path: root/tests/FileSystem_test.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/FileSystem_test.cpp')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/FileSystem_test.cpp b/tests/FileSystem_test.cpp
index 4ccc4003..4418dd62 100644
--- a/tests/FileSystem_test.cpp
+++ b/tests/FileSystem_test.cpp
@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ class LinkTask : public Task {
+ void setMaxDepth(int depth)
+ {
+ m_lnk->setMaxDepth(depth);
+ }
void executeTask() override
@@ -630,6 +635,149 @@ slots:
+ void test_link_with_max_depth()
+ {
+ QString folder = QFINDTESTDATA("testdata/FileSystem/test_folder");
+ auto f = [&folder, this]()
+ {
+ QTemporaryDir tempDir;
+ tempDir.setAutoRemove(true);
+ qDebug() << "From:" << folder << "To:" << tempDir.path();
+ QDir target_dir(FS::PathCombine(tempDir.path(), "test_folder"));
+ qDebug() << tempDir.path();
+ qDebug() << target_dir.path();
+ LinkTask lnk_tsk(folder, target_dir.path());
+ lnk_tsk.linkRecursively(true);
+ lnk_tsk.setMaxDepth(0);
+ QObject::connect(&lnk_tsk, &Task::finished, [&]{
+ QVERIFY2(lnk_tsk.wasSuccessful(), "Task finished but was not successful when it should have been.");
+ });
+ lnk_tsk.start();
+ QVERIFY2(QTest::qWaitFor([&]() {
+ return lnk_tsk.isFinished();
+ }, 100000), "Task didn't finish as it should.");
+ QVERIFY(!QFileInfo(target_dir.path()).isSymLink());
+ auto filter = QDir::Filter::Files | QDir::Filter::Dirs | QDir::Filter::Hidden;
+ for(auto entry: target_dir.entryList(filter))
+ {
+ qDebug() << entry;
+ if (entry == "." || entry == "..") continue;
+ QFileInfo entry_lnk_info(target_dir.filePath(entry));
+ QVERIFY(entry_lnk_info.isSymLink());
+ }
+ QFileInfo lnk_info(target_dir.path());
+ QVERIFY(lnk_info.exists());
+ QVERIFY(!lnk_info.isSymLink());
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("pack.mcmeta"));
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("assets"));
+ };
+ // first try variant without trailing /
+ QVERIFY(!folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ // then variant with trailing /
+ folder.append('/');
+ QVERIFY(folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ }
+ void test_link_with_no_max_depth()
+ {
+ QString folder = QFINDTESTDATA("testdata/FileSystem/test_folder");
+ auto f = [&folder]()
+ {
+ QTemporaryDir tempDir;
+ tempDir.setAutoRemove(true);
+ qDebug() << "From:" << folder << "To:" << tempDir.path();
+ QDir target_dir(FS::PathCombine(tempDir.path(), "test_folder"));
+ qDebug() << tempDir.path();
+ qDebug() << target_dir.path();
+ LinkTask lnk_tsk(folder, target_dir.path());
+ lnk_tsk.linkRecursively(true);
+ lnk_tsk.setMaxDepth(-1);
+ QObject::connect(&lnk_tsk, &Task::finished, [&]{
+ QVERIFY2(lnk_tsk.wasSuccessful(), "Task finished but was not successful when it should have been.");
+ });
+ lnk_tsk.start();
+ QVERIFY2(QTest::qWaitFor([&]() {
+ return lnk_tsk.isFinished();
+ }, 100000), "Task didn't finish as it should.");
+ std::function<void(QString)> verify_check = [&](QString check_path) {
+ QDir check_dir(check_path);
+ auto filter = QDir::Filter::Files | QDir::Filter::Dirs | QDir::Filter::Hidden;
+ for(auto entry: check_dir.entryList(filter))
+ {
+ QFileInfo entry_lnk_info(check_dir.filePath(entry));
+ qDebug() << entry << check_dir.filePath(entry);
+ if (!entry_lnk_info.isDir()){
+ QVERIFY(entry_lnk_info.isSymLink());
+ } else if (entry != "." && entry != "..") {
+ qDebug() << "Decending tree to verify symlinks:" << check_dir.filePath(entry);
+ verify_check(entry_lnk_info.filePath());
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ verify_check(target_dir.path());
+ QFileInfo lnk_info(target_dir.path());
+ QVERIFY(lnk_info.exists());
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("pack.mcmeta"));
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("assets"));
+ };
+ // first try variant without trailing /
+ QVERIFY(!folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ // then variant with trailing /
+ folder.append('/');
+ QVERIFY(folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ }
+ void test_path_depth() {
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathDepth(""), 0);
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathDepth("."), 0);
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathDepth("foo.txt"), 0);
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathDepth("./foo.txt"), 0);
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathDepth("./bar/foo.txt"), 1);
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathDepth("../bar/foo.txt"), 0);
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathDepth("/bar/foo.txt"), 1);
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathDepth("baz/bar/foo.txt"), 2);
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathDepth("/baz/bar/foo.txt"), 2);
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathDepth("./baz/bar/foo.txt"), 2);
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathDepth("/baz/../bar/foo.txt"), 1);
+ }
+ void test_path_trunc() {
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathTruncate("", 0), "");
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathTruncate("foo.txt", 0), "");
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathTruncate("foo.txt", 1), "");
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathTruncate("./bar/foo.txt", 0), "./bar");
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathTruncate("./bar/foo.txt", 1), "./bar");
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathTruncate("/bar/foo.txt", 1), "/bar");
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathTruncate("bar/foo.txt", 1), "bar");
+ QCOMPARE_EQ(FS::PathTruncate("baz/bar/foo.txt", 2), "baz/bar");
+ }