#include "ganalytics.h"
#include "ganalytics_worker.h"
#include "sys.h"

#include <QDataStream>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QLocale>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QNetworkRequest>
#include <QQueue>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QUrlQuery>
#include <QUuid>

GAnalytics::GAnalytics(const QString &trackingID, const QString &clientID, const int version, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
    d = new GAnalyticsWorker(this);
    d->m_trackingID = trackingID;
    d->m_clientID = clientID;
    d->m_version = version;

 * Destructor of class GAnalytics.
    delete d;

void GAnalytics::setLogLevel(GAnalytics::LogLevel logLevel)
    d->m_logLevel = logLevel;

GAnalytics::LogLevel GAnalytics::logLevel() const
    return d->m_logLevel;

void GAnalytics::setViewportSize(const QString &viewportSize)
    d->m_viewportSize = viewportSize;

QString GAnalytics::viewportSize() const
    return d->m_viewportSize;

void GAnalytics::setLanguage(const QString &language)
    d->m_language = language;

QString GAnalytics::language() const
    return d->m_language;

void GAnalytics::setAnonymizeIPs(bool anonymize)
    d->m_anonymizeIPs = anonymize;

bool GAnalytics::anonymizeIPs()
    return d->m_anonymizeIPs;

void GAnalytics::setSendInterval(int milliseconds)

int GAnalytics::sendInterval() const
    return (d->m_timer.interval());

bool GAnalytics::isEnabled()
    return d->m_isEnabled;

void GAnalytics::enable(bool state)

int GAnalytics::version()
    return d->m_version;

void GAnalytics::setNetworkAccessManager(QNetworkAccessManager *networkAccessManager)
    if (d->networkManager != networkAccessManager)
        // Delete the old network manager if it was our child
        if (d->networkManager && d->networkManager->parent() == this)

        d->networkManager = networkAccessManager;

QNetworkAccessManager *GAnalytics::networkAccessManager() const
    return d->networkManager;

static void appendCustomValues(QUrlQuery &query, const QVariantMap &customValues)
    for (QVariantMap::const_iterator iter = customValues.begin(); iter != customValues.end(); ++iter)
        query.addQueryItem(iter.key(), iter.value().toString());

 * Sent screen view is called when the user changed the applications view.
 * These action of the user should be noticed and reported. Therefore
 * a QUrlQuery is build in this method. It holts all the parameter for
 * a http POST. The UrlQuery will be stored in a message Queue.
void GAnalytics::sendScreenView(const QString &screenName, const QVariantMap &customValues)
    d->logMessage(Info, QString("ScreenView: %1").arg(screenName));

    QUrlQuery query = d->buildStandardPostQuery("screenview");
    query.addQueryItem("cd", screenName);
    query.addQueryItem("an", d->m_appName);
    query.addQueryItem("av", d->m_appVersion);
    appendCustomValues(query, customValues);


 * This method is called whenever a button was pressed in the application.
 * A query for a POST message will be created to report this event. The
 * created query will be stored in a message queue.
void GAnalytics::sendEvent(const QString &category, const QString &action, const QString &label, const QVariant &value, const QVariantMap &customValues)
    QUrlQuery query = d->buildStandardPostQuery("event");
    query.addQueryItem("an", d->m_appName);
    query.addQueryItem("av", d->m_appVersion);
    query.addQueryItem("ec", category);
    query.addQueryItem("ea", action);
    if (!label.isEmpty())
        query.addQueryItem("el", label);
    if (value.isValid())
        query.addQueryItem("ev", value.toString());

    appendCustomValues(query, customValues);


 * Method is called after an exception was raised. It builds a
 * query for a POST message. These query will be stored in a
 * message queue.
void GAnalytics::sendException(const QString &exceptionDescription, bool exceptionFatal, const QVariantMap &customValues)
    QUrlQuery query = d->buildStandardPostQuery("exception");
    query.addQueryItem("an", d->m_appName);
    query.addQueryItem("av", d->m_appVersion);

    query.addQueryItem("exd", exceptionDescription);

    if (exceptionFatal)
        query.addQueryItem("exf", "1");
        query.addQueryItem("exf", "0");
    appendCustomValues(query, customValues);


 * Session starts. This event will be sent by a POST message.
 * Query is setup in this method and stored in the message
 * queue.
void GAnalytics::startSession()
    QVariantMap customValues;
    customValues.insert("sc", "start");
    sendEvent("Session", "Start", QString(), QVariant(), customValues);

 * Session ends. This event will be sent by a POST message.
 * Query is setup in this method and stored in the message
 * queue.
void GAnalytics::endSession()
    QVariantMap customValues;
    customValues.insert("sc", "end");
    sendEvent("Session", "End", QString(), QVariant(), customValues);

 * Qut stream to persist class GAnalytics.
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &outStream, const GAnalytics &analytics)
    outStream << analytics.d->persistMessageQueue();

    return outStream;

 * In stream to read GAnalytics from file.
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &inStream, GAnalytics &analytics)
    QList<QString> dataList;
    inStream >> dataList;

    return inStream;