package rosegoldaddons; import gg.essential.vigilance.Vigilant; import*; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import rosegoldaddons.utils.ChatUtils; import rosegoldaddons.utils.OpenSkyblockGui; import; import java.util.Comparator; public class Config extends Vigilant { public static Config INSTANCE = new Config(); @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Auto Start Dungeon + Ready", description = "Automatically starts the dungeon and gets ready.", category = "Dungeons", subcategory = "General") public boolean AutoReady = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SLIDER, name = "Highlight Line Width", description = "Determine the line thickness of all ESPs, 0 to disable ESPs", category = "ESP", subcategory = "General", max = 10) public int lineWidth = 3; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Dungeon ESPs", description = "Edited from ShadyAddons' ESP", category = "ESP", subcategory = "General") public boolean dungeonESP = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Auto Ghost Block", description = "Choose which mode auto ghost block will follow", category = "Dungeons", subcategory = "General", options = {"While Held", "On Press"}) public int ghostIndex = 0; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Auto Ghost Block Stairs", description = "Automatically ghost block stairs you are standing on when you sneak", category = "Dungeons", subcategory = "General") public boolean AutoGB = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Add Flipped Stairs", description = "Ghost Block upside-down stair when jumped into", category = "Dungeons", subcategory = "General") public boolean AutoGBTopStair = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Add Misc. Blocks", description = "Adds other phase-able blocks to Auto Ghost Block", category = "Dungeons", subcategory = "General") public boolean AutoGBMisc = false; public boolean autoArrowAlign = true; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Party Untransfer", description = "When you really dont wanna be party leader.", category = "RoseGoldAddons", subcategory = "General") public boolean AutoUntransfer = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SLIDER, name = "Smooth Look Velocity", description = "How fast should head rotation changes be (in ticks)", category = "RoseGoldAddons", subcategory = "General", min = 1, max = 40) public int smoothLookVelocity = 5; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Enderman ESP", description = "**NOT** Needed for enderman macro.", category = "ESP", subcategory = "General") public boolean EndermanESP = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Use Utility Items when Swapping", description = "Automatically use Tuba / Orb / Wand when AOTS or Whip swap are enabled", category = "RoseGoldAddons", subcategory = "General") public boolean UseUtility = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Entity Reach", description = "Interact with entities from far away", category = "RoseGoldAddons", subcategory = "General") public boolean entityReach = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Entity Reach Sticky Mode", description = "Remember last entity looked at", category = "RoseGoldAddons", subcategory = "General") public boolean sticky = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SLIDER, name = "Sword Swap Delay", description = "How often to swap swords (in miliseconds)", category = "RoseGoldAddons", subcategory = "General", max = 2000) public int swapFrequency = 500; @Property(type = PropertyType.SLIDER, name = "Macro Range", description = "Look for entities only in radius of the player, 0 = unlimited", category = "RoseGoldAddons", subcategory = "General", max = 300) public int macroRadius = 0; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Ping on world change", description = "Send a message to a Discord Webhook to ping on world change", category = "Discord", subcategory = "General") public boolean pingworldchange = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.TEXT, name = "Discord ID", description = "Discord ID to ping", category = "Discord", subcategory = "General") public String discordid = ""; @Property(type = PropertyType.TEXT, name = "Webhook URL", description = "Webhook URL to use when pinging", category = "Discord", subcategory = "General") public String hookurl = ""; @Property(type = PropertyType.SLIDER, name = "Delay Before Breaking Tree", description = "Miliseconds to wait before breaking tree", category = "Foraging", subcategory = "General", max = 2000) public int treecapDelay = 1000; @Property(type = PropertyType.SLIDER, name = "Delay Before Using Rod", description = "Miliseconds to wait before using rod", category = "Foraging", subcategory = "General", max = 500) public int prerodDelay = 150; @Property(type = PropertyType.SLIDER, name = "Delay After Using Rod", description = "Miliseconds to wait after using rod (before starting over)", category = "Foraging", subcategory = "General", max = 500) public int postrodDelay = 150; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Randomize Delay", description = "Add slight randomization to delay", category = "Foraging", subcategory = "General") public boolean randomizeForaging = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Admin Antisus", description = "Act as if you're there when you get AFK checked (not recommended to leave on)", category = "Foraging", subcategory = "General") public boolean forageantisus = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Prioritize Gemstone Blocks", description = "Will first search for full blocks, then panes", category = "Mining", subcategory = "General") public boolean prioblocks = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SLIDER, name = "Hardstone Nuker Height", description = "Range to break above the player", category = "Mining", subcategory = "General",max = 5) public int hardrange = 0; @Property(type = PropertyType.SLIDER, name = "Hardstone Nuker Depth", description = "Range to break below the player", category = "Mining", subcategory = "General",max = 3) public int hardrangeDown = 0; @Property(type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Hardstone Nuker Shape", description = "Choose which pattern hardstone nuker will follow", category = "Mining", subcategory = "General", options = {"Closest Block", "Facing Axis"}) public int hardIndex = 0; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Server Side Rotations", description = "Hardstone nuker's chest solver will use server side rotations for opening treasure chests", category = "Mining", subcategory = "General") public boolean serverSideChest = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Actions", description = "Type of action to perform when opening a brewing stand", category = "Alchemy", subcategory = "General", options = {"Collect + Sell", "Insert Water Bottles", "Insert Nether Wart", "Insert Cane / Eye", "Insert Glowstone"}) public int alchindex = 0; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Auto Open Brewing Stand", description = "Only for Collecting + Selling, use with an auto brewer", category = "Alchemy", subcategory = "General") public boolean openstand = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Close GUI When Done", description = "Automatically close the GUI when done", category = "Alchemy", subcategory = "General") public boolean alchclose = true; @Property(type = PropertyType.SLIDER, name = "Action Delay", description = "Millisecond delay between actions", category = "Alchemy", subcategory = "General", max = 1000) public int alchsleep = 300; @Property(type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Nuker Crop Type", description = "Select the type of crop you want to nuke", category = "Farming", subcategory = "General", options = {"Any Crop Except Cane or Cactus", "Cane or Cactus", "Nether Wart", "Wheat", "Carrot", "Potato", "Pumpkin", "Melon", "Mushroom", "Cocoa"}) public int farmNukeIndex = 0; @Property(type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Crop Nuker Shape", description = "Choose which pattern crop nuker will follow", category = "Farming", subcategory = "General", options = {"Closest Block", "Facing Axis"}) public int farmShapeIndex = 0; @Property(type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Crop Nuker Speed", description = "Choose how many blocks per second Crop Nuker will break", category = "Farming", subcategory = "General", options = {"40 BPS", "80 BPS"}) public int farmSpeedIndex = 0; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Look at nuked block", description = "Looks at currently nuked block to look less sus", category = "Mining", subcategory = "General") public boolean mithrilLook = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Skip Titanium", description = "Mithril nuker will ignore titanium", category = "Mining", subcategory = "General") public boolean ignoreTitanium = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Include Ores", description = "Hardstone Nuker, Mithril Nuker and Mithril Macro will also target ores", category = "Mining", subcategory = "General") public boolean includeOres = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Include Sand & Gravel", description = "Hardstone Nuker will also target sand and gravel", category = "Mining", subcategory = "General") public boolean includeExcavatable = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Only Ores", description = "Mithril Macro will only target ores", category = "Mining", subcategory = "General") public boolean onlyOres = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Mithril Macro Priority", description = "Determine the order the macro will breaks blocks in", category = "Mining", subcategory = "General", options = {"Highest value to lowest", "Lowest value to highest","Any"}) public int mithrilMacroPrio = 0; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Pingless Mining", description = "Mines the next block before the previous block breaks, instabreak only", category = "Mining", subcategory = "General") public boolean pinglessMining = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Pingless Mining Speed", description = "Determine how long to wait before mining the next block", category = "Mining", subcategory = "General", options = {"20 BPS (Legit)", "40 BPS", "80 BPS"}) public int pinglessSpeed = 0; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Auto Slayer", description = "Automatically use batphone", category = "Slayer", subcategory = "General") public boolean autoSlayer = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Click Maddox", description = "Automatically click maddox on boss kill", category = "Slayer", subcategory = "General") public boolean clickMaddox = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Slayer Type", description = "Type of slayer to auto start", category = "Slayer", subcategory = "General", options = {"None", "Zombie 3", "Zombie 4", "Zombie 5", "Spider 3", "Spider 4", "Sven 3", "Sven 4", "Enderman 2", "Enderman 3", "Enderman 4"}) public int slayerTypeIndex = 0; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Force Slayer", description = "Starts a slayer quest if you dont have one, restarts if it is not done after 5 minutes", category = "Slayer", subcategory = "General") public boolean forceSlayer = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Anti Racism", description = "Prevent racist messages from showing up in chat", category = "RoseGoldAddons", subcategory = "General", options = {"Censor", "Block", "None"}) public int antiRacism = 0; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Pause All Macros", description = "Pause all macros on world change", category = "Macros", subcategory = "General") public boolean pauseAllWorldChange = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Auto Leave Limbo", description = "Automatically leaves limbo", category = "Macros", subcategory = "General") public boolean autoLeaveLimbo = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Join SkyBlock", description = "Automatically joins skyblock after leaving limbo", category = "Macros", subcategory = "General") public boolean autoLimboSB = true; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Enderman Move Macro", description = "Add primitive movement to enderman macro", category = "Macros", subcategory = "Enderman") public boolean endermanMove = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Enderman Lobby", description = "Go to lobby instead of island when switching lobbies", category = "Macros", subcategory = "Enderman") public boolean endermanLobby = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Randomization", description = "Random head movements when not shooting endermen", category = "Macros", subcategory = "Enderman") public boolean endermanRandom = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Right Click", description = "Right click instead of shifting", category = "Macros", subcategory = "Enderman") public boolean endermanRC = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Special Zealot Right Click", description = "Right click on special zealots (spirit sceptre recommended)", category = "Macros", subcategory = "Enderman") public boolean zealotRC = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Zealot Only", description = "Only target zealots", category = "Macros", subcategory = "Enderman") public boolean zealotOnly = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SLIDER, name = "Lobby Swap Timer", description = "How many minutes to wait until finding a new lobby", category = "Macros", subcategory = "Enderman", max = 30) public int endermanTimer = 10; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Ironman Mode", description = "Lobby swap without using the bazaar", category = "Macros", subcategory = "Enderman") public boolean endermanIronman = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Shifting / Right Click Speed", description = "Determine the speed of the enderman macro", category = "Macros", subcategory = "Enderman", options = {"x2", "x1", "x0.5", "x0.25"}) public int endermanSpeed = 1; @Property(type = PropertyType.SLIDER, name = "Stuck Distance", description = "Distance to block to turn away (square)", category = "Macros", subcategory = "Enderman", max = 10) public int endermanStuckDist = 3; @Property(type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Type", description = "Choose a type", category = "Macros", subcategory = "Stranded Villagers", options = {"Cocoa", "Potato", "Sugar Cane", "Ender Pearls"}) public int strandedType = 0; @Property(type = PropertyType.SLIDER, name = "Interaction Delay", description = "How many ticks to wait next interaction", category = "Macros", subcategory = "Stranded Villagers", max = 20) public int strandedCropDebounc = 10; @Property(type = PropertyType.SLIDER, name = "GUI Interaction Delay", description = "How many ticks to wait next GUI interaction", category = "Macros", subcategory = "Stranded Villagers", max = 10) public int strandedGUIDebounc = 5; @Property(type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Custom Name Type", description = "ignore if you dont know what these mean", category = "RoseGoldAddons", subcategory = "General", options = {"MixinEntityPlayer", "MixinEntityPlayer + MixinEntity"}) public int nameRenderType = 0; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Potato Mode", description = "This brings back memories...", category = "Memes", subcategory = "General") public boolean guilag = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Hilarity", description = "Pls no wipe mr admin :(", category = "Memes", subcategory = "General") public boolean funnyStuff = true; @Property(type = PropertyType.SLIDER, name = "Intensity", description = "I love hilarity so much I want to see it more please!", category = "Memes", subcategory = "General", min = 1, max = 3000) public int skiblock = 3000; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "i dont wanna see it", description = "please i dont wanna see it", category = "Memes", subcategory = "General") public boolean wydsi = true; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Nucleus ESP", description = "ESP for rare items dropped from nucleus", category = "ESP", subcategory = "General") public boolean nucleusESP = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Big Blocks", description = "Change levers, buttons, chests and Redstone Key skulls to 1x1x1", category = "Dungeons", subcategory = "General") public boolean dungeonBlocksBig = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Auto 3 Weirdos", description = "beta", category = "Dungeons", subcategory = "General") public boolean autoThreeWeirdos = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Force Dungeon", description = "", category = "testing", subcategory = "General") public boolean forceDungeon = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.BUTTON, name = "Sell All", description = "", category = "testing", subcategory = "General") public void sellAllTest() { ChatUtils.sendMessage("Selling All!");"/bz"); OpenSkyblockGui.sellAll = true; } @Property(type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "KeyBoard Event Cancel", description = "", category = "testing", subcategory = "General") public boolean stopKeyboard = false; @Property(type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Auto Click Mode", description = "", category = "Macros", subcategory = "General", options = {"Right Click", "Left Click"}) public int autoClickerMode = 0; @Property(type = PropertyType.SLIDER, name = "Auto Click CPS", description = "", category = "Macros", subcategory = "General", min = 1, max = 1000) public int autoClickerCPS = 10; public Config() { super(new File("./config/rosegoldaddons/config.toml"), "RoseGoldAddons", new JVMAnnotationPropertyCollector(), new ConfigSorting()); initialize(); } public static class ConfigSorting extends SortingBehavior { @NotNull @Override public Comparator getCategoryComparator() { return (o1, o2) -> { if(o1.getName().equals("RoseGoldAddons")) { return -1; } else if(o2.getName().equals("RoseGoldAddons")) { return 1; } else { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } }; } } }