path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
5 files changed, 583 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/tests/FileSystem_test.cpp b/tests/FileSystem_test.cpp
index 3a5c38d0..ec1f0bcf 100644
--- a/tests/FileSystem_test.cpp
+++ b/tests/FileSystem_test.cpp
@@ -1,11 +1,104 @@
#include <QTest>
+#include <QDir>
#include <QTemporaryDir>
#include <QStandardPaths>
+#include <tasks/Task.h>
#include <FileSystem.h>
+#include <StringUtils.h>
+// Snippet from https://github.com/gulrak/filesystem#using-it-as-single-file-header
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#include <Availability.h> // for deployment target to support pre-catalina targets without std::fs
+#endif // __APPLE__
+#if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || (defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201703L)) && defined(__has_include)
+#if __has_include(<filesystem>) && (!defined(__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED) || __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 101500)
+#define GHC_USE_STD_FS
+#include <filesystem>
+namespace fs = std::filesystem;
+#endif // MacOS min version check
+#endif // Other OSes version check
+#ifndef GHC_USE_STD_FS
+#include <ghc/filesystem.hpp>
+namespace fs = ghc::filesystem;
#include <pathmatcher/RegexpMatcher.h>
+class LinkTask : public Task {
+ friend class FileSystemTest;
+ LinkTask(QString src, QString dst)
+ {
+ m_lnk = new FS::create_link(src, dst, this);
+ m_lnk->debug(true);
+ }
+ void matcher(const IPathMatcher *filter)
+ {
+ m_lnk->matcher(filter);
+ }
+ void linkRecursively(bool recursive)
+ {
+ m_lnk->linkRecursively(recursive);
+ m_linkRecursive = recursive;
+ }
+ void whitelist(bool b)
+ {
+ m_lnk->whitelist(b);
+ }
+ void setMaxDepth(int depth)
+ {
+ m_lnk->setMaxDepth(depth);
+ }
+ private:
+ void executeTask() override
+ {
+ if(!(*m_lnk)()){
+#if defined Q_OS_WIN32
+ if (!m_useHard) {
+ qDebug() << "EXPECTED: Link failure, Windows requires permissions for symlinks";
+ qDebug() << "atempting to run with privelage";
+ connect(m_lnk, &FS::create_link::finishedPrivileged, this, [&](bool gotResults){
+ if (gotResults) {
+ emitSucceeded();
+ } else {
+ qDebug() << "Privileged run exited without results!";
+ emitFailed();
+ }
+ });
+ m_lnk->runPrivileged();
+ } else {
+ qDebug() << "Link Failed!" << m_lnk->getOSError().value() << m_lnk->getOSError().message().c_str();
+ }
+ qDebug() << "Link Failed!" << m_lnk->getOSError().value() << m_lnk->getOSError().message().c_str();
+ } else {
+ emitSucceeded();
+ }
+ };
+ FS::create_link *m_lnk;
+ bool m_useHard = false;
+ bool m_linkRecursive = true;
class FileSystemTest : public QObject
@@ -248,6 +341,447 @@ slots:
QCOMPARE(FS::getDesktopDir(), QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DesktopLocation));
+ void test_link()
+ {
+ QString folder = QFINDTESTDATA("testdata/FileSystem/test_folder");
+ auto f = [&folder, this]()
+ {
+ QTemporaryDir tempDir;
+ tempDir.setAutoRemove(true);
+ qDebug() << "From:" << folder << "To:" << tempDir.path();
+ QDir target_dir(FS::PathCombine(tempDir.path(), "test_folder"));
+ qDebug() << tempDir.path();
+ qDebug() << target_dir.path();
+ LinkTask lnk_tsk(folder, target_dir.path());
+ lnk_tsk.linkRecursively(false);
+ QObject::connect(&lnk_tsk, &Task::finished, [&]{
+ QVERIFY2(lnk_tsk.wasSuccessful(), "Task finished but was not successful when it should have been.");
+ });
+ lnk_tsk.start();
+ QVERIFY2(QTest::qWaitFor([&]() {
+ return lnk_tsk.isFinished();
+ }, 100000), "Task didn't finish as it should.");
+ for(auto entry: target_dir.entryList())
+ {
+ qDebug() << entry;
+ QFileInfo entry_lnk_info(target_dir.filePath(entry));
+ if (!entry_lnk_info.isDir())
+ QVERIFY(!entry_lnk_info.isSymLink());
+ }
+ QFileInfo lnk_info(target_dir.path());
+ QVERIFY(lnk_info.exists());
+ QVERIFY(lnk_info.isSymLink());
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("pack.mcmeta"));
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("assets"));
+ };
+ // first try variant without trailing /
+ QVERIFY(!folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ // then variant with trailing /
+ folder.append('/');
+ QVERIFY(folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ }
+ void test_hard_link()
+ {
+ QString folder = QFINDTESTDATA("testdata/FileSystem/test_folder");
+ auto f = [&folder]()
+ {
+ // use working dir to prevent makeing a hard link to a tmpfs or across devices
+ QTemporaryDir tempDir("./tmp");
+ tempDir.setAutoRemove(true);
+ qDebug() << "From:" << folder << "To:" << tempDir.path();
+ QDir target_dir(FS::PathCombine(tempDir.path(), "test_folder"));
+ qDebug() << tempDir.path();
+ qDebug() << target_dir.path();
+ FS::create_link lnk(folder, target_dir.path());
+ lnk.useHardLinks(true);
+ lnk.debug(true);
+ if(!lnk()){
+ qDebug() << "Link Failed!" << lnk.getOSError().value() << lnk.getOSError().message().c_str();
+ }
+ for(auto entry: target_dir.entryList())
+ {
+ qDebug() << entry;
+ QFileInfo entry_lnk_info(target_dir.filePath(entry));
+ QVERIFY(!entry_lnk_info.isSymLink());
+ QFileInfo entry_orig_info(QDir(folder).filePath(entry));
+ if (!entry_lnk_info.isDir()) {
+ qDebug() << "hard link equivalency?" << entry_lnk_info.absoluteFilePath() << "vs" << entry_orig_info.absoluteFilePath();
+ QVERIFY(fs::equivalent(
+ fs::path(StringUtils::toStdString(entry_lnk_info.absoluteFilePath())),
+ fs::path(StringUtils::toStdString(entry_orig_info.absoluteFilePath()))
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ QFileInfo lnk_info(target_dir.path());
+ QVERIFY(lnk_info.exists());
+ QVERIFY(!lnk_info.isSymLink());
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("pack.mcmeta"));
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("assets"));
+ };
+ // first try variant without trailing /
+ QVERIFY(!folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ // then variant with trailing /
+ folder.append('/');
+ QVERIFY(folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ }
+ void test_link_with_blacklist()
+ {
+ QString folder = QFINDTESTDATA("testdata/FileSystem/test_folder");
+ auto f = [&folder]()
+ {
+ QTemporaryDir tempDir;
+ tempDir.setAutoRemove(true);
+ qDebug() << "From:" << folder << "To:" << tempDir.path();
+ QDir target_dir(FS::PathCombine(tempDir.path(), "test_folder"));
+ qDebug() << tempDir.path();
+ qDebug() << target_dir.path();
+ LinkTask lnk_tsk(folder, target_dir.path());
+ lnk_tsk.matcher(new RegexpMatcher("[.]?mcmeta"));
+ lnk_tsk.linkRecursively(true);
+ QObject::connect(&lnk_tsk, &Task::finished, [&]{
+ QVERIFY2(lnk_tsk.wasSuccessful(), "Task finished but was not successful when it should have been.");
+ });
+ lnk_tsk.start();
+ QVERIFY2(QTest::qWaitFor([&]() {
+ return lnk_tsk.isFinished();
+ }, 100000), "Task didn't finish as it should.");
+ for(auto entry: target_dir.entryList())
+ {
+ qDebug() << entry;
+ QFileInfo entry_lnk_info(target_dir.filePath(entry));
+ if (!entry_lnk_info.isDir())
+ QVERIFY(entry_lnk_info.isSymLink());
+ }
+ QFileInfo lnk_info(target_dir.path());
+ QVERIFY(lnk_info.exists());
+ QVERIFY(!target_dir.entryList().contains("pack.mcmeta"));
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("assets"));
+ };
+ // first try variant without trailing /
+ QVERIFY(!folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ // then variant with trailing /
+ folder.append('/');
+ QVERIFY(folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ }
+ void test_link_with_whitelist()
+ {
+ QString folder = QFINDTESTDATA("testdata/FileSystem/test_folder");
+ auto f = [&folder]()
+ {
+ QTemporaryDir tempDir;
+ tempDir.setAutoRemove(true);
+ qDebug() << "From:" << folder << "To:" << tempDir.path();
+ QDir target_dir(FS::PathCombine(tempDir.path(), "test_folder"));
+ qDebug() << tempDir.path();
+ qDebug() << target_dir.path();
+ LinkTask lnk_tsk(folder, target_dir.path());
+ lnk_tsk.matcher(new RegexpMatcher("[.]?mcmeta"));
+ lnk_tsk.linkRecursively(true);
+ lnk_tsk.whitelist(true);
+ QObject::connect(&lnk_tsk, &Task::finished, [&]{
+ QVERIFY2(lnk_tsk.wasSuccessful(), "Task finished but was not successful when it should have been.");
+ });
+ lnk_tsk.start();
+ QVERIFY2(QTest::qWaitFor([&]() {
+ return lnk_tsk.isFinished();
+ }, 100000), "Task didn't finish as it should.");
+ for(auto entry: target_dir.entryList())
+ {
+ qDebug() << entry;
+ QFileInfo entry_lnk_info(target_dir.filePath(entry));
+ if (!entry_lnk_info.isDir())
+ QVERIFY(entry_lnk_info.isSymLink());
+ }
+ QFileInfo lnk_info(target_dir.path());
+ QVERIFY(lnk_info.exists());
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("pack.mcmeta"));
+ QVERIFY(!target_dir.entryList().contains("assets"));
+ };
+ // first try variant without trailing /
+ QVERIFY(!folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ // then variant with trailing /
+ folder.append('/');
+ QVERIFY(folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ }
+ void test_link_with_dot_hidden()
+ {
+ QString folder = QFINDTESTDATA("testdata/FileSystem/test_folder");
+ auto f = [&folder]()
+ {
+ QTemporaryDir tempDir;
+ tempDir.setAutoRemove(true);
+ qDebug() << "From:" << folder << "To:" << tempDir.path();
+ QDir target_dir(FS::PathCombine(tempDir.path(), "test_folder"));
+ qDebug() << tempDir.path();
+ qDebug() << target_dir.path();
+ LinkTask lnk_tsk(folder, target_dir.path());
+ lnk_tsk.linkRecursively(true);
+ QObject::connect(&lnk_tsk, &Task::finished, [&]{
+ QVERIFY2(lnk_tsk.wasSuccessful(), "Task finished but was not successful when it should have been.");
+ });
+ lnk_tsk.start();
+ QVERIFY2(QTest::qWaitFor([&]() {
+ return lnk_tsk.isFinished();
+ }, 100000), "Task didn't finish as it should.");
+ auto filter = QDir::Filter::Files | QDir::Filter::Dirs | QDir::Filter::Hidden;
+ for (auto entry: target_dir.entryList(filter)) {
+ qDebug() << entry;
+ QFileInfo entry_lnk_info(target_dir.filePath(entry));
+ if (!entry_lnk_info.isDir())
+ QVERIFY(entry_lnk_info.isSymLink());
+ }
+ QFileInfo lnk_info(target_dir.path());
+ QVERIFY(lnk_info.exists());
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList(filter).contains(".secret_folder"));
+ target_dir.cd(".secret_folder");
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList(filter).contains(".secret_file.txt"));
+ };
+ // first try variant without trailing /
+ QVERIFY(!folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ // then variant with trailing /
+ folder.append('/');
+ QVERIFY(folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ }
+ void test_link_single_file()
+ {
+ QTemporaryDir tempDir;
+ tempDir.setAutoRemove(true);
+ {
+ QString file = QFINDTESTDATA("testdata/FileSystem/test_folder/pack.mcmeta");
+ qDebug() << "From:" << file << "To:" << tempDir.path();
+ QDir target_dir(FS::PathCombine(tempDir.path(), "pack.mcmeta"));
+ qDebug() << tempDir.path();
+ qDebug() << target_dir.path();
+ LinkTask lnk_tsk(file, target_dir.filePath("pack.mcmeta"));
+ QObject::connect(&lnk_tsk, &Task::finished, [&]{
+ QVERIFY2(lnk_tsk.wasSuccessful(), "Task finished but was not successful when it should have been.");
+ });
+ lnk_tsk.start();
+ QVERIFY2(QTest::qWaitFor([&]() {
+ return lnk_tsk.isFinished();
+ }, 100000), "Task didn't finish as it should.");
+ auto filter = QDir::Filter::Files;
+ for (auto entry: target_dir.entryList(filter)) {
+ qDebug() << entry;
+ }
+ QFileInfo lnk_info(target_dir.filePath("pack.mcmeta"));
+ QVERIFY(lnk_info.exists());
+ QVERIFY(lnk_info.isSymLink());
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList(filter).contains("pack.mcmeta"));
+ }
+ }
+ void test_link_with_max_depth()
+ {
+ QString folder = QFINDTESTDATA("testdata/FileSystem/test_folder");
+ auto f = [&folder, this]()
+ {
+ QTemporaryDir tempDir;
+ tempDir.setAutoRemove(true);
+ qDebug() << "From:" << folder << "To:" << tempDir.path();
+ QDir target_dir(FS::PathCombine(tempDir.path(), "test_folder"));
+ qDebug() << tempDir.path();
+ qDebug() << target_dir.path();
+ LinkTask lnk_tsk(folder, target_dir.path());
+ lnk_tsk.linkRecursively(true);
+ lnk_tsk.setMaxDepth(0);
+ QObject::connect(&lnk_tsk, &Task::finished, [&]{
+ QVERIFY2(lnk_tsk.wasSuccessful(), "Task finished but was not successful when it should have been.");
+ });
+ lnk_tsk.start();
+ QVERIFY2(QTest::qWaitFor([&]() {
+ return lnk_tsk.isFinished();
+ }, 100000), "Task didn't finish as it should.");
+ QVERIFY(!QFileInfo(target_dir.path()).isSymLink());
+ auto filter = QDir::Filter::Files | QDir::Filter::Dirs | QDir::Filter::Hidden;
+ for(auto entry: target_dir.entryList(filter))
+ {
+ qDebug() << entry;
+ if (entry == "." || entry == "..") continue;
+ QFileInfo entry_lnk_info(target_dir.filePath(entry));
+ QVERIFY(entry_lnk_info.isSymLink());
+ }
+ QFileInfo lnk_info(target_dir.path());
+ QVERIFY(lnk_info.exists());
+ QVERIFY(!lnk_info.isSymLink());
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("pack.mcmeta"));
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("assets"));
+ };
+ // first try variant without trailing /
+ QVERIFY(!folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ // then variant with trailing /
+ folder.append('/');
+ QVERIFY(folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ }
+ void test_link_with_no_max_depth()
+ {
+ QString folder = QFINDTESTDATA("testdata/FileSystem/test_folder");
+ auto f = [&folder]()
+ {
+ QTemporaryDir tempDir;
+ tempDir.setAutoRemove(true);
+ qDebug() << "From:" << folder << "To:" << tempDir.path();
+ QDir target_dir(FS::PathCombine(tempDir.path(), "test_folder"));
+ qDebug() << tempDir.path();
+ qDebug() << target_dir.path();
+ LinkTask lnk_tsk(folder, target_dir.path());
+ lnk_tsk.linkRecursively(true);
+ lnk_tsk.setMaxDepth(-1);
+ QObject::connect(&lnk_tsk, &Task::finished, [&]{
+ QVERIFY2(lnk_tsk.wasSuccessful(), "Task finished but was not successful when it should have been.");
+ });
+ lnk_tsk.start();
+ QVERIFY2(QTest::qWaitFor([&]() {
+ return lnk_tsk.isFinished();
+ }, 100000), "Task didn't finish as it should.");
+ std::function<void(QString)> verify_check = [&](QString check_path) {
+ QDir check_dir(check_path);
+ auto filter = QDir::Filter::Files | QDir::Filter::Dirs | QDir::Filter::Hidden;
+ for(auto entry: check_dir.entryList(filter))
+ {
+ QFileInfo entry_lnk_info(check_dir.filePath(entry));
+ qDebug() << entry << check_dir.filePath(entry);
+ if (!entry_lnk_info.isDir()){
+ QVERIFY(entry_lnk_info.isSymLink());
+ } else if (entry != "." && entry != "..") {
+ qDebug() << "Decending tree to verify symlinks:" << check_dir.filePath(entry);
+ verify_check(entry_lnk_info.filePath());
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ verify_check(target_dir.path());
+ QFileInfo lnk_info(target_dir.path());
+ QVERIFY(lnk_info.exists());
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("pack.mcmeta"));
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("assets"));
+ };
+ // first try variant without trailing /
+ QVERIFY(!folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ // then variant with trailing /
+ folder.append('/');
+ QVERIFY(folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ }
+ void test_path_depth() {
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathDepth(""), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathDepth("."), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathDepth("foo.txt"), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathDepth("./foo.txt"), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathDepth("./bar/foo.txt"), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathDepth("../bar/foo.txt"), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathDepth("/bar/foo.txt"), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathDepth("baz/bar/foo.txt"), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathDepth("/baz/bar/foo.txt"), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathDepth("./baz/bar/foo.txt"), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathDepth("/baz/../bar/foo.txt"), 1);
+ }
+ void test_path_trunc() {
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathTruncate("", 0), QDir::toNativeSeparators(""));
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathTruncate("foo.txt", 0), QDir::toNativeSeparators(""));
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathTruncate("foo.txt", 1), QDir::toNativeSeparators(""));
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathTruncate("./bar/foo.txt", 0), QDir::toNativeSeparators("./bar"));
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathTruncate("./bar/foo.txt", 1), QDir::toNativeSeparators("./bar"));
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathTruncate("/bar/foo.txt", 1), QDir::toNativeSeparators("/bar"));
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathTruncate("bar/foo.txt", 1), QDir::toNativeSeparators("bar"));
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathTruncate("baz/bar/foo.txt", 2), QDir::toNativeSeparators("baz/bar"));
+#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
+ QCOMPARE(FS::pathTruncate("C:\\bar\\foo.txt", 1), QDir::toNativeSeparators("C:\\bar"));
+ }
diff --git a/tests/INIFile_test.cpp b/tests/INIFile_test.cpp
index b64b031b..4be8133c 100644
--- a/tests/INIFile_test.cpp
+++ b/tests/INIFile_test.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
#include <QTest>
+#include <QList>
+#include <QVariant>
#include <settings/INIFile.h>
+#include <QVariantUtils.h>
class IniFileTest : public QObject
@@ -27,15 +31,6 @@ slots:
QTest::newRow("Escape sequences 2") << "\"\n\n\"";
QTest::newRow("Hashtags") << "some data#something";
- void test_Escape()
- {
- QFETCH(QString, through);
- QString there = INIFile::escape(through);
- QString back = INIFile::unescape(there);
- QCOMPARE(back, through);
- }
void test_SaveLoad()
@@ -52,8 +47,37 @@ slots:
// load
INIFile f2;
- QCOMPARE(a, f2.get("a","NOT SET").toString());
- QCOMPARE(b, f2.get("b","NOT SET").toString());
+ QCOMPARE(f2.get("a","NOT SET").toString(), a);
+ QCOMPARE(f2.get("b","NOT SET").toString(), b);
+ }
+ void test_SaveLoadLists()
+ {
+ QString slist_strings = "(\"a\",\"b\",\"c\")";
+ QStringList list_strings = {"a", "b", "c"};
+ QString slist_numbers = "(1,2,3,10)";
+ QList<int> list_numbers = {1, 2, 3, 10};
+ QString filename = "test_SaveLoadLists.ini";
+ INIFile f;
+ f.set("list_strings", list_strings);
+ f.set("list_numbers", QVariantUtils::fromList(list_numbers));
+ f.saveFile(filename);
+ // load
+ INIFile f2;
+ f2.loadFile(filename);
+ QStringList out_list_strings = f2.get("list_strings", QStringList()).toStringList();
+ qDebug() << "OutStringList" << out_list_strings;
+ QList<int> out_list_numbers = QVariantUtils::toList<int>(f2.get("list_numbers", QVariantUtils::fromList(QList<int>())));
+ qDebug() << "OutNumbersList" << out_list_numbers;
+ QCOMPARE(out_list_strings, list_strings);
+ QCOMPARE(out_list_numbers, list_numbers);
diff --git a/tests/ResourceFolderModel_test.cpp b/tests/ResourceFolderModel_test.cpp
index e38b8e93..962d89f1 100644
--- a/tests/ResourceFolderModel_test.cpp
+++ b/tests/ResourceFolderModel_test.cpp
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#include <QTest>
#include <QTemporaryDir>
#include <QTimer>
+#include "BaseInstance.h"
#include <FileSystem.h>
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ slots:
QEventLoop loop;
- ModFolderModel m(tempDir.path(), true);
+ ModFolderModel m(tempDir.path(), nullptr, true);
connect(&m, &ModFolderModel::updateFinished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit);
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ slots:
QString folder = source + '/';
QTemporaryDir tempDir;
QEventLoop loop;
- ModFolderModel m(tempDir.path(), true);
+ ModFolderModel m(tempDir.path(), nullptr, true);
connect(&m, &ModFolderModel::updateFinished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit);
@@ -136,8 +137,7 @@ slots:
void test_addFromWatch()
QString source = QFINDTESTDATA("testdata/ResourceFolderModel");
- ModFolderModel model(source);
+ ModFolderModel model(source, nullptr);
QCOMPARE(model.size(), 0);
@@ -157,8 +157,7 @@ slots:
QString file_mod = QFINDTESTDATA("testdata/ResourceFolderModel/supercoolmod.jar");
QTemporaryDir tmp;
- ResourceFolderModel model(QDir(tmp.path()));
+ ResourceFolderModel model(QDir(tmp.path()), nullptr);
QCOMPARE(model.size(), 0);
@@ -209,7 +208,7 @@ slots:
QString file_mod = QFINDTESTDATA("testdata/ResourceFolderModel/supercoolmod.jar");
QTemporaryDir tmp;
- ResourceFolderModel model(tmp.path());
+ ResourceFolderModel model(tmp.path(), nullptr);
QCOMPARE(model.size(), 0);
diff --git a/tests/ResourceModel_test.cpp b/tests/ResourceModel_test.cpp
index 716bf853..c0d9cd95 100644
--- a/tests/ResourceModel_test.cpp
+++ b/tests/ResourceModel_test.cpp
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ class ResourceModelTest : public QObject {
auto search_json = DummyResourceAPI::searchRequestResult();
auto processed_response = model->documentToArray(search_json).first().toObject();
- QVERIFY(processed_pack.addonId.toString() == Json::requireString(processed_response, "project_id"));
- QVERIFY(processed_pack.description == Json::requireString(processed_response, "description"));
- QVERIFY(processed_pack.authors.first().name == Json::requireString(processed_response, "author"));
+ QVERIFY(processed_pack->addonId.toString() == Json::requireString(processed_response, "project_id"));
+ QVERIFY(processed_pack->description == Json::requireString(processed_response, "description"));
+ QVERIFY(processed_pack->authors.first().name == Json::requireString(processed_response, "author"));
diff --git a/tests/Task_test.cpp b/tests/Task_test.cpp
index 95eb4a30..dabe5da2 100644
--- a/tests/Task_test.cpp
+++ b/tests/Task_test.cpp
@@ -69,8 +69,9 @@ class BigConcurrentTaskThread : public QThread {
auto sub_tasks = new BasicTask::Ptr[s_num_tasks];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < s_num_tasks; i++) {
- sub_tasks[i] = makeShared<BasicTask>(false);
- big_task.addTask(sub_tasks[i]);
+ auto sub_task = makeShared<BasicTask>(false);
+ sub_tasks[i] = sub_task;
+ big_task.addTask(sub_task);
@@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ class TaskTest : public QObject {
QCOMPARE(t.getStatus(), status);
- QCOMPARE(t.getStepStatus(), status);
+ QCOMPARE(t.getStepProgress().isEmpty(), TaskStepProgressList{}.isEmpty());
void test_SetStatus_MultiStep(){
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ class TaskTest : public QObject {
QCOMPARE(t.getStatus(), status);
// Even though it is multi step, it does not override the getStepStatus method,
// so it should remain the same.
- QCOMPARE(t.getStepStatus(), status);
+ QCOMPARE(t.getStepProgress().isEmpty(), TaskStepProgressList{}.isEmpty());
void test_SetProgress(){