// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only /* * PolyMC - Minecraft Launcher * Copyright (c) 2022 flowln <flowlnlnln@gmail.com> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "Packwiz.h" #include <QDebug> #include <QDir> #include <QObject> #include "toml.h" #include "FileSystem.h" #include "minecraft/mod/Mod.h" #include "modplatform/ModIndex.h" namespace Packwiz { auto getRealIndexName(QDir& index_dir, QString normalized_fname, bool should_find_match) -> QString { QFile index_file(index_dir.absoluteFilePath(normalized_fname)); QString real_fname = normalized_fname; if (!index_file.exists()) { // Tries to get similar entries for (auto& file_name : index_dir.entryList(QDir::Filter::Files)) { if (!QString::compare(normalized_fname, file_name, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { real_fname = file_name; break; } } if(should_find_match && !QString::compare(normalized_fname, real_fname, Qt::CaseSensitive)){ qCritical() << "Could not find a match for a valid metadata file!"; qCritical() << "File: " << normalized_fname; return {}; } } return real_fname; } // Helpers static inline auto indexFileName(QString const& mod_name) -> QString { if(mod_name.endsWith(".pw.toml")) return mod_name; return QString("%1.pw.toml").arg(mod_name); } static ModPlatform::ProviderCapabilities ProviderCaps; // Helper functions for extracting data from the TOML file auto stringEntry(toml_table_t* parent, const char* entry_name) -> QString { toml_datum_t var = toml_string_in(parent, entry_name); if (!var.ok) { qCritical() << QString("Failed to read str property '%1' in mod metadata.").arg(entry_name); return {}; } QString tmp = var.u.s; free(var.u.s); return tmp; } auto intEntry(toml_table_t* parent, const char* entry_name) -> int { toml_datum_t var = toml_int_in(parent, entry_name); if (!var.ok) { qCritical() << QString("Failed to read int property '%1' in mod metadata.").arg(entry_name); return {}; } return var.u.i; } auto V1::createModFormat(QDir& index_dir, ModPlatform::IndexedPack& mod_pack, ModPlatform::IndexedVersion& mod_version) -> Mod { Mod mod; mod.name = mod_pack.name; mod.filename = mod_version.fileName; if(mod_pack.provider == ModPlatform::Provider::FLAME){ mod.mode = "metadata:curseforge"; } else { mod.mode = "url"; mod.url = mod_version.downloadUrl; } mod.hash_format = mod_version.hash_type; mod.hash = mod_version.hash; mod.provider = mod_pack.provider; mod.file_id = mod_version.fileId; mod.project_id = mod_pack.addonId; return mod; } auto V1::createModFormat(QDir& index_dir, ::Mod& internal_mod) -> Mod { auto mod_name = internal_mod.name(); // Try getting metadata if it exists Mod mod { getIndexForMod(index_dir, mod_name) }; if(mod.isValid()) return mod; qWarning() << QString("Tried to create mod metadata with a Mod without metadata!"); return {}; } void V1::updateModIndex(QDir& index_dir, Mod& mod) { if(!mod.isValid()){ qCritical() << QString("Tried to update metadata of an invalid mod!"); return; } // Ensure the corresponding mod's info exists, and create it if not auto normalized_fname = indexFileName(mod.name); auto real_fname = getRealIndexName(index_dir, normalized_fname); QFile index_file(index_dir.absoluteFilePath(real_fname)); // There's already data on there! // TODO: We should do more stuff here, as the user is likely trying to // override a file. In this case, check versions and ask the user what // they want to do! if (index_file.exists()) { index_file.remove(); } if (!index_file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) { qCritical() << QString("Could not open file %1!").arg(indexFileName(mod.name)); return; } // Put TOML data into the file QTextStream in_stream(&index_file); auto addToStream = [&in_stream](QString&& key, QString value) { in_stream << QString("%1 = \"%2\"\n").arg(key, value); }; { addToStream("name", mod.name); addToStream("filename", mod.filename); addToStream("side", mod.side); in_stream << QString("\n[download]\n"); addToStream("mode", mod.mode); addToStream("url", mod.url.toString()); addToStream("hash-format", mod.hash_format); addToStream("hash", mod.hash); in_stream << QString("\n[update]\n"); in_stream << QString("[update.%1]\n").arg(ProviderCaps.name(mod.provider)); switch(mod.provider){ case(ModPlatform::Provider::FLAME): in_stream << QString("file-id = %1\n").arg(mod.file_id.toString()); in_stream << QString("project-id = %1\n").arg(mod.project_id.toString()); break; case(ModPlatform::Provider::MODRINTH): addToStream("mod-id", mod.mod_id().toString()); addToStream("version", mod.version().toString()); break; } } index_file.close(); } void V1::deleteModIndex(QDir& index_dir, QString& mod_name) { auto normalized_fname = indexFileName(mod_name); auto real_fname = getRealIndexName(index_dir, normalized_fname); if (real_fname.isEmpty()) return; QFile index_file(index_dir.absoluteFilePath(real_fname)); if(!index_file.exists()){ qWarning() << QString("Tried to delete non-existent mod metadata for %1!").arg(mod_name); return; } if(!index_file.remove()){ qWarning() << QString("Failed to remove metadata for mod %1!").arg(mod_name); } } auto V1::getIndexForMod(QDir& index_dir, QString& index_file_name) -> Mod { Mod mod; auto normalized_fname = indexFileName(index_file_name); auto real_fname = getRealIndexName(index_dir, normalized_fname, true); if (real_fname.isEmpty()) return {}; QFile index_file(index_dir.absoluteFilePath(real_fname)); if (!index_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qWarning() << QString("Failed to open mod metadata for %1").arg(index_file_name); return {}; } toml_table_t* table = nullptr; // NOLINTNEXTLINE(modernize-avoid-c-arrays) char errbuf[200]; auto file_bytearray = index_file.readAll(); table = toml_parse(file_bytearray.data(), errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); index_file.close(); if (!table) { qWarning() << QString("Could not open file %1!").arg(indexFileName(index_file_name)); qWarning() << "Reason: " << QString(errbuf); return {}; } { // Basic info mod.name = stringEntry(table, "name"); mod.filename = stringEntry(table, "filename"); mod.side = stringEntry(table, "side"); } { // [download] info toml_table_t* download_table = toml_table_in(table, "download"); if (!download_table) { qCritical() << QString("No [download] section found on mod metadata!"); return {}; } mod.mode = stringEntry(download_table, "mode"); mod.url = stringEntry(download_table, "url"); mod.hash_format = stringEntry(download_table, "hash-format"); mod.hash = stringEntry(download_table, "hash"); } { // [update] info using Provider = ModPlatform::Provider; toml_table_t* update_table = toml_table_in(table, "update"); if (!update_table) { qCritical() << QString("No [update] section found on mod metadata!"); return {}; } toml_table_t* mod_provider_table = nullptr; if ((mod_provider_table = toml_table_in(update_table, ProviderCaps.name(Provider::FLAME)))) { mod.provider = Provider::FLAME; mod.file_id = intEntry(mod_provider_table, "file-id"); mod.project_id = intEntry(mod_provider_table, "project-id"); } else if ((mod_provider_table = toml_table_in(update_table, ProviderCaps.name(Provider::MODRINTH)))) { mod.provider = Provider::MODRINTH; mod.mod_id() = stringEntry(mod_provider_table, "mod-id"); mod.version() = stringEntry(mod_provider_table, "version"); } else { qCritical() << QString("No mod provider on mod metadata!"); return {}; } } toml_free(table); return mod; } } // namespace Packwiz