/* Copyright 2013-2017 MultiMC Contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <QtNetwork> #include <QtXml> #include <QRegExp> #include <QDebug> #include "java/JavaInstallList.h" #include "java/JavaCheckerJob.h" #include "java/JavaUtils.h" #include "MMCStrings.h" #include "minecraft/VersionFilterData.h" JavaInstallList::JavaInstallList(QObject *parent) : BaseVersionList(parent) { } shared_qobject_ptr<Task> JavaInstallList::getLoadTask() { load(); return getCurrentTask(); } shared_qobject_ptr<Task> JavaInstallList::getCurrentTask() { if(m_status == Status::InProgress) { return m_loadTask; } return nullptr; } void JavaInstallList::load() { if(m_status != Status::InProgress) { m_status = Status::InProgress; m_loadTask = new JavaListLoadTask(this); m_loadTask->start(); } } const BaseVersionPtr JavaInstallList::at(int i) const { return m_vlist.at(i); } bool JavaInstallList::isLoaded() { return m_status == JavaInstallList::Status::Done; } int JavaInstallList::count() const { return m_vlist.count(); } QVariant JavaInstallList::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); if (index.row() > count()) return QVariant(); auto version = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<JavaInstall>(m_vlist[index.row()]); switch (role) { case VersionPointerRole: return qVariantFromValue(m_vlist[index.row()]); case VersionIdRole: return version->descriptor(); case VersionRole: return version->id.toString(); case RecommendedRole: return version->recommended; case PathRole: return version->path; case ArchitectureRole: return version->arch; default: return QVariant(); } } BaseVersionList::RoleList JavaInstallList::providesRoles() const { return {VersionPointerRole, VersionIdRole, VersionRole, RecommendedRole, PathRole, ArchitectureRole}; } void JavaInstallList::updateListData(QList<BaseVersionPtr> versions) { beginResetModel(); m_vlist = versions; sortVersions(); if(m_vlist.size()) { auto best = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<JavaInstall>(m_vlist[0]); best->recommended = true; } endResetModel(); m_status = Status::Done; m_loadTask.reset(); } bool sortJavas(BaseVersionPtr left, BaseVersionPtr right) { auto rleft = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<JavaInstall>(left); auto rright = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<JavaInstall>(right); return (*rleft) > (*rright); } void JavaInstallList::sortVersions() { beginResetModel(); std::sort(m_vlist.begin(), m_vlist.end(), sortJavas); endResetModel(); } JavaListLoadTask::JavaListLoadTask(JavaInstallList *vlist) : Task() { m_list = vlist; m_currentRecommended = NULL; } JavaListLoadTask::~JavaListLoadTask() { } void JavaListLoadTask::executeTask() { setStatus(tr("Detecting Java installations...")); JavaUtils ju; QList<QString> candidate_paths = ju.FindJavaPaths(); m_job = std::shared_ptr<JavaCheckerJob>(new JavaCheckerJob("Java detection")); connect(m_job.get(), SIGNAL(finished(QList<JavaCheckResult>)), this, SLOT(javaCheckerFinished(QList<JavaCheckResult>))); connect(m_job.get(), &Task::progress, this, &Task::setProgress); qDebug() << "Probing the following Java paths: "; int id = 0; for(QString candidate : candidate_paths) { qDebug() << " " << candidate; auto candidate_checker = new JavaChecker(); candidate_checker->m_path = candidate; candidate_checker->m_id = id; m_job->addJavaCheckerAction(JavaCheckerPtr(candidate_checker)); id++; } m_job->start(); } void JavaListLoadTask::javaCheckerFinished(QList<JavaCheckResult> results) { QList<JavaInstallPtr> candidates; qDebug() << "Found the following valid Java installations:"; for(JavaCheckResult result : results) { if(result.validity == JavaCheckResult::Validity::Valid) { JavaInstallPtr javaVersion(new JavaInstall()); javaVersion->id = result.javaVersion; javaVersion->arch = result.mojangPlatform; javaVersion->path = result.path; candidates.append(javaVersion); qDebug() << " " << javaVersion->id.toString() << javaVersion->arch << javaVersion->path; } } QList<BaseVersionPtr> javas_bvp; for (auto java : candidates) { //qDebug() << java->id << java->arch << " at " << java->path; BaseVersionPtr bp_java = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<BaseVersion>(java); if (bp_java) { javas_bvp.append(java); } } m_list->updateListData(javas_bvp); emitSucceeded(); }