#include "LaunchController.h" #include "minecraft/auth/AccountList.h" #include "Application.h" #include "ui/MainWindow.h" #include "ui/InstanceWindow.h" #include "ui/dialogs/CustomMessageBox.h" #include "ui/dialogs/ProfileSelectDialog.h" #include "ui/dialogs/ProgressDialog.h" #include "ui/dialogs/EditAccountDialog.h" #include "ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.h" #include <QLineEdit> #include <QInputDialog> #include <QStringList> #include <QHostInfo> #include <QList> #include <QHostAddress> #include "BuildConfig.h" #include "JavaCommon.h" #include "tasks/Task.h" #include "minecraft/auth/AccountTask.h" #include "launch/steps/TextPrint.h" LaunchController::LaunchController(QObject *parent) : Task(parent) { } void LaunchController::executeTask() { if (!m_instance) { emitFailed(tr("No instance specified!")); return; } login(); } void LaunchController::decideAccount() { if(m_accountToUse) { return; } // Find an account to use. auto accounts = APPLICATION->accounts(); if (accounts->count() <= 0) { // Tell the user they need to log in at least one account in order to play. auto reply = CustomMessageBox::selectable( m_parentWidget, tr("No Accounts"), tr("In order to play Minecraft, you must have at least one Mojang or Minecraft " "account logged in." "Would you like to open the account manager to add an account now?"), QMessageBox::Information, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No )->exec(); if (reply == QMessageBox::Yes) { // Open the account manager. APPLICATION->ShowGlobalSettings(m_parentWidget, "accounts"); } } m_accountToUse = accounts->defaultAccount(); if (!m_accountToUse) { // If no default account is set, ask the user which one to use. ProfileSelectDialog selectDialog( tr("Which account would you like to use?"), ProfileSelectDialog::GlobalDefaultCheckbox, m_parentWidget ); selectDialog.exec(); // Launch the instance with the selected account. m_accountToUse = selectDialog.selectedAccount(); // If the user said to use the account as default, do that. if (selectDialog.useAsGlobalDefault() && m_accountToUse) { accounts->setDefaultAccount(m_accountToUse); } } } void LaunchController::login() { JavaCommon::checkJVMArgs(m_instance->settings()->get("JvmArgs").toString(), m_parentWidget); decideAccount(); // if no account is selected, we bail if (!m_accountToUse) { emitFailed(tr("No account selected for launch.")); return; } // we try empty password first :) QString password; // we loop until the user succeeds in logging in or gives up bool tryagain = true; // the failure. the default failure. const QString needLoginAgain = tr("Your account is currently not logged in. Please enter your password to log in again. <br /> <br /> This could be caused by a password change."); QString failReason = needLoginAgain; while (tryagain) { m_session = std::make_shared<AuthSession>(); m_session->wants_online = m_online; shared_qobject_ptr<AccountTask> task; if(!password.isNull()) { task = m_accountToUse->login(m_session, password); } else { task = m_accountToUse->refresh(m_session); } if (task) { // We'll need to validate the access token to make sure the account // is still logged in. ProgressDialog progDialog(m_parentWidget); if (m_online) { progDialog.setSkipButton(true, tr("Play Offline")); } progDialog.execWithTask(task.get()); if (!task->wasSuccessful()) { auto failReasonNew = task->failReason(); if(failReasonNew == "Invalid token." || failReasonNew == "Invalid Signature") { // account->invalidateClientToken(); failReason = needLoginAgain; } else failReason = failReasonNew; } } switch (m_session->status) { case AuthSession::Undetermined: { qCritical() << "Received undetermined session status during login. Bye."; tryagain = false; emitFailed(tr("Received undetermined session status during login.")); return; } case AuthSession::RequiresPassword: { // FIXME: this needs to understand MSA EditAccountDialog passDialog(failReason, m_parentWidget, EditAccountDialog::PasswordField); auto username = m_session->username; auto chopN = [](QString toChop, int N) -> QString { if(toChop.size() > N) { auto left = toChop.left(N); left += QString("\u25CF").repeated(toChop.size() - N); return left; } return toChop; }; if(username.contains('@')) { auto parts = username.split('@'); auto mailbox = chopN(parts[0],3); QString domain = chopN(parts[1], 3); username = mailbox + '@' + domain; } passDialog.setUsername(username); if (passDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { password = passDialog.password(); } else { tryagain = false; emitFailed(tr("Received undetermined session status during login.")); } break; } case AuthSession::RequiresProfileSetup: { auto entitlement = m_accountToUse->accountData()->minecraftEntitlement; QString errorString; if(!entitlement.canPlayMinecraft) { errorString = tr("The account does not own Minecraft. You need to purchase the game first to play it."); QMessageBox::warning( nullptr, tr("Missing Minecraft profile"), errorString, QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok, QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok ); tryagain = false; emitFailed(errorString); return; } // Now handle setting up a profile name here... ProfileSetupDialog dialog(m_accountToUse, m_parentWidget); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { tryagain = true; continue; } else { tryagain = false; emitFailed(tr("Received undetermined session status during login.")); return; } } case AuthSession::RequiresOAuth: { auto errorString = tr("Microsoft account has expired and needs to be logged into manually again."); QMessageBox::warning( m_parentWidget, tr("Microsoft Account refresh failed"), errorString, QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok, QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok ); tryagain = false; emitFailed(errorString); return; } case AuthSession::GoneOrMigrated: { auto errorString = tr("The account no longer exists on the servers. It may have been migrated, in which case please add the new account you migrated this one to."); QMessageBox::warning( m_parentWidget, tr("Account gone"), errorString, QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok, QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok ); tryagain = false; emitFailed(errorString); return; } case AuthSession::PlayableOffline: { // we ask the user for a player name bool ok = false; QString usedname = m_session->player_name; QString name = QInputDialog::getText( m_parentWidget, tr("Player name"), tr("Choose your offline mode player name."), QLineEdit::Normal, m_session->player_name, &ok ); if (!ok) { tryagain = false; break; } if (name.length()) { usedname = name; } m_session->MakeOffline(usedname); // offline flavored game from here :3 } case AuthSession::PlayableOnline: { launchInstance(); tryagain = false; return; } } } emitFailed(tr("Failed to launch.")); } void LaunchController::launchInstance() { Q_ASSERT_X(m_instance != NULL, "launchInstance", "instance is NULL"); Q_ASSERT_X(m_session.get() != nullptr, "launchInstance", "session is NULL"); if(!m_instance->reloadSettings()) { QMessageBox::critical(m_parentWidget, tr("Error!"), tr("Couldn't load the instance profile.")); emitFailed(tr("Couldn't load the instance profile.")); return; } m_launcher = m_instance->createLaunchTask(m_session, m_serverToJoin); if (!m_launcher) { emitFailed(tr("Couldn't instantiate a launcher.")); return; } auto console = qobject_cast<InstanceWindow *>(m_parentWidget); auto showConsole = m_instance->settings()->get("ShowConsole").toBool(); if(!console && showConsole) { APPLICATION->showInstanceWindow(m_instance); } connect(m_launcher.get(), &LaunchTask::readyForLaunch, this, &LaunchController::readyForLaunch); connect(m_launcher.get(), &LaunchTask::succeeded, this, &LaunchController::onSucceeded); connect(m_launcher.get(), &LaunchTask::failed, this, &LaunchController::onFailed); connect(m_launcher.get(), &LaunchTask::requestProgress, this, &LaunchController::onProgressRequested); // Prepend Online and Auth Status QString online_mode; if(m_session->wants_online) { online_mode = "online"; // Prepend Server Status QStringList servers = {"authserver.mojang.com", "session.minecraft.net", "textures.minecraft.net", "api.mojang.com"}; QString resolved_servers = ""; QHostInfo host_info; for(QString server : servers) { host_info = QHostInfo::fromName(server); resolved_servers = resolved_servers + server + " resolves to:\n ["; if(!host_info.addresses().isEmpty()) { for(QHostAddress address : host_info.addresses()) { resolved_servers = resolved_servers + address.toString(); if(!host_info.addresses().endsWith(address)) { resolved_servers = resolved_servers + ", "; } } } else { resolved_servers = resolved_servers + "N/A"; } resolved_servers = resolved_servers + "]\n\n"; } m_launcher->prependStep(new TextPrint(m_launcher.get(), resolved_servers, MessageLevel::Launcher)); } else { online_mode = "offline"; } QString auth_server_status; if(m_session->auth_server_online) { auth_server_status = "online"; } else { auth_server_status = "offline"; } m_launcher->prependStep(new TextPrint(m_launcher.get(), "Launched instance in " + online_mode + " mode\nAuthentication server is " + auth_server_status + "\n", MessageLevel::Launcher)); // Prepend Version m_launcher->prependStep(new TextPrint(m_launcher.get(), BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_NAME + " version: " + BuildConfig.printableVersionString() + "\n\n", MessageLevel::Launcher)); m_launcher->start(); } void LaunchController::readyForLaunch() { if (!m_profiler) { m_launcher->proceed(); return; } QString error; if (!m_profiler->check(&error)) { m_launcher->abort(); QMessageBox::critical(m_parentWidget, tr("Error!"), tr("Couldn't start profiler: %1").arg(error)); emitFailed("Profiler startup failed!"); return; } BaseProfiler *profilerInstance = m_profiler->createProfiler(m_launcher->instance(), this); connect(profilerInstance, &BaseProfiler::readyToLaunch, [this](const QString & message) { QMessageBox msg; msg.setText(tr("The game launch is delayed until you press the " "button. This is the right time to setup the profiler, as the " "profiler server is running now.\n\n%1").arg(message)); msg.setWindowTitle(tr("Waiting.")); msg.setIcon(QMessageBox::Information); msg.addButton(tr("Launch"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole); msg.setModal(true); msg.exec(); m_launcher->proceed(); }); connect(profilerInstance, &BaseProfiler::abortLaunch, [this](const QString & message) { QMessageBox msg; msg.setText(tr("Couldn't start the profiler: %1").arg(message)); msg.setWindowTitle(tr("Error")); msg.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); msg.addButton(QMessageBox::Ok); msg.setModal(true); msg.exec(); m_launcher->abort(); emitFailed("Profiler startup failed!"); }); profilerInstance->beginProfiling(m_launcher); } void LaunchController::onSucceeded() { emitSucceeded(); } void LaunchController::onFailed(QString reason) { if(m_instance->settings()->get("ShowConsoleOnError").toBool()) { APPLICATION->showInstanceWindow(m_instance, "console"); } emitFailed(reason); } void LaunchController::onProgressRequested(Task* task) { ProgressDialog progDialog(m_parentWidget); progDialog.setSkipButton(true, tr("Abort")); m_launcher->proceed(); progDialog.execWithTask(task); } bool LaunchController::abort() { if(!m_launcher) { return true; } if(!m_launcher->canAbort()) { return false; } auto response = CustomMessageBox::selectable( m_parentWidget, tr("Kill Minecraft?"), tr("This can cause the instance to get corrupted and should only be used if Minecraft " "is frozen for some reason"), QMessageBox::Question, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes)->exec(); if (response == QMessageBox::Yes) { return m_launcher->abort(); } return false; }