#include "ganalytics.h"
#include "ganalytics_worker.h"
#include "sys.h"

#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkReply>

#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QScreen>

const QLatin1String GAnalyticsWorker::dateTimeFormat("yyyy,MM,dd-hh:mm::ss:zzz");

GAnalyticsWorker::GAnalyticsWorker(GAnalytics *parent)
    : QObject(parent), q(parent), m_logLevel(GAnalytics::Error)
    m_appName = QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationName();
    m_appVersion = QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationVersion();
    m_request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    m_request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::UserAgentHeader, getUserAgent());

    m_language = QLocale::system().name().toLower().replace("_", "-");
    m_screenResolution = getScreenResolution();

    connect(&m_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &GAnalyticsWorker::postMessage);

void GAnalyticsWorker::enable(bool state)
    // state change to the same is not valid.
    if(m_isEnabled == state)

    m_isEnabled = state;
        // enable -> start doing things :)
        // disable -> stop the timer

void GAnalyticsWorker::logMessage(GAnalytics::LogLevel level, const QString &message)
    if (m_logLevel > level)

    qDebug() << "[Analytics]" << message;

 * Build the POST query. Adds all parameter to the query
 * which are used in every POST.
 * @param type      Type of POST message. The event which is to post.
 * @return query    Most used parameter in a query for a POST.
QUrlQuery GAnalyticsWorker::buildStandardPostQuery(const QString &type)
    QUrlQuery query;
    query.addQueryItem("v", "1");
    query.addQueryItem("tid", m_trackingID);
    query.addQueryItem("cid", m_clientID);
    if (!m_userID.isEmpty())
        query.addQueryItem("uid", m_userID);
    query.addQueryItem("t", type);
    query.addQueryItem("ul", m_language);
    query.addQueryItem("vp", m_viewportSize);
    query.addQueryItem("sr", m_screenResolution);
        query.addQueryItem("aip", "1");
    return query;

 * Get primary screen resolution.
 * @return      A QString like "800x600".
QString GAnalyticsWorker::getScreenResolution()
    QScreen *screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
    QSize size = screen->size();

    return QString("%1x%2").arg(size.width()).arg(size.height());

 * Try to gain information about the system where this application
 * is running. It needs to get the name and version of the operating
 * system, the language and screen resolution.
 * All this information will be send in POST messages.
 * @return agent        A QString with all the information formatted for a POST message.
QString GAnalyticsWorker::getUserAgent()
    return QString("%1/%2").arg(m_appName).arg(m_appVersion);

 * The message queue contains a list of QueryBuffer object.
 * QueryBuffer holds a QUrlQuery object and a QDateTime object.
 * These both object are freed from the buffer object and
 * inserted as QString objects in a QList.
 * @return dataList     The list with concartinated queue data.
QList<QString> GAnalyticsWorker::persistMessageQueue()
    QList<QString> dataList;
    foreach (QueryBuffer buffer, m_messageQueue)
        dataList << buffer.postQuery.toString();
        dataList << buffer.time.toString(dateTimeFormat);
    return dataList;

 * Reads persistent messages from a file.
 * Gets all message data as a QList<QString>.
 * Two lines in the list build a QueryBuffer object.
void GAnalyticsWorker::readMessagesFromFile(const QList<QString> &dataList)
    QListIterator<QString> iter(dataList);
    while (iter.hasNext())
        QString queryString = iter.next();
        QString dateString = iter.next();
        QUrlQuery query;
        QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::fromString(dateString, dateTimeFormat);
        QueryBuffer buffer;
        buffer.postQuery = query;
        buffer.time = dateTime;

 * Takes a QUrlQuery object and wrapp it together with
 * a QTime object into a QueryBuffer struct. These struct
 * will be stored in the message queue.
void GAnalyticsWorker::enqueQueryWithCurrentTime(const QUrlQuery &query)
    QueryBuffer buffer;
    buffer.postQuery = query;
    buffer.time = QDateTime::currentDateTime();


 * This function is called by a timer interval.
 * The function tries to send a messages from the queue.
 * If message was successfully send then this function
 * will be called back to send next message.
 * If message queue contains more than one message then
 * the connection will kept open.
 * The message POST is asyncroniously when the server
 * answered a signal will be emitted.
void GAnalyticsWorker::postMessage()
    if (m_messageQueue.isEmpty())
        // queue empty -> try sending later
        // queue has messages -> stop timer and start sending

    QString connection = "close";
    if (m_messageQueue.count() > 1)
        connection = "keep-alive";

    QueryBuffer buffer = m_messageQueue.head();
    QDateTime sendTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
    qint64 timeDiff = buffer.time.msecsTo(sendTime);

    if (timeDiff > fourHours)
        // too old.
        emit postMessage();

    buffer.postQuery.addQueryItem("qt", QString::number(timeDiff));
    m_request.setRawHeader("Connection", connection.toUtf8());
    m_request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader, buffer.postQuery.toString().length());

    logMessage(GAnalytics::Debug, "Query string = " + buffer.postQuery.toString());

    // Create a new network access manager if we don't have one yet
    if (networkManager == NULL)
        networkManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);

    QNetworkReply *reply = networkManager->post(m_request, buffer.postQuery.query(QUrl::EncodeUnicode).toUtf8());
    connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(postMessageFinished()));

 * NetworkAccsessManager has finished to POST a message.
 * If POST message was successfully send then the message
 * query should be removed from queue.
 * SIGNAL "postMessage" will be emitted to send next message
 * if there is any.
 * If message couldn't be send then next try is when the
 * timer emits its signal.
void GAnalyticsWorker::postMessageFinished()
    QNetworkReply *reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply *>(sender());

    int httpStausCode = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();
    if (httpStausCode < 200 || httpStausCode > 299)
        logMessage(GAnalytics::Error, QString("Error posting message: %1").arg(reply->errorString()));

        // An error ocurred. Try sending later.
        logMessage(GAnalytics::Debug, "Message sent");
