/* Copyright 2013-2018 MultiMC Contributors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include "BaseInstance.h"
#include "minecraft/Mod.h"

#include "multimc_logic_export.h"

class ModList;
class LegacyModList;
class WorldList;
class Task;
 * WHY: Legacy instances - from MultiMC 3 and 4 - are here only to provide a way to upgrade them to the current format.
class MULTIMC_LOGIC_EXPORT LegacyInstance : public BaseInstance

	explicit LegacyInstance(SettingsObjectPtr globalSettings, SettingsObjectPtr settings, const QString &rootDir);

	virtual void init() override {}
	virtual void saveNow() override {}

	/// Path to the instance's minecraft.jar
	QString runnableJar() const;

	//! Path to the instance's modlist file.
	QString modListFile() const;

	////// Directories //////
	QString libDir() const;
	QString savesDir() const;
	QString texturePacksDir() const;
	QString jarModsDir() const;
	QString loaderModsDir() const;
	QString coreModsDir() const;
	QString resourceDir() const;
	virtual QString instanceConfigFolder() const override;
	QString minecraftRoot() const; // Path to the instance's minecraft directory.
	QString binRoot() const; // Path to the instance's minecraft bin directory.

	/// Get the curent base jar of this instance. By default, it's the
	/// versions/$version/$version.jar
	QString baseJar() const;

	/// the default base jar of this instance
	QString defaultBaseJar() const;
	/// the default custom base jar of this instance
	QString defaultCustomBaseJar() const;

	// the main jar that we actually want to keep when migrating the instance
	QString mainJarToPreserve() const;

	 * Whether or not custom base jar is used
	bool shouldUseCustomBaseJar() const;

	 * The value of the custom base jar
	QString customBaseJar() const;

	std::shared_ptr<LegacyModList> jarModList() const;
	QList<Mod> getJarMods() const;
	std::shared_ptr<WorldList> worldList() const;

	 * Whether or not the instance's minecraft.jar needs to be rebuilt.
	 * If this is true, when the instance launches, its jar mods will be
	 * re-added to a fresh minecraft.jar file.
	bool shouldRebuild() const;

	QString currentVersionId() const;
	QString intendedVersionId() const;

	QSet<QString> traits() const override
		return {"legacy-instance", "texturepacks"};

	virtual bool shouldUpdate() const;
	virtual shared_qobject_ptr<Task> createUpdateTask(Net::Mode mode) override;

	virtual QString typeName() const override;

	bool canLaunch() const override
		return false;
	bool canEdit() const override
		return true;
	bool canExport() const override
		return false;
	std::shared_ptr<LaunchTask> createLaunchTask(AuthSessionPtr account) override
		return nullptr;
	IPathMatcher::Ptr getLogFileMatcher() override
		return nullptr;
	QString getLogFileRoot() override
		return minecraftRoot();

	QString getStatusbarDescription() override;
	QStringList verboseDescription(AuthSessionPtr session) override;

	QProcessEnvironment createEnvironment() override
		return QProcessEnvironment();
	QMap<QString, QString> getVariables() const override
		return {};
	mutable std::shared_ptr<LegacyModList> jar_mod_list;
	mutable std::shared_ptr<WorldList> m_world_list;