path: root/mmc_updater/depends/win32cpp/listview.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 867 deletions
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-// Win32++ Version 7.2
-// Released: 5th AUgust 2011
-// David Nash
-// email: dnash@bigpond.net.au
-// url: https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32-framework
-// Copyright (c) 2005-2011 David Nash
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to
-// any person obtaining a copy of this software and
-// associated documentation files (the "Software"),
-// to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
-// merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom
-// the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
-// following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice
-// shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
-// of the Software.
-#ifndef _WIN32XX_LISTVIEW_H_
-#define _WIN32XX_LISTVIEW_H_
-#include "wincore.h"
-#include "commctrl.h"
-namespace Win32xx
- class CListView : public CWnd
- {
- public:
- CListView() {}
- virtual ~CListView() {}
- virtual void PreRegisterClass(WNDCLASS &wc);
- // Attributes
- CSize ApproximateViewRect(CSize sz = CSize(-1, -1), int iCount = -1) const;
- COLORREF GetBkColor( ) const;
- BOOL GetBkImage( LVBKIMAGE& lvbkImage ) const;
- UINT GetCallbackMask( ) const;
- BOOL GetCheckState( UINT nItem ) const;
- BOOL GetColumn( int iCol, LVCOLUMN& Column ) const;
- BOOL GetColumnOrderArray( LPINT piArray, int iCount = -1 );
- int GetColumnWidth( int iCol ) const;
- int GetCountPerPage( ) const;
- HWND GetEditControl( ) const;
- DWORD GetExtendedStyle( ) const;
- HWND GetHeader( ) const;
- HCURSOR GetHotCursor( );
- int GetHotItem( ) const;
- DWORD GetHoverTime( ) const;
- HIMAGELIST GetImageList( int nImageType ) const;
- BOOL GetItem( LVITEM& lvItem ) const;
- int GetItemCount( ) const;
- DWORD_PTR GetItemData( int iItem ) const;
- BOOL GetItemPosition( int iItem, CPoint& pt ) const;
- BOOL GetItemRect( int iItem, CRect& rc, UINT nCode ) const;
- UINT GetItemState( int iItem, UINT nMask ) const;
- tString GetItemText( int iItem, int iSubItem, UINT nTextMax = 260 ) const;
- int GetNextItem( int iItem, int iFlags ) const;
- UINT GetNumberOfWorkAreas( ) const;
- BOOL GetOrigin( CPoint& pt ) const;
- UINT GetSelectedCount( ) const;
- int GetSelectionMark( ) const;
- int GetStringWidth( LPCTSTR pszString ) const;
- BOOL GetSubItemRect( int iItem, int iSubItem, int iCode, CRect& rc ) const;
- COLORREF GetTextBkColor( ) const;
- COLORREF GetTextColor( ) const;
- HWND GetToolTips( ) const;
- int GetTopIndex( ) const;
- BOOL GetViewRect( CRect& rc ) const;
- void GetWorkAreas( int iWorkAreas, LPRECT pRectArray ) const;
- BOOL SetBkColor( COLORREF clrBk ) const;
- BOOL SetBkImage( LVBKIMAGE& plvbkImage ) const;
- BOOL SetCallbackMask( UINT nMask ) const;
- void SetCheckState( int iItem, BOOL fCheck = TRUE ) const;
- BOOL SetColumn( int iCol, const LVCOLUMN& pColumn ) const;
- BOOL SetColumnOrderArray( int iCount, LPINT piArray ) const;
- BOOL SetColumnWidth( int iCol, int cx ) const;
- DWORD SetExtendedStyle( DWORD dwNewStyle ) const;
- HCURSOR SetHotCursor( HCURSOR hCursor ) const;
- int SetHotItem( int nIndex ) const;
- DWORD SetHoverTime( DWORD dwHoverTime = (DWORD)-1 ) const;
- CSize SetIconSpacing( int cx, int cy ) const;
- CSize SetIconSpacing( CSize sz ) const;
- HIMAGELIST SetImageList( HIMAGELIST himl, int iImageListType ) const;
- BOOL SetItem( LVITEM& pItem ) const;
- BOOL SetItem( int iItem, int iSubItem, UINT nMask, LPCTSTR pszText, int iImage,
- UINT nState, UINT nStateMask, LPARAM lParam, int iIndent ) const;
- void SetItemCount( int iCount ) const;
- void SetItemCountEx( int iCount, DWORD dwFlags = LVSICF_NOINVALIDATEALL ) const;
- BOOL SetItemData( int iItem, DWORD_PTR dwData ) const;
- BOOL SetItemPosition( int iItem, CPoint& pt ) const;
- BOOL SetItemState( int iItem, LVITEM& Item ) const;
- void SetItemState( int iItem, UINT nState, UINT nMask ) const;
- void SetItemText( int iItem, int iSubItem, LPCTSTR pszText ) const;
- int SetSelectionMark( int iIndex ) const;
- BOOL SetTextBkColor( COLORREF clrBkText ) const;
- BOOL SetTextColor( COLORREF clrText ) const;
- HWND SetToolTips( HWND hWndToolTip ) const;
- void SetWorkAreas( int nWorkAreas, CRect& pRectArray ) const;
- int SubItemHitTest( LVHITTESTINFO& htInfo ) const;
- // Operations
- BOOL Arrange( UINT nCode ) const;
- HIMAGELIST CreateDragImage( int iItem, CPoint& pt ) const;
- BOOL DeleteAllItems( ) const;
- BOOL DeleteColumn( int iCol ) const;
- BOOL DeleteItem( int iItem ) const;
- HWND EditLabel( int iItem ) const;
- BOOL EnsureVisible( int iItem, BOOL fPartialOK ) const;
- int FindItem( LVFINDINFO& FindInfo, int iStart = -1 ) const;
- int HitTest( LVHITTESTINFO& HitTestInfo ) const;
- int HitTest( CPoint pt, UINT* pFlags = NULL ) const;
- int InsertColumn( int iCol, const LVCOLUMN& pColumn ) const;
- int InsertColumn( int iCol, LPCTSTR pszColumnHeading, int iFormat = LVCFMT_LEFT,
- int iWidth = -1, int iSubItem = -1 ) const;
- int InsertItem( const LVITEM& pItem ) const;
- int InsertItem( int iItem, LPCTSTR pszText ) const;
- int InsertItem( int iItem, LPCTSTR pszText, int iImage ) const;
- BOOL RedrawItems( int iFirst, int iLast ) const;
- BOOL Scroll( CSize sz ) const;
- BOOL SortItems( PFNLVCOMPARE pfnCompare, DWORD_PTR dwData ) const;
- BOOL Update( int iItem ) const;
- private:
- CListView(const CListView&); // Disable copy construction
- CListView& operator = (const CListView&); // Disable assignment operator
- };
-namespace Win32xx
- inline void CListView::PreRegisterClass(WNDCLASS &wc)
- {
- // Set the Window Class
- wc.lpszClassName = WC_LISTVIEW;
- }
- inline CSize CListView::ApproximateViewRect(CSize sz /*= CSize(-1, -1)*/, int iCount /* = -1*/) const
- // Calculates the approximate width and height required to display a given number of items.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return CSize( ListView_ApproximateViewRect( m_hWnd, sz.cx, sz.cy, iCount ) );
- }
- inline COLORREF CListView::GetBkColor( ) const
- // Retrieves the background color of a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetBkColor( m_hWnd );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::GetBkImage( LVBKIMAGE& lvbkImage ) const
- // Retrieves the background image in a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetBkImage( m_hWnd, &lvbkImage );
- }
- inline UINT CListView::GetCallbackMask( ) const
- // Retrieves the callback mask for a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetCallbackMask( m_hWnd );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::GetCheckState( UINT nItem ) const
- // Determines if an item in a list-view control is selected.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetCheckState( m_hWnd, nItem );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::GetColumn( int iCol, LVCOLUMN& Column ) const
- // Retrieves the attributes of a list-view control's column.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetColumn( m_hWnd, iCol, &Column );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::GetColumnOrderArray( LPINT piArray, int iCount /*= -1*/ )
- // Retrieves the current left-to-right order of columns in a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetColumnOrderArray( m_hWnd, iCount, piArray );
- }
- inline int CListView::GetColumnWidth( int iCol ) const
- // Retrieves the width of a column in report or list view.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetColumnWidth( m_hWnd, iCol );
- }
- inline int CListView::GetCountPerPage( ) const
- // Calculates the number of items that can fit vertically in the visible area of a
- // list-view control when in list or report view. Only fully visible items are counted.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetCountPerPage( m_hWnd );
- }
- inline HWND CListView::GetEditControl( ) const
- // Retrieves the handle to the edit control being used to edit a list-view item's text.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetEditControl( m_hWnd );
- }
- inline DWORD CListView::GetExtendedStyle( ) const
- // Retrieves the extended styles that are currently in use for a given list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetExtendedListViewStyle( m_hWnd );
- }
- inline HWND CListView::GetHeader( ) const
- // Retrieves the handle to the header control used by a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetHeader( m_hWnd );
- }
- inline HCURSOR CListView::GetHotCursor( )
- // Retrieves the HCURSOR used when the pointer is over an item while hot tracking is enabled.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetHotCursor( m_hWnd );
- }
- inline int CListView::GetHotItem( ) const
- // Retrieves the index of the hot item.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetHotItem( m_hWnd );
- }
- inline DWORD CListView::GetHoverTime( ) const
- // Retrieves the amount of time that the mouse cursor must hover over an item before it is selected.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetHoverTime( m_hWnd );
- }
- inline HIMAGELIST CListView::GetImageList( int nImageType ) const
- // Retrieves the handle to an image list used for drawing list-view items.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetImageList( m_hWnd, nImageType );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::GetItem( LVITEM& Item ) const
- // Retrieves some or all of a list-view item's attributes.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetItem( m_hWnd, &Item );
- }
- inline int CListView::GetItemCount( ) const
- // Retrieves the number of items in a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetItemCount( m_hWnd );
- }
- inline DWORD_PTR CListView::GetItemData( int iItem ) const
- // Retrieves the value(lParam) specific to the item.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- LVITEM lvi = {0};
- lvi.iItem = iItem;
- lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
- ListView_GetItem(m_hWnd, &lvi);
- return lvi.lParam;
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::GetItemPosition( int iItem, CPoint& pt ) const
- // Retrieves the position of a list-view item.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetItemPosition( m_hWnd, iItem, &pt );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::GetItemRect( int iItem, CRect& rc, UINT nCode ) const
- // Retrieves the bounding rectangle for all or part of an item in the current view.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetItemRect( m_hWnd, iItem, &rc, nCode );
- }
- inline UINT CListView::GetItemState( int iItem, UINT nMask ) const
- // Retrieves the state of a list-view item.
- // Possible values of nMask:
- // LVIS_CUT The item is marked for a cut-and-paste operation.
- // LVIS_DROPHILITED The item is highlighted as a drag-and-drop target.
- // LVIS_FOCUSED The item has the focus, so it is surrounded by a standard focus rectangle.
- // LVIS_SELECTED The item is selected.
- // LVIS_OVERLAYMASK Use this mask to retrieve the item's overlay image index.
- // LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK Use this mask to retrieve the item's state image index.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetItemState( m_hWnd, iItem, nMask );
- }
- inline tString CListView::GetItemText( int iItem, int iSubItem, UINT nTextMax /* = 260 */ ) const
- // Retrieves the text of a list-view item.
- // Note: Although the list-view control allows any length string to be stored
- // as item text, only the first 260 characters are displayed.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- tString t;
- if (nTextMax > 0)
- {
- std::vector<TCHAR> vTChar(nTextMax +1, _T('\0'));
- TCHAR* pszText = &vTChar.front();
- LVITEM lvi = {0};
- lvi.iItem = iItem;
- lvi.iSubItem = iSubItem;
- lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
- lvi.cchTextMax = nTextMax;
- lvi.pszText = pszText;
- ListView_GetItem( m_hWnd, &lvi );
- t = lvi.pszText;
- }
- return t;
- }
- inline int CListView::GetNextItem( int iItem, int iFlags ) const
- // Searches for a list-view item that has the specified properties and
- // bears the specified relationship to a specified item.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetNextItem( m_hWnd, iItem, iFlags );
- }
- inline UINT CListView::GetNumberOfWorkAreas( ) const
- // Retrieves the working areas from a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- UINT nWorkAreas = 0;
- ListView_GetWorkAreas( m_hWnd, nWorkAreas, NULL );
- return nWorkAreas;
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::GetOrigin( CPoint& pt ) const
- // Retrieves the current view origin for a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetOrigin( m_hWnd, &pt );
- }
- inline UINT CListView::GetSelectedCount( ) const
- // Determines the number of selected items in a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return (UINT)::SendMessage( m_hWnd, LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT, 0L, 0L );
- }
- inline int CListView::GetSelectionMark( ) const
- // Retrieves the selection mark from a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return (int)::SendMessage( m_hWnd, LVM_GETSELECTIONMARK, 0L, 0L );
- }
- inline int CListView::GetStringWidth( LPCTSTR pszString ) const
- // Determines the width of a specified string using the specified list-view control's current font.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return (int)::SendMessage( m_hWnd, LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTH, 0L, (LPARAM)pszString );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::GetSubItemRect( int iItem, int iSubItem, int iCode, CRect& rc ) const
- // Retrieves information about the rectangle that surrounds a subitem in a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetSubItemRect( m_hWnd, iItem, iSubItem, iCode, &rc );
- }
- inline COLORREF CListView::GetTextBkColor( ) const
- // Retrieves the text background color of a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetTextBkColor( m_hWnd );
- }
- inline COLORREF CListView::GetTextColor( ) const
- // Retrieves the text color of a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetTextColor( m_hWnd );
- }
- inline HWND CListView::GetToolTips( ) const
- // Retrieves the ToolTip control that the list-view control uses to display ToolTips.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetToolTips( m_hWnd );
- }
- inline int CListView::GetTopIndex( ) const
- // Retrieves the index of the topmost visible item when in list or report view.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetTopIndex( m_hWnd );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::GetViewRect( CRect& rc ) const
- // Retrieves the bounding rectangle of all items in the list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_GetViewRect( m_hWnd, &rc );
- }
- inline void CListView::GetWorkAreas( int iWorkAreas, LPRECT pRectArray ) const
- // Retrieves the working areas from a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- ListView_GetWorkAreas( m_hWnd, iWorkAreas, pRectArray );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::SetBkColor( COLORREF clrBk ) const
- // Sets the background color of a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SetBkColor( m_hWnd, clrBk );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::SetBkImage( LVBKIMAGE& lvbkImage ) const
- // Sets the background image in a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SetBkImage( m_hWnd, &lvbkImage );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::SetCallbackMask( UINT nMask ) const
- // Changes the callback mask for a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SetCallbackMask( m_hWnd, nMask );
- }
- inline void CListView::SetCheckState( int iItem, BOOL fCheck /*= TRUE*/ ) const
- // Used to select or deselect an item in a list-view control.
- // This macro should only be used for list-view controls with the LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES style.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- ListView_SetItemState(m_hWnd, iItem, INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK((fCheck==TRUE)?2:1),LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK);
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::SetColumn( int iCol, const LVCOLUMN& Column ) const
- // Sets the attributes of a list-view column.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SetColumn( m_hWnd, iCol, &Column );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::SetColumnOrderArray( int iCount, LPINT piArray ) const
- // Sets the left-to-right order of columns in a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SetColumnOrderArray( m_hWnd, iCount, piArray );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::SetColumnWidth( int iCol, int cx ) const
- // Used to change the width of a column in report view or the width of all columns in list-view mode.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SetColumnWidth( m_hWnd, iCol, cx );
- }
- inline DWORD CListView::SetExtendedStyle( DWORD dwNewStyle ) const
- // Sets extended styles for list-view controls.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle( m_hWnd, dwNewStyle );
- }
- inline HCURSOR CListView::SetHotCursor( HCURSOR hCursor ) const
- // Sets the HCURSOR that the list-view control uses when the pointer is
- // over an item while hot tracking is enabled.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SetHotCursor( m_hWnd, hCursor );
- }
- inline int CListView::SetHotItem( int nIndex ) const
- // Sets the hot item in a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SetHotItem( m_hWnd, nIndex );
- }
- inline DWORD CListView::SetHoverTime( DWORD dwHoverTime /*= (DWORD)-1*/ ) const
- // Sets the amount of time that the mouse cursor must hover over an item before it is selected.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SetHoverTime( m_hWnd, dwHoverTime );
- }
- inline CSize CListView::SetIconSpacing( int cx, int cy ) const
- // Sets the spacing between icons in list-view controls set to the LVS_ICON style.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return CSize( ListView_SetIconSpacing( m_hWnd, cx, cy ) );
- }
- inline CSize CListView::SetIconSpacing( CSize sz ) const
- // Sets the spacing between icons in list-view controls set to the LVS_ICON style.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return CSize( ListView_SetIconSpacing( m_hWnd, sz.cx, sz.cy ) );
- }
- inline HIMAGELIST CListView::SetImageList( HIMAGELIST himl, int iImageListType ) const
- // Assigns an image list to a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SetImageList( m_hWnd, himl, iImageListType );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::SetItem( LVITEM& Item ) const
- // Sets some or all of a list-view item's attributes.
- // The declaration for TVITEM:
- // typedef struct _LVITEM {
- // UINT mask;
- // int iItem;
- // int iSubItem;
- // UINT state;
- // UINT stateMask;
- // LPTSTR pszText;
- // int cchTextMax;
- // int iImage;
- // LPARAM lParam;
- // } LVITEM, *LVITEM&;
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SetItem( m_hWnd, &Item );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::SetItem( int iItem, int iSubItem, UINT nMask, LPCTSTR pszText, int iImage,
- UINT nState, UINT nStateMask, LPARAM lParam, int iIndent ) const
- // Sets some or all of a list-view item's attributes.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- LVITEM lvi = {0};
- lvi.iItem = iItem;
- lvi.iSubItem = iSubItem;
- lvi.mask = nMask;
- lvi.pszText = (LPTSTR)pszText;
- lvi.iImage = iImage;
- lvi.state = nState;
- lvi.stateMask = nStateMask;
- lvi.lParam = lParam;
- lvi.iIndent = iIndent;
- return ListView_SetItem( m_hWnd, &lvi);
- }
- inline void CListView::SetItemCount( int iCount ) const
- // Causes the list-view control to allocate memory for the specified number of items.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- ListView_SetItemCount( m_hWnd, iCount );
- }
- inline void CListView::SetItemCountEx( int iCount, DWORD dwFlags /*= LVSICF_NOINVALIDATEALL*/ ) const
- // Sets the virtual number of items in a virtual list view.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- ListView_SetItemCountEx( m_hWnd, iCount, dwFlags );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::SetItemData( int iItem, DWORD_PTR dwData ) const
- // Sets the value(lParam) specific to the item.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- LVITEM lvi = {0};
- lvi.iItem = iItem;
- lvi.lParam = dwData;
- lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
- return ListView_SetItem(m_hWnd, &lvi);
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::SetItemPosition( int iItem, CPoint& pt ) const
- // Moves an item to a specified position in a list-view control (in icon or small icon view).
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SetItemPosition( m_hWnd, iItem, pt.x, pt.y );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::SetItemState( int iItem, LVITEM& Item ) const
- // Changes the state of an item in a list-view control.
- // Possible values of nMask:
- // LVIS_CUT The item is marked for a cut-and-paste operation.
- // LVIS_DROPHILITED The item is highlighted as a drag-and-drop target.
- // LVIS_FOCUSED The item has the focus, so it is surrounded by a standard focus rectangle.
- // LVIS_SELECTED The item is selected.
- // LVIS_OVERLAYMASK Use this mask to retrieve the item's overlay image index.
- // LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK Use this mask to retrieve the item's state image index.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return (BOOL)::SendMessage(m_hWnd, LVM_SETITEMSTATE, (WPARAM)iItem, (LPARAM)&Item);
- }
- inline void CListView::SetItemState( int iItem, UINT nState, UINT nMask ) const
- // Changes the state of an item in a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- ListView_SetItemState(m_hWnd, iItem, nState, nMask);
- }
- inline void CListView::SetItemText( int iItem, int iSubItem, LPCTSTR pszText ) const
- // Sets the text color of a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- ListView_SetItemText(m_hWnd, iItem, iSubItem, (LPTSTR)pszText );
- }
- inline int CListView::SetSelectionMark( int iIndex ) const
- // Sets the selection mark in a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SetSelectionMark( m_hWnd, iIndex );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::SetTextBkColor( COLORREF clrBkText ) const
- // Sets the background color of text in a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SetTextBkColor( m_hWnd, clrBkText );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::SetTextColor( COLORREF clrText ) const
- // Sets the text color of a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SetTextColor( m_hWnd, clrText );
- }
- inline HWND CListView::SetToolTips( HWND hWndToolTip ) const
- // Sets the ToolTip control that the list-view control will use to display ToolTips.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return (HWND)::SendMessage(m_hWnd, LVM_SETTOOLTIPS, (WPARAM)hWndToolTip, 0L);
- }
- inline void CListView::SetWorkAreas( int nWorkAreas, CRect& pRectArray ) const
- // Sets the working area within a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- ListView_SetWorkAreas( m_hWnd, nWorkAreas, pRectArray );
- }
- inline int CListView::SubItemHitTest( LVHITTESTINFO& htInfo ) const
- // Determines which list-view item or subitem is located at a given position.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SubItemHitTest( m_hWnd, &htInfo );
- }
- // Operations
- inline BOOL CListView::Arrange( UINT nCode ) const
- // Arranges items in icon view.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_Arrange( m_hWnd, nCode );
- }
- inline HIMAGELIST CListView::CreateDragImage( int iItem, CPoint& pt ) const
- // Creates a drag image list for the specified item.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_CreateDragImage( m_hWnd, iItem, &pt );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::DeleteAllItems( ) const
- // ListView_DeleteAllItems
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_DeleteAllItems( m_hWnd );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::DeleteColumn( int iCol ) const
- // Removes a column from a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_DeleteColumn( m_hWnd, iCol );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::DeleteItem( int iItem ) const
- // Removes an item from a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_DeleteItem( m_hWnd, iItem );
- }
- inline HWND CListView::EditLabel( int iItem ) const
- // Begins in-place editing of the specified list-view item's text.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_EditLabel( m_hWnd, iItem );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::EnsureVisible( int iItem, BOOL fPartialOK ) const
- // Ensures that a list-view item is either entirely or partially visible,
- // scrolling the list-view control if necessary.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return (BOOL)SendMessage(LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, (WPARAM)iItem, (LPARAM)fPartialOK );
- }
- inline int CListView::FindItem( LVFINDINFO& FindInfo, int iStart /*= -1*/ ) const
- // Searches for a list-view item with the specified characteristics.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_FindItem( m_hWnd, iStart, &FindInfo );
- }
- inline int CListView::HitTest( LVHITTESTINFO& HitTestInfo ) const
- // Determines which list-view item, if any, is at a specified position.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_HitTest( m_hWnd, &HitTestInfo );
- }
- inline int CListView::HitTest( CPoint pt, UINT* pFlags /*= NULL*/ ) const
- // Determines which list-view item, if any, is at a specified position.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- LVHITTESTINFO hti = {0};
- hti.flags = *pFlags;
- hti.pt = pt;
- return ListView_HitTest( m_hWnd, &hti );
- }
- inline int CListView::InsertColumn( int iCol, const LVCOLUMN& Column ) const
- // Inserts a new column in a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_InsertColumn( m_hWnd, iCol, &Column );
- }
- inline int CListView::InsertColumn( int iCol, LPCTSTR pszColumnHeading, int iFormat /*= LVCFMT_LEFT*/,
- int iWidth /*= -1*/, int iSubItem /*= -1*/ ) const
- // Inserts a new column in a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- LVCOLUMN lvc = {0};
- if (-1 != iWidth)
- {
- lvc.mask |= LVCF_WIDTH;
- lvc.cx = iWidth;
- }
- if (-1 != iSubItem)
- {
- lvc.mask |= LVCF_SUBITEM;
- lvc.iSubItem = iSubItem;
- }
- lvc.iOrder = iCol;
- lvc.pszText = (LPTSTR)pszColumnHeading;
- lvc.fmt = iFormat;
- lvc.iSubItem = iSubItem;
- return ListView_InsertColumn( m_hWnd, iCol, &lvc );
- }
- inline int CListView::InsertItem( const LVITEM& Item ) const
- // Inserts a new item in a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_InsertItem( m_hWnd, &Item );
- }
- inline int CListView::InsertItem( int iItem, LPCTSTR pszText ) const
- // Inserts a new item in a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- LVITEM lvi = {0};
- lvi.iItem = iItem;
- lvi.pszText = (LPTSTR)pszText;
- lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
- return ListView_InsertItem( m_hWnd, &lvi );
- }
- inline int CListView::InsertItem( int iItem, LPCTSTR pszText, int iImage ) const
- // Inserts a new item in a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- LVITEM lvi = {0};
- lvi.iItem = iItem;
- lvi.pszText = (LPTSTR)pszText;
- lvi.iImage = iImage;
- lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE;
- return ListView_InsertItem( m_hWnd, &lvi );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::RedrawItems( int iFirst, int iLast ) const
- // Forces a list-view control to redraw a range of items.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_RedrawItems( m_hWnd, iFirst, iLast );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::Scroll( CSize sz ) const
- // Scrolls the content of a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_Scroll( m_hWnd, sz.cx, sz.cy );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::SortItems( PFNLVCOMPARE pfnCompare, DWORD_PTR dwData ) const
- // Uses an application-defined comparison function to sort the items of a list-view control.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_SortItems( m_hWnd, pfnCompare, dwData );
- }
- inline BOOL CListView::Update( int iItem ) const
- // Updates a list-view item. If the list-view control has the LVS_AUTOARRANGE style,
- // the list-view control is rearranged.
- {
- assert(::IsWindow(m_hWnd));
- return ListView_Update( m_hWnd, iItem );
- }
-} // namespace Win32xx
-#endif // #ifndef _WIN32XX_LISTVIEW_H_