {
- emitFailed("Error parsing version list JSON: version list is missing 'latest' object");
- return;
- }
- QJsonObject latest = root.value("latest").toObject();
- QString latestReleaseID = latest.value("release").toString("");
- QString latestSnapshotID = latest.value("snapshot").toString("");
- if (latestReleaseID.isEmpty())
- {
- emitFailed("Error parsing version list JSON: latest release field is missing");
- return;
- }
- if (latestSnapshotID.isEmpty())
- {
- emitFailed("Error parsing version list JSON: latest snapshot field is missing");
- return;
- }
- // Now, get the array of versions.
- if (!root.value("versions").isArray())
- {
- emitFailed(
- "Error parsing version list JSON: version list object is missing 'versions' array");
- return;
- }
- QJsonArray versions = root.value("versions").toArray();
- QList<BaseVersionPtr> tempList;
- for (int i = 0; i < versions.count(); i++)
- {
- bool is_snapshot = false;
- bool is_latest = false;
- // Load the version info.
- if (!versions[i].isObject())
- {
- // FIXME: log this somewhere
- continue;
- }
- QJsonObject version = versions[i].toObject();
- QString versionID = version.value("id").toString("");
- QString versionTimeStr = version.value("releaseTime").toString("");
- QString versionTypeStr = version.value("type").toString("");
- if (versionID.isEmpty() || versionTimeStr.isEmpty() || versionTypeStr.isEmpty())
- {
- // FIXME: log this somewhere
- continue;
- }
- // Parse the timestamp.
- QDateTime versionTime = timeFromS3Time(versionTimeStr);
- if (!versionTime.isValid())
- {
- // FIXME: log this somewhere
- continue;
- }
- // Parse the type.
- MinecraftVersion::VersionType versionType;
- // OneSix or Legacy. use filter to determine type
- if (versionTypeStr == "release")
- {
- versionType = legacyWhitelist.contains(versionID) ? MinecraftVersion::Legacy
- : MinecraftVersion::OneSix;
- is_latest = (versionID == latestReleaseID);
- is_snapshot = false;
- }
- else if (versionTypeStr == "snapshot") // It's a snapshot... yay
- {
- versionType = legacyWhitelist.contains(versionID) ? MinecraftVersion::Legacy
- : MinecraftVersion::OneSix;
- is_latest = (versionID == latestSnapshotID);
- is_snapshot = true;
- }
- else if (versionTypeStr == "old_alpha")
- {
- versionType = MinecraftVersion::Nostalgia;
- is_latest = false;
- is_snapshot = false;
- }
- else if (versionTypeStr == "old_beta")
- {
- versionType = MinecraftVersion::Legacy;
- is_latest = false;
- is_snapshot = false;
- }
- else
- {
- // FIXME: log this somewhere
- continue;
- }
- // Get the download URL.
- QString dlUrl = "http://" + URLConstants::AWS_DOWNLOAD_VERSIONS + versionID + "/";
- // Now, we construct the version object and add it to the list.
- std::shared_ptr<MinecraftVersion> mcVersion(new MinecraftVersion());
- mcVersion->m_name = mcVersion->m_descriptor = versionID;
- mcVersion->timestamp = versionTime.toMSecsSinceEpoch();
- mcVersion->download_url = dlUrl;
- mcVersion->is_latest = is_latest;
- mcVersion->is_snapshot = is_snapshot;
- mcVersion->type = versionType;
- tempList.append(mcVersion);
- }
- m_list->updateListData(tempList);
- emitSucceeded();
- return;