/* Copyright 2013 MultiMC Contributors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <logic/auth/flows/RefreshTask.h>

#include <logic/auth/MojangAccount.h>

#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QDebug>

#include "logger/QsLog.h"

RefreshTask::RefreshTask(MojangAccountPtr account, QObject *parent)
	: YggdrasilTask(account, parent)

QJsonObject RefreshTask::getRequestContent() const
	 * {
	 *  "clientToken": "client identifier"
	 *  "accessToken": "current access token to be refreshed"
	 *  "selectedProfile":                      // specifying this causes errors
	 *  {
	 *   "id": "profile ID"
	 *   "name": "profile name"
	 *  }
	 *  "requestUser": true/false               // request the user structure
	 * }
	auto account = getMojangAccount();
	QJsonObject req;
	req.insert("clientToken", account->clientToken());
	req.insert("accessToken", account->accessToken());
		auto currentProfile = account->currentProfile();
		QJsonObject profile;
		profile.insert("id", currentProfile->id());
		profile.insert("name", currentProfile->name());
		req.insert("selectedProfile", profile);
	req.insert("requestUser", true);

	return req;

bool RefreshTask::processResponse(QJsonObject responseData)
	auto account = getMojangAccount();

	// Read the response data. We need to get the client token, access token, and the selected
	// profile.
	QLOG_DEBUG() << "Processing authentication response.";

	// If we already have a client token, make sure the one the server gave us matches our
	// existing one.
	QString clientToken = responseData.value("clientToken").toString("");
	if (clientToken.isEmpty())
		// Fail if the server gave us an empty client token
		// TODO: Set an error properly to display to the user.
		QLOG_ERROR() << "Server didn't send a client token.";
		return false;
	if (!account->clientToken().isEmpty() && clientToken != account->clientToken())
		// The server changed our client token! Obey its wishes, but complain. That's what I do
		// for my parents, so...
		QLOG_ERROR() << "Server changed our client token to '" << clientToken
					 << "'. This shouldn't happen, but it isn't really a big deal.";
		return false;

	// Now, we set the access token.
	QLOG_DEBUG() << "Getting new access token.";
	QString accessToken = responseData.value("accessToken").toString("");
	if (accessToken.isEmpty())
		// Fail if the server didn't give us an access token.
		// TODO: Set an error properly to display to the user.
		QLOG_ERROR() << "Server didn't send an access token.";
		return false;

	// we validate that the server responded right. (our current profile = returned current
	// profile)
	QJsonObject currentProfile = responseData.value("selectedProfile").toObject();
	QString currentProfileId = currentProfile.value("id").toString("");
	if (account->currentProfile()->id() != currentProfileId)
		// TODO: Set an error to display to the user.
		QLOG_ERROR() << "Server didn't specify the same selected profile as ours.";
		return false;

	// this is what the vanilla launcher passes to the userProperties launch param
	if (responseData.contains("user"))
		auto obj = responseData.value("user").toObject();
		auto userId = obj.value("id").toString();
		auto propArray = obj.value("properties").toArray();
		QLOG_DEBUG() << "User ID: " << userId;
		QLOG_DEBUG() << "User Properties: ";
		for (auto prop : propArray)
			auto propTuple = prop.toObject();
			auto name = propTuple.value("name").toString();
			auto value = propTuple.value("value").toString();
			QLOG_DEBUG() << name << " : " << value;

	// We've made it through the minefield of possible errors. Return true to indicate that
	// we've succeeded.
	QLOG_DEBUG() << "Finished reading refresh response.";
	// Reset the access token.
	return true;

QString RefreshTask::getEndpoint() const
	return "refresh";

QString RefreshTask::getStateMessage(const YggdrasilTask::State state) const
	switch (state)
		return tr("Refreshing: Sending request.");
		return tr("Refreshing: Processing response.");
		return YggdrasilTask::getStateMessage(state);