AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-08-21Update changelogPetr Mrázek
2014-08-21Fix version file problems, fix console window not being destroyedPetr Mrázek
2014-08-21Add some logging to places where version updates might not trigger.Petr Mrázek
2014-08-21Travis build: take negative test results as build errorsMrazek, Petr
2014-08-16Add changelog pieces, versionPetr Mrázek
2014-08-15Revert "Do not include jutils in LWJGL versions."Petr Mrázek
2014-08-15Include QtXml, we use it.Petr Mrázek
2014-08-13Print the Minecraft window size on launch.Petr Mrázek
2014-08-13Do not include jutils in LWJGL versions.Petr Mrázek
2014-08-11Properly detect if the instance is vanilla and don't treat it as custom.Petr Mrázek
2014-08-10Increase the java checker timeout from 5s to 15sPetr Mrázek
2014-07-30Merge branch 'Loetkolben-pr_feature_warnProblematicInstPath' into developJan Dalheimer
2014-07-30Show a warning if the instance path contains a '!'Loetkolben
2014-07-30Fix loading of Minecraft versions from FTB packsMrazek, Petr
2014-07-26Rearrange RawLibrary and OneSixLibrary heavily.Petr Mrázek
2014-07-23Tweak windows rc file description (Minecraft Launcher -> MultiMC Launcher)Petr Mrázek
2014-07-23Check if the java binary can be found before launch.Petr Mrázek
2014-07-22Add a note about MultiMC not working in system folders to build instructions.Petr Mrázek
2014-07-22Merge branch 'pullrequest2' of https://github.com/p-schneider/MultiMC5 into d...Petr Mrázek
2014-07-22Do not deploy debug version of the svg icon lib in release builds.Petr Mrázek
2014-07-22Include the SVG icon engine.Mrazek, Petr
2014-07-21Unify look of all pages.Petr Mrázek
2014-07-20Rework the settings dialog. Rework all of it. Thoroughly.Petr Mrázek
2014-07-20Merge global settings and accounts into a pagedialogJan Dalheimer
2014-07-20Merge branch 'master' into developPetr Mrázek
2014-07-20Bump version and add to changelog.Petr Mrázek
2014-07-20Fix LWJGL version list loading.Petr Mrázek
2014-07-19Make forge work.Petr Mrázek
2014-07-19Show a warning in the log if a library is missingp-schneider
2014-07-16Implement gradle spec reader/writerPetr Mrázek
2014-07-14Fix #367Petr Mrázek
2014-07-14Bump dev versionPetr Mrázek
2014-07-14Change one small thingPetr Mrázek
2014-07-14Fix last minute derpsPetr Mrázek
2014-07-14Update changelogPetr Mrázek
2014-07-14Show changelog even when there are no new updates available.Petr Mrázek
2014-07-13Fix #361Petr Mrázek
2014-07-13Mess around with log UI. Herp Derp.Petr Mrázek
2014-07-12Finish of the OtherLogs page, and (re)format page related filesJan Dalheimer
2014-07-12Add a new page that can show all sorts of logsJan Dalheimer
2014-07-12Add home/end and fix navigation with collapsed groups (they are skipped)Petr Mrázek
2014-07-12Group view gets keyboard navigation back.Petr Mrázek
2014-07-12Cache group view geometry -- speed up instance view by caching sizes of stuffPetr Mrázek
2014-07-11Fix #356Petr Mrázek
2014-07-11Add clear and copy buttons to the log page.Petr Mrázek
2014-07-10Fix #355Petr Mrázek
2014-07-10Fix #354, make jar mods and patch files in general more resilient.Petr Mrázek
2014-07-10Do not show core mods page for minecraft newer than 1.5.2.Petr Mrázek
2014-07-09Make the auth timeout longer (30s)Petr Mrázek
2014-07-09Show update channel in the update dialog, actually show changelog for the sel...Petr Mrázek