<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ui version="4.0"> <class>LegacyUpgradePage</class> <widget class="QWidget" name="LegacyUpgradePage"> <property name="geometry"> <rect> <x>0</x> <y>0</y> <width>546</width> <height>405</height> </rect> </property> <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_5"> <property name="leftMargin"> <number>0</number> </property> <property name="topMargin"> <number>0</number> </property> <property name="rightMargin"> <number>0</number> </property> <property name="bottomMargin"> <number>0</number> </property> <item> <widget class="QTextBrowser" name="textBrowser"> <property name="html"> <string><html><body><h1>Upgrade is required</h1><p>PolyMC now supports old Minecraft versions and all the required features in the new (OneSix) instance format. As a consequence, the old (Legacy) format has been entirely disabled and old instances need to be upgraded.</p><p>The upgrade will create a new instance with the same contents as the current one, in the new format. The original instance will remain untouched, in case anything goes wrong in the process.</p><p>Please report any issues on our <a href="https://github.com/PolyMC/PolyMC/issues">github issues page</a>.</p><p>There is also a <a href="https://discord.gg/GtPmv93">discord channel for testing here</a>.</p></body></html></string> </property> <property name="openExternalLinks"> <bool>true</bool> </property> </widget> </item> <item> <widget class="QCommandLinkButton" name="upgradeButton"> <property name="text"> <string>Upgrade the instance</string> </property> </widget> </item> </layout> </widget> <resources/> <connections/> </ui>